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Hut cleaning [chelvaric]

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#1Chelvaric Walderkat 

Hut cleaning [chelvaric] Empty Sat Jun 24, 2017 4:14 am

Chelvaric Walderkat
Chelvaric Woke up from a loud noise next to him. His head was hurting like hell and he felt weird. There was like something was stuck on his head. He rubbed through his hair but his hand got stopped by something on his head. Chelvaric carefully touched and felt something soft and furry on his head it was also pointy. He crawled up and sat straight when he felt something stuck underneath him. He grabbed and felt a round furry thing underneath him he pulled it out and suddenly had a fluffy cat tail in his hand. He was staring at it. Who’s tail was this! Why was there a neko close to him! He had searched for neko’s all over the place and had only found one in era and that had been amazing to meet. He pulled the tail and felt a pain in his ass. He bit his lip as he nearly cried. This was his tail. How did he get a tail and how did he become a cat.

He jumped out of bed and started to walk around there were many wounded people laying on the beds. Somewhere screaming as their legs were torn off. It seemed like some horrible accident had happened. Chelvaric was searching for a mirror that he could look in so that he could see what happened to him. But the only thing he was seeing now was bed rolls on the floor with lots of wounded. The rooms weren’t too big as they were all devided in smaller huts. He walked up to a young girl who was having a fever and bed and saw a hand mirror laying he quickly walked up to her and grabbed the mirror. He looked into it and saw his face showing up. On top of his head were two cat ears with vary fluffy fur on them. he put the mirror down and slapped him in the face. He sure is dreaming how would he otherwise be seeing cat ears. He slowly took it back up and looked back into it. He really had cat ears. They were showing again in the mirror he grabbed his tail and looked at the fluffy white fur on it and stroke it over his tail.

He ran outside and shouted really loud[color=#00ccff]. “I AM A NEKOOO!” [/color] He was so happy as he finally achieved what he was dreaming for years off. What he had walked the earth for. He finally was a neko and he was super happy with it. When he suddenly heard a cough behind him. He turned around and looked into a young girls face and next to her scraggy standing beside her. “Hello Chelvaric it’s good to see you up. I wouldn’t worry the cat stuff aren’t part of a disease or anything. I rather think it was a magic spell blessing or curse depending on your view on cats. Now we took you in and helped you out. And since your mage, I had a question if you could help us out. We need to clean this place a bit but we can’t do it since we are so busy working on the patients. There was an earthquake nearby and lots of people got injured.”, she said to him and had a pleading look on her face. Chelvaric didn’t mind helping out it was a job like any other and he could earn some jewels with it. “Scraggy grab the broom we need to do some cleaning in this place!”, he said loud and they wandered off while the girl went back to her nursing duty’s. Chelvaric let Scraggy broom the floor while he started to collect all the dirty bottle’s he could find in the hospital while looking at the doctors performing surgery on patience’s. it looked very disgusting at first as they were sewing skin close or cutting organs out. It was all bloody and Chelvaric rushed in after an operation to clean the blood of the floor so that the place was tight and clean for the next surgery.

They had cleaned most of the main building and went to the smaller buildings next to the main to clean them out too. There were mostly old bottles and dirty cans to be found and he made the beds nice and tidy so that the patients would have a better night rest. But in his mind he was still thinking about being a neko he should go search for snow and show his new looks off. He wondered what she would think of it. He went to search for the nurse and it didn’t take too long to find her.

“hai there I finished all up everything should be clean now. It was very nice to work here I think I learned some healing here and there.”, he said to her and she nodded and smiled happily. “thank you for your good work sir if we ever need some extra healing well call for you and teach you even more.”, the girl said and smiled to chelvaric. He waved goodbye and picked up the jewels he earned from the table. He had a long walk ahead but nothing would make him feel down now as he was finally a true beautiful and furry creature he always wanted to be. I don’t thinki have to spell out what it is do i. oh well for all you slow pokes out there its neko.

903/900 bp reduce perk

Hut cleaning [chelvaric] HVEbuMl

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