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Round 1: Konstantin vs Selena

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Round 1: Konstantin vs Selena Empty Mon Jan 16, 2017 5:13 pm

Saewoo stood on the arena, as the crowd roared below. They were waiting for the match to begin. Saewoo waved his hand, addressing the crowd. "Ladies and gentleman, I introduce to you, the first round of the Martial Arts Tournament! Our contestants this match are.. Konstantin and Selena!"

Saewoo then hopped off the arena, allowing the contestants to come up.

  • Standard site-wide combat rules apply.
  • Post participants have 48 hours to initially post in this thread, then 24 hours every post after that. Should a participant take any longer than this, they should be disqualified. In addition, a substitute may also step in in the event this happens, but only at the first post of the match In the event neither post within that time, both are disqualified and substitutes will advance to the next round.
  • The first post should be both participants entering the arena, and starting the match on the second post.
  • The arena is of solid stone, and circular, with a 20 meter diameter. Ring outs, however, are not in effect. The arena elevates off the ground roughly 2 meters, and has stairs leading up to it.
  • All other tournament rules as detailed in the event page apply.
  • Good luck, and have fun.


Round 1: Konstantin vs Selena Empty Mon Jan 16, 2017 7:54 pm


Midway through conversation whilst chewing on a piece of bread, Kon felt a sudden pulse and radiance course through his body as a glow seemingly relocated him from Era town to where ever he was now. Looking around the environment was completely unfamiliar to him the cause of his relocation was that blasted emblem that he was still holding on to. The various pieces of information began to form an idea of what was happening he, Konstantin Sokolov had been teleported half-way across Fiore to fight by an unknown individual in a tournament though amusingly his first opponent would be none other than his fellow rune knight and teammate, Selena whom he was already well aware of her far superior capabilities as a physical based fighter.

Wanting to put on a good show for the crowd, however, Kon entered the ring if it could be called one and lifted up his right hand into the arm allowing the sleeve of his robe to slip down, before bringing it down and removing the robe entirely revealing the tight fitting clothing underneath. As he did so he looked around for his opponent as well as the portion of the crowd in front of him with the rest of the crowd out of his field of view cheering and shouting.

#3Selena Maelstrom 

Round 1: Konstantin vs Selena Empty Tue Jan 17, 2017 3:19 pm

Selena Maelstrom
Selena on the day of her fight was just having a regular day. She was in Era a little different to Crocus where she spent the majority of her time but she still ended up doind the same things. Sleeping in, getting coffee, shouting at people for breaking the law abd training. It wasn't until she returned to her hotel room that she noticed the emblem she has obtained fron the tournament in baska was glowing feverishly. Once she had touched it, she felt a sudden pulse go through her entirw body and the next moment she was in the country side of Vaska. Selena had forgotten that the emblem would teleport her. Luckily it was still early enough so she wasn't late.

Despite the sidden transport Selena was prepared. She eneted the ring once her name was called climbing it steps and noting how high the ring was from the ground. Her opponent was kon, her friend and team mate which would make things interesting. They both knew Selena was tge stronger physically of the two but Kon with his strange are rare magic paired with a bad ass cane could do some heavy damage. Luckily neither could be used which would leave kon with a heavy disadvantage. Kon however seemed too get the crowed pumped as she stylishly took off his jacket. The crowd already seemed eager to see the fight so Selena would not disappoint. Selena stood about 5 meters from the edge of the ring and 10 meters from Kon. Selena was wearing some similar training gear. A tight fitting navy top with pink highlights and navy shorts with some black sneakers. Nothing too loose for him to grab onto. Selena waited to see who would move first she stood ready and her giard up. She stood with her palms open, her left arm held to her left side and her right out infront with a slight bend of the elbow.she kept her feet about wait length apart. So Selena stood tgere, her guard up and awaiting to see if Kon would act first.

Round 1: Konstantin vs Selena BLlZQ5m

Round 1: Konstantin vs Selena Empty Tue Jan 17, 2017 3:51 pm


With the loose fitting robe now on the ground flicking up and down as a gentle gust fell through the tournament ground went by, Kon's guard began to be drawn upwards as his opponent and friend, Selena entered the stage, knowing that he was at an extreme disadvantage with his companion, staff or even his magic he knew he would have to play this both smart and dirty. The person whom had seemingly been the one that had teleported them entered the grounds as well with a scantily clad woman dressed in a bunny girl outfit in toe wielding a large black and white square round counter. The man tried to draw them together however the pair seemed equally set on keeping their distances between each-other as the two recognizing their opponents always had something up their sleeves. With the man shaking his head in the apparent lack in sportsmanship between the two, he started the fight.

