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Patrols and secret schemes [Baron]

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Patrols and secret schemes [Baron] Empty Wed Jan 31, 2018 8:23 pm


Esperia V. Eisenberg

Here she was, within the capital city known as Crocus, the place where the emperor of Fiore lived. Not once had she expected her arrival in the city to be like this, nor did she expect that her first time within the capital would be in order to aid its people fend off the invading forces of Grimoire Heart. To say that she was nervous... would had been an understatement. Although, the presence of her lover Fia and her best friend Liana did reassure her somewhat, to know that she wouldn't be fighting this battle on her own.

No, according to the rumors the crown had called for all available Rune Knights and guild mages to come to the crown's aid, and it appeared countless people had answered the call to arms. Just a cursory glimpse of the surrounding area confirmed as much, mages were helping set up defensive blockades, the citizen were retreating for the safety of their homes and guards were patrolling the streets. She, in particular, was there to check up on some of the soldiers stationed at the walls of the grand city, a simple delivery of food and water for those brave men and women who would be the first line of defense for the city.

"It's amazing how those people can still carry themselves with such confidence, knowing that they might not live to see the end of this war..." The obsidian-haired girl whispered softly as she walked along the street on the outskirt of Crocus, the staircase leading up toward the wall slowly coming into view from a distance.

What had driven those people to hold such hope? It was kind of amazing, and also terrifying...


Patrols and secret schemes [Baron] Empty Wed Jan 31, 2018 8:27 pm

Baron arrived in the city not long ago with the girl that dubbed herself Arisa, he was uncertain rather or not he could continue to live with her given all that she had been doing. The changing in the same room, the murder of the woman the night she got him drugged and on top of that it seemed she was running out of paitence for one thing or another. For a moment he would just have to let her go for a moment and do his own thing in Croc just for a while until the defenses came into place. With her in the back of his mind he began assisting the crown in preperations for the on coming Grimore assault. There was nothing like hard work to help one forget a long day. For now Baron was working on a blockade at the edge of the city. There were large stacks of wood and metal at his and the other knight's disposal. It was nice really, he couldn't imagine how high they would build their barricade He imagined it being a good few feet high, though they were dealing with mages so he assumed more that they would need a high wall if anything and reinforced beams.

"Hey pass me that hammer." he reached to his side absent minded expecting someone to pass him one.

Patrols and secret schemes [Baron] MJmwSQc
"Hey Guest, wanna train with me? No worries, I'll start soft and get harder as we go."

Patrols and secret schemes [Baron] Empty Wed Jan 31, 2018 8:30 pm


Esperia V. Eisenberg

It was still an unusual experience for her, to see so many people in the same place, to see so many people prepare for war, and yet a familiar voice caused her to turn her gaze sideways toward the source of the sound, to her confusion spotting the Lycan she had met near the hills surrounding Baska. The absent-minded comment made her tilt her head slightly to the side in confusion, wondering if he was talking to her, yet a moment later she spotted the hammer lying nearby, leading her to crouch over to pick it up and place it upon the palm of the man's hand. "You seem hard at work for someone who had yet to find his reason to fight Baron~"

A soft voice would have greet him, and if he turned to face the source of it, it would had not been the Demon Lord, but her vessel who greet him with her usual soft smile upon her lips. She idly looked at the structure the man had been helping construct, a large blockade that was seemingly build out of a mixture of wood and reinforced metal, certain to slow down an approaching force, at least depending on the nature of said force.

And he wasn't alone, a bit further away she spotted several Rune Knights tinkering at a barricade, the sight of it reminding her that Fia had briefly gone to report to one of her superiors about something. Hopefully she would be able to return to her side soon...


Patrols and secret schemes [Baron] Empty Wed Jan 31, 2018 8:31 pm

Baron had taken the hammer but not what out sparing a glance at the owner of the intruding voice, just as he gripped the hammer he looked to his side to not see one of his fellow knights but Esperia of all people! To say the least there was a large volume of shock in hiss reaction to seeing her again at first dropping the hammer. The tool fell out of his hands and slipped out of his grasps causing him mild shock. He tried to grab it with his other hand only to knock it out of the way and to his side. For a moment he stood shocked and looked to his foot at it and then back at the vessel. "H-hi... OH IT'S YOU!" he cleared his throat, and smiled, "How's it goin, I mean... Uh, what? I mean... Your highness. Milord!" he took a knee and looked up at her, "I had no idea you would be here so soon I would have prepared a much better seat or something for you." he was mildly paniced by her arrival despite her not being in demon form it was still quite alarming to see her so soon.

