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Turn the page [Social | Wings of Pegasi]

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Turn the page [Social | Wings of Pegasi]  Empty Thu Jan 17, 2019 2:24 pm


WORDS: 550 | TAG: @wingsOfPegasi | HUNTER

Alisa was scouting for work to do. Nothing new about this really, even though she spend the bulk of her time training by herself and relaxing after said training sessions. In the dark of night, one might wonder exactly what missions she could actually do out here. But for a fully kitted out hunter, clad in black armor, carrying a blade as dark as the moonlit sky, plenty of missions didn't come from a request board. Sometimes, one had to hunt down their work, especially in the wake of a demonic attack in Orchidia.

"No stragglers, no second raids... Guess both people and demons can count their blessings...", Alisa sighed, rubbing her temple, the brushing that long, flowing hair away. A smile drew on her face as she looked up at the snow falling down, covering the coblestones with a pure, pristine sheet of white. How could she even think about working with such beauty right before her eyes...? One might wonder such, only to find this sculptress perfectly capable of both simultaneously.

Now she'd wonder if she shouldn't trying to find herself the summoners. Perhaps there weren't any in the truest sense of the word, for these demons clearly looked like they had gotten up to Earthland on their own, at least, of their own free will. But Alisa doubted whatever barriers existed that had prevented them doing so up until now could have simply disappeared, out of the blue. No, someone on their side undone them in one way or another, which resulted in the last demon attack.

"Even if we killed the summoner, others would get the same idea given enough time... No, the only real way is to cut out the middleman and kill the summon directly.", mused the artist, thinking back on the myriad demons she'd slain and how that could be a far more effective solution to the demon invasion, if not the more efficient one.

Thinking out loud often proved a useful way of organizing her thoughts, expanding, elaborating on them... Lacking somebody to do it with, the proverbial whiteboard to bounce the ball against, she'd all too easily do it by herself, keeping only her voice low enough not to dull her hearing sense. After all, Alisa was a careful woman first and foremost, and would thus strive to stay on guard at all moments, that keen alertness contrasting with her nonchalant, laid back posture.

She'd urged both Esperia and Baron to meet her if they felt up for it, but had only given them vague directions, towards the ourskirts of town, here a demonic rift had once stood. Though hardly making any point to wait around for them, they would have plentiful time to try and meet up with her, and who knows, maybe she'd even run into somebody else. Raising her palm and catching a fallen snowflake, she admired that image of purity and thought back to the many other close friends she hadn't seen in ages. Finn and Snow, Chel and Marina... Liana... Who knows what they'd gotten up to.

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Turn the page [Social | Wings of Pegasi]  CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Turn the page [Social | Wings of Pegasi]  Empty Sat Jan 19, 2019 1:50 pm

It shouldn't have happened but you let it Now you're down on the ground screaming medic The only thing that comes is the post-traumatic stresses Shields, body armors and vests don't properly work That's why you're in a locker full of hurt The enemy within and all the fires from your friends The best medicine's to probably just let it win
These battle scars don't look like they're fading
“Faye! I can’t believe you are eating ice cream on such a cold day!” A certain puppet flailed her wooden arms around. If her eyes were capable of moving, it was much possible that the doll would even end up glaring at its owner. After all, the owner herself had no excuse for what she was doing. It had barely been a day since Faye was thrown into a train to fight some demons along with Snowflake. She didn’t think, even in her wildest dreams, that a simple day of fun was going to turn into one of the worst days in her life. She had killed a group of weaker demons that came at her with tooth, claw, and every possible weapon. Her body ached just thinking of it. Besides, ever since the demon invasion, something seemed very strange within herself. She couldn’t quite put a finger on it herself but these days, she felt a presence other that herself nearby, almost as if something was just peeking at her from the shadows, ready to jump on her the moment she let her guard down.

That said, Faye attempted to brush most of the feeling off. Going off in the middle of a cold, winter day to get ice cream was just another attempt at it. A plastic cover hung from her left wrist while she used the same hand to hold a popsicle in her mouth. The sweet, sugary lemon flavor in fusion with the coldness that wrapped around her, Faye found peace, albeit for a short moment, with no thoughts crossing her mind. Sometimes, thinking was too much of a chore. Especially so when unnecessary thoughts decided to play interludes every now and then. There were too many decisions to make.

Turning a corner, she came to a stop when she noticed someone standing there just watching the falling snow. The image seemed to jump out right from a drama as the young puppeteer paused to look at it. “Faye, isn’t that someone from the guild,” Hana finally placed Faye’s suspicion into words. Yes, she definitely seemed like someone from their same guild. While it was true that it hasn’t been long since Faye joined Blue Pegasus, her natural curiosity on people had given her ample excuses to find out more about the guild and the stronger people in it. If she wasn’t wrong, this person she was currently looking at was one of those in that list.

As she decided to approach her and did so, she heard the other musing out loud about some summoning. Ah, the demonic incursions? Her mind wandered once again. By the time it came back, she was already standing a few feet behind the raven haired woman. “Hello there,” Hana once again became her spokesperson. “Speaking like this, does it mean you have found some other facts about the sudden demonic invasions?” She decided to ask about what she was most curious about.
words: 493 • tags: you • notes: stuff
made by Wolf of GS

Turn the page [Social | Wings of Pegasi]  YJbUk0F

Turn the page [Social | Wings of Pegasi]  Empty Mon Jan 21, 2019 10:26 am


WORDS: 563 | TAG: |   

In the wake of the disaster that was the Demonic incursion that had unfolded within the city of Orchidia Esperia had spent plenty of time considering the matter of not 'how' but 'why the demons were invading Earthland. Thanks to Asmodeus she knew that for a powerful enough demon it was easy enough to tear a rift into the fabric of Earthland, but there had to be a reason for them to rally so many demons.

