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Different peas in a pod [Open/Social]

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#1Sorcha Donovan 

Different peas in a pod [Open/Social] Empty Fri May 25, 2018 2:21 am

Sorcha Donovan
Had Sorcha known that there was a flower festival, she might not have showed up. The idea that her brothers were here, was not so appealing, she might have stayed longer in Baska in that case but right now she was here and she was tired of walking around and trying to find answers that were so difficult to find, she got a few hints and she was still very grateful about that but it didn't mean that the search was easier, actually it got a bit more difficult as she had to find her parents who were separated from her brothers.

But that didn't mean to not enjoy something as a flower festival, they seemed to be everywhere, all different sorts of flowers that originally didn't even belong here she believed. She walked around in her travelling gear, only left the cloak back at the inn that she had found, which had been a difficulty but now she understood with so many people around. It looked nice, shame for all the flowers that were taken out of the ground to serve as a short moment of decoration but she shouldn't be all so negative. She stood in a small man made plaza, looking around what she should do.

Be the leaf.
Different peas in a pod [Open/Social] WpMV1nH

#2Daiko Flayme 

Different peas in a pod [Open/Social] Empty Sun Jun 03, 2018 11:28 am

Daiko Flayme
At the flower festival, Daiko kept his daily plans ongoing for as long as possible. The hunting contest was coming up any time now… he had to be prepared for any type of prey. Whether if it was flying or walking, on four or on its stomach, underground or underwater, the Fire Wizard brought upon himself the difficulties of these biomes in order to expect their outcomes. What if he was caught underwater whilst chasing a fish? That would prove badly for him as he couldn’t exactly breathe underwater… that was why he also practicated his fire magic to be able to increase his body temperature high enough to vaporize water around him in order to make a sort of ‘empty space’ for him to catch any piece of air available… but that was a mere theory for now.

From atop the manmade plaza, a pheasant flew by with grace only to be stabbed by a hidden arrow. People from below had a good chance to spot it, and a few actually did. What they didn’t see coming was the retreat of the killed prey as its body suddenly darted backwards from its flying direction as if the arrow pulled it towards the shrubbery. Whatever that was, people were getting a little paranoid - were pheasants beginning to get possessed?

An in that same shrubbery, Daiko was preparing some pheasant cooked over his own magic, revealing the thin rope of silk and web attached to the arrow. Coda would be by his side and nibble on the delicious pheasant too, enjoying their successful catch.

#3Sorcha Donovan 

Different peas in a pod [Open/Social] Empty Mon Jun 04, 2018 1:50 pm

Sorcha Donovan
The auburn haired elf ignored most human beings, for it were those people that could annoy her the most. It wasn't exactly fair because she liked to look at people, observe, see what they do and sometimes draw them but she didn't like to be the centre of their attention. Her long hair swayed a little in the wind but because it was braided in the style of the Donovan clan, her pointy ears were easily spotted as well as the sharp structure of her face with her jaw line and cheek bones. She had her eyes on everything else that wasn't her, she was simply looking for something that was fun or interesting to put time in it as she was a person that didn't like to waste time. Mostly she would figure out to make something better than just sitting around, hence the observation and the like.

To be fair she didn't consider much a waste of time. She noticed the pheasant, she didn't pay much attention to it as it wasn't that special for her, some people more freaked out by the hidden arrow, what she considered magic or simply a small object that was hard to spot for human eye or the uninterested but they freaked as the pheasant moved to a specific spot and everyone seemed to avoid that place, which only made it more interesting for the elf to get there, it would at least be least crowded. And if it was a hunter, she was glad to see someone that lived like the old ways instead of raising and brining everything to slaughter which wasn't the ways of nature.

She walked towards the shrubbery and found a young man and his companion, she got her small thin lips curled in a little smile too, "Ah so the pheasants aren't going crazy and fly backwards." she said with a little chuckle to make sure that the person knew she wasn't a thread. Most of all she would first of all be considered a fan, "Can I sit with you two?" also acknowledging the companion that was by his side.

Be the leaf.
Different peas in a pod [Open/Social] WpMV1nH

#4Daiko Flayme 

Different peas in a pod [Open/Social] Empty Sat Jun 16, 2018 8:46 am

Daiko Flayme
Despite having chosen quite a peaceful and isolated opening in the shrubbery where people were often likely to pass by without noticing his presence, the fire boy’s little trick managed to catch the attention of some people. Before picking up his knife and beginning to cut the head and feathers off, he heard footsteps that revealed a brunette lady with… with… quite the ears. That was a first time that he had seen anyone with those ears - not having noticed it back at Crocus - but they reminded him of… well, bat ears? Were they bat ears? Or were they the ears of some other specie? N-Nevermind, she seemed interested in whatever trick he just threw out, so he had to pay his manners.

“O-Oh, well… most pheasants aren’t able to fly, even,” he replied with a soft laugh, “Take a seat. I’m preparing lunch.” With that said, a small collection of branches would be lit up with his fingers, sparking glows before forming a brilliant bonfire that filled approximately 25 cm in diameters. His stomach growled a little, and Coda was already pecking on the prey.