Patrols and secret schemes [Baron] MJmwSQc
"Hey Guest, wanna train with me? No worries, I'll start soft and get harder as we go."

Patrols and secret schemes [Baron] Empty Wed Jan 31, 2018 8:32 pm


Esperia V. Eisenberg

For a moment she couldn't help but stare in bewilderment at the man, not entirely certain how to react to his greeting. As if on cue sudden footsteps caused her to turn toward the sound to spot the familiar aged butler approach her, his expression calm as he gazed at the flustered Lycan and stated in a friendly yet polite manner. "There is no reason to act so flustered good sir, you are making my master restless." Esperia nodded her head sheepishly at the butler's words while she added to it with a little smile. "He's right Baron, just be yourself~ Not everyone needs to know yet that Crocus has a Demon Lord on their side."

Crouching down once more the girl gently scooped up the hammer in her hands and handed it over to Baron once more. "How have you been doing? Asmodeus was wondering if we would see you here, and seems she was right~" A soft giggle followed before her cheerful expression softened a little. "It's reassuring that you are here. The city will need all the help it can get if it is to weather the encroaching storm. The gentleman by my side is Sebastian, he is an 'associate' of Asmodeus."

Not exactly willing to tell him that Sebastian was in fact a powerful demon in service of the Demon Lord of Lust, Esperia's words made the butler provide a light bow of his upper-body while he added to her greeting. "At your service Sir Baron."


Patrols and secret schemes [Baron] Empty Wed Jan 31, 2018 8:32 pm

Baron tried his best to see formal to her, he didn't want to seem a bore infront of her. If anything these were improper manners, but it was just him desperate trying to get himself to look more like a proper gent. "Ah, yes, my apolgies sir." he nodded to her servant and back to her as he stood. He accepted the hammer and held it in his non dominant hand. "Ah yes, I've been alright, and sorry about that just been a bit jumpy lately with the fight coming and all." when introduced he'd bow to Sebastian and offer a smile, "It's a pleasure to meet you sir. Though honestly It is wonderful to see some friendly faces today, with all of the hype around hte big fight coming along most have been too busy or too weary to chat." it was all rather understandable, this was the dawn just before the storm there was nothing more fearsome than a prospective enemy. "How have you held up Esperia? Wasn't expecting to see you today, though I imagine things have been smooth so far?" he knelt back down and took a hold of two wooden planks with one hand sliding one over another.

Patrols and secret schemes [Baron] MJmwSQc
"Hey Guest, wanna train with me? No worries, I'll start soft and get harder as we go."

Patrols and secret schemes [Baron] Empty Wed Jan 31, 2018 8:33 pm


Esperia V. Eisenberg

"To be honest, I'm rather nervous myself." She admitted with a brief smile before she took a deep breath and continued speaking. "But I take comfort in knowing that I won't be alone. My friends from the Blue Pegasus guild will be here also, and so will one of my childhood friends. Even my lover Fia is hard at work with the other Rune Knights~ Obviously I can't sit still either then."

Esperia explained as she raised the small basket she had been carrying with her to clarrify that she had been bringing food supplies to the guards on the walls. "But so far things are still proceeding smoothly. There have yet to be any sightings of the enemy, but it likely will be only a matter of time before they reach us, so till then we should take comfort in the moment of respite that has been granted to us."

Sebastian nodded his head lightly, briefly shifting his gaze toward the clouded sky before he added to her comment. "I think we'll have only a few more days at most, but when they arrive I'm hopeful they will be met with a reckoning they didn't expect."

Then again, considering this was the one responsible for the murder of the previous guild masters, it would have been an understatement to simply describe this foe as 'fearsome'...


Patrols and secret schemes [Baron] Empty Wed Jan 31, 2018 8:34 pm

"Understandable, it's natrual to be nervous at a time like this. It is the quiet before the storm." he shifted the two planks once again and held a thick nail over the two. He nailed it in with a single swing before speaking to Esperia again, "Ah a Lover with you? That's nice, provides comfort as well as a reason to fight all the harder, just like with friends." he nodded in confirmation of himself before sliding the boards to the side.

