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The End Justifies The Means

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#26Judina † 

The End Justifies The Means - Page 2 Empty Wed Apr 24, 2019 8:59 am

Judina †
It seemed Judina now had new company with her after she was tried to figured out a way or wishing to anyway to learn what she could do to find what was asked to find what they where. Then again maybe the person asking her to help kind of anyway.

Maybe, just maybe the other people would finally have the safety she had hoped for them. Then again Judina seemed to find that everyone else was heading off to deal with what they had to Judina realized she would not have expected anything else but the same thing, It seemed fate tasked this to Judina and this new person to her.

"Then let us go." Judina said to him She had no problems with dealing what she thought she needed Judina would also keep in her mind she was still unsure how well this man would keep, But Judina was also unsure about it herself Judina would however be able to manage, She was going forward with a bit more clearer of thoughts. The blue haired lady looking upon this joyan man also made sure one thing, Even if his language from the area is poor Judina was still polite."My name is Judina, You do not need to give your name if do not wish." she said rather politely to him, She was unsure yet to what to think of Nerva and his group but for now. Judina had people to protect and all that was really important to her.

She seemed to be mentally preparing herself still, Judina was nervous still slightly, Actually facing a demon was far different than her just preparing the weapons and armor for the rune knights, But keeping in mind Judina now viewed this as a test of fate and needed to do her best to complete and win.

The End Justifies The Means - Page 2 Alexss10
#27Fujaku Nijiiro 

The End Justifies The Means - Page 2 Empty Fri Apr 26, 2019 8:21 pm

Fujaku Nijiiro
Fujaku moved behind the woman he was ordered to follow. She had introduced herself as Judina and informed fujaku that he didn’t need to introduce himself if he didn’t want to. Which fit him just fine, as he had already introduced himself multiple times and didn’t wish to do so again. he watched her long raven black hair move as they walked, he couldn’t help but think of home and of Mother. She had hair similar to hers. Raven black and arrow straight, Fujaku felt the tears welling in his eyes at the memories of his mother. He turned his head away, looking at the people going to their homes or trying to find some way out. It was going to be very chaotic soon.

He looked at the magical barrier that surrounded the small town. To think that one man made it, and not only that made it nigh inescapable, was something that boggled Fujakus mind. Magic was never something Fujaku was good at, it was hard and even when he had managed to somehow use it it was small and very minimal. Magic of this scale…must have been straining for a man of his age. Fujaku wondered how long it would last, or if it would stay up until he dismissed it.

But even though he may not be magical, he could feel what they were walking toward… its hatred in its core…no, that was the wrong word. It felt like a darkness, a burning evil that grew as he continued following her. Was this what his father had felt when he fought the demons during the incursion? It made his skin crawl as if every muscle in his body was telling him to go the other way. it was as if the very air around them was effected by either the presence of the Demons or Nerva, Either way, Fujaku couldnt leave now…He would be a coward if he did.

#28Judina † 

The End Justifies The Means - Page 2 Empty Mon Apr 29, 2019 8:40 pm

Judina †
So going off the impending feeling of darkness Judina let out a sign like she was preparing herself. And with in a moment of her letting out that sigh she then clapped her hands together and made a sword from it having the basic looking sword of this land in her hand, It was one handed as well. With that determine look on her face. Judina was seeking this demon out but not for her but for everyone else. She would even protect this person who was with her, She did not know him, He did not ask much, He also was missing an arm. Judina would be damned if he would fall or die before she did.

"In the face of Chaos, If you stick by me. I will as well for you."Judina mentioned in that determine and prepared way she was. But Judina was also just being herself, Protecting other came over herself it was her job it was normal of her it would be mostly interesting maybe to the Joyan man but they where partners for the moment, Judina also would be trying to lead this search to what they would be looking for.

So looking as she normally would for what they needed to, For everyone else. for her and for bettering the life of many. The future. "Let me know if you find what we are looking, If i do not pick up it's location."Judina was making sure to hopefully have his help to.

Judina felt like she picked up on it location forsure and walked towards it with the mind set of finally going to witness not only seeing a demon for her first time but having to fight it more sooner than she had hoped for, She would not complain.