However, for all her thinking Esperia couldn't find any answer she deemed good enough as a potential explanation behind why or what exactly had driven the demons. It had gone to the point that the poor lass had not slept properly since the incursion ended, and at some point, Asmodeus felt the need to force the girl to take a rest, lest she'd endanger herself.

As such, it was not Esperia herself, but the raven-haired demoness who was walking the streets of Orchidia after having received a request from Alisa to meet up with her. Of course, with the recent incursion, Asmodeus had made sure to hide the horns on top of her head, a rather stylish and cute beanie covering her head instead while she was humming a soft melody, clearly in a good mood.

And why wouldn't she be in a good mood? After all, she was able to spend some quality time again with Alisa, still, as she arrived she found that Alisa was having some curious company herself.

The musing of the sculptress earned a brief smile from Asmodeus who shook her head lightly in response and replied in her soft and sensual voice. "Alisa~ You would have been on the right track if this was just a single rift. To tear into the fabric of the world and destroy the boundary between Earthland and the Abyss requires an abnormal amount of energy, a single rift might had been possible if a cult had worked on a ritual of sorts, but an invasion of this size?"

The demoness shook her head lightly and smiled playfully at her companion. "It is quite likely that the one responsible for creating those rifts is on the other side."

Of course, she knew all too well that her presence might alert Alisa about Esperia's condition, so she quickly reassured her with a little chuckle. "Don't worry about Espy my dear~ She's merely asleep. She was researching into the rifts for days without any rest, to the point the exhaustion took its toll upon her. I'm letting her rest for a bit."

She brought a hand to her cheek, cupping it lightly while musing softly. "Although you'd better focus on the 'why' rather than the 'how'. Why would the demons launch an incursion upon Earthland? To be honest, even I can't figure that one out. The abyss is a place of constant struggle, to be able to rally so many demons requires an incredibly powerful leader, at the very least a Demon Lord, and they don't act unless they got something to gain from it. And as stereotypical as the Chaos and misery inflicted upon its denizen might be, an incursion of this size is... too much effort without a proper goal in mind."

Her gaze shifted toward the stranger as she smiled playfully at her. "By the way~ Who is the pretty guest you have with you?"

To be a classy lewdling you got to be:

Elegant, Tempting, Adorable.

"And a hopeless little pervert~"
- Esperia & Asmodeus

credit to nat of adoxography.

#4Venus Rosé 

Turn the page [Social | Wings of Pegasi]  Empty Thu Jan 24, 2019 11:52 am

Venus Rosé


Beyond The Sun & Stars

Orchidia had an uncanny lure to its streets as she ventured out of her casual skirmishes to find herself simply enjoying the familiarity of the bustling town, peppered lightly with the charm of its hospitality to travellers that the beauty had come to know naturally, due to her habit of wandering around often. She’d have her lance shouldered over her back with a black band, causing the weapon to emit a metallic tang with her every step. Though she considered it more akin to the sound of her regular routine, perhaps even a small foreboding tune to a great encounter up ahead.

Though the bitterly cold weather and the falling snowflakes didn’t bother her, it was the slightly unwavering determination of the people to look her down as she walked was what brought mild disarray into her train of thoughts. It wasn’t an issue on confidence, rather, it was something more akin of her habit to over-think things Snowflake would try her best to safely assume that because the townsfolk were on high alert due to the demon incursion. It was quite the experience for her—not a good one—in fact, it was one of the worst demon encounter she’s ever had, not that it was plenty.

Her mind wandered off as she thought about those things. Boredom was now just as much as an excuse as circumstance, she thinks, fleetingly. Any substantial form of doubt for her decisions were quickly discarded, her being acutely aware of the willingness drove her further beyond the noise that continued to enrapture Orchidia with a dread most certain…and perhaps something else entirely. Her drifting thoughts somehow brought her to the outskirts of the town. She was a wanderer by accident—not because she wanted to, but it was almost as if her significantly awful directional sense brought her to places by chance.

In the distance before her stood a figure of a woman, dark hair flowing in the cold breeze. Even from this distance, she could smell the shampoo drifting through the wind, or perhaps, perfume. The horned moon danced upon Orchidia town and a silver of moonlight spilled onto the streets of Orchidia, not enough to ignite the town, but enough for her to register who the person was. ”…Alisa?” She froze in her steps, her lips slightly parted in pleasant surprise. This is quite the rendezvous, thought the female. It had been over two years since their last encounter, she certainly didn’t expect to see her, not in these streets underneath the moonlight, especially not at this particular moment. Two more shadows emerged into her sight and it was then, she finally realised that they weren’t alone and neither was Alisa. ”Oh.”


Turn the page [Social | Wings of Pegasi]  Empty Fri Jan 25, 2019 3:06 pm


WORDS: 600 | TAG: @wingsOfPegasi | HUNTER

A soft, melodious voice pulled the sculptress from the realm of her inner thoughts, head turning aside that long, flowing hair, whipping around oh so gently as her gaze fell on a pink haired female she most certainly did not recognize, but appreciated nonetheless. Alas, Alisa had no idea this woman had already done so, but as she scaned down that graceful form, she let out an appreciating hum, realizing she'd be a fitting member of Blue Pegasus:

"Oh hello~... How do you do?", greeted the sculptress, flashing her that elegant faint smile, that glacial cool she seemed so known for, hand resting on her hip. She rose a quizzical eyebrow as the girl spoke, her look betraying a hint of disappointment as she shook her head and sighed, raising her palms as she spoke, "I'm afraid I haven't... Though I'll find them soon enough, an operation this big ought leave evidence here or there.", nonetheless, her tone was one of confidence and reassurance, even as she curiosly shot the question back, crossing her arms, "I take it you're hunting after the leftovers of the invasion as well?"

