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Siyna  Empty Sun Dec 18, 2016 6:41 pm



Name: Siyna

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Class: Assassin

Rank:  D-Rank

Guild: Grimoire Heart

Tattoo: Located right beneath her left clavicle in black

Face: Unknown


Height: 5,5

Weight: 120

Hair: White

Eyes: Pale Blue


Extra: Her fingers are often stained with black ink from her hobby of calligraphy.


Unsurprisingly, her initial personality is soft and quiet as she would prefer to merely observe a situation from the sidelines instead of throwing herself into it. Polite smiles and the occasionally soft-spoken word could be the only conversation a stranger could pull from her. However, if someone manages to through her tepid introduction, she can become a bit more open and playful especially if one entices her with a game or two.

Teasing and good-natured jabs can become second-nature as she becomes closer to another person. There is a single subject that is able to throw her off a game she feels confident in winning, the mere act of flattery.

There is nothing better than hearing someone praise her artwork or attempting to barter for her services. She becomes putty in the hands of practiced merchant easily up selling a product to astronomical costs as the young woman flushed merely stutters out replies before handling over the needed jewel.

While with gentlemen callers, the selected muteness becomes even worse as she becomes fidgety at even accidental gazes connecting. Physical interaction is out of the question unless her suitor is willing to wear her down in a game of cat and mouse in which she becomes used to such behavior being thrown her way.


  • Creativity: An admirer of art in all its forms from a simple drawing to a magnificent display of floral arrangements in every day life. Her true admiration lies within the act of tactics and the cunning required to dispatch foes.

  • Gambling: A game of chance has always been a favored pastime of hers from liar’s dice to poker. The higher the wages, the better the game is for this young woman who is willing to admit she had lost more than jewels in a game. It isn’t uncommon for her to make bets on the battlefield, where the risks can be lethal, but where is the fun in making a safe bet?


  • Ruffians: Loud and brash people are her least favorite kind people to deal with. In personality, she finds having to deal with loud, colorful characters to give her a headache and disruptive to her work that requires focus and concentration.

    While in combat, brash and daring tactics can lead to victory in some circumstances, but much of the time it leads to the opponents becoming ensnared and eventually defeated. Nothing sets her temper off like having to deal with uncultured swine wrecking a precious artifact or art.

  • Black and White Morality: The human heart isn’t pure white or black anyone who proclaims to be a single morality isn’t considered human in her eyes. It’s childish to think that someone can become a dashing hero and save the day from a malevolent villain. The world is a shades of grey, those that think it’s their turn to be the daring hero need to wake up.


  • Worldly: To become cultured and understand the world around her may seem like a cliché. However, it is the truth as she seeks to become enriched from the cultural sense to the fiscal mindset. To be surrounded by art works from varied masters, clothed in the softest silks and waited on by servants would be a dream. As she would be free to spend her days lounging pouring over a heavy tome or working on a new drawing.


  • Deep Water:This fear spawns from her nearly drowning in a river as a child. This has left her unable to swim as she finds herself paralyzed the second her feet can no longer the touch the bottom.

  • Enclosed Spaces: This fear she places partial blame on her magic as a bird locked away in a cage is bound for a life emptiness without a second chance of seeing the blue sky above it. Can become a bit more aggressive at the thought.


Magic Name: Animal Soul: Raven

Magic Element:Wind

Magic Description:

This magic grants the user physical attributes of a raven from physically manifesting traits such as feathered wings granting limited flight to dangerous-looking talons on her bare feet capable of eviscerating a target with a careful kick. This comes at a price as her appearance isn’t the only thing affected, but her personality is as well.

Her spell set is a mixed bag as each spell coordinates with the physical change. Her spell set is primarily went for quick attack and dash instances. She is not meant to last very long in close combat situations. Spells range from offensive, supplementary and strength / speed buffs.

In terms of offensive spells through the use of her wing alternation. Through the use of her wings, she could easily create gusts of wind that easily carry along once harmless debris into projectiles aimed to maim the opponent. While for closer combat, the bones in her wings may be hallow, but if wings are brought down as blunt weapon damage can occur.

While her preference in fighting close combat is through dealing damage with her talons capable of shredding muscle from those caught by them in precise strikes.

While supplementary spells are focused on improving her chances in combat. Such as the temporary ability of gliding to ease her way unhindered by possibly hidden rocks to trip over or to dive bomb an opponent. It is limited by her stamina.

In terms of buffs she could easily shed excess feathers to lessen her overall weight and in return increase her speed as a speed buff. Given her reliance on both talon and wings, strength buffs are her bread and butter in combat. Bulking up on her wing mass allows for harder strikes. While the magic buff can sharpen her talons to delicate tool capable of splitting the smallest of hairs in two.


History:There is not much for Siyna to speak of as she was born to parents who made their living as roving merchants going from town to town. Neither of her parents had magic suited for combat, unless it was for swindling customers for a few more jewel on a product. Her father had the Animal Takeover: Peacock, was loud and brash with a wardrobe to match as he hawked his products. That type of brashness attracted the wrong attention too often as thugs exhorted money from her parents quite often after a successful day of selling goods.

While her mother was the voice of reason, calming her frightened child as brutish men shouted at her cowed father demanding more and more each passing year.

The world was never black and white unlike the stories her gentle mother had told her. As her life began to unravel as she came into her magic. It was a simple magic as she would spend hours admiring her plumage in a tall tree or marvel at the strength she demonstrates by snapping a hard nut in two with her beak.  Unfortunately, she came to realize it could also shed blood as her claws drew in the last breath from the latest bandit to attempt to extort money from her bumbling father.

Her last choice was to flee from the Rune Knights attempting to arrest her for the apparent murder of an innocent victim as the remaining witnesses merely stated she assaulted the man in broad daylight and murdered him. This was hours after the man left her father beaten like a dog for lacking the jewel to pay his ‘fee’. The law became a mere term after a while as she began to take jobs of assassination and assault in order to get by.  Eventually found her way to Grimoire Heart, and began to carry out their will in hopes of accomplishing her own goals

Last edited by Silverink on Tue Dec 20, 2016 3:59 pm; edited 6 times in total


Siyna  Empty Tue Dec 20, 2016 10:30 am

While the color is okay, I ask you not to bold the entire application as it is saved just for the titles of the fields.

Please talk about what kind of spells you can use with your magic. What does it do? I suggest, since it's a bird, to make a wind magic. But that's just my suggestion.

Siyna  BORZAPv

Siyna  Empty Tue Dec 20, 2016 1:00 pm

Edited! Let's go!


Siyna  Empty Tue Dec 20, 2016 3:26 pm

In your magic, please do not state the names of the spells as if you actually have them, just state they are potential things you can do. Make it very specific which buff types you do.

Siyna  BORZAPv

Siyna  Empty Tue Dec 20, 2016 4:26 pm

Edit number two!


Siyna  Empty Tue Dec 20, 2016 4:36 pm

Congratulations, this application has been approved.

Siyna  BORZAPv

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