The End Justifies The Means - Page 2 Alexss10

The End Justifies The Means - Page 2 Empty Thu May 02, 2019 5:36 pm

Judina and Fujaku continue in The Demon Without Patience

#30Kazimir Seiryu 

The End Justifies The Means - Page 2 Empty Mon May 06, 2019 12:45 am

Kazimir Seiryu
They had taken down one demon and some how managed to walk away from it intact. Every spell that was thrown would have been deadly but the wind mage finally saw just how powerful his allies were. walking away from the battlefield he caught
Haru's smirk and shrugged back with a smile conveying his own surprise that he was still standing. A simple nod followed from Haru. The first Knight he encountered and the one that first trained him and pushed him to strive higher.

He had begun his journey with them and they were with him for most of his major endeavors in the rune knights. That simple nod meant more to him than perhaps Haru knew with the meaning it carried. He had strength and character that the wind mage admired and a passion for helping others that was inspiring. Even dealing with the abrupt change had had gone through, whatever it was he still put the needs of others above his own struggles.

Fighting alongside them stirred the same feelings he had forgotten so long ago. memories of what it was like to fight in a unit. He nodded back with a smile showing his own appreciation to a man that had been a mentor and a friend to the apprentice mage.

Their path took them back toward Nerva's direction but he couldn't help but scan the area for the other two. Hoping that their own battles had been won and they were safe. Remaining alert if anything gave away that they needed assistance but he had faith in all of them.

Akira led the group as they made their way toward Nerva. Despite his questions for the powerful man, he hung back for Akira to take point and bring the information up to him. The wind mage felt it best to wait for the situation to be dealt with in full before diving into the conversation. Instead he tried to keep an eye on the people if they were safe for the time being. Many of them still lingered by the edges of the village frustrated by the barrier that ensnared their fate.

'What ever it takes,' he thought to himself about Nerva's tactics and wondered if he felt the same or could see things from that point of view. On some level it clashed with his feelings of protecting people. Especially if they were able to stop the demons without casualty would Nerva see that there was another way of doing things. Or would he proclaim to stand by his own beliefs in the face of success from a different path. That itself would tell the wind mage more about the character of the man than most of the questions he could come up with.

He waited for the others to act before he said anything.

#31Akira Shimada 

The End Justifies The Means - Page 2 Empty Thu May 09, 2019 5:03 am

Akira Shimada

Will somebody,
let me see the light
within the dark trees' shadows
and What's happenin'?

The budding camaraderie  between her ex-partner and Kazimir was heartwarming and yet another reminder of what she was missing out on. She found herself smirking wryly too, when she noticed the loaded and silent nod of acknowledgement that Tsuru offered and the way the Sinese received it. They had no way of knowing what the future held, but the Shimada hoped that it wouldn't tear the two justice chasers apart... at least not yet.

She was left a little perplexed when she felt a surge of something akin to admiration, inspiration and the comfort of togetherness. Sure, the exchange deserved and elicited all those emotions, but she wasn't expecting it to be as intense and somehow alien. As was usual, given the circumstances, she couldn't dwell on this curiosity. She was forced to cast her observation aside.

Her drive to get this ordeal done with, had subliminally placed her as the leader of the Rune Knight posse. However, her purposeful strides lacked a fixed destination. She found herself vaguely directing them towards the square where everyone had gathered before, but also veering towards the path that Konstantin had taken, to possibly aid in exterminating the other demon.

She stopped in her tracks and held up her hand as a gesture to warn the other two, redundant as it may have been. Surely they'd already noticed the rift in the sky too. This was not the first time she'd witnessed the spectacle, but familiarity didn't take the edge off the dread that sliced through her.  'I knew it couldn't be that easy...' she muttered bitterly. For better or for worse, this darkening split in the sky made the decision for her. The chasm widened, fast enough to cause her heart to sink, stealing the joy of their recent victory.

The temporary threshold to the Abyss cast an ominous  shadow over their realm. It made most sense to regroup, she could only hope the others had the sense to do the same. Staying apart would make it easier for the incoming demons to pick them off and this was assuming that the other two demons had been taken care of. If they hadn't, it'd make sense to draw them back towards the group too. The Shimada was learning about her power and sure, it was greater than it had ever been in the past, but it wasn't enough for her to successfully go at this alone. She was not foolhardy and irresponsible enough to attempt such a thing.  

If they could maintain a modicum of organisation, even if it was under Nerva's command for the time being, perhaps the strength in numbers would help them make quick work of this. The Inquisition commander boasted of wisened power; it was time that the others got to witness that, not a as a disciplinary strike to inspire fear and respect, but in favour of saving as many lives as they could.