He took a small gaze at the basket she had in hand, at the mention of food his belly growled quietly before being pat by its owner to hush. He smiled and responded accordingly, "Ah yes, the enemy seems slow in its approach, we seem to have more time to prepare than what I was breifed on. His hands would release the hammer after only one swing as he put a hand on his hip. "Hot one today. Ha ha, been out here alittle too long."

"A few more days will be more than enough hopefully. I've been nervous as well given this will be my first operation as a knight." he turned his gaze to his fellow knights, "Lotta good people working here, I may not have a reason to fight when it comes to personal relationships but I think I've found the will to fight for my fellow knights..." he placed his right hand on his left shoulder, "Sorry for rambling, been thinking alot over the past few days."

Patrols and secret schemes [Baron] MJmwSQc
"Hey Guest, wanna train with me? No worries, I'll start soft and get harder as we go."

Patrols and secret schemes [Baron] Empty Wed Jan 31, 2018 8:35 pm


Esperia V. Eisenberg

"Mhmm~ I'm likely able to remain calm because I know she will be there at my side when things get messy." She smiled briefly, her free hand raised toward the bullet-shaped pendant around her neck as she briefly thought back on that blissful Christmas eve when finally she turned the focus back toward the ongoing conversation. "Are you also a Rune Knight?" Waiting for him to answer she was quick to continue their talk. "Indeed, a lot of nice and innocent people live here, fighting for their sake could be a very justified and noble reason to pick up arms."

When Baron apologized for what he perceived as rambling the girl simply shook her head lightly in return to the statement, answering him with smile lingering upon her lips. "There is no need to appologize Baron, I believe most of us have been thinking a lot over the past few days, it's understandable with the realm at stake."

She raised her free hand toward her chin, a frown visibly appearing upon her features as she pondered further. "But I can't help but wonder what their motives are... What possible reason could they have had to slay the guild masters, or to lay siege upon Crocus? Is it simply greed and the desire to conquer, or is it more? I don't know, and to be honest it terrifies me a little to wage a war against an enemy I don't understand."


Patrols and secret schemes [Baron] Empty Wed Jan 31, 2018 8:35 pm

"Ah yes, I'm a Rune Knight in name and all, joined not too long ago." he nodded to himself as if he was still trying to come to terms with being such, "It still takes me a moment to get used to hearing myself be called a Knight of all things and now I get to guard the people and hold their lives in my hands as well as my fellow knights." he rubbed his hands together and cracked his fingers. Baron had been having a strange urge to fight lately, maybe because he was becoming more and more strong with each passing day but to also test himself properly. This was quite a day.

"It will be a good fight, I don't know how long I'll hold up but this will be quite an interesting time to be around." that said he couldn't help but wonder what was going on with her other half, as the vessel to a demon she seemed to be in prime position to safely pass the on coming long night of battle. A demon would come in handy now especailly with the ability to weponize things like petals.

When she frowned he cocked a brow, "Well, if all I've heard is true it seems to be a quest for power and prosperity for the red heart with pain looming everyone else." it was scary wasn't it? GH had it's own little plot cooking up and now there was a war on the way.

Patrols and secret schemes [Baron] MJmwSQc
"Hey Guest, wanna train with me? No worries, I'll start soft and get harder as we go."

Patrols and secret schemes [Baron] Empty Wed Jan 31, 2018 8:36 pm


Esperia V. Eisenberg

"I wouldn't be surprised if it becomes a battle of arbitrage, especially since we don't know anything about the invading army." Esperia stated with a hint of concern in her voice, but as Baron commented about the battle she couldn't help but giggle softly. "I'm certain you and Fia will have plenty of skulls to bash on this battlefield."

Yet on the subject of the potential motive behind Grimoire Heart's actions she couldn't help but feel a bit restless and uncomfortable. To think so much chaos was about to happen all because of Grimoire Heart's greed... It truly made her realize how evil they might had actually been. "Let's hope we'll be able to deal with them once and for all during this battle."

The girl stated with a hint of determination in her voice, yet recalling the earlier rumbling of Baron's stomach she inquired with a hint of curiosity. "Are you hungry? In case you are we could visit one of the halls once I finish this delivery~ I hear they are serving free meals for those who are aiding the crown's defense, and I could go for a bite also~"

The girl said, for she admittingly was a bit hungry also. Although she could have likely asked Sebastian to make something, it felt more polite to invite Baron for a meal instead.


