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Give Me Something Good to Eat! [Miyamoto]

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#1Kazumi Kiseki 

Give Me Something Good to Eat! [Miyamoto] Empty Fri Aug 25, 2017 11:41 am

Kazumi Kiseki

•Kazumi Kiseki•

It had been a long day to say the least, and a long day made it really easy to work up an appetite. Kazumi was in Hargeon on business with her guild, but she was sure they wouldn't mind if she slipped away for an evening to get some food. Of course, she had packed some snacks for her journey, and Guild Master Cecilia herself had packed some lunches for her and her fellow Fairy Tail members, but Kazumi was looking for a meal while she could still get it. She was on her way to a remote island, after all. She doubted there would be much in the way of restaurants. Better to find a place now that she was in the city than eat all of her rations instead of saving them for later.

It was for this reason that she and her faithful partner Kira would be out exploring the port town. Besides, it wasn't like she had ever been there before, so this was a new experience too. Her jacket flapped about behind her and her axe hung on her back as she walked against the cool breeze as day sunk into the night, hoping that tonight's little mini expedition would be fruitful in the end. Maybe she would pick up some souvenirs for her fellow guild mates while she was at it.

Post: 227

MP: 1025/1025
No Buff Active


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#2Miyamoto Ikana 

Give Me Something Good to Eat! [Miyamoto] Empty Sun Aug 27, 2017 1:54 am

Miyamoto Ikana
It was generally a cool day in Hargeon. Now having been here for around two weeks, having made a small profit by catching and selling ocean life to the nearby vendors for relatively cheap price and learning how to make various seafood dishes. Well, now with the bit of profit she had made which she spent some of by buying more ingredients for her travels, she ended up buying some beef. A bit pricy considering fish would be much cheaper at a harbor town. However, she was going to bring in some more profit and hopefully some happy people as Ikana began to publicly prepare a fine homey dish that she made in her home in the mountains. Sitting around a large pot on the side of one of the many streets was Ikana Miyamoto herself as the pot bubbled and boiled around her. Healthy, tasty, and wonderful food was the kind that Ikana made for weary travels and those who need the nutrition to function. What was she making? She made a special kind of ricecake dish known as tteupoki.

The pot’s contents was bubbling as she stirred it with a large wooden ladle as she happily hummed her melody. A sweet melody would rise through the air, wafting around as it smelt sweet but yet homey. The white cakes slowly colored brownish whilst the meat shook and absorbed the flavor of the green onions, carrots, finely diced garlic, and harmonized with the umami of the rice to intensify and balance both flavors. The broth was was a light shade of brown and yet smelled so thick and refreshing. Already a line was gathered to look at the scene as the fourteen year old child worked her stuff. “Gomen everyone! The dish will be ready in about five minutes! Please make a line and be ready!” Setting a sign up on the front of the small stand she set, nothing extravagant, just a simple desk, it read, “220 Jewels!” the equivalent of about two dollars for a bowl of beefy rice goodness? This was too good of a deal for a respectable citizen in Hargeon to pass out on as meet was typically something that was hard to come by! Especially beef. However, it was exactly the reason why Ikana was going to be making more profit this way than selling fish. Restauranteering after all is a refined art about pleasing your customers.


#3Kazumi Kiseki 

Give Me Something Good to Eat! [Miyamoto] Empty Sun Aug 27, 2017 6:48 am

Kazumi Kiseki

•Kazumi Kiseki•

While on their exploration exploits, Kazu and Kira came across a wonderful scent that they could almost see, cartoon style. Well, Kira technically noticed it first, being a fox and all, but she had lead the young crystal mage to it until she had caught a whiff herself. She couldn't tell what it was, but is smelled like some sort of meat and it sure smelled tasty. Naturally the duo had to continue to follow it. A good local meal WAS her ultimate goal after all, how could she even dream of passing up something that just smelled so good?

Well, she almost did pass it up, upon seeing where the aroma had originated. There was a young girl sitting outside on the sidewalk with a large pot. This began Kazumi’s internal battle. She lingered nearby, weighing the pros against the cons. The line is really long, this is a bit of a wait. But that must mean it’s popular, right? Oh, but id rather be sitting indoors or something…. Ah! Look how cheap that is! Ugh but I don’t know, street food? Street food that smells really, REALLY g— “Hey Twin Tails, you in line or not?” Her thoughts were interrupted by a rather impatient man. “O- oh, yeah, sorry!” Without any further thought she stepped into the line. “Welp Kira,” she looked down at the little Vulpix. “Looks like we’re eating here tonight” Kazu got a few jewels ready and waited her turn to see just what kind of food was being prepared here.