Identifying that the ground rules gave the option to cast the opponent out of the field to give them victory Kon had decided he would be forced to rely on that as despite the gender difference he was physically the weaker one, so he changed his game plan even if the fellow rune knight had little in the way to grab onto for clothing it didn't mean he couldn't grapple onto a limb or even her head to smash her into submission. Playing it cautiously he drew towards Selena skirting his feet from left to right sending light brown dust mixed with stale blood from previous fights flying into the air as he moved towards her. Ten meters, seven meters, five meters closer and closer he drew towards her and yet she still remained with her guard up astoundingly he was able to close the gap without so much as a response with her choosing merely to hold up her guard, it almost got to the point where he wanted to check whether she had gotten stage fright in front of all these people however once he drew towards her, he would move to the her right side whilst taking hold of her right arm with the rest of his body weight as counter leverage as he slid his left hand over to her shoulder then as he would move completely behind her before side-kicking behind her knee and stopping her from rising up again by forcing his foot in between behind her knee then applying pressure to her bound arm upwards then whilst pushing her down with his left arm.

If Selena moved without him being able to perform this procedure even to completion he would have still drawn in the gap enough for him to feint a blow and taunt her into trying to hit him which he'd try to block though knowing Selena it would be luck at best to dodge her blows at least in his case.

#5Selena Maelstrom 

Round 1: Konstantin vs Selena Empty Wed Jan 18, 2017 11:41 am

Selena Maelstrom
As Selena was preparing her guard the announcer signaled for her to go to the center of the ring. Selena looked at kon who did not want to move. Selena therefore did not move. She even gave Kon a  dirty glare. Why did he not want to shake hands. "Well good luck at least." Selena muttered, disgust still on her face.

kon decided to move towards Selena, although at a walking pace not fast at all. He moved in a way that would make some dust come up but it would only fly up to his ankles at best. Kon still closed the gap so Selena stayed still in  her stance as he slowly closed the gap. Once Kon was about 2 meters from her, Selena would dash towards him. Since he had been coming towards her right Kon was just a little bit to Selena's right no more than a couple of inches. Once Kon was at 2 meters Selena dashed towards kon. Selena once finished running Selena would place her right foot behind Kon's right at the end of her run and with her right arm and open palm Selena would trust it towards Kon's sternum so that the heel of her palm would hit his sternum while the rest of her hand would be used to push him. The hit would more than likely knock the wind out of Kon if it did hit as well as move him back since she would continue to push him, in which case he would fall over Selena's leg as her foot was behind his. If Kon did fall over Selena would thrust out her left arm and palm as she would fall on Kon with her full weight. The heel of her palm would be aimed at his throat, mainly to crush or damage his wind pipe to really make sure he could not get his breath back. If all this happened then Selena then use her right arm and now fist to punch kon in the face, using her left hand on his throat as leverage up to punch him and then after that she would similarly use her right fist embedded in his face to pull her left arm and now fist back to punch him in the ribs again. This was all a precaution in case the hit directed towards the windpipe did not work. Of course if Kon did not fall back she would have to re-evaluate the situation and not continue with her whole plan but would be prepared to guard herself if needs be with her left arm slightly raised but not enough to  complicate her using it for her attacks.

Round 1: Konstantin vs Selena BLlZQ5m

Round 1: Konstantin vs Selena Empty Wed Jan 18, 2017 7:45 pm


Just as he suspected Selena had made her move closing in the gap far faster than he could, even managing to get within his guard by placing her right leg behind him in between his legs which was a rather interesting from his perspective as he would have the perfect opportunity to perform a variety of actions on her with her being so close to her now. Obviously she wasn't just going to let him just do whatever he wanted to evident when she prepared to thrust her palm towards his chest, Odd considering he was already throwing a punch towards her albeit as a feint though now he would be able to use full force with his punch which was initially aimed at her head but knowing any competent fighter they would dodge such an action so instead he for now he would focus on blocking by moving the entire left portion of his body backwards with her blow sliding back his left leg at the same time which would cause the open palmed blow to still strike him but would glance towards the left portion of his chest delivering even less force than a full punch would than the initial strike of an open palmed strike. Now with her presumably out of position Kon would be able to land his counter attack that he had been already half-way in delivering her right side open but obviously her left blocked by her left he would choose to do something less predictable and grabbed hold of her should and instead use his right leg which he presumed was going to be used to throw him off placed and drew it upwards towards her stomach.


Round 1: Konstantin vs Selena Empty Thu Jan 19, 2017 11:11 am

Hello I will be looking over this

Konstantin wrote:

Identifying that the ground rules gave the option to cast the opponent out of the field to give them victory Kon had decided he would be forced to rely on that as despite the gender difference he was physically the weaker one, so he changed his game plan even if the fellow rune knight had little in the way to grab onto for clothing it didn't mean he couldn't grapple onto a limb or even her head to smash her into submission. Playing it cautiously he drew towards Selena skirting his feet from left to right sending light brown dust mixed with stale blood from previous fights flying into the air as he moved towards her. Ten meters, seven meters, five meters closer and closer he drew towards her and yet she still remained with her guard up astoundingly he was able to close the gap without so much as a response with her choosing merely to hold up her guard, it almost got to the point where he wanted to check whether she had gotten stage fright in front of all these people however once he drew towards her, he would move to the her right side whilst taking hold of her right arm with the rest of his body weight as counter leverage as he slid his left hand over to her shoulder then as he would move completely behind her before side-kicking behind her knee and stopping her from rising up again by forcing his foot in between behind her knee then applying pressure to her bound arm upwards then whilst pushing her down with his left arm.