Patrols and secret schemes [Baron] Empty Wed Jan 31, 2018 8:37 pm

"Well we know they have their own set of powerful mages, but I'm not certain how many will pose serious threat." he stroked his the stubble on his chin, "I feel like if they come through the wall that will be when we really pummel them." he chuckled to himself, "This lover of yours though... You say her name is Fia?" it sounded familiar but he could have been duping himself with his ears.

There would be much blood shed and coiling GH's bleeding heart would take some force... It was certain Baron would need some magic of his own and perhaps she was the one to help him find it, she had met a demon yes? Perhaps the one she hosted could help him find one of his own, "Pardon me I do have on more question, for the demon that lays inside you but I'm certain that you can answer."

He sniffled, "Do you think I could some how possess magic? Like, a magic of my own, perhaps not a demon of my own but have you heard of anything ways someone could pick up a magic? I'm sorry if it seems random but, I need every advantage I could get and a meal sounds awesome." he perked up near the end, "I coudl most certainly go for a hot meal."

He was VERY hungry when he saw her basket though it may have had nothing in it, "I should first tell my advisor before I head off." he practially beamed the words, belly growling yet again... "Oops."

Patrols and secret schemes [Baron] MJmwSQc
"Hey Guest, wanna train with me? No worries, I'll start soft and get harder as we go."

Patrols and secret schemes [Baron] Empty Wed Jan 31, 2018 8:37 pm


Esperia V. Eisenberg

"Mhmm~ Fiamette Barone, she was in Baska with me when we met last time~" The girl explained with a sheepish smile, and yet the subject turned to something else, something rather curious moments later. "Hmm..." A thoughtful frown crossed her visage as she waited for Barone to finish telling his advisor while she went to deliver the food supplies to the guards stationed on the walls.

It was only shortly afterwards that as they made their way toward the halls that Esperia spoke once more. "It's not unheard of for someone to obtain a magic they aren't born with. Some relics might grant you certain magical abilities, in other cases there are rituals or potions that could help you become more compatible toward obtaining a certain type of magic. In some cases a 'benefactor' could grant you magic, but often those type of deals come with a price..."

She explained the last bit with a hint of direness in her voice before she turned her focus back at the man. "I could ask around the guild if anyone heard something similar if you want me to. Also see that big building at the end of the street, the one with the large banner above the door? That's one of the places we could eat at~ They serve some delicious meals there, I think you might love their steaks! I might go for a snitzel myself~"


Patrols and secret schemes [Baron] Empty Wed Jan 31, 2018 8:37 pm

Baron would tell his betters about his short departure, it took some convincing but he managed to convince them to give him a moment for a break, it was just a moment but there was more than enough time on the clock for him to take up a nice lunch and dinner maybe and get a full belly (if that was possible) before he returned to work. Food built a much stronger worker after all and a man like him could eat enough for many.

She spoke of relics and other things, that was quite interesting so there were items that could give him magics and powers like what he craved. There was nothing he could do about it now but if he managed to slip out of Hargeon he could very well get his magic and a few new things. Magic would make his life much easier as did the Nimbus cloud, combine the two and there would have been plenty to do. He coudl battle his enemies easily punch them with magic and maybe even use his magic to fill his stomach.

"I would appreciate it," he nodded, "And I see, thank you for sharing indeed." he rubbed his stomach and looked her up and down as he thought of what he would want to eat, "Sounds good to me, Steaks and Snitzel!" he laughed as he patted his gut, "Will your lover be joining us?"

Patrols and secret schemes [Baron] MJmwSQc
"Hey Guest, wanna train with me? No worries, I'll start soft and get harder as we go."

Patrols and secret schemes [Baron] Empty Wed Jan 31, 2018 8:38 pm


Esperia V. Eisenberg

"I wish she would, but her superior assigned her to patrol to one of the far-ends of the walled fortifications of the city, so she won't be back till late this evening." Esperia admitted with a little pout as they arrived at the tavern. As expected the place was quite crowned, immensely even as both mages and knights were eagerly sharing tales and making merry now they still had the chance to do so.

