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Rocco Setara

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Rocco Setara Empty Tue Sep 26, 2017 7:16 pm



Name: Rocco Setara

Age: 36

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Class: Berserker

Rank: D-rank

Guild: Guildless

Tattoo: Left bicep- black

Face: Psycho Pass - Kougami Shinya


Height: 6'7''

Weight: 265

Hair: Charcoal Black

Eyes: Ice blue

Overall: Overall Rocco is a muscular toned male that stands tall and confident. His skin shows as flawless and light in the sun, but light olive colored in the shade and buildings. His eyes are slanted a little due to his mother being from the Country of Sin, but otherwise he looks like his father, who's from an unknown Country. Rocco is mostly seen with a black body shirt and a winter jacket, normal blue jeans and business black shoes.

His hair is short and spiky with straight top strands of hair going forward, other than his bangs. His body is built like a body builder, but nicely toned and built evenly. Rocco never seems to care about fashions as he wears whatever he feels like. Sometimes he goes to the store with just boxers and sometimes even trains nude. He believes the lighter the weight, the better you can move, but he also believes that the more weight that's on your body, the more your body is use to all the weight.

Extra: NA


When someone first looks at him, they can tell he obviously lifts. Rocco loves to train melee style and work for the money. He doesn't believe in the easy life of someone just giving him money for free nor getting it from his parents. When it comes to friends he doesn't mind them, but he doesn't want to waste time developing something that will just die later. When it comes to women however, he has no interest in them other than friendship if it comes to it -- other than the woman he spotted years ago. He doesn't have time for other women and their shit other than hanging out when he has time.

Rocco doesn't care how bad a job is, rather it turns out to be killing or causing havoc. The good jobs he doesn't care to take either. As long as it pays well for the effort. His pleasures are his number one that also joins in with his like of feeling his independence. After training, missions or anything, he has the need to shower or clean up afterwards. An example would be if he killed someone and got blood on himself or something else, he cleans it up. Some may call it weird, but he has a passion to be clean as much as being strong.

On his free-time he enjoys music of any kind, eating and playing a game of pool. He seems the type to be edgy, but he's actually just calm looking. Rocco enjoys jokes and laughing, eating a farm and talking about anything. Once he gets to know you he will lighten up and not act so cold towards whoever. After he lightens up he might even more than a small smile or an expressionless look.

  • Money: Money is a need and want at the same time. It's used for about everything. Who needs a reason?
  • Training: He believes that you'll fail in life if you don't train. He wishes to become his own strength and not depend on anyone else.


  • Order: Not sure if it 's from childhood, but he hates being ordered around. He finds it bothersome when he's told on what to do.
  • Rain: Rocco enjoys to smoke and walk a lot. The rain stops him from enjoying those things. It also pisses him off when he has 'work' to do.


  • Independence: No matter the cost, Rocco wants to keep his independence. To do so, he has to become stronger and do whatever it takes.


  • Poor: Rocco comes from a wealthy family and always seems to work. He fears of becoming poor that pays for his needs/wants.
  • Dependence: Just like he enjoys his independence, he fears of becoming the opposite. He fears that in doing so he owes them something or favors in which he avoids.


Magic Name: Lightning Magic

Magic Element: Lightning

Magic Description:
Lightning Magic is a branch of Elemental Magic that utilizes electricity, more specifically, lightning, as a form of offense and defense. Mages who possess the ability to utilize such Magic are able to generate the element from their bodies, and manipulate them, even shaping their attacks as they wish. Users of Lightning Magic are also capable of utilizing lightning from a distance, such as from the ground near them, or down from the sky.

  • Offensive Spell Price
  • Self-Buff Strength Spell Price
  • Self-Buff Endurance Spell Price
  • Supplementary Spell Price



The tides were rocking the ship as the high moon was out. A man and woman that were happily married were leaving their separate countries to live in the same one. Together the two believed that it wasn't safe to return to neither of their countries so they traveled to Fiore. Living in a rather large house they took care of their child named Rocco. After several years, Rocco grew up to be a rather difficult child that didn't get along with other kids. It wasn't that he wasn't popular, but it was because he didn't like them himself. He preferred to be home, watching his father and mother train in battle and join in. His mission as a child was to become like his father: Strong, independent and loving towards only his son and wife.

Rocco became almost an adult. In his family line there was a rule where he had to marry a woman by the age of twenty-five. Even though he wasn't even twenty yet, his mother and father had different women from different countries show up to see if he had any interest. Being himself, he had no interest and just walked passed every woman. Sometimes people would think he was gay, but he didn't even bother looking at males neither. The parents of his were confused, but let their son walk his own path. It was this that made him enjoy having his parents around. Every so often he would go out and travel to do jobs, become stronger and enjoy life. Out of these travels he came across a woman who had black hair, golden eyes and a womanly figure. For some reason she got his attention without even trying, but before he could get her name she was gone. From time and again she would come across his mind, but never let it get in the way of his training and jobs. Instead, it would motivate him more as it pumped him up to get stronger.

Reference: NA

Last edited by Rocco on Wed Sep 27, 2017 9:31 am; edited 2 times in total

#2Venus Rosé 

Rocco Setara Empty Wed Sep 27, 2017 2:21 am

Venus Rosé

Hello, Snowflake will be your moderator.

  • Your FC is pretty damn hot. *_*
  • Please state the colour of your tattoo.
  • The 'Extra' section is for any other tattoos, scars, piercings, etc. If you have any, please mention and if not, just fill it in as N/A.

Bump when done.


Rocco Setara Empty Wed Sep 27, 2017 9:22 am


#4Venus Rosé 

Rocco Setara Empty Wed Sep 27, 2017 9:35 am

Venus Rosé

This character application has been approved.

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