The End Justifies The Means - Page 2 Signature6

The End Justifies The Means - Page 2 Empty Fri May 10, 2019 2:39 pm


Lookin' through the glass
Find the wrong within the past
Knowin' we are the youth

There wasn’t any time for words; in fact, Haru doubted there was any need for them even if there was time. Just the nods were enough for the two Knights to understand each other well. The wind mage was introduced to him and Akira as the most promising Page. He had definitely come a lot far from there and Haru was certain this was just the beginning for the Sinese Knight.

Akira took the lead and Haru followed. It seemed they were detouring away from their original path. It made sense, because they no longer heard any noise from the direction that they were initially heading towards. Now, they were somewhere in between, keeping both the square and the intact part of the village in a quickly traversable range.

That was until a tear in the sky caught his attention.

The unnatural ripping of their reality never ceased to send a chill down his spine, no matter how many times he witnessed it. This rift was humungous. Much larger than any he had seen. A wave of urgency rippled through him and all his muscles tensed as he quickened his pace. He had turned towards the square in tandem with Akira. Yes, it was best to group. Even if it meant they were all in one place for whatever that came out of the rift to focus on, it was still better than scattering and putting the townsfolk at the fringes of the town at risk.

As much as he hated the Inquisitor for sowing terror amidst the villagers with his threat, Haru had to admit that he was right about one thing. This big a rift was not just going to gobble up this outskirt town; it could potentially destroy the whole of Orchidia—which meant failure here was not an option.

Standing at the edge of the square where they had all met prior to dispersing, Haru looked up at the widening rift, dumbfounded. He had no plan. He wondered if anyone did.

The swordsman remembered Nerva mentioning that the barrier would not hold against the demons that were hiding in the village, if they were in their true form. If that was the case, there was no chance it was going to hold against the things that come out of this monstrous rift. He looked at Nerva and posed the question. “You said the barrier will not hold against strong demons in their true form. We know what’s coming through that. What’s the point of confining the villagers now? Let them run,” he almost pleaded.


The End Justifies The Means - Page 2 Empty Fri May 10, 2019 3:03 pm


Turning the corner towards where they had first met, Kon spotted three of the initial six that had been present. This didn’t surprise him as the three whom there were quite powerful, the ignored girl whom had been possessed by the demon-lord had seemingly disappeared while the two weaker members had yet to return. Perhaps they had failed to defeat their demon or were slain in their return. If the demon were as strong as his own the lather seemed the more likely of the two. “Maybe it wasn’t my fault that the rift had formed” he thought to himself as he began to slow his pace reaching those around Nerva and those that had returned.

When he reached them little was said by the others save for the orange-haired gentlemen, who prompted the removal of the barrier. Shaking his head at the idea, Kon replied instead. “Removing the barrier yes might save lives of the townspeople it would allow for the various beast to escape and spread across the region.” Rubbing the blood off around his mouth, he continued. “Yes the more powerful demons will destroy it but keeping the barrier up will stop a plague of evil from falling upon the region.”

Knowing time was not on their side, Kon ignored his tattered clothes and began to speak bare-chested to the group. He spoke with hastily further illustrating the urgency of what was happening. “The rift has opened in spite of my best efforts, the demon was stronger than initially expected.” Downtrodden he continued moving from a rapid pace to a more somber tone. “He was defending himself from the beginning only to chant mid-way through and thus open the rift using his dying breath and energy..”

Rather than waiting for a response, he continued. “However, this staff may be able to stop the rift he was using it throughout the fight and during the chanting to open the rift.” Pausing to extend his arm to present the demonic instrument to the former Holy Knight. “I’m not entirely sure what the staff can do, but it seemed of great importance to him, this entire incident could very well depend on that staff."

#34Judina † 

The End Justifies The Means - Page 2 Empty Fri May 10, 2019 4:24 pm

Judina †
Eventually Judina would arrive shortly after with Fujaku who could some what walk normally Judina did not realize how overly cautious she was being, nor did she care anyway at this point. maybe he would be well enough to continue walking and managing on his own but Judina would still wait and hope that she did not go too far with it."Everyone else is okay so it seems."She mentioned in general while she had arrived to where everyone else is partner slung on her shoulder even still yet to pick up and unneeded but at least she felt better.