Fortunately, there was an unoccupied table near one of the windows, and after Esperia was offered her seat by Sebastian the butler stationed himself at the wall near her. In the meanwhile the waitress had already arrived to order their meals, making her exclaim with a hint of childish excitement. "For me a Chicken snitzel with fries and some cold milk~"

The last part was important, in the end there was a certain rumor about the properties of milk that she hoped to exploit for the future, since she was woefully lacking in that department... When Baron finished ordering his meal the two of them were given a short opportunity to talk a bit further. "So~ Hoping you'll be facing one of their stronger enemies upon the battlefield? I myself have been assigned to provide assistance on the walls, but I guess it will be naive to say that I won't be involved in any actual battles, as much as I wish I could avoid it, it seems Asmodeus will have to appear again~"


Patrols and secret schemes [Baron] Empty Wed Jan 31, 2018 8:39 pm

He nodded at the mention of her lover being set on patrol. He had patrols and what not, but there was another thing he had to do! He had to enjoy himself, that was the most important thing in all of this. Yes, there was a war looming but there was also an entire world out there he still needed to see. If he went and became gloomy and serious he'd probably miss out on the chance to enjoy life a little more. There would be no use dying for nothing. He was fighting for everyone and his enjoyment! What was he talking about? he didn't have a clue.

When the waitress came he smiled up at her and nodded that he was ready to order, "Yeah I'd like a steak, rare and seasoned heavily for a drink iced water and that'll be all for me." he nodded, he wanted more but for now a nice steak would do. Hopefully it'd still have some of the wild left in it as his inner Lycan became more and more spoiled for flesh over charred meat. He enjoyed the taste of cooked flesh but with this order he'd get the best of both worlds. "I'm hoping I get to face someone pretty strong yeah, but I probably shouldn't be too excited given what I'm protecting and all. Ooo, I'm excited to see her again! Maybe she can give me tips on fighting." he joked as he laced his fingers ontop of the table.

Patrols and secret schemes [Baron] MJmwSQc
"Hey Guest, wanna train with me? No worries, I'll start soft and get harder as we go."

Patrols and secret schemes [Baron] Empty Wed Jan 31, 2018 8:39 pm


Esperia V. Eisenberg

Fortunately for them they didn't need to wait long for their meals, and hearing Baron being excited to see Asmodeus again caused the obsidian-haired trickster to giggle softly in response to his excitement. It was amusing to hear that someone was genuinely excited to see Asmodeus again when most people that met her were rather wary of the Demon Lord. It was understandable, in the end she was the infamous Demon Lord of Lust. When the waitress returned with the, by all standards a jumbo-sized snitzel and a rare and heavily seasoned steak, 'courtesy of the chef' as the waitress called it, the two of them were able to start their meals.

Esperia had already started sampling the snitzel, seemingly quite pleased with the quality and flavor of the dish. "Actually she isn't the type to fight frequently~ In the end, why fight when you got a legion of subordinates ready to do it for you?" Of course, that didn't mean that Asmodeus was someone one should underestemate! "Mhmm~ this snitzel really is amazing~ And the fries got some type of spices on them that give them a rather unique flavor~ How is your meal Baron? Judging from how you're savoring every bit of it I'd say you might be fit for being the demon lord of Gluttony." The girl teasingly remarked at Baron, seemingly quite amused at the situation.


Patrols and secret schemes [Baron] Empty Wed Jan 31, 2018 8:40 pm

In short he was feeling lust for the Demon of lust. Hey, it was no big problem, he just wanted to see her again, maybe test her. Of course, this was all under the impression that he wouldn't be killed or over taken by lust and desire. He had heard of desire demons, in fact he had even met one in his dreams or atleast he thought. She was in the form the silvery haired beauty from before. From what he gathered on his encounter she was a succubus or possibly she was a demon trying to enter his mind. Either way he wasn't into the idea of being put under the whim of a demon any more or even less even if they took the form of what he desired. That said he would of course not mind warming her bed. But that was just him. He was a simple man with simple desire and some times those desires proved dangerous. While he could meet them it was going to be quite a battle to not fall for them.

Baron smiled up at the waitress when she brought his meal and rubbed his hands together, digging in with his knife in to the stake slicing it open and finding himslef salivating at the sight of the tender red flesh. At the first bite his mind melted and his taste buds screamed in pleasure, "It's really good!" he beamed, "And Demon lord of gluttony?"