The demons themselves, or whatever summoners helped them pierce through the veil and had yet to be slain. Now that Alisa actually stopped still for once, Asmodeus found her easily enough, her words capturing Alisa's attention easily enough, also giving the stranger some precious information she could undoubtedly out to good use:

"Agreed, though I'm sure we'll have a better idea the moment we find some of the summoners on this side, it shouldn't be too difficult. The demons alone wouldn't have easily achieved this without help... Either someoneone very powerful, or an entire cult of minions doing their bidding. They haven't been able to pierce through the barrier in ages, whatever might have changed between then and now? Whatever might have happened in the Abyss, I doubt we'd seen an invasion of this scale without somebody here playing the demons' game.", she replied, gaze tilting down as she mulled over the options offered, chuckling gracefully at that last question, lips drawing into a cheeky, playful smirk.

Clearly Alisa already had her fair share of impish replies lined up for her transformed student, but then, somebody else showed up, an all too familiar voice calling out to the once Crystal user:

"Snow...!", Alisa's brow rose at the sheer oddity of the encounter even if in retrospective it should have hardly felt that odd. After all, Orchidia had only just been raided by demons, an event unheard of, unprecedented in the modern age. Something bad had obviously happened here, and logic dictated that if it happened once, it could most certainly happen again. Since they were talking about Demons, it would most certainly happen again. Yet none of that mattered when she gazed upon the Snow white beauty of her one time guildmaster. She knew not where Snow had gone, or what she'd been doing as she walked up to her, a cool, welcoming smile drawing on her face, "Long time no see~..."

How could she even think to hide her delight at finally reuniting with an old friend? She had no such intentions or even hopes, that faint smile lingering on her face as she walked up to her, eyes yet wide at the rare, unexpected coincidence, brushing a hand down her long hair, as if adjusting it before the sight of one whose beauty she'd always admired.

"What happened to you...? You scarcely said a thing before you left.", inquired the sculptress, momentarily pushing that impromptu mission out of her thoughts as her head tilted slightly, exchanging a few words with her teammate just as those peering rubies shifted to another charming beauty, "...I never caught your name by the way. Call me Alisa~"

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Turn the page [Social | Wings of Pegasi]  CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Turn the page [Social | Wings of Pegasi]  Empty Sat Jan 26, 2019 11:14 am

It shouldn't have happened but you let it Now you're down on the ground screaming medic The only thing that comes is the post-traumatic stresses Shields, body armors and vests don't properly work That's why you're in a locker full of hurt The enemy within and all the fires from your friends The best medicine's to probably just let it win
These battle scars don't look like they're fading
Hunting after the invasion? Hmm, was she? Faye threw a brief glance towards the pretty little puppet in her hands. To be very honest, Faye cared not for these sudden, unexpected oncoming of demons. Not at all. It had nothing to do with her, and if she could, she would like to stay far away from it. There was no “save the world” agenda for a simple person like Faye whose only pleasure in life was living amongst her puppets and playing out new scenarios every other day. If she did take even a remotely curious interested in it, then the only reason was that ever since that day, Faye couldn’t ignore the change –a looming shadow in her sleep, the recurring dreams- that took place around her. Even someone as highly perspective as herself couldn’t quite explain it or find the right words. It frankly scared her. Also the enchanting voice she had heard that day in the train; could she have been imagining it?

Pulled out of her thoughts, Faye vaguely heard the dark haired woman speak and nodded. Given her circumstances, yes, she was after the trail of the invasion. Faye was about to have Hana say so when a voice interrupted them. Another woman made her appearance out from the darkness and this one was evidently close to the other one because she had immediately entered into a conversation with her upon her arrival while the young puppeteer was left standing to a side. Now she listened.

While this person was busy with her theories, Faye’s eyes were zeroing in on her appearance; from the bounce of her hair to the brilliance of her skin. She was no less beautiful than the first one, standing almost equal in height to Faye, with an air of unwavering confidence. It was a fine trait Faye only came across very rarely. Her profile, her stride, and even her voice commanded attention and importance. But as taken to her looks as Faye initially was, she was even more interested in her words.

Demon lord? Those existed? Well sure, given that she had fought actual demons a few days ago, perhaps they did exist. But the prospect of a demon lord appearing after the tough time the normal ones gave her made Faye take in a cold, anxious breath.

As instantly as an image of something so frightening crossed her mind, Faye felt a strange tug on her right hand. She looked down confusedly at the little puppet sitting there, narrowing her bewildered eyes in wonder at the lifeless orbs of Hana which suddenly looked so alive. That was not her imagination anymore, was it? Hana had really moved. This dark presence over her shoulder couldn’t be denied.


Faye had missed the Snowflake’s sudden appearance to the scene while being preoccupied with her strange doll. It had been with her for several years as a companion and friend but for some reason, at that moment, Faye felt the puppet was a complete stranger. It startled her so badly that she promptly dropped the female puppet to the ground and took a couple of steps away from it, naturally failing to hear Alisa’s inquiry of her name.