"Has your bleeding stopped?"
She would ask Fujaku while she stopped walking to give him a moment if needed to walk on his own. What owuld happen next would leave Judina feeling the tension, nervous and unsure about herself but she could get through this, Why she did not know maybe because it was new to her.

She zoned out slightly because of this to hopefully maybe get her mind back to normal it was a bit hard for her, She felt nervous and mad at the same time. She was on edge but wanted this to be over for all of the people here, For the rest of people fighting these demons, For the safety of other people. But all these thoughts Judina was just kind of standing in place thinking and just plain faced while stuck in thought and trying to piece herself back to normal. So she would close her eyes and slowly started breathing in and out slowly to relax her mind. It was kind of working but it seemed to be really slow and not really seemed to be super effective for the moment for now it would be the very thing she would try and hope it worked.

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#35Fujaku Nijiiro 

The End Justifies The Means - Page 2 Empty Fri May 10, 2019 5:00 pm

Fujaku Nijiiro
Fujaku didn’t have a problem with her helping him walk, in fact he let her for a while. If it let her feel a little sense of ease, then it was worth it. But as they drew near and she slowed down to let him walk by himself, he did just so standing up and telling her that his bleeding had stopped and that he thanked her for her help. Besides his face, which he had wiped out, he was still covered in the demonic blood that had sprayed out of the demons back. He looked at Judina as she seemed to be trying to calm herself. He leaned infront of her and smiled. “Do not worry. We will Win the day.” He turned and approached the group as he heard them all speaking, he didn’t interrupt as the two men spoke regarding the barrier and the staff.

“I agree, the Barrier must stay up. People will die here for sure today, if not by the demons who will come through the gateway, but from the other villagers while we discuss what to do next.” His words were calm, calculated. He didn’t show any emotion with them because he didn’t want them to get in the way of getting his message across. But deep down it hurt to have to reduce peoples lives to nothing like that. “When my father spoke of the Demon Incursions in Joya and the battles he faced, He never told me the exact details, but he did mention they shared a liking of magical means, at least the Joyan ones did. He fought a Gate Keeper and found that the only way to sever the connection was to destroy the object that it was connected to.”

He looked at the staff.

“But…” he paused still looking at it. “I am no magic user, and I do not know the ways of magical items. Destroying it may very well destroy the gateway and end the crisis, or it will forever keep the gate open, dooming Orchidia as Lord Nerva warned. Perhaps Nullification May be a better approach? If not the Gateway itself, then the Item. That way, if there is any safeguards we can possibly nullify them as well.” His father, for never teaching him much of the demon battles, Made sure his son knew how to fight and to plan. He made sure that if one day Joya needed a Defender, Fujaku could stand and defender. Look at what good that had done, exiled and yet…. Still fighting Demons. Perhaps it wasn’t a waste after all, Fujaku thought.


The End Justifies The Means - Page 2 Empty Fri May 10, 2019 5:54 pm

One by one, they returned to the square. They managed to find and defeat the demons hidden among the crowd. But, they did not entirely succeed. Nerva noticed the large rift opening in the skies above the small town. It was clear by the size of the rift that something large attempted to come through it. "Correct, Hatsuharu. The moment you defeated the Demons, I already removed the barrier. As I said before, it is my intention to save Earthland and avoid unnecessary casualties. While the citizens are departing from the scenery towards safety, I shall fulfill my role and prevent this from spreading any further." Nerva admired Hatsuharu's plea. It showed that he truly had the interest of others in mind.

Konstantin followed next with the same comment while presenting a weapon utilized by one of the Demons. "That staff is useless to us. The rift is already opening. We do not have enough time to study its capabilities and connection to the rift. You are still inexperienced in vanquishing these wretched beings. This is enough, you all managed to find the Demons hidden in the town to safe them and Orchidia from demise." Nerva slowly started to walk towards the rift while speaking to the group. The rift began to pulsate faster as it kept extending. It was on the edge of the town, far away from them. But, based on its size, whatever would come through would quickly close the gap between within seconds.

As he kept on walking towards the rift, he continued talking to the group while they gathered at the square. "Correct, sometimes an item keeps a rift open, Fujaku. However, that Demon would not have left it in plain sight if that was the case. Konstantin said that the Demon opened the rift with his dying breath. If he knew that he was about to be slain in combat, he would not have left the one thing that would end it all within range. Go ahead and destroy the staff to test it out. Meanwhile, stay far away behind me. I'll end this."