When it was her turn, she was surprised to get a closer look at this chef who seemed quite young. Kazumi couldn’t help but be interested. “Hmm, I'm not from around here, are street vendors as young and as,” Kazumi took a bite of the meat and rice combo, her face melting in response to the wonderful flavor. “Mmm, talented as you common?” Kazumi continued eating as she waited to see if she would get a response. She would occasionally give some bites to Kira, who also really seemed to be enjoying herself.

Post: 349

MP: 1025/1025
No Buff Active


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#4Miyamoto Ikana 

Give Me Something Good to Eat! [Miyamoto] Empty Sun Aug 27, 2017 11:14 am

Miyamoto Ikana
It was indeed a profitable and enjoyable experience for Ikana to be selling so many bowls of her homemade mountain dish. Customer after customer left with satisfied smiles as they used their forks or toothpicks to enjoy the ricecake and meat alike before drinking the broth. Well, when the crystal magic mage and fox came forward, Ikana’s eyes widened before holding the decent portion of her dish. The pot was around halfway empty now, and it seemed that there were still plenty of customers left to take profit. “Heh-Heh. Well, I'm not from Hargeon either miss. Also, I wouldn't say I'm talented, I've just been working at a restaurant for over half my life. You learn a few things ya know?” It was the first time she was street vending in general and she was taking the idea that it was rather profitable. Subtly pouring another bowl, she slowly handed it out to the young woman with a grin on her face.

“I just absolutely love animals, so why don't you take another bowl on the house.” Looking down, she saw that the dish was starting to become cold. Oh, that wasn't good. Some liked it better cold, but on a cool day like this, hot was best. After handing her bowl of food over, she would lower the ladle aside before clapping her hands and looking down into the broth. “Flamvell Breathis!” Seemingly blowing out fire, the broth bubbled rapidly upon experiencing the change. That showed that she was a girl with some talent in magic. Within a short five seconds, she ended her spell as she heard cries of “Sugoi! Magic!” Well, it was magic but it wasn't anything spectacular. She was still learning all the time. Bowl after bowl had been served to customers and the amount of money in her jar had grown bit by bit. Until eventually she had filled her whole container with her cash. Of course, she was free to talk to while all this occurred. Looking to the fox wearing woman, she spoke. “Miyamoto Ikana at your service. Also aspiring practitioner of the arts!”

#5Kazumi Kiseki 

Give Me Something Good to Eat! [Miyamoto] Empty Mon Aug 28, 2017 11:06 am

Kazumi Kiseki

•Kazumi Kiseki•

Kazumi was interested to find that this young lady also was not from the port town of Hargeon, though the Fairy Tail mage was not told why she was there street vending. Of course, it was not as if Kazumi had asked. maybe she would have earlier, but when she opened her mouth to respond, she was surprised to find the young girl offering another bowl of her delicious dish, completely free of charge. Something about loving animals, so she supposed she had Kira to thank for being there. "Oh wow, really? Thanks!" She happily dug into her second helping, continuing to offer Kira every few spoonful. All the while The girl heated up her pot using her fire magic. The crowd around them seemed very impressed, which reminded Kazumi that this wasn't a normal thing to everyone like it was for her. Maybe she had already been Travelling with her guild's resident Fire King for too long.

Seeming to want to keep the conversation running while she worked, The young lady offered an introduction to the Crystal wizard, Giving her name of Ikana. She also mentioned that she was "an Aspiring Practitioner of the arts". "Ohh, so you want to be a mage, huh?" Kazumi smiled, glad that she had found someone with a common interest. "My name is Kazumi Kiseki, but I usually go by Kazu or Kaz. I'm a mage with the Fairy Tail guild in Magnolia. Actually, I'm In Hargeon for a big guild mission. My Companions are hanging around... Somewhere I'm sure. Oh!" She gestured to her fox, not wanting to leave her out. "And this is my Partner Kira. She absolutely loved your food, by the way." Kira nodded rapidly in agreement with happy little yips. "So, If you're not from here, what brings you to Hargeon?"