If Selena moved without him being able to perform this procedure even to completion he would have still drawn in the gap enough for him to feint a blow and taunt her into trying to hit him which he'd try to block though knowing Selena it would be luck at best to dodge her blows at least in his case.

Selena wrote:kon decided to move towards Selena, although at a walking pace not fast at all. He moved in a way that would make some dust come up but it would only fly up to his ankles at best. Kon still closed the gap so Selena stayed still in  her stance as he slowly closed the gap. Once Kon was about 2 meters from her, Selena would dash towards him. Since he had been coming towards her right Kon was just a little bit to Selena's right no more than a couple of inches. Once Kon was at 2 meters Selena dashed towards kon. Selena once finished running Selena would place her right foot behind Kon's right at the end of her run and with her right arm and open palm Selena would trust it towards Kon's sternum so that the heel of her palm would hit his sternum while the rest of her hand would be used to push him

Konstantin wrote:Just as he suspected Selena had made her move closing in the gap far faster than he could, even managing to get within his guard by placing her right leg behind him in between his legs which was a rather interesting from his perspective as he would have the perfect opportunity to perform a variety of actions on her with her being so close to her now. Obviously she wasn't just going to let him just do whatever he wanted to evident when she prepared to thrust her palm towards his chest, Odd considering he was already throwing a punch towards her albeit as a feint though now he would be able to use full force with his punch which was initially aimed at her head but knowing any competent fighter they would dodge such an action so instead he for now he would focus on blocking by moving the entire left portion of his body backwards with her blow sliding back his left leg at the same time which would cause the open palmed blow to still strike him but would glance towards the left portion of his chest delivering even less force than a full punch would than the initial strike of an open palmed strike.

Break Down Time:

  • So first thing that gets brought up is this feint you talked about. Not only did you not dictate what kind of feint it was whether it be a punch/kick fake out you just kind of threw that last line in there at the last moment if Selena moved not allowing to complete your procedure in post #4. In the following post you state you were already reving a punch which you never stated but even still you cancel it by stating so instead as highlighted above. You need to actually state what hands are being used when and how the actions being used from here on out.
  • Now here is when it gets tricky and one has to visualize the series of actions taking place. Selena places her foot behind Kon's right foot to lock it in place as she thrusts her palm into your chest. Kon is coming out of a full sprint so his right foot would be forward and his left would be placed backward as Kon is being caught mid run. Not to mention you acknowledge were her leg placement is. And the fact she strikes you.
  • To block the attack you move backwards while shifting your body slightly left. You also acknowledge the fact she hit you even with not full force. You would still be knocked off balance because you are shifting your weight backward as the palm hits you in the chest making it easier to knock you down. So even with half strength its enough for a knock down. Her foot is placed behind your right foot mind you.

So mod decision Selena scores the knock down because Kon incorrectly defended against the initial attack because he shifted his body onto his left foot accepted the fact it was a half power hit (she has so much more strength over you anyways) So that would lead to her attacking you on the ground cause of her following actions depending on if you were taken down or not. Not to mention you did not put a clause in if you did get knocked down so her hits would be uncontested. She has more speed than you so how fast she strikes isn a question. With the lack of endurance you have and strength she has in comparison to your endurance you really can't take any damage. Hits Confirmed

#8Selena Maelstrom 

Round 1: Konstantin vs Selena Empty Thu Jan 19, 2017 11:48 am

Selena Maelstrom
Although Kon had reacted by shifting his body weight back he was still hit by Selena and with her leg positioning he would fall over. Unfortunately for him Kon was not expecting these events transpired and as a result hit the ground hard. Selena then began to deliver her final blows towards kon. Once he was down for the count and she was sure she would get up and dist herself off. She had not sustained any damage thankfully so the next fight of her should be just as easy. Hopefully. Selena stood there over Kon awaiting the judges response claiming her to be the winner of this fight. "Good game Kon." Selena muttered under her breath. She still was annoyed with him.

Round 1: Konstantin vs Selena BLlZQ5m

Round 1: Konstantin vs Selena Empty Thu Jan 19, 2017 6:54 pm


Laying on the ground, as Kon received blow after blow, he couldn't help but just take it as the pain began to take over eventually he just zoned out requiring the referee in charge to come in to see whether he was still alive as all that was moving was his flailing limbs each time he was struck. Blood fell across the tournament grounds cuts began to form on his face caused splatters of it to spread in blotches whilst a fine mist of it was released from his mouth from the internal injuries that he had was receiving. Soon it was clear that he wasn't going to get up Selena got off him though not quickly enough for blood to have hit her whether from the cuts or his blood filled breathes. The judges calling the victory for selena he could barely hear her say. "Good Game Kon." Wanting to reply he spat out as much as he could before talking. "Gud gam Sul'na." before he passed out.

Evident that he wasn't going to be in any state to leave the grounds without assistance medics were called to remove his lifeless body out of the ring and towards the nearest medical facility.



Round 1: Konstantin vs Selena Empty Fri Jan 20, 2017 9:51 am


Selena moves onto the next round.

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