The End Justifies The Means - Page 2 Empty Fri May 10, 2019 5:58 pm


The rift in the skies opened. Tremendously large white hands came through it and started to pull it apart. Slowly, a head followed through it. Once the hands had enough grip on the rift, they managed to extend it far enough to reach the ground from the skies. It was a monstrously tall Demon, easily dwarfing even the largest Demons seen till now. An estimation would place it around ten meters at least. It had a white mask with an elongated nose. Its body was covered from head to feet with a black covering reminiscent of a cloak. Around its neck was a row of thin white spikes. It had large, pointed feet wrapped in white bandages. Furthermore, the Demon had large white hands with long, sharp, white nails. As it stepped out of the rift, it stomped down multiple houses in the town. The distance between the Demon and Nerva was only twenty meters. The rest of the group was a bit further away. While it was not fast, it was strong and sturdy. Buildings were trampled with each consecutive step as it started to walk towards the remaining people within its vicinity.



The End Justifies The Means - Page 2 Empty Fri May 10, 2019 6:11 pm

With Damocles in his right hand, Nerva lifted his left hand and swung it down quickly. He then pulled back his arm with an open hand after which he quickly extended it forward towards the Demon and closed the palm of his hand. The second spell was placed precisely beneath the head of the Demon as it crashed down. The Demon resisted and only came down on its knees, but with the second spell his head was forced down low enough to level Nerva's range. As the Demon was on its knees for a brief moment with its head in front of Nerva, he swung Damocles upwards to shatter its head. With that single swing, the Demon crashed down entirely onto the ground and perished. The rift immediately began to close. It was all over now. Nerva turned around and began to walk towards his horse which was still standing at the square. "Earthland is dying and whoever wants to safe it can follow me now." Nerva said as he passed the group. He sat down on his horse and slowly began to depart the scenery. Astera was next and it was time for him to quickly travel there to save as many citizens as possible.



The End Justifies The Means - Page 2 Empty Fri May 10, 2019 6:13 pm

Akira Shimada received 1x Statistic Potion.

Kazimir Seiryu received 1x Statistic Potion.

Hatsuharu received 1x Statistic Potion.

Fujaku Nijiiro received 1x Statistic Potion.

Judina received 10,000 experience.

Konstantin Sokolov received 1x Statistic Potion.

#40Fujaku Nijiiro 

The End Justifies The Means - Page 2 Empty Fri May 10, 2019 6:32 pm

Fujaku Nijiiro
Fujaku felt the very air shatter around him as the rift was ripped open. The white mask that come through followed by a black cloaked body was a think of nightmares. It was massive, unbelievably so. To think it could even be real made Fujakus body shake to its core. Was this what his father had fought? Was this the war he had lived through? The sensation of darkness that came from the rift flowed over his body like a raging icy river. It froze him to the very core. But something else, from far deeper made itself known to him. It was as if the very abyss itself was pulling at the darkness inside him. Was this the world of demons? Was this the darkness they dwelt in every day?

but the battle was short lived, almost as short lived as his own against Nerva. The demon struggled until it was ultimately destroyed by Nervas superior skill. When asked to follow, Fujaku took one look at where the portal had once stood, and where the demon was. He turned and before anyone else followed behind Nerva. This man…Truly would teach Fujaku what it meant to be strong. He would never allow his clan to suffer as it has again, no. That was selfish he thought. And he turned to the others. “Lord Nerva has promised us the power to destroy demons just as he did. I say let the Demons come, let the corrupted Gods come. We will show them that We are not playthings.” He would look at Judina, as if asking her to follow with his eyes before turning and following Nerva.


#41Judina † 

The End Justifies The Means - Page 2 Empty Fri May 10, 2019 6:35 pm

Judina †
Judina would let out a sigh, She had settle her nerves and all she said was the one thing she had on her mind while she walked to join Nerva."For the protection of everyone." She mentioned she was going to be going on to fight more, She was as ready as she could be. That assurance with herself Judina felt prepared for once. She fought one of them there was still more, It was a simple way to think about it.

For the better of the people, For the protection of the innocent, For Alice and her children, For her brothers, For her mother and father. All these where in her mind while she was going to join them. Even if she did not need to say much else."I will be going." She did not mention what else while she followed Nerva unto the next fight they would face. She hoped in some manner everyone else who was fighting would be following as well, She would not judge anyone if they backed out but Judina had made her choice, What happen afterwords she had no idea but only just hope fate would bless her another day after this.