The ghostly pale doll laid unmoving exactly where she dropped it with its limbs stretching out in very odd directions. A couple of cold seconds later, in front of Faye’s gaze, it was suddenly moving. It was a finger at first, a little twitch and a shake, then a hand, and finally, she was starting to stand up, albeit a little haphazardly with all the limbs pulling awkwardly into place. It looked like a scene right out of some old horror movie as she stood and ignoring everyone else, cast its glance at the woman with raven hair.

“Asmodeus,” the doll took a step forward. “Long time no see. That’s a nice vessel you have there.”

This voice…

This voice was so similar to the one she had heard during the demon invasion. Why was it now coming from Hana? No, why was Hana moving on her own? Faye was so confused that it was starting to show on her usually impassive countenance. She had an urge to go grab Hana as well as a reflexive impulse to kill it. But she was rooted to the spot, looking between the other three women as if one of them had an explanation for all of this.
words: 000 • tags: you • notes: stuff
made by Wolf of GS

Turn the page [Social | Wings of Pegasi]  YJbUk0F

Turn the page [Social | Wings of Pegasi]  Empty Sat Jan 26, 2019 8:24 pm


Alisa did have a point, an incursion of this size was unnatural to say the least, not only did it require the presence of an immensely powerful demon in order to rally such an army, but they likely wouldn't have been able to create so many rifts at the same time without some form of aid. Something or someone must have been helping them. "Possibly, it's a plausible theory, then again during the incursion, I had the feeling that... there was something quite unusual going on." A hand raised to her cheek as she held her hand lightly against it, seemingly pondering a bit further.

"I wonder..." However, before she could continue her train of thoughts a familiar presence showed herself. It was Snowflake, the one who had been responsible for leading the guild in the wake of the previous master, Lance's demise. She knew all too well about Esperia's fondness for the young woman. "If it isn't Snow~ Espy was quite worried about you, considering the last time we saw you was during that little fishing adventure that took place in the Flower Festival."

Nonetheless, it seemed that someone else was about to take the spotlight soon, the worried maiden in their presence and the struggles about what was going on with her beloved puppet leading to a surprising revelation when the lass dropped it and a familiar presence caused Asmodeus her gaze to shift from Snow toward Faye, a glint of fascination in her eyes. "Oh~ It seems we overlooked another guest."

The raven-haired demoness chimed in amusement as she turned properly toward Faye who had just dropped her puppet and staggered away from it. The way it twitched and slowly rose upright, clearly possessed, the presence already was enough to make Asmodeus's lips curve into a grin. "And you're looking as adorable as ever my dear Levi~"

Indeed, even if she was talking to a fellow Demon Lord, Asmodeus was one who knew her way around with words, and as she crouched down before the puppet she smiled warmly at it. "You're quite correct, I would dare to say that Esperia has been a very accommodating 'partner' in my endeavors" How unusual, for Asmodeus to refer to her vessel as a partner.

"Nonetheless, you seem to be in quite a peculiar pinch, and if I'm not mistaken, your companion seems quite... confused by your presence. Didn't have the opportunity yet to have a proper chat with the adorable lass?"

To think that the mighty Demon Lord of Envy was currently trapped within the body of a puppet, it was quite peculiar to say the least, some might even say it was almost pitiful. "I have to admit that, as adorable as this puppet might be, your usual form is much more pleasing to the eye. Also makes it less awkward to communicate for sure. This world isn't really used to talking puppets." A hearty chuckle escaped her lips as she clearly seemed entertained so far.

#8Venus Rosé 

Turn the page [Social | Wings of Pegasi]  Empty Mon Feb 04, 2019 9:24 am

Venus Rosé


Beyond The Sun & Stars

Snowflake certainly didn’t expect to stumble upon the girls at this hour and in these streets, as if they had discussed of a Blue Pegasus gathering beforehand. In the event that the ice mage encounters a soul with even the slightest memories of her, her reaction is almost always an awkward mix of confusion, awe and anxiety, but mostly the latter. This should’ve been how it played out as soon as Alisa called out to her from across the distance, her perfect figure approaching towards her like a beautiful silhouette underneath the crescent moon.

”Well, well…what a reunion we’re having here,” uttered the female, cerulean eyes glinted a hint of surprise. How much of this was a coincidence for all of them to chance upon one another?

The white haired beauty bore Alisa a faint smile, delighted to be reunited with her only rival and closest friend, though the smile disappeared as fast as it was brought onto her lips. ”...A lot happened.” She could hardly look at her in the eye as the words passed her lips. At one point, she would be willing to share the details of her sudden disappearance, adventures and the emotional episodes she had while she was gone albeit, not at this moment but perhaps when they were together alone elsewhere to have engaging chats like they used to do before.  

Eyebrows raised as she shifted her gaze from Alisa to the ebony haired woman. She remembered encountering her back at the fishing competition that took place a few years ago, and even during then, she’d noticed how the woman would remain by Alisa’s side at all times. Despite that, Snowflake barely had a chance to find out who she was yet, the aura of the female reminded her of someone she knew…and the way she addressed Esperia, appeared far too familiar for someone who could just be a comrade. Perhaps there was some sort of relationship between the two, one that Snowflake was unaware of, as she had lost contact with Esperia since their activities at the Flower Festival.

Asmodeus and Levi—what unfamiliar names she was hearing. Snowflake felt nothing more than a stranger in a conversation between Faye and the raven haired woman, but being a curious fellow as she was, she attempted to collect the pieces of the sentences and fit the puzzles together. The experience sounded all too familiar to her; of being a host to a demon and though it was no longer part of her body, the first few days of when she had the beast still send chills down her spine.