Post: 303

MP: 1025/1025
No Buff Active


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#6Miyamoto Ikana 

Give Me Something Good to Eat! [Miyamoto] Empty Thu Sep 07, 2017 6:12 am

Miyamoto Ikana
Her customer gladly accepted seconds as the fox on her shoulders gladly accepted more from the young chef/hopeful mage. When explaining her want to be a mage, the woman in front of her smiled and acknowledged her. She said that she was a member of a guild, the famous guild Fairy Tail in fact! Looking wide eyed with stars in her eyes, she grinned before listening to the introduction of the mage Kazumi Kiseki and her cute fox friend Kira! As she continued to serve food to her customers, she turned back with a rejuvenated smile. “Pleasure to meet you! I've never met a mage from Fairy Tail before! I bet you must be super strong in magic and stuff!” She didn't bug about it for too long as she was told that Kazumi had friends that would be off for a big guild mission. With a swoon, Ikana looked up to the sky imagining the amazing things they would likely be doing together.

“Well, I'm here in Hargeon because I've been wanting to explore around Fiore and possibly learn more about magic. The guild here was the closest place so I wanted to check it out and see what other magic things I might be able to learn from here! I haven't yet because I wanted to know Hargeon well enough. I was also looking to make a bit of money so I could buy magical books to enhance my learning. In my home village, I was an orphan so I worked a long time with an old fart who taught me how to cook and satisfy customers. Every year a festival performance group came biannually and did some amazing tricks using magic so I wanted to learn some. I bugged some of them when I was a little girl and they taught me a little of the basics which I had to build on. Our village doesn't have much information on Magic but that only made me want to learn it more. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed your food. Thank you for your business. I'm about do-”

The jar she had with all of her hard earned money was missing from the countertop as sweatdrops began to form at the back of her head. She seemed to be in stasis as she saw all of her earned cash was vanished. In other words, she was burglarized. Three lines of anime depression formed on her head as she didn't say anything. When life gives you lemons, you make the best out of it. An anime outline of the jar was formed before she handed the last bowl off.

#7Kazumi Kiseki 

Give Me Something Good to Eat! [Miyamoto] Empty Thu Sep 07, 2017 7:54 am

Kazumi Kiseki

•Kazumi Kiseki•

Ikana seemed pretty impressed at Kazumi's status as a Fairy Tail mage, or maybe just a guild mage in General. She assumed that the Crystal mage must be super strong or something, which Kazumi did not quite believe for herself. "Nah, I think I could do so much better, most of my combat experiences could have turned out more... favorably..." To be fair the last Time Kazu fought, she had been attacked by a monster that, last she heard, took several mages to finally take down. "But you know, That's why I'm in a guild in the first place. It's important to have a place to practice and train."

Ikana then went into sharing her story, explaining how she came to love cooking and magic. Apparently, She came to Hargeon to check out the local Guild, which if Kazumi remembered correctly was Blue Pegasus? Maybe? She had never seen it herself. Perhaps she would check it out at some point too. After all, she did know someone in that Guild. It wouldn't be a bad thing to visit, probably. After her tale, Ikana began to thank Kazu for the business, getting ready to pack up for the day before she realized; Oh no! Her jar of money had been stolen! "Wha- We were here the whole time how did we miss that?" Kazumi was usually at least more observant than that. Looking over at the young Chef, she seemed quite depressed, as anyone would be in this situation. "Hey, Cheer up, You're with a guild mage. Catching Bad guys is my job!" She looked down at the fox sitting next to her. "Right Kira?" The Vulpix Yipped in agreement and began sniffing around, alerting the girls when she found a lead. "Alright! Looks like we have a trail. Let's go get your money back!" Kazu Gestured to the Fire mage, inviting her to come along.

Post: 315

MP: 1025/1025
No Buff Active


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#8Miyamoto Ikana 

Give Me Something Good to Eat! [Miyamoto] Empty Sun Sep 10, 2017 3:29 pm

Miyamoto Ikana
She mentioned in all honesty that she thought she wasn’t the strongest mage. That was some humility right there, and that was always a great trait to have for any person, knowing their limits. Ikana nodded and was interested in the notion of the guild mage caring about having fun while in the guild too. It did make a lot of sense after all. Why would you be a part of anything if you weren’t gonna have fun or get the most out of it right? The young girl turned and was utterly crestfallen and depressed by the stealings of her cash. What was this though? Kazumi was going to be playing the role of hero in this case and help her recover her stolen cash? The mage and her fox partner both feverently agreed to help the young teen, and the Ikana’s eyes widened before nodding.