She would take a deep inhale of air while she walked over to the portal, stuck into her own thoughts and not realizing she had been spoken too quiet yet, Not intentionally she would answer what she would be doing and walking into that portal almost just not having thinking about it right after settling her mind to it. There was nothing else to be thought about fight demons save people keep thoughts in line, put self at ease later simple plan and had to stick to it. She just reminded herself of that while she walked through the portal, Following Nerva.


The End Justifies The Means - Page 2 Alexss10
#42Kazimir Seiryu 

The End Justifies The Means - Page 2 Empty Sat May 11, 2019 3:44 am

Kazimir Seiryu
They had all gathered together as the darkness filled the sky. The demons made their appearance known as the powerful figure reached through into the realm. As the sky darkened, Nerva responded to the ragtag group that had faced off against the demons. His words were curt and clear. A single focused mission. Save Earthland. He was a crude figure and one without much time for sentiment but hearing he released the villagers so quickly once the threat was made clear gave Kazimir more insight and hope into the actions of the man.  

A massive foe stepped forth from the rip in their reality and stomped down the road laying waste to what remained.Its attempt was met with swift justice as it fell to the power Nerva wielded. Kazimir had stood ready but his actions would have been meaningless in that arena.

The wind mage stood in the partially ruined village. The wind sweeping dirt and rubble across the ground. Tumbling over his boots and dirtying his gi. It was over now. Once again he looked out at the devastation the demons caused and felt the pain and drive to stop it. The villagers had fled their homes but they were alive. No doubt due to their own intervention in pausing Nerva from wiping out the village. He could at least be made to see reason. To halt his destructive impulse and save the lives he could and his motives were clear and for the sake of humanity. It would also be a lie to think Kazimir wasn't intrigued by the idea of rivaling the otherworldly beings that intervened in their lives like the angel that forced grace upon him.    

He turned his head towards the two knights that had stood by him. That he fought alongside and brought him truly in to the organization. "I have to go...Today we were lucky we ran across him and stopped him from killing the innocents but what he won't stop. His goal is to destroy the demons and its the same as ours," Kazimir turned his body to face them fully.

"He is a hammer. If I can be there to use my skills and find a better way. One like we did today and save even more lives then I have to. I'm a knight not because I believed in the organization but because I wanted to help the people of this land. To protect them. And right now I think this is the better way to save the most lives. I will always be a Rune Knight at heart and that means serving the people in the best way I can."

It was tough for him to go through the motions of leaving the rune knights potentially and so abruptly but if he could stop the demons and prevent Nerva from destroying innocents when other options are available he had to take that chance. "I appreciate all you have done for me and hope that you too will take this path. Today wouldn't have been possible without your strength. Together we can be a fierce wind," he said giving them a bow and waiting to see what his companions said. As he waited he stood ready to turn and follow Nerva either alone or hopefully with them.

Since coming to this land, this was his most difficult choice. One that weighed heavily on him but stirred a resolve for the future. Regardless of the choice they made. He knew their paths would be intertwined and he would always heed their call and stand as their ally.

And so Kazimir joined the inquisition



The End Justifies The Means - Page 2 Empty Mon May 20, 2019 10:08 am


His words of warning regarding the barrier appeared to have fallen on deaf ears, however he would rely on Nerva’s prior experience and trust his decision. His decision to bring the staff back had been equally less then well received commenting instead on the inexperienced nature of either himself or the entire group present, which left him somewhat downtrodden as he began look towards the Golden clad Knight for guidance. In regards to whether the staff would do something to stop the rift however, his comments did make sense. While would a Demon after all this time invest so much for it to be potentially destroyed with the snap of a twig. All the same Kon broke the staff in two before dropping on the ground. This was just as the rift in true began to form revealing a deadly monstrosity albeit slow nor very smart. Perhaps it was the vanguard for whatever Demon Lord it served. For now that didn’t matter as Nerva took it upon himself to defeat the monster. Kon would have liked to have stood by his side however felt that he would merely have been in his way as made clear by his powerful use of magic.

Impressively Nerva’s will was not only capable of defeating the monstrous being but quell the rift in its entirety, which left Kon feeling somewhat taken aback if not insulted. It seemed like this entire thing had not really been about stopping the demons from opening the rift, but to test potential members to his new organisation. Afterall why would he propose the destruction of the town via either himself or demons if he were to easily capable of closing it such as he just had. While his suspicions were still standing Nerva’s dire comments of Earthland dying was sufficient for him turn his back on the Holy Knights and join Nerva’s Inquisition.


