So, there are some details to keep in mind. The site's maximum height for a signature seems to be 150px, which is really small but manageable. I can't make anything too grand for that reason and I'll have to stick to more simpler designs. Next, I can gfx but ^-^ sometimes, the quality of your signature may depend on the FC you are using. So, I won't guarantee that all of the things I make will look good. Buuuuut, that doesn't mean I won't do whatever I can make them look good enough.
Here are some previous signatures that I have made:
- Spoiler:
Now, since I can't charge for any of these, I'll take my payment in small favors. :P
And here's the template to use while requesting a sig/avvy.
- Code:
[b]Character Name:[/b]
Last edited by Evangeline on Sun May 28, 2017 9:12 pm; edited 1 time in total