Turn the page [Social | Wings of Pegasi]  Empty Mon Feb 04, 2019 2:32 pm


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @wingsOfPegasi | HUNTER

"Shame nobody captured any of those Demon Generals...", sighed the sculptress, still regretting her lack of foresight in preventing that General from coming through the portal, missing the golden opportunity to seal them inside Earthland when Esperia inevitably sealed the rift, "Certainly they would have had a better idea."

The appearance of another Demon Lord did make Alisa's eyes widen slightly, but alas, if there was one thing she already learned about such beings, was that their ability to suddenly Take Over their vessels was inversely proportional to said vessel's power. This was quite the odd display though, as she'd never once seen a Demon Lord as such manifesting through a doll instead of a human, to be worn like meatsuit by the creature known as Leviathan... Nonetheless, the same principle should hold true as the doll was no doubt very much bound to the woman who once held it, and as she'd also learned from Esperia and Asmodeus, a weak vessel severely limited the Demon Lord's ability to exert their full power. That knowledge gave her little reason to fret over the new appearance, even if she was naturally wary of such demons and their designs. She'd managed to help Esperia rein in Asmodeus' power until the girl herself grow strong enough to master it, and yet, who would do the same for the girl before her?

"I know not how you managed it, though I'm certained many hopeful demon hunters and cultists alike must have tried it...", chuckled the sculptress, looking between posessed doll and the mage herself, a graceful, unperturbed smile on her face as she offered a modicum of an explanation, leaving the rest of the introductions for the two of them, "Your doll has a demon inside it sweetie. And not just any demon... You found yourself a Demon Lord of all things."

That said, she'd focus on Snow for the most part, as interesting as hearing the two of them chat about... Well, whatever small talk Demon Lords get up to amongst themselves...

"Sounds as though we have plenty to catch up on...", replied the sculptress, her expression fading into a scarcely visible gleam of sympathetic unease, like she herself hardly had the best experiences on her time away. She loved Snow like a best friend - maybe even a sister - admired her like a rival, and perhaps for this reason found it difficult to share how she'd lost her magic in the past two years. She'd tell her eventually, of course, once they could finally have another heart to heart as they once did. She could tell it wasn't a pleasant subject for the stunning snowy beauty, and naturally changed the subject at the first cue, which came with a comment on the two names, making Alisa cock her hip to one side, resting her hand there as she chuckled softly, "I know the names, but I most certainly didn't imagine running into one of them here. I could say the same about you though, what brings you out here on this beautiful night~?"

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Turn the page [Social | Wings of Pegasi]  CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Turn the page [Social | Wings of Pegasi]  Empty Mon Feb 04, 2019 6:07 pm

It shouldn't have happened but you let it Now you're down on the ground screaming medic The only thing that comes is the post-traumatic stresses Shields, body armors and vests don't properly work That's why you're in a locker full of hurt The enemy within and all the fires from your friends The best medicine's to probably just let it win
These battle scars don't look like they're fading
Levi felt envious of the other three females in their company. Once upon a time, she was one of the strongest among the seven sins; her insatiable envy forever wanting to be one step ahead of the others. She had ruled over the seas, submerged many cities, seen the rise and fall of many civilization, had a hand in many of it, and now… Yet now, not only did the seven of them have to be trapped inside ridiculous, weak, human vessels, she especially had to draw the shorter end of the stick and ended up having to use a mere doll as her temporary form. This great Leviathan could grit her teeth in irresolvable frustration if it wasn’t for the obvious lack of them on the damned puppet.

Instead, she turned to Asmodeus, half annoyed and half expecting the other demon lord to relate to her. “Oh stop with that annoying way of speech, Asmodeus. You haven’t changed at all except I see that you have found a very promising ‘partner’, indeed. I reckon she must have kept you very happy,” Levi’s voice held some edge as she lingered over the word partner and then melted to a hint of amusement at the last sentence. Even inside this limited mantle of power, she could feel the strong presence of the human carrying this great demon lord of lust. While she needn’t think of how she kept the demon happy, Levi knew very well that for a demon lord like Asmodeus, or any demon lord at that, to acknowledge a vessel so far meant they had created an unusually powerful bond between them. Whether it was for good or bad, Levi was, however, uncertain.

She couldn’t exactly relate to it, anyway. Glancing at the young puppeteer behind her, Levi felt the prick of her vice suddenly acting up once again. It was all that fool’s fault. If it wasn’t for his final attempt in saving his daughter, Levi would have been able to directly influence the young mage’s body without so much trouble. But she had to admit, foolish as he was, the man was strong and despite being driven to the edge of madness by Levi in more ways than one, he had managed to keep a thin thread of conscious intact just in time to stop the demon lord from taking over his daughter’s soul and body altogether. Not only did he manage to put Levi to sleep, but he also managed to strip away a great deal of her powers. If it wasn’t for the large demonic presence during the sudden invasion, Levi would have continued to sleep inside the doll for more years to come.

Newly awakened, Levi had decided to adopt a policy of observation without intervention for a while, just watching the little puppeteer go about her days as usual. She knew the girl realized something was haunting her but lacked the knowledge or power to guess what it was. As such, Levi had enough time to calculate, analyze, and measure the potential, limitations, and pros and cons of the twenty-year-old mage. She wasn’t very pleased with what she got, especially now that she had encountered three stronger and better suited vessels. Yet, she was also aware of how far Faye can soar given the opportunity to. The young woman was weak, but that was only because she didn’t care to get strong enough. Given how much effort the girl puts into her puppet making, if half of that drive went towards strengthening herself, Levi guessed she would eventually grow into a fine force to be reckoned with. However, that would take a long time, perhaps months and years, and she was still very envious of the good fortune Asmodeus had.