#44Akira Shimada 

The End Justifies The Means - Page 2 Empty Tue May 21, 2019 5:09 am

Akira Shimada

Cut until it bleeds, inside a world without the peace
facing a bit of the truth
Deep inside me, I'm fading to black

The townsfolk were free. She allowed her gaze to peel away from the nasty scar in the sky briefly and scoured the borders that recently had the barricade removed and noticed the stampede. There was no time to organize them better, logic did prevail though and the people began spreading out taking routes that were inconvenient but assured safety, the perimeter was long enough after all. There probably weren't going to be too many casualties, grave injuries were likely though. All in all, if they could all handle whatever abomination was now peeking through the crack in the sky, this could easily be considered a victory. For the moment, all she could deduce was that this demon was larger than others she'd faced, but the upside was that it seemed like it was alone. The size only meant he'd be easier to hit... Even rifts had silver-linings right?

There was a brief exchange about some staff that Konstantin had recovered, Nerva didn't see merit in the suggestions of the three-limbed Joyan or the Holy Knight angel. Her reasoning had reached a very similar conclusion, resonating with the older man. She was curious about the weapon regardless. If its pieces had the luck to be spared from further wreckage in the battle she assumed was going to ensue, she made a mental note to collect them. More of the town was destroyed as the abyss-dweller descended with little regard for the structures and homes made by mere humans. At least that took the edge off the destruction she had been responsible for. She suppressed a shudder and noticed the bold leader finally take charge.

From what she could gauge, it was almost like Nerva was a puppeteer and the demon was reduced to being a puppet. Much like he had tested them today, she held back now, to attempt fully grasping Nerva's capabilities. It wasn't easy to feel sympathy for the cruel predators of another land, but Nerva handled matters like it was child's play. It didn't take him long to mop up this alleged elder-demon and as a result the rift sewed itself shut. Her hands fell off her hips as she waited a second to ensure that this truly was the end. After all the crashing sounds, the sudden silence of the desolate town felt deafening, it was broken by Nerva's offer.

Does he even need the people he's collecting? she thought. It was for a noble cause, he spoke of it as such. An elite task force then? To take down the invaders? she thought. Surprisingly, the man had succeeded in justifying his means to Kazi too. She couldn't hide the rueful smile that tugged at her lips as he walked away from them, having given his reasons. Given everything they had witnessed, she couldn't fault him. She just had a very different take on the matter.

The Shimada intended to follow too... But for reasons that starkly contrasted with the others. Nerva's philosophy risked the people they were supposed to protect, sure it could be justified by saving a larger number, but that meant they weren't performing their duty as they were meant to. In her head, today proved that there are always other ways. Destroying the town would've been easy and efficient, but not right. Since there were resourceful people around, a town survived. Someone needed to stand by Nerva and curb him when he made such callous choices again.

Nerva seemed to have the my-way-or-high-way philosophy and it had earned him more enemies than friends no doubt. From where Akira stood, that meant he was short on resources that would allow him to find more elegant solutions to the dangers posed. So here he was, gathering his men, forming his elite, lethal task force. The wars always rage, how a person fights them defines who they are. Becoming stronger and winning at any cost was one answer, but certainly not the only one. There had to be better ways to empower humanity than to create an elite force that was willing to do whatever it took... Perhaps she was still too idealistic,

Unsurprisingly, the Sokolov followed too, given what Adelaide had shared, his loyalty to the Holy Knights had to be dwindling. She lingered by Tsuru's side he had made no move yet. She teetered too, wishing to dull the aching blow of abandonment he no doubt felt. It seemed, morally the two of them stood on the same ground, but there was going to be a fork in the roads they took to practice their duty. As painful as it was, she wished he didn't join alongside her, out of her selfish interest and surprising loyalty towards the faction that had been so reluctant to offer her basic respect. He had just been promoted and they needed a leader like him.

The Shimada couldn't put him or what they shared above her own duty though. Relaying the specifics of what Nerva did to the Council was more imperative than ever, even if it was at grave risk to herself. Nerva shouldn't be allowed to make decisions that could impact regions of the kingdom all by himself. Additionally, he would no doubt find himself needing aid eventually, but more importantly he would need someone to hinder him when he took that step too far.