Patrols and secret schemes [Baron] MJmwSQc
"Hey Guest, wanna train with me? No worries, I'll start soft and get harder as we go."

Patrols and secret schemes [Baron] Empty Wed Jan 31, 2018 8:40 pm


Esperia V. Eisenberg

Esperia couldn't help but snicker softly at Baron's statement, yet his inquiry about the Demon Lord of Gluttony led the girl to nod her head quietly in response. "Alongside Asmodeus there are six more Demon Lords, one of them is Mammon, whose hunger knows no restrain." The girl explained with a light tilt of her head as she pondered a bit further. "Although I personally don't know much about the other Demon Lords... While I have heard rumors that two of them dwell within mortal vessels, their identities or whereabouts elude me~"

Meanwhile as she explained the nature of the Demon Lords Asmodeus merely smiled calmly at the spectacle, her ephemeral image visible only to the obsidian haired-trickster. However, as they were busy finishing their meals a aged Rune Knight approached the duo's table, holding what appeared to be a letter of sorts.

"Rune Knight Paige Baron, Blue Pegasus Mage Esperia, your superiors have assigned the two of you on a patrol mission tonight. You are to patrol the outer district of Crocus alongside a route we'll assign to you prior to your departure."

Esperia was quick to complain to this order, turning to the man as she stated "But I was supposed to go with Fia-"

But the knight shook his head lightly in response. "Unfortunately she won't be returning from patrol duty till dawn, but your superiors took some effort to convince the others to let the two of you spend the next day together, I'm sorry but we don't have the luxury to be picky with our assignments when a war is approaching."

Esperia pouted visibly as she dug her fork into the snitzel. "Fine, I'll get ready once we finish our meal." The girl mumbled in annoyance as the letter was left on the table while she turned her gaze toward Baron. "Seems we got some work set aside for us Baron... Ah well~ no early bed-time for me tonight it seems~"


Patrols and secret schemes [Baron] Empty Wed Jan 31, 2018 8:41 pm

Baron thought about that name Mammon. If this Mammon was like the Lord that possessed Espy it was certain that he could gain some sort of power and ability from it. Then again sharing his body, out side of extracurricular activities, was outside of his realm of desire. Sure it'd be one thing to let another use his body, but then if they maintained control he'd be little more than a puppy in a cold shell. While Esperia seemed happy, he wasn't sure how his body would take sharing with another. Then again it wouldn't be sharing if he were to transform as well? Hm, now it begs the question of rather or not he'd be male or female when transformed.

"I must say, if it means I'll get to be in the company of a demon as beautiful Asmodeus I suppose it wouldn't be all that bad-" he caught himself as a messanger arrived, "Patrol tonight? I was on building du-... Very well." he nodded.

He cut his steak open and took another bite of the mouth watering meat. "I suppose it can't be helped, though it interesting our betters wanted us to work together ha ha, I guess it's meant for us to be friends."

Patrols and secret schemes [Baron] MJmwSQc
"Hey Guest, wanna train with me? No worries, I'll start soft and get harder as we go."

Patrols and secret schemes [Baron] Empty Wed Jan 31, 2018 8:42 pm


Esperia V. Eisenberg

Esperia smiled weakly at Baron's optimism. Although she was grateful for the fact she was patrolling with someone she was a little bit familiar with, it was quite understandable that she was displeased with the sudden assignment, considering she had wanted to spend some quality time with her lover before the war.

However, something that Baron said about Mammon caused Asmodeus to snicker in amusement, clearly entertained for some reason only she was aware of. As she finished her meal and gulped down the cold milk she rose from her seat and turned toward Sebastian, addressing him in her usual soft and gentle tone. "Sebastian, can you please let Fia know I'll be back late tonight?"

The butler nodded his head lightly in response. "Your wish is my command." And with those words the man disappeared in a poof of smoke, leaving Esperia alone in the company of Baron. "I guess we should go and pick up the route from our supervisor at the barracks?"

Stretching her arms slightly into the air Esperia turned her gaze at Baron and hummed softly. "Let's go~ The faster we start patrolling the faster we can finish this mission and return to our lodgements~"

For now it seemed their next destination was clear.


