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Arcane Magic: [6-10]

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Arcane Magic: [6-10] Empty Wed Aug 30, 2017 11:44 pm

Name: Arcane Magic: Arcane Beam
Rank: C
Mana Cost: 50
Requirements: Arcane Magic
Type: Offensive
Element: N/A
Range: 10 meters
Cooldown: 2 post
Duration: Instant
Effect: Salem will hold up his hand with his palm facing the direction of his target. A magic seal would proceed to appear around the area of Salem’s hand and release a beam with a diameter of 1m of pure arcane magic that will travel straight forth capable of doing C rank piercing damage to whatever it comes into contact with.

Name: Arcane Magic: Arcane Push
Rank: C
Mana Cost: 50
Requirements: Arcane Magic
Type: Offensive
Element: N/A
Range: 2 Meter AoE
Cooldown: 2 Post
Duration: Instant
Effect: Salem will either start this spell by saying the words Push, This will cause for a magical circle of Arcane magic to appear directly under and around Salem that will instantly produce a dome of red Arcane energy that will push outward from Salem’s body causing C rank blunt damage to whatever it comes into contact with.

Name: Arcane Magic: Magic Shield Art 1
Rank: C
Mana Cost: 50
Requirements: Arcane Magic
Type: Defensive
Element: N/A
Range: Self
Cooldown: 2 Post
Duration: Sustain
Effect: Salem by putting up his hand or saying the words shield, a magic circle of Arcane energy will form in whatever location Salem so wishes on his body, magic circle will be 2 meters wide and 2 meters height and capable of taking up to B rank damage before breaking.  

Name: Arcane Magic: Ragnarok 1
Rank: C
Mana Cost: 50
Requirements: Arcane Magic
Type: Offensive
Element: N/A
Range: Self
Cooldown: 2 Post
Duration: Sustain
Effect: Salem will either start this spell by speaking the words Ragnarok. Once the spell action has complete a magic circle of Arcane energy will instantly proceed to form in the hands of Salem producing a straight sword capable of producing a 70cm long 3cm thick and withstanding C rank Damage and Dealing c rank damage

Name: Arcane Magic: Arcane disk
Rank: C
Mana Cost: 50
Requirements: Arcane Magic
Type: Offensive
Element: N/A
Range: 10 meters
Cooldown: 2 Post
Duration: Instant
Effect: Salem will start this spell by snapping his  fingers or waiving his hand in the direction of his target. This will cause for a horizontal 3 cm thick spinning magic circle of Arcane magic that will be 2 meters wide. It will proceed to move towards Salem’s designated target capable of doing C rank piercing damage.

Last edited by Salem on Mon Sep 04, 2017 11:06 pm; edited 2 times in total


Arcane Magic: [6-10] Empty Sat Sep 02, 2017 8:46 am


Arcane Magic: Arcane Beam Remove the alt cast

Arcane Magic: Arcane Push Approved

Arcane Magic: Magic Shield Art 1 B rank durability bruv

Arcane Magic: Ragnarok 1 Size and one cast action.

Arcane Magic: Arcane disk thickness

Bump when edited


Arcane Magic: [6-10] Empty Sat Sep 02, 2017 9:35 pm

Spells edited as asked


Arcane Magic: [6-10] Empty Wed Sep 06, 2017 12:20 am


These spells have been approved for training.


Arcane Magic: [6-10] Empty Sun Sep 17, 2017 10:18 pm



Arcane Magic: [6-10] Empty Sun Sep 17, 2017 11:52 pm


These spells have been approved for use.

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