“I did not choose to possess this thing, Asmodeus. It was all his fault,” Levi hissed the last part out to herself. “But worry not, my powers have not diminished so much that I’m unable to take-over her soul completely,” She attempted a sneer that inevitably failed on the puppet’s body but knowingly pretended ignorance to it so as not to draw any more shame to her than what was already done.

Faye, on the other hand, had just realized how silly she must have looked with her widened eyes and mouth left open to the cold air. She attempted to compose herself albeit failing to completely take off the look of bewilderment from her eyes. Between the time the two demon lords took to converse, Faye had had enough time to piece together some of the information they were throwing around. She had also heard Alisa when the older woman explained about the demon lord. It suddenly made sense to her. That was the voice she had heard during the invasion and that was the presence she had felt so much around her. Everything was almost clear now, however, despite the sudden enlightenment, Faye found herself tongue tied and baffled enough to not utter a word for some time longer.

When she did find her voice, she had finally noticed Snowflake next to the raven beauty and felt relieved. The presence of someone she knew –and was sure wouldn’t suddenly turn into a demon lord- made the girl feel comforted and she finally decided to break her silence, using her real voice now that her medium of communication was talking livelier than ever without her.

“Snow, thank Go-whatever spirit up there that you are here,” the girl sighed, then turned to Alisa. “And thank you for, uh, explaining that to me. I have started guessing some of it myself. Perhaps I should have a good conversation with…”

“There is nothing to talk about,” Levi intervened harshly. “You are in no place to hold any conversation with me yet. Later, you will listen to what I have to say and do what I tell you to do.”

The demon lord must have felt she had said enough –that or she must have felt unbearably envious of the powerful trio- that the upright puppet suddenly collapsed onto the ground, once again in an odd angle from which it neither twitched nor rose up from. It seemed she had signed off for the night.

Faye sighed.  
words: 1041 • tags: you • notes: stuff
made by Wolf of GS

Turn the page [Social | Wings of Pegasi]  YJbUk0F

Turn the page [Social | Wings of Pegasi]  Empty Wed Feb 06, 2019 9:44 am


WORDS: | TAG:  |   

When Alisa commented about how she found it a shame that nobody had succeeded in capturing one of leaders of the Demonic Incursion, Asmodeus couldn't help but laugh heartily. "Mai~ Mai~ Confident as always, aren't you Ali? However, should they have been a demon important enough to carry the knowledge we seek. Then it's more than likely that even the combined efforts of you, Espy and Arisa would find yourself hard-pressed against such a foe~ Even if you have your 'way' with dealing with our kin, and Ari has that... special 'flavor' to her. Unlike those who are restrained by a human vessel, those demons have their full capacity at their disposal."

She raised a hand to her chin, pondering for a moment. "Then again, you and Espy certainly are fond of surprising me with the unexpected." A playful wink followed from the Demon Lord who briefly turned toward Snowflake and explained further. "You may consider me a benefactor of sorts to Esperia~ As you might recall, My name is Asmodeus, and like you might have guessed already, I am the Demon Lord of Lust~ It is truly a pleasure to meet someone who has left such a positive and pleasant impression upon Espy~"

And with that explanation out of the way it was time to focus on the equally entertaining subject of Leviathan, and the rather peculiar state the Demon Lord found herself in. "Of course I haven't Levi~ It hasn't been 'that' long~" A hearty chuckle escaped the raven-haired lady's lips before her eyes softened. "Really? I find this manner of speech to work perfectly in keeping 'ahem' healthy relationships with the denizen of Earthland." A subtle glance was made into Alisa's direction before she continued.

"Although, you are quite right in the fact that Esperia has been incredible... satisfying in answering my desires. It's not that often you find a person like her." A glint of mischief lingered in her eyes, all too aware of the fact she could feel the envy dripping from Leviathan's words. Yet, she merely continued to smile playfully as she waited for the puppet to continue speaking.

"Hmm..." Musing softly the demon lord leaned a bit closer to Faye, a cursory glance being made across the girl's features. "I see~ It seems we were in a similar scenario after all Levi, although compared to me you literally drew the short stick currently." A soft snicker escaped her lips as she continued her explanation. "Our dear Levi here is not just a Demon Lord~ Just like me she once ruled over a part of the abyss. Leviathan, the great Demon Lord of Envy~ Although, can't say I'm envious of your situation right now..."

Still, hearing Leviathan's words Asmodeus merely smiled. "Of course~ But that wouldn't be interesting now, wouldn't it Levi?" Surely words that would confuse the Demon Lord of Envy, and so Asmodeus continued speaking. "From my time inside dear Esperia I learned some interesting things, it would be beneficial for you to try to discover them also. However, to spoil you by revealing just what exactly I am talking about... Now that would be a bit boring~"

However, hearing Faye almost send some prayers to Illumin led Asmodeus to soon laugh heartily. "Hah! In the presence of Demon Lords and she starts to thank Illumin, reminds me of a certain lewdling." However, after she watched the short conversation between Faye and Leviathan, at least if the curt reply from the Demon Lord of Envy was to be called a conversation, Asmodeus merely smiled, attempting to raise a hand in the hope of petting the young woman's head. "Don't worry too much, I'm sure Levi is just... pfft... envious of someone right now. I'm certain that in due time the grumpiness will fade. Although, if it reassures you a little you can always converse with our dear Esperia sometime, in a way she might be your senior in the whole 'Help I'm possessed by a Demon Lord!' scenario."