“You don’t seem familiar around here. Are you enjoying the festival?” he stated to the elven girl. It was a question worth asking now that it was his first time meeting her and talking with her.

#5Sorcha Donovan 

Different peas in a pod [Open/Social] Empty Sun Jun 17, 2018 2:22 am

Sorcha Donovan
She didn't know why it was so interesting to her, probably as she had thought before because most people didn't use hunting anymore, they simply bought their food, meat and so on. Now Sorcha as a elf was a nature lover but that didn't mean that she had no respect for hunting, it was something mostly necessary to survive. She didn't eat meat here in the human world because of the reason that people played the hunting game unfair, if she would, she would hunt for it herself like the elves did before, in her own town. "Most fly shortly to get away from well the hunters. But that doesn't matter, people don't suspect them to even fly backwards." And she bet most people didn't see or watched details and thus missed the idea of the arrow with the little thread.

She was glad to hear that she could sit with them and her amber eyes darted towards the companion that was with this hunter. "You are not a type to simply buy your food?" She asked, more out of curiousity for what she had seen now. Also because he seemed to make the fire with just his own hands, he must be a fire mage? She wasn't much of a fan but that had nothing to do with this guy, it was just something that she had not seen often in her own community. "Oh I didn't know there was a festival, I came from Oak and heard about it in Baska, as I'm looking for my family, I thought they might be here." It was not bad to say a little, but as little as possible, after telling Juan and Diana it was perhaps better to keep it to herself.

It did gave her some answers but not much, it made her even go more crazy. "Pardon my manners. I'm Sorcha and you are?" which was also intruding, after all it was her that joined their lunch.

Be the leaf.
Different peas in a pod [Open/Social] WpMV1nH

#6Daiko Flayme 

Different peas in a pod [Open/Social] Empty Sat Jun 30, 2018 7:40 am

Daiko Flayme
Scratching the back of his head, Daiko enjoyed the little joke that the elven lady shared with him. Pheasants flying backwards related a little to pigs which could fly - simply absurd and yet possible… although not in this case, of course. “It was difficult to pull it back so quickly… I figured that people would find it strange enough to check it out, and I liked the privacy- wait, I mean, I liked my little private time with nature,” he explained. Coda would begin nibbling his hair, “Why buy my food? This is what people buy.” He swung the pieces of pheasant meat around a little, and he had a point; farming aside, the meat was supposed to come from somewhere.

“Your family? They’re most likely here, just like many others,” he assured her. Daiko and Coda had been flying around a little, seeing so many new faces that never used to hang around Orchidia before. It was relieving yet nerving to see so many new faces. “I’m Daiko. This little raptor right here-“ he greeted her back, smiling and poking Coda’s beak, “-is Coda, my trusty fella.” Upon greeting, Coda would joyously swap her wings out in pride and properly make herself known to the elven girl.

“Take a bite.”

#7Sorcha Donovan 

Different peas in a pod [Open/Social] Empty Tue Jul 10, 2018 10:11 pm

Sorcha Donovan
He was pleasant company, she had not met many humans yet and most were not within distance that she would talk to them, actually at this point she only talked to Jian and well it was something and it surely had helped her but she had a sort of biased opinion, raising Jian higher in her mind than she did other human beings simply and only because he helped her and was a nature mage. She had seen how he made his own fire, which was something she had never seen before, elves did not use fire magic, so it was interesting and a bit destructive in her opinion but she would not say that because she did not know him and in the right hands, magic did not have to be destructive.

But apart from being a fire magic user, something that interested her very much, she was surprised to hear that he liked his time with magic, this only explained more how you could not judge a book by it's cover. But she liked it very much, an amusing smile staying on her lips, she had to ask him the question why he did not buy his food and his answer satisfied her very well. "It was how nature intended it, I like it better than the way these cities use the animals." Only because some thought that all elves would avoid eating meat and she did not eat much meat but she only ate it when she had hunted it herself.

She told people too much what happened to her family, but she could still tell people that she was looking for them and she gave a small chuckle at this guy his answer, "Those were exactly my thoughts, it seems to be rather busy here." Which made her understand only more why he had to be quick with the little pheasant and try to eat in peace. She introduced herself at this point and asked his name, Daiko, lovely and she turned to Coda when he introduced her, "It is very pleasant to meet you both." and she meant it, for some strange reason this human, felt a bit like home.

She first wanted to refuse a bite but she couldn't help herself and her curiousity, so she ate a little with them and thanking them furiously for sharing this moment with her. "Now let me no longer disturb the peace of you two, but thank you very much for sharing it with me. I hope to meet you again soon." And she meant every word from it.

She made sure to leave the place carefully, so no one would get the idea to look there and with a satisfied feeling of today, she continued.


Be the leaf.
Different peas in a pod [Open/Social] WpMV1nH

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