Patrols and secret schemes [Baron] Empty Wed Jan 31, 2018 8:42 pm

Baron paused a moment when Sebastian simply just... Poofed. Did he really just vanish in thin air? There was not a trace of him just smoke. Sure Baron knew of all of the varrying magics in Fiore but he had never seen someone just go like that. he looked around for Seb but didn't see a trace of him. "Did he really just?" he made a flicking motion with his fingers, "Vanish? That is one heck of a but you got there." he complimented. Sitting up from his seat, he cut up his steak and stuffed the last few pieces in his mouth with great gusto. He had nearly choked himself before walking with Espy to the entrance, he left the waitress a nice tip and beat on his chest as he tried his best to get it all down. "Right, the quicker we get on our way the better, who knows what we'll see after all! Not that we'll need to use force but ya know, just kinda exciting." he rubs the dipping from his mouth with a napkin before discarding it in a waste bin. There were tinges of excitement in his form to go hunting with his new acquaintance.

Last edited by Baron on Wed Jan 31, 2018 8:51 pm; edited 1 time in total

Patrols and secret schemes [Baron] MJmwSQc
"Hey Guest, wanna train with me? No worries, I'll start soft and get harder as we go."

Patrols and secret schemes [Baron] Empty Wed Jan 31, 2018 8:44 pm


Esperia V. Eisenberg

"Short-range teleportation~ It's one of his abilities." Esperia explained with a sheepish grin as they left the building and made their way back to the barracks. Fortunately for them the barracks for this district were quite close to their current location, and as they arrived at the building it became clear that aside from the two of them, a lot of people were being assigned to patrols. It was mostly just several desks where one of the higher-ranked guards of Crocus was handing over instructions while gesturing upon a map, and as they arrived at their turn the guard mused softly.

"Paige Baron and Blue Pegasus mage Esperia, let's see... Ah yes, outer district, southern wall, you'll be patrolling along the wall and the first ten streets of the district, after that you are to report back to the barracks inside the district. In case of an emergency you will both receive a flaregun in case something serious happens."

The guard briefly went over the route one last time before dismissing the duo, leaving Esperia to muse softly as she and Baron were already back on the streets. "You really are looking forward to getting in a fight, aren't you? Heh, if you're lucky we might find an oversized mouse for you to fight, doubt we'll find any burglars or hoodlums with so many guards on the streets right now."

Esperia mused softly as they started walking toward the district they were assigned to.


Patrols and secret schemes [Baron] Empty Wed Jan 31, 2018 8:44 pm

Baron rubbed his hands together, seemed he was in good shape to begin the patrol though he didn't have a weapon his strength and lycan transformation should be more than enough for him to deal with any scragglers or GH members. He didn't know much about GH thus the prospect of facing them head on scared him a tad mostly because he had only ever fought two people with magic and while he won both it was out of luck or a nice shot from his weapon. Now he was relying on his instincts and insitnct alone to lead him to victory thus he would be fearful of slipping up and having himself or his partner get injured because of his own messy fighting habits. There was no helping being a bad fighter but the least he could do was protect his new friend with all of his ability and pray to the most high that she wouldn't be too mad if he didn't fight a certain way. GIven her ability she was good on her own but if he wanted to impress the demon inside of her he needed to carry his own weight even if it meant being brutal.

Last edited by Baron on Wed Jan 31, 2018 8:52 pm; edited 1 time in total

Patrols and secret schemes [Baron] MJmwSQc
"Hey Guest, wanna train with me? No worries, I'll start soft and get harder as we go."

Patrols and secret schemes [Baron] Empty Wed Jan 31, 2018 8:45 pm


Esperia V. Eisenberg

It appeared that as they were traveling toward the start of their patrol route, that the duo found nothing eventful to deal with. Sure, there was the stray cat every now and then, but aside from that the only thing they would encounter on their way was fellow knights or guild mages who were assigned patrol routes in the same district. As night started to settle in and the streetlights turned on Esperia hummed softly, as if attempting to keep the mood high by remaining her cheerful self when after they reached a certain crossing the girl stopped, clearly looking around as if she was expecting something.

"Say Baron, wasn't there supposed to be another patrol unit going by right about now?" It was odd, they could be delayed for some reason, but normally another patrol unit should have come from the opposite side of the crossing, no... something felt a bit off... And if the man had tried to focus his senses, one particular scent would likely catch his attention fairly quickly: blood, fresh blood... Something was wrong, that much was clear, and it appeared that it would be up to them to figure it out! "I wonder what is going on with the other unit..."

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