A soft chuckle followed at the last bit before she withdrew her hand. "By the way, I'm sensing our dear Espy is about to awaken soon, so unless you desire the wisdom and expertise of a Demon Lord, I'll be excusing myself for a bit~"

For now it seemed that she was pleased with the way this conversation had gone.

To be a classy lewdling you got to be:

Elegant, Tempting, Adorable.

"And a hopeless little pervert~"
- Esperia & Asmodeus

credit to nat of adoxography.

#12Venus Rosé 

Turn the page [Social | Wings of Pegasi]  Empty Fri Feb 08, 2019 6:56 am

Venus Rosé


Beyond The Sun & Stars

The only reason Snowflake could pick up the conversation easily was mostly because her body was also once a host for a demon, although it couldn’t take no human form unlike the Demon Lords that resided within Esperia or Faye. Now that she was witnessing both demons before her eyes, she wasn’t completely certain of her thoughts about this particular situation. Faye, on the other hand, appeared as stricken as she had expected, whilst she wondered if the young female knew anything regards to the demon soul within her. Leviathan’s reaction was almost the same as the demon she once had, treating their host with great distaste as if they never willed to be a part of their bodies, albeit, once a bond was accomplished, Snowflake knew that Leviathan would eventually acknowledge Faye for who she is.

It was as though the Pegasus mages were separated into two pairs; one where they’d discuss about their demonic affairs, meanwhile the other pair simply conversed with each other about the details of their adventures whilst they were apart. ”Oh, I wasn’t even aware that neither Faye nor Esperia were human vessels to the Demon Lords. It seemed that you already knew Esperia was though,” the woman gazed upon the crystal sculptress, admiring the close relationship of the two. ”I simply came out to enjoy the beautiful night, just like you probably did. But, how nice for all of us to meet here.” A small smile crept up onto the line of her lips as she stared beyond her. Above her was a stretch of sky, and though the night sky was inviting in its own right, leering into it echoed nothing but forlorn thoughts.

”Oh, Faye,” the frothy haired woman sighed, resting a reassuring hand onto her shoulder. ”It’ll be alright.” She attempted to provide some encouragement, not that she was sure if she was of being any help, but being a fellow guild mate, all she could do was probably be there for her when she needed assistance.

The Demon Lord of Lust—or so she was called Asmodeus, was almost quite the opposite of Esperia. While her acquaintance was rather soft-spoken and lovable, Asmodeus was more of the seductive and charming type, and it would be the utmost lie if she said she didn't find her interesting. ”It’s nice to finally meet you, Asmodeus,” she produced a courteous bow and added, ”Please take care of Esperia well.” The statement almost make her sound like a loving mother, though that wasn’t necessarily wrong. All the members of the guild was her family and with all her abilities, she intended to protect and nurture for them like children of her own.


Turn the page [Social | Wings of Pegasi]  Empty Sun Feb 10, 2019 6:16 pm


WORDS: 600 | TAG: @wingsOfPegasi | HUNTER

"They are not invincible. No matter how much you'd prefer them to, anything can be vanquished with enough skill.", asserted Alisa, confident in her own skills more than the inviolability of any demon lord. If such were the case, then how did Asmodeus, Leviathan, and all the other great demon Lords end up in this sorry state, being the strongest of all the Demons? If they could be bound and bent to one's will, then she'd be surprised if they couldn't also be persuaded to tell her what she wanted to know. And it seemed even Asmodeus knew of this, making Alisa chuckle softly, "...Figured you'd have grown used to it at this point~"

When she heard Leviathan scorn any notions of offering the girl advice, Alisa all but chuckled. She far preferred this over any notions of having the demoness twisting and poisoning her vessel's mind. If she outright refused to talk to her, that made things easier, for the girl would in time grow strong enought to resist even the demon lord's influence, and use her own body as its proper prison.

"For once I agree with her... Indeed, you're not in any place to rely on the demon herself for advice. Take whatever you hear from her with a grain of salt, if needed talk to a more experienced mage you can trust, or do some research yourself at the local library."

Yes, Alisa knew who she was too well, she made it a point to research the worst of the demons after tangling with them far more often than any human should bother... But none of the knowledge she relied on was truly inacessible to the next human, and thus, if she picked it up, then surely the girl might too. She truly should at the first opportunity after all, no battle is ever won without truly knowing your foe. A demon Lord dwelling inside your body could be harnessed, yes, but only if you knew what do with their power. As Leviathan's posession of the doll faded, the sculptress reached a hand behind her head, rubbing her nape and quirking her brow.

"Indeed, though if I managed to find any leads as to what brought about that attack... I'd gladly probe them for information too while I'm at it.", Alisa added, winking knowingly at Snow, silently amused to how Asmodeus yet kept up with the whole Demon lord discussion. She wouldn't be surprised if Snow had come out here for a similar reason as herself, but unless she shared those with Alisa they would naturally remain hers and hers alone, "Indeed, it is quite the fortunate coincidence~... If we had been hunting for demons, Indeed having two people so... Intimately acquainted with them would help quite a great deal~"

Snow made a fair point, and yet, even though Alisa completely agreed, she had an ulterior motive as well. Or perhaps stargazing on this wonderful night was the true ulterior motive when she claimed to have gone out on a demon hunt? Perhaps not even Alisa herself truly knew, for she acknowledged both of these wishes, and more importantly had a nudging suspicion Snow did was well.