“Hai. Doumo Arigato Gozaimasu!” Following after the older teen and her fox whom was leading the way, they would twist and turn and find themselves around a block down before there was a shady individual that had stopped by another restaurant stand by the looks of it. Now, normally that wouldn’t have been enough to accuse someone of a crime, but the man was literally holding the jar in his hand and reaching in to pay. He stood around 5’7” and had white skin and coal black hair. His eyes were blue and on his side was a katana by the looks of it. With a rifle strewn about his back, he slowly turned eyes. “On...second thought, hold the order. I’ve gotta run.” Bolting down the street, Ikana widened her eyes in utter shock. “Ey! Get back here with my money!”

Running outward, she thrusted both hands behind her as suddenly a burst of flame would propel her at the speed of a dash, nearly five meters as she rolled in for a sudden swerving kick while she still had the room for it. Nope. The man seemed to be prepared for such a movement, and so he leaped backwards out of range before hopping over the guard railing. “Nope! Nope! Nope! RUN RUN RUN!” The white haired child’s spell wore off, forcing her to land. Innovative. She was able to stop herself on the solid stone, but she knew she needed to stop here. Using her more destructive spells would lead to her destroying part of the city property, and she didn’t want to get fined for doing something stupid.

#9Kazumi Kiseki 

Give Me Something Good to Eat! [Miyamoto] Empty Mon Sep 11, 2017 8:52 am

Kazumi Kiseki

•Kazumi Kiseki•

With Kira as their guide, it did not seem to take very long to find the culprit of this caper. It was a man very conspicuously holding Ikana's jar of money, using it to pay for some other eatery. The man was strangely heavily armed for a petty thief, so maybe some caution would have to be exercised. Of course, Kazumi could not help but be a little confused as well. "Seriously, how did we miss this guy?" She muttered to herself under her breath. He had such an obvious presence, and though he didn't LOOK particularly suspicious (Heck, Kazumi was armed with her Axe herself), he didn't seem like someone that could walk around unnoticed. But alas, here they were, chasing him down.

Now, the fact that his initial reaction was to run upon seeing the girls was interesting. Two weapons, one long ranged, and he still ran. So this meant he was not necessarily a violent person, and probably didn't want to actually fight. That could probably be arranged, seeing as Kazumi herself didn't want to fight either. Of course, that was mostly because there were too many people around. As Kazu slowed to a quick stop, Ikana used a spell to dash forward in an attempt to catch the guy. However, it was not enough and he hopped a railing to get away. They would need continuous speed. So then why had Kazu stopped? She tapped her foot behind her twice as Ikana activated her own dashing spell, and a pair of crystal roller skates appeared on the Fairy Tail Mage's feet. NOW she could go. Kazumi could already move pretty fast on her own, a solid 15 meter per second run speed last time she timed herself, but the skates would make her just a tad faster, in case that was needed.

"Stay behind and keep our new friend safe Kira!" Kazumi instructed as she began her own chase, leaping over the guard rail that the man had just crossed. Slowly but surely she was catching up, and as soon as she was within 5 or so meters, she noticed that he dared to try to pull out his katana. "Nope!" Kazu exclaimed, holding her hand out with authority. From her open palm a flurry of crystal butterflies formed, rushing to the man's face. They weren't strong enough to do any serious damage probably cause a few cuts, but they weren't there for that. The man dropped his weapon back into its sheath and immediately started batting away at the butterflies, which Kazu saw as an opportunity to trip him, grabbing his arm as he fell forward and pinning it behind his back on the ground. "Gotcha!" Unfortunately, His fight with the butterflies also made him drop the money jar, but  Kazumi would have to deal with that When Ikana caught back up.

Post: 477

MP: 975/1025
D Rank Speed


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#10Miyamoto Ikana 

Give Me Something Good to Eat! [Miyamoto] Empty Sat Sep 23, 2017 2:40 pm

Miyamoto Ikana
Well, now this was an interesting development. She now had a grasp of what kind of magic Kazumi was using, and it was certainly, if anything, interesting. The man who batted at crystal butterflies dropped the jar of precious currency as it rolled down the incline. Faster, faster. Ikana who was just starting to catch up saw it whiz passed her, and she quickly had two widened eyes and purple lines on her face. Pale as a ghost, she quickly hopped over the wooden railing before dashing off. "No! No, please no!" Dashing off after the speeding jar, the cowardly thief looked in horror. "The munz! Not the munz!" In that moment, she saw the jar halt, bonking against a Seagull. A shrill cry of the bird before it flapped off, kicking the jar causing it to spin 360.

