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LeeAnn Nakamura

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#1Lee Nakamura 

LeeAnn Nakamura Empty Sat Dec 22, 2018 7:36 pm

Lee Nakamura


Name: LeeAnn Alister Nakamura

Age: 23 ll October 31st, X764


Sexuality: Straight

Ethnicity, Father:

Nicolas Sokolov (adopted):

??? (Blood): Joyan-Kitsune

Ethnicity, Mother:

Elizabeth Sokolov/Nakamura (adopted mother): Boscosi-Human

??? (Blood): Joyan-Kitsune

Class: Hunter

Race: Kitsune (Previously Neko and Human)

Rank: B-rank

Guild: Rune Knights

Tattoo: Back of the Neck- Blood Red

Face: Kushina-Naruto


Height: 5'9"

Weight: 160lbs

Hair: Long crimson hair that goes down to her mid-back. Usually in a pony tail, but sometimes down.


  • Left eyed: Black with a blood red ring
  • Right eye: White with a ghostly-pale blue with a gray-ish blue pupil

Overall: The most remarkable feature is her six beautiful crimson tails with a black ring and white tip on the ends, with a matching set of ears. Many people admire her beauty despite her messed up complexion. She keeps her tails together with a band to prevent them from being a tripping hazard or a staring target.

For her physique, she is rather tall and skinny, but toned. She an even toned body that is fit for a Rune Knight. Many can know its her from afar due to how much she stands out from the crowd. Though, she tries not to.

Her form of dress comes in two ways. The first is her military-like appearance. She wears a blue and gold coat her father had given her with a belt of the plus sign. She wears black jeans or slacks with combat boots or hiking boots. The second is basic. She wears a t-shirt with a plus sign on it with blue jeans, sometimes basic black beanie and yes...black and gray tennis shoes

Extra: Parasitic Plague Marking: Due to having an unknown disease or parasite, it causes the odd skin complexion of it turning a plum or deep purple. It appears on her full right arm, full right shoulder, and spreads across her neck. This is permanent and does not interfere with her magic or fight.

Lee in Outfit (w/o ears and tails):


Personality:  To the general public, LeeAnn is anti-social preferring to be on the sidelines. She hides behind a facade as to conceal her timid and vulnerable side. LeeAnn is always blunt and straightforward, otherwise, she rather not talk to people. Her social skills are literally not up to par for people her age. When she tries to interact with others, she finds it rather difficult. Lee does not have very many friends outside of her family. She has been known to lash out if pushed far enough, in particular in matters those close to her. In public, LeeAnn is cool, calm, and collected, but in private, she is rather aggressive and hostile, in trying situations.

Getting LeeAnn to do something as simple as, go make a friend, is like pulling teeth as she is very prideful and stubborn. LeeAnn on the inside is very sweet and loving, revealing, in time, she is a true friend, who is loyal and honest. No matter what, she will stand by your side and help you fight your battles, big or small.This bond grows over time, sometimes even years. The closest person she is currently to is her elder brother, Hikaru.

Those close to her would know of her pre-existing condition before she joined the Rune Knights. LeeAnn suffers from a anxiety and depression, forcing her to seek help. Past trauma has lead her to even more distrust in people and even more alert. She thinks someone is always out to get her, until proven. A lot of the time, certain triggers such as cults, being in the dark alone, or even being alone can cause painful flashbacks to come back. A way for her to deal with this stress is through writing. She always carries a small journal full of stories and her thought that helps get her through her day.


  • Fire: Since she was a kid, LeeAnn has always loved fire. She would set grass and her parent’s curtains on fire all the time. So much, there was a rule laid to no magic in or around the manor. Her parents know all too well that she is a pyromaniac. Now she has formed a habit of setting things on fire out of boredom, but does it in a responsible manner.
  • Writing: Leeann was told to write out her feelings. It was one of the only pieces of advice she had followed and has not regretted it. Writing is therapeutic to her, she has healed from her past experiences and learned how to channel negative energy through it. She always carries a journal with her and finds a cozy place to write. If people ask to read her things, most of the time she will refuse unless she feels comfortable with that person. Most people have never read her writings. She has filled several journals with stories and personal narratives. She writes a lot of poetry and stories that help her escape from her life.
  • Her brother: Perhaps the only person left in her life she can fully trust, other than their father. After a little over three years, she has not heard a word from him. She has written letters to him
  • Turquoise: Not jut the color, but the jewel itself. She finds the color and the overall look to it is dazzleing. She really s not a jewerly girl, but she will wear a necklace or a ear rings even if it clashes wit her outfit.


