Ever since he could remember going for ice cream was an adventure. Even after the Coyote and his family had decided where to get it and how to get there, walking into the black and white tile floored parlor gave him goosebumps probably from the ever-present cold but also from the excitement of the idea of peanut Oreo swirl or double mint chocolate ice cream. But even when the idea that ice cream could enter the picture, gave us a joy that most people couldn't understand. After only a few minutes in the sun the ice cream had begun to melt, he would have watched it until there was a golf ball sized lump in the middle and then stirred rapidly with her spoon. Perfect. He never liked to eat it when it was so cold, the flavor just didn't come through right. He grinned down at the ceramic bowl of dessert, and picked up his favorite long handled spoon. He wondered if he'd still be doing this in fifty years. Probably; why change perfection? The sigh that came was a signal, not of his resolve leaving but of the level his tension had reached. He was more like an old fashioned kettle - still full even when some steam forced its way out. The sigh fluttered on the winds like a butterfly decorated with a perfidy amount of colors. A sigh. Desire and disgust. Streamed through the air. A sigh. Disappointment and gladness. Decorated the air leaving a path. A sigh. Of relief and worry. Leaping through the air like a dear. A sigh. Of happiness and sadness. Dancing through the air. A sigh. Of excitement and fear. Strolling through the air like a roller coaster. A sigh meant it all. His breath seemed to stutter in his lungs before he let it go, feeling the tension drain from his body. His breathing returned to normal and he felt as if he could face the problem. He drank like a child who hadn't seen water for a week. But this was no child and it certainly wasn't water he was drinking. With each gulp his Adam's apple bobbed violently and the liquor drizzled from both sides of his thin weathered lips, through his salt and pepper beard and onto the linoleum. Drinks like that are made to be sipped from small glasses.
The job was to tag some buildings with the Martello crest. The Coyote was a lot of things, but an artist wasn't one of them. Nevertheless, he needed the money and he needed it quick. So the Coyote went about and tagged some buildings: a bar, a casino, and a safehouse. They were all tagged using some permanent paint, henceforth it would take a lot of care in order to scrub it off. With all that done, he went back to Remy Martello and accepted his jewels. Time to head off for Hargeon Town.
*Note: Grimoire Heart members have a skill that gives them 10% off on quests.