"Since we're all in Orchidia, nothing really stops us working together next time either of catches wind of one such lead...", noted the sculptress. Really, all that currently stopped her from asking to join any of them on a quest was her lack of knowledge of Faye's affiliation. She worked well with Esperia and Snow, and naturally appreciated the chance of working with the two again...

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Turn the page [Social | Wings of Pegasi]  CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Turn the page [Social | Wings of Pegasi]  Empty Sat Feb 16, 2019 10:21 am

It shouldn't have happened but you let it Now you're down on the ground screaming medic The only thing that comes is the post-traumatic stresses Shields, body armors and vests don't properly work That's why you're in a locker full of hurt The enemy within and all the fires from your friends The best medicine's to probably just let it win
These battle scars don't look like they're fading
Faye hardly felt the touch on her head and shoulders. Usually, she would have politely declined the gesture as it made her feel too childish to be comforted so at such an age. However, for the time being, she was so lost in her own thoughts that Faye allowed it without meaning to. She had been guessing all this time but now with Asmodeus mentioning a vessel of her own, she suddenly realized the gist of what was happening. It seemed that these demon lords existed by making use of human vessels. Only, for some strange reason the demon lord Leviathan seemed to have ended up possessing Hana instead of directly taking control of her body. Judging from their conversation, it wasn’t anything quite normal either.

Alisa seemed to be glad that Levi did not have such a big influence on her, and Faye nodded while taking in her advice. She could understand where her concern was coming from. After realizing she had such a close acquaintance with a demon, even Faye herself was starting to think up of ways to keep her guard up. While the idea of a demon possessing such an adorable puppet did not seem much like a threat for the time being, she could not rule out the possibility that there could come a time when Levi might grow stronger. She might grow more aggressive with her demands for Faye, or they would come to mutually respect each other. It would still pay to be careful.

When the topic steered back towards the invasion, Faye had her own questions. “I wonder what their motive is. Where they looking for something? Or was it just as simple as an offensive invasion with no other agenda but to wreak havoc?” Faye mused, bending to pick the fallen puppet up. As she stood back up, she brushed it off of any dirt or dust. Since it felt too weird to place the recently possessed doll back on her hand, she held it tightly on her right, also putting the silver Blue Pegasus insignia on her wrist at full view.

“I’m not sure how much of a help I will be at my current state. But, if I’m not wrong, this…this demon lord woke up right around the time we fought the demons,” Faye mentioned, giving a quick glance towards Snow at the word ‘we’. She continued, “What that possibly means is that they give away high amount of demonic energy whenever a rift is opened. If you are to treat the demons like radars –like Alisa suggested in nicer words- perhaps we will get something out of it…”. The thought was not complete since Faye was not certain, but it was not all wrong either. There was a good chance that Asmodeus and herself with their demons could now figure out more about the sudden demonic invasions than any other normal group of mages. She was just not sure which side this new demon would choose to take.

“Ah, yes,” Faye suddenly noticed when Alisa spoke of working together. “Since the two of you are so closely associated with Snowflake, I’m guessing we are all from Blue Pegasus. It is such a strange coincidence we met here than in the guild but I suppose it is a very fortunate encounter. We really should work together,” Faye agreed, and then fell silent. She was still not very used to speaking up by herself. There was always Hana for that but since things have come this far, she made up her mind that she really needed to have a talk with the demoness later whether it liked it or not.
words:- • tags: you • notes: stuff
made by Wolf of GS

Turn the page [Social | Wings of Pegasi]  YJbUk0F

Turn the page [Social | Wings of Pegasi]  Empty Tue Mar 05, 2019 11:11 am


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @wingsOfPegasi | HUNTER

"I'd wager both those options are correct.", replied Alisa, her mind in deep pondering, mulling over the facts and different perspectives she heard from her fellow Pegasi as she looked into Faye's jade green eyes and nodded, "Most of the small fry might indeed feel satisfied from wanton mayhem, which I'd wager could a powerful tool for wiser, more cunning demons to control whole legions of them."

It seemed they were on the same page here... As a general rule, Alisa preferred to work alone, and yet, Esperia and Snow stood out as few exceptions to this rule. Then surely, a friend of Snowflakes with the same power as Esperia would fall into the same category as well? Most likely... And yet just as important as old friend from the guild were the new members of that growing family, those who shared the home Alisa yearned to return to at the end of the day, month, year, at times years on end even... Between internal turmoil and tensions at the border with Bosco, Fiorians already had enough to worry about even without throwing Demons from the Abyss into the mix. Now more than ever, that old wisdom of dividing and conquering stood out, and among all three, the three of them had clearly already decided what foes they'd rather focus on.

"Indeed~...", chuckled the sculptress, gracefully covering her mouth as once more Faye's words resonated all too easily, winking playfully at the girl as she brought her hand back down to her hip, "Coincidences such as these must happen for a reason, don't you agree...?", she pointed out, raising an eyebrow as she looked between the three females before her, all sharing the same stamp marking them as siblings, partners even. With a tighter bond between them and a shared purpose, mustering their strength as one presented the only logical outcome, "Then, how about this... We stay in touch, use the guild's mail or what manner of communication we can get our hands on. The moment either of us sniffs out any hint of demon activity, we share that information. Whether or not we can group up in a pinch after scattering across the country is arguable at best, but at the very least, we ought ensure anybody within travelling distance of the fight should have a chance to arrive... Though I'll say... I'm looking forward to seeing for myself just how strong each of you has gotten~"

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Turn the page [Social | Wings of Pegasi]  CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

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