    • Religion: Due to bad experiences, she hates and defies religion. LeeAnn refuses to step into a church without a very good reason. It causes her to have some anxiety because of being ridiculed for being a ‘ghoul monster’ thanks to her appearance and even more so, due to her race. That was back in the day, even now, she gets odd looks from many people around the church area. Many of the religion claim her to be impure and full of sin. A lot have tried to get her 'puified' but she simply denied it. Though, Holy Knights are a different subject. She does not really mind them, it’s only those who are religious and believe in the system that all should be deemed to follow.

  • Parasitic Plague: Of course, with now being cured from her mana disease. A lot of unexplained problems have vanished. Though, the immunity to alcohol and only eating certain foods does still apply to her. Instead of eating human flesh like before, she has founded ways to go around it. Normally, she eats a lot of pig. Even if things have gotten better with her health, she still hates the pain she goes through or how annoying it is to watch her diet. She still bares the infection marking, which is permanent.
  • Liars: She hates being lied to. It really depends on the situation and reason. Most of the time, she hates being lied to. Even a small white lie that inflicts with her mission or personal life, she will evaluate whether she trust you or not. If someone close such as her father or brother lies to her, she will forgive them no matter what but will take some time.


  • To Heal: She wants nothing greater. No act of revenge. No gifts. Only to feel perfectly happy. Free from anxiety and worry. That's all she wants. She is striving to get help, but it is very difficult especially on her own. The few people she lets in are only 2, Hikaru and her father


  • Abandonment/Betrayal:Nothing in the world hurts more than those closest to you leave. With good reason, or not, LeeAnn has had a repeated history of this. Those lying to her, turn their back on her, ignoring her, and most of all...hurting her. She has been betrayed and let alone for so long. The girl fears those who remain close to her will disappear as well. Much like Hans and Abraxas.

  • Triggering her PTSD:Since she was first recovered from the lab facilities back several years ago. She was diagnosed with PTSD. LeeAnn has gotten better since then and has learned how to manage it. It comes at random. Anything can trigger it, when this happens she goes silent and has a completely meltdown at worse. Minimum, she will go silent and walk out of the room.


Magic Name: Will-o-Wisp

Magic Element: Fire

Magic Description: A magical fire that is based on the soul and runs ghostly. A kitsune can only have this magic. It burns like any regular fire but its source is more mana based. Most spells are ran based off offensive and supplementary spells as a normal. It can also learn defensive, healing, debuff, and self-buff types of spells but they are considered inferior.




Reference: N/A

Last edited by LeeAnn Nakamura on Fri Dec 28, 2018 5:14 pm; edited 5 times in total

LeeAnn Nakamura Tumblr_oua5s27DHT1v5lsxco4_r1_500
Character Sheet
One must emulate both the fox and the lion, because a lion cannot defy a snare, while a fox cannot defy a pack of wolves.
#2Lee Nakamura 

LeeAnn Nakamura Empty Thu Dec 27, 2018 10:50 pm

Lee Nakamura
Refunds & Reclaims

  • Magic: NA
  • Weapon:  NA
  • Off-Hand: NA
  • Head: NA
  • Body: NA
  • Relic: N/A
  • Race: Kitsune (was human original my before picking up neko)
  • Companion: NA

Attribute Reallocation

Total Points: 49

  • Strength: 11
  • Speed: 11
  • Endurance: 11
  • Constitution: 15
  • Intelligence: 1

Other Changes

Last edited by LeeAnn Nakamura on Fri Dec 28, 2018 5:16 pm; edited 1 time in total

LeeAnn Nakamura Tumblr_oua5s27DHT1v5lsxco4_r1_500
Character Sheet
One must emulate both the fox and the lion, because a lion cannot defy a snare, while a fox cannot defy a pack of wolves.

LeeAnn Nakamura Empty Fri Dec 28, 2018 12:01 am


Include the Ethnicity of your birth parents and if you want I'd recommend adjusting/changing your avatar character picture.

#4Lee Nakamura 

LeeAnn Nakamura Empty Fri Dec 28, 2018 9:16 am

Lee Nakamura
Done and done

LeeAnn Nakamura Tumblr_oua5s27DHT1v5lsxco4_r1_500
Character Sheet
One must emulate both the fox and the lion, because a lion cannot defy a snare, while a fox cannot defy a pack of wolves.

LeeAnn Nakamura Empty Fri Dec 28, 2018 5:17 pm


This character application has been approved.

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