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Beast Soul: Phoenix Book I [D-Rank Spells]

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#1Daiko Flayme 

Beast Soul: Phoenix Book I [D-Rank Spells] Empty Wed Jan 02, 2019 7:03 am

Daiko Flayme
Beast Soul: Phoenix Book I [D-Rank Spells] 62fae910

Name: Phoenix (aka Hō-ō, Firebird)
Element: Fire
Appearance: It's hard to distinct the growing feathers exploding from Daiko's body from actual fire. When he taps into the fiery beast inside of him and lets it burst out to his outer body, a number of changes to his physical appearance takes place:

  • His limbs grow significantly slimmer.

  • A red contour lights up across the very edge of his skin.

  • Deep-red feathers grow out from his arms, legs, chest, head and back. They're formed shorter and sharper than regular bird feathers, but that only applies to their appearance - they're soft and cozy unless in combat.

  • Five long tail feathers grow out from Daiko's tail bone and reach about 1 meter in length. Each tail feather has a distinctive color associated with it; green symbolizes wood, grey symbolizes metal, brown symbolizes earth, blue symbolizes water and red symbolizes fire. The red tail feather is the widest of the five feathers.

  • Of course, two large wings grow out from Daiko's shoulder-blades on his back and stretch out. They can alter in size and can be used to fly, but only accordingly to a flight spell of Daiko's whereas the wings will adapt to the wingspan that the rank of such a spell will allow.

Self-Buff Type: Constitution


Beast Soul: Phoenix Book I [D-Rank Spells] Feathe10
Name: Feather Fall
Rank: D
Mana Cost: 25
Requirements: Beast Soul: Phoenix
Type: Supplementary
Element: Fire
Range: 05 Meters
Cooldown: 1 Post
Duration: Instant
Effect: The user kicks out his foot. From beneath the foot, a red magic circle appears, and this circle embeds into the foot and causes it to transform into a burning plumage. It then release a small cloud of burning feathers with a diameter of 0.25 meters. Daiko uses this cloud to dash to the opposite direction at the speed allowed for him with his speed stats.

Beast Soul: Phoenix Book I [D-Rank Spells] Therma10
Name: Thermal Eye
Rank: D
Mana Cost: 25
Requirements: Beast Soul: Phoenix
Type: Supplementary
Element: Fire
Range: 05 Meters
Cooldown: 1 Post
Duration: Sustain
Effect: The user inhales deeply with his nostrils and pokes his head forward. A small, red magic circle spins around the front of his left eye. This magic circle embeds itself into the eye, and the human eye transforms into that of a phoenix. The iris turns gold-orangish, and the pupil increases in size. This allows the user to use his left eye to see variations in temperatures of all objects within a radius of 5 meters.

Beast Soul: Phoenix Book I [D-Rank Spells] Feathe11
Name: Feather Push
Rank: D
Mana Cost: 25
Requirements: Beast Soul: Phoenix
Type: Supplementary
Element: Fire
Range: 05 Meters
Cooldown: 1 Post
Duration: Instant
Effect: The user stretches out a hand as a magic circle appears and embeds into his chosen hand - either the right or the left, but not both. The circle causes his hand to grow out burning feathers and long, sharp talons for nails, but its only purpose is to release a feather cloud with a diameter of 0.25 meters that launches Daiko to the opposite direction at the speed allowed to him via his speed stats.

Beast Soul: Phoenix Book I [D-Rank Spells] Maxresdefault
Name: Suppressing Scream
Rank: D
Mana Cost: 25
Requirements: Beast Soul: Phoenix
Type: Supplementary
Element: Fire
Range: 05 Meters
Cooldown: 1 Post
Duration: Instant
Effect: The user opens his mouth up wide, manifesting a red magic circle. At the same time, a magic circle will appear on the target area which is pointed at by the opened mouth - this target circle will have a diameter of 1 meter. The user’s throat, vocal chords and tongue suddenly get embedded with the magic circle on his mouth, transforming into that of a magical phoenix for a temporary moment. The user suddenly screams, sending an orange, soft fire wave with a diameter of 0.25 meters from his mouth towards the target area. Upon closing his jaws or letting the wave hit a target whether if it was the wished target or another one, the wave expands into the AoE diameter of 1 meter. This wave pushed the target towards the opposite direction at the speed allowed for the user with his stats checked at the present moment (it doesn’t affect any spells as a D-Rank would just cancel it and die). This spell can be used to stop or alter enemy movement mid-battle and catch them off surprise, and anyone caught within the AoE wave will be affected.

Last edited by Daiko Flayme on Thu Jan 03, 2019 9:55 am; edited 1 time in total

#2Akira Shimada 

Beast Soul: Phoenix Book I [D-Rank Spells] Empty Wed Jan 02, 2019 3:51 pm

Akira Shimada

Since you have a Takeover Magic, please declare which attribute you want buffed when using your Takeover. You can pick among the four physical attributes: Strength, Speed, Endurance, and Constitution. Once chosen, this cannot be changed.

  • Feather Fall: Approved.

  • Thermal Eye: Just a nitpick. You said the magic circle appears on the left eye, but you get the thermal vision on the right eye?

  • Feather Push: Approved.

  • Suppressing Scream: Approved.

Bump when edited.

Beast Soul: Phoenix Book I [D-Rank Spells] Signature6
#3Daiko Flayme 

Beast Soul: Phoenix Book I [D-Rank Spells] Empty Thu Jan 03, 2019 9:56 am

Daiko Flayme
Bump; made some description of my takeover too, if that's ok

#4Akira Shimada 

Beast Soul: Phoenix Book I [D-Rank Spells] Empty Thu Jan 03, 2019 5:16 pm

Akira Shimada
These spells have been approved for use.

Beast Soul: Phoenix Book I [D-Rank Spells] Signature6

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