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I. Biophilia | Starters

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I. Biophilia | Starters Empty Sun Jan 06, 2019 4:12 pm


Note: Biophilia gives double healing

Name: Aromaticum
Rank: D
Mana Cost: 25
Requirements: Biophilia Magic
Type: Healing
Element: Nature
Range: 5 Metres
Cooldown: 1 Post
Duration: Instant
Effect: Kerii points in the direction of her target and releases a 30cm stream of clove oil to her target. Once it splashes against the person, it heals C-Rank damage.

[b]Name:[/b] Aromaticum
[b]Rank:[/b] D
[b]Mana Cost:[/b] 25
[b]Requirements:[/b] Biophilia Magic
[b]Type:[/b] Healing
[b]Element:[/b] Nature
[b]Range:[/b] 5 Metres
[b]Cooldown:[/b] 1 Post
[b]Duration:[/b] Instant
[b]Effect:[/b] Kerii points in the direction of her target and releases a 30cm stream of clove oil to her target. Once it splashes against the person, it heals C-Rank damage.

Name: Piperita
Rank: D
Mana Cost: 25
Requirements: Biophilia Magic
Type: Supplementary
Element: Nature
Range: 5 Metres
Cooldown: 1 Post
Duration: Instant
Effect: Kerii shoves a single hand forward, and a 0.25m diameter cloud of pollen bursts from a magic circle that appears right in front of her hand, which blasts Kerii back 5 metres at her current speed stat.


[b]Name:[/b] Piperita
[b]Rank:[/b] D
[b]Mana Cost:[/b] 25
[b]Requirements:[/b] Biophilia Magic
[b]Type:[/b] Supplementary
[b]Element:[/b] Nature
[b]Range:[/b] 5 Metres
[b]Cooldown:[/b] 1 Post
[b]Duration:[/b] Instant
[b]Effect:[/b] Kerii shoves a single hand forward, and a 0.25m diameter cloud of pollen bursts from a magic circle that appears right in front of her hand, which blasts Kerii back 5 metres at her current speed stat.

Name: Millefolium
Rank: D
Mana Cost: 25
Requirements: Biophilia Magic
Type: Healing
Element: Nature
Range: 5 Metres
Cooldown: 1 Post
Duration: Instant
Effect: Kerii snaps her fingers and translucent white yarrow petals (0.25m diameter all together) begin to swirl around her hand. She can then point towards her target and they will fly towards them. Upon contact, they will heal C-Rank damage.

[b]Name:[/b] Millefolium
[b]Rank:[/b] D
[b]Mana Cost:[/b] 25
[b]Requirements:[/b] Biophilia Magic
[b]Type:[/b] Healing
[b]Element:[/b] Nature
[b]Range:[/b] 5 Metres
[b]Cooldown:[/b] 1 Post
[b]Duration:[/b] Instant
[b]Effect:[/b] Kerii snaps her fingers and translucent white yarrow petals (0.25m diameter all together) begin to swirl around her hand. She can then point towards her target and they will fly towards them. Upon contact, they will heal C-Rank damage.

Name: Hedera
Rank: D
Mana Cost: 25
Requirements: Biophilia Magic
Type: Supplementary
Element: Nature
Range: 5 Metres
Cooldown: 1 Post
Duration: Instant
Effect: Kerii will make a shoving motion, and a conglomerate of 30cm diameter vines, 1m in length, will come out of a magic circle in front of her hands, pushing back anyone in the vines' path for their length, but causing no damage.

[b]Name:[/b] Hedera
[b]Rank:[/b] D
[b]Mana Cost:[/b] 25
[b]Requirements:[/b] Biophilia Magic
[b]Type:[/b] Supplementary
[b]Element:[/b] Nature
[b]Range:[/b] 5 Metres
[b]Cooldown:[/b] 1 Post
[b]Duration:[/b] Instant
[b]Effect:[/b] Kerii will make a shoving motion, and a conglomerate of 30cm diameter vines, 1m in length, will come out of a magic circle in front of her hands, pushing back anyone in the vines' path for their length, but causing no damage.

Last edited by Kerii on Mon Jan 07, 2019 1:27 pm; edited 2 times in total

I. Biophilia | Starters Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese


I. Biophilia | Starters Empty Sun Jan 06, 2019 9:46 pm


  • Aromaticum: Denied. Pain numbing is a special perk reserved for Dark Elves.

  • Piperita: Spell type should be 'Supplementary'. Also, the pollen cloud can only be 0.25 meters in diameter at D-Rank. No need to mention the size of the magic circle; it will always be the maximum allowed spell size for that rank.

  • Millefolium: State the size of the stream of petals you shoot out. Max 0.25 meter diameter for D-Rank.

  • Hedera: Again, no need to mention the size of the magic circles. Other than that, this is good to go.

Bump when edited.


I. Biophilia | Starters Empty Mon Jan 07, 2019 12:27 pm



I. Biophilia | Starters Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese


I. Biophilia | Starters Empty Mon Jan 07, 2019 1:31 pm

These spells have been approved for use.

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