Having caught up, absolutely ragged from running so much, she tackled the container. "UAAAGH! I GOT YOU!" The jar stopped it's moving, silent. She wasn't quite even aware that Kira the friendly fox was following the white hair at this moment. How could she? Ikana cheered, raising her free fist over her head. "Huzzah!" This was now a good day once more. The man whom was essentially at the mercy of the crystal mage had taken liberty to look her in the face. "So. Hmm...can we have no hard feelings and let bygones be bygones? I'll go my way and you go yours?" He wasn't exactly expecting it to work out that way, but maybe it would be allowed? Ikana had her money back after all. Then again, he stole from a young girl who had worked hard to make said cash to begin with and had full intention of spending it.

#11Kazumi Kiseki 

Give Me Something Good to Eat! [Miyamoto] Empty Sat Sep 23, 2017 9:44 pm

Kazumi Kiseki

•Kazumi Kiseki•

Kazumi could not hold back a laugh at the thief who had the audacity to ask to be let go after stealing an innocent girl's money. "Haha, well I don't really have much to do with this situation you got yourself into, I'm just a bystander. But you want my opinion on this, you should be asking this question to the authorities. I'm sure they'll have some questions." She then leaned over to Kira, asking her to run off and find some law enforcement. Afterwards, Kazu used her crystal magic to create a little figure that simply said 'help' and gave it to the young Fox and she was on her way. "Well then," She started, Looking up at Ikana, "I guess we wait here for Kira to come back. Though as soon as she does, I suppose it will be time to part ways. I've been away from my guildmates for a bit longer than I expected." Kazu chuckled as she said this. Her only goal was to get food, and now here she was, sitting on an incapacitated thief, talking to the young chef he tried to rob. Definitely a bit of a crazy afternoon. "Hey, you said you wanted to be a mage right? Why not join my guild? A place to practice with fellow wizards would definitely be beneficial. It's up to you of course, but as soon as I'm done with this request I'm on, we could maybe train together. I'd love to see more of what your magic could do."

Post: 256

MP: 975/1025
D Rank Speed


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#12Miyamoto Ikana 

Give Me Something Good to Eat! [Miyamoto] Empty Wed Sep 27, 2017 6:39 pm

Miyamoto Ikana
Turning to the crystal mage, it was apparently time for them to split ways once law enforcement has shown up. "Oh gee, really? Time to go so soon huh? Sorry for taking your time again. Thanks for getting me my money back though. Would be losing quite a bit if it wasn't for you!" Looking at the odd crystal amalgamation, she took the liberty to stare at the fox running off as well. However, the next words were a little bit fascinating and made her think a bit harder. Join her guild? That made those eyes widen a margin or two as the young albino chef quickly thought about the idea of joining a mage's guild.

"I-I'd love to! Just I'msoinexperiencedandIbarelyknowanything,andIdon'tevenknowwhatyouguysdo!" She took a deep breath as she was informed that she would be able to maybe do some training with the crystal mage herself if things went well. Grinning brightly with a pink tinge on her cheeks, she most certainly did want to be a mage. It would delight her ever so to be inducted into a order all about learning more magic and helping folks out with said skills. "Mhm! I'll take a gander at it! I'm sure someday I'll be able to do great things for your guild and maybe throughout the world!" Nodding enthusiastically, she took the liberty to accept the offer, a stamp, authorities coming for an arrest, and then separating from the mage once more. Though, she'd have to stick in Hargeon for a while longer. At least until she restocked on goods to head off to other places. Plus she had priorities of exploring the world and all it had to offer. She just got to this town. There was so much more she could do and see!


#13Kazumi Kiseki 

Give Me Something Good to Eat! [Miyamoto] Empty Wed Sep 27, 2017 7:43 pm

Kazumi Kiseki

•Kazumi Kiseki•

Ikana seemed overjoyed to have been offered a spot in Fairy Tail, which was, of course, exciting even for Kazu. Opening her messenger bag up with a bit of a laugh, she rummaged through it until she found the guild stamp that every member carried. She would then ask Ikana where she wanted the tattoo to go, and the twin-tailed mage would stamp the mark of Fairy Tail wherever it was that the young chef desired. "Alrighty then, with this stamp I officially name you a member of Fairy Tail. Welcome to the guild!" Kazumi smiled wide, excited to have made her very first recruitment, and for someone who seemed really nice, too.

Shortly after that, Kira came back with the authorities, prompting Kazu to get off of the thief to turn him over. "Okay, Ikana, I hope to see you around the guild hall soon! For now, I have to go meet up with the rest of my guild." Kazumi waved and began to leave, glad to have had an excellent meal, as well as made a new friend. It looked like no matter what happened on her island adventure with her guild mates, this trip was not for nothing.


Post: 201

MP: 975/1025
D Rank Speed


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