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Aglestus Van Cinder

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#1Aglestus Van Cinder 

Aglestus Van Cinder   Empty Tue Nov 06, 2018 6:44 pm

Aglestus Van Cinder


Name: Aglestus Van Cinder

Age: 25

Gender: male

Sexuality: heterosexual

Class: Sorceror

Race: human

Rank: D-rank

Guild: phantom lord

Tattoo: black to red gradient located under the center of clavicle

Face: Solomon- Fate grand order


Height: 6’6

Weight: 195lbs

Hair: White

Eyes: Golden

Overall: Aglestus is a tall muscular man with long, wavy white hair. His face tends to hold a look of boredom, which typically reflects how he feels most of the time, apathetic. He prefers to wear decorative robes and large necklaces, one of the few things he enjoys. Aglestus keeps himself well shaved, following the idea that an unkempt man will not succeed. He has large eyelashes that make his eyes have a subtle pop.
He has a square face that is very smooth and his nose only pokes out a bit. His beauty is very proportinate. Which is something he revels in.
Overall, Aglestus is a handsome man, he is very much at his prime.

Extra: Intricate tattoos down both arms


Personality: Aglestus is extremely apathetic, its his go to mood. He holds care for very little. Himself, his goddess Daemona are the two people he holds in highest esteem. He says very little to people and despite his simple beginnings the way he speaks sounds very elegant.
When he is not being apathetic, his next mood of choice is slightly angered, a furrowed brow, a sigh, or a snippy comment is a good way to show that his mood has changed from not caring to I hate you slightly.
These are the two main moods of Aglestus. Aglestus will show happiness, but only when he buys something that he wants or he admires himself in a mirror.
A mood that he shows that is similar to happiness, is smugness. Aglestus will give  a smirk or a stifled laugh when he shows someone up or someone gets showed up by another person.
Aglestus is very much a subdued person, he doesn't like to show weakness or emotion, instead he would rather keep himself composed and organized. Aglestus is a man that is not easily intimidated, but, he tries not to intimidate people through fear either, he chooses to be direct and state what he wants and what he can give you in return, whether its a beating or money is up to you.
Aglestus is a very devoted servant to his goddess Daemona, in fact, he talks to her all the time, in public, while taking a shower, she is his best friend. Some say he is insane for talking to her all the time, but Daemona will frequently respond to Aglestus. Aglestus prides himself on this relationship with his goddess and has no quarrel flaunting it front of others and showing that he really is just that much better than you.


  • Daemona:Daemona his beautiful goddess. Aglestus has devoted his life to her
  • Style: More specifically his own style and how he looks. Aglestus is very narcissistic and loves the way he looks.


  • Beer:Even though he grew up in poverty, now that he no longer is in it, he think of beer as a poor persons drink.
  • Alcoholics: His father was a terrible alcoholic. It wreaked havoc on the man's body and Aglestus decided that he was nothing but an ugly slug.


  • Daemona's approval: Aglestus wishes to be everything that his goddess wants him to be. She chose him as her Judge on earth and he wants to do the best he can. He does not wish to disappoint her.


  • Death: As weird as it sounds for someone who kills people. Aglestus doesn't want to die. He enjoys living a little too much to want to have his own life ended.
  • Wrath: The Wrath of the gods is something Aglestus doesn't want to seen bestowed on anyone. His mother was the only person he saw it done to. And now she is six feet under. Aglestus has a understanding of the power of gods and does not want to anger them. They are the only people he truly submits too.


Aglestus Van Cinder   Tenor
Magic Name: Daemona's Judge

Magic Element: Darkness

Magic Description:  Daemona has four high priests, the Judge, the Jury, The witness and the Prosecutor. Each high priest's magic does something different. For example Aglestus' magic  is more offensive as he decides the fate of the supposed victim. As a sorceror he can cast offensive, supplementary, defensive, and self buff strength spells.


Tale of the Sorcerion Pantheon:

Aglestus was born in dahlia, in a church of Daemona. His mother, Jayla almost died, but was a strong women and gave birth. Aglestus was stuck in a terrible life from the beginning. His father was a drunk who only drank on the couch and became obese. Jayla worked as prostitute on the streets as night. Tired of his life, Aglestus spent more and more time at his church and eventually became a very devout servant of Daemona.
One day He told Daemona of his troubles and he heard a voice, it was Daemona. Daemona declared him the new Judge of Daemona. She then smited his mother with one fowl blow, turning her into nothing but a pile of flesh and bone. She then asked if Aglestus wished to kill his father. Scared of what might happen, Aglestus didn't dare refuse. So he killed his father with his new found magic. Aglestus reveled in his new found power and set out to lead his church.
He spent many years helping Daemona. researching ways to help her get out of Baeda's prison, but yet he found nothing in the dahlia libraries. So he set out from Dahlia to study the world and find a way to free Daemona so she could exact her well earned revenge.

At first he travelled to crocus where he met followers of Raleo, his followers acted mostly like monks and had a high ambassador who acted as their sole high priest. The two talked for awhile until the ambassador realized who Aglestus followed and banished him from the church. Aglestus tried to kill the man, but failed. That was when Aglestus realized that Daemona's gift was great but he would have to learn. So he set out once more.

After a few years of travelling he met a wizard by the name of Sagerian. Sagerian lead Aglestus to the guild house of Phantom Lord. Aglestus decided that it was in his best interest as well as Daemona's, to join the guild. Welcomed into his new family he set out to train and become a powerful judge of Daemona.

Reference: Alt of Pyre

Last edited by Vaeril on Sat Nov 24, 2018 12:41 pm; edited 2 times in total

#2Aglestus Van Cinder 

Aglestus Van Cinder   Empty Sat Nov 24, 2018 9:51 am

Aglestus Van Cinder
requesting a name change to Aglestus

#3Akira Shimada 

Aglestus Van Cinder   Empty Sat Nov 24, 2018 3:46 pm

Akira Shimada
This character application has been approved.

Aglestus Van Cinder   Signature6

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