Wordlessly, she went and collected the pieces of the staff as a distraction and so she could assuage her curiosity and study it. She twirled it in her fingers for a moment. She noticed the trickling bunch that tailed Nerva become smaller, till only the two of them were left there. She turned so her penetrative gaze rested on her ex-partner and steeled her heart. 'You belong with the Knights. I never did, right?' She walked towards the vague direction of the specks, her alleged allegiance now temporarily cemented.


The End Justifies The Means - Page 2 Signature6

The End Justifies The Means - Page 2 Empty Wed May 22, 2019 4:05 pm

I'm fading, took an oath by
The blood of my hand, won't break it
I can taste it, the end is upon us
I swear, I'm gonna make it

His suggestion to let the villagers flee wasn’t taken kindly by some in the group. Before he could acknowledge their comments or argue against their reasoning, Nerva spoke, making the conversation obsolete. He let out a sigh of relief and his shoulders relaxed when he heard the barrier was already deactivated and the people were free. Well… Free at least from the confinement. It was still a possibility that they were all going to die at the hands of the monstrosity that was coming through that rift.

He looked up to find the rift to be longer and wider than he had seen it a moment ago. It was probably the gigantic hand that was to blame for the sudden expansion. Kon believed destroying the staff of the demon that opened the rift would help, but Nerva didn’t think so. He figured there was no harm in trying anyway, and the Holy Knight seemed to have the same thought. He broke the staff to no effect, just as Nerva had predicted.

The rift had opened fully, and the horrific demon stepped into their realm. The people had a head-start, but it was nothing the humungous creature could not cover in a step or two. They had to keep its attention amongst themselves. As terrifying as it was, he was ready, and he was certain the rest of the group would be willing as well. However, it was not necessary. Nerva walked ahead confidently, asking them to stay out of his way while he took care of the monster himself.

Haru couldn’t believe what he saw next.

The fight was over before even he could think of disregarding the Inquisitor’s request and attempt to assist. With just a few movements of his unarmed hand, he had somehow forced the demon to first kneel and then crash further down. Once it was within his reach, it took only one strike with his sword to kill it. At first, he didn’t believe that the demon was actually dead. He reckoned it must be seriously hurt, but it was sure to get back up to wreak some havoc. However, that wasn’t the case. It was truly over.

The Vampire Knight watched the Inquisitor walk back calmly to his steed. Then came the call. He should have seen this coming.

The young Samurai was eager to follow. After what Nerva did to him, Haru was surprised by his choice. He reminded himself that he didn’t know the man; he couldn’t understand his drive. Kon’s decision came as no surprise. He had heard enough from Adelaide to know that the man was not what he once was. However, the other three were unexpected blows; each more heart-wrenching than the one before.

First, it was Judina. He didn’t know much about her. From the short interaction that they had had, he remembered telling her to meet her family as often as she can. He wondered if she made this decision thinking it was the only way she can keep them safe. He could understand, if she did. Still, it didn’t take away from the sting.

Next, it was Kazimir. Haru did not expect this. The sting grew to a pang as his heart sank a notch. He couldn’t find words to retaliate. But his eyes would betray the feelings. Kazimir’s words were honest and it alleviated the sense of betrayal he felt. He wasn’t wrong in saying someone had be next to the man to try and stop him from jumping to brutal solutions. Would Kazi be able to do that? Or would he too be consumed by the desire to reach the destination that he forgets the carnage in his path? He took a deep breath and chuckled bitterly. Rune Knight at his heart, he had said. Haru couldn’t dispute that. “Then I pray you always listen to your heart, my friend,” he said, finding the strength to let him go gracefully.

It was time for the final nail. This was one thing he was in denial about; but deep down, he knew it was coming and it was time to face the truth. He turned to his lover. The two had gone through a lot within the faction. Admittedly, she, more than he. Akira lingered, giving him hope. He watched her walk towards the broken staff—which was still in better shape than his heart. Her words cut like steel. And her accusation left him seething. What did she mean by that? Would she be happy if he resigned as well? Would she refrain from joining this man then? Was this supposed to be his punishment for remaining in the faction even after she was forced to leave? The anger had brought blood to his eyes, clouding his vision.

Every single one that had come to defend the town had chosen to follow Nerva, except him. Maybe he should too. He considered it. He had all the reason to. He was never a leader and now he had lost the little respect he commanded because he was forcefully turned into a Vampire. The title given to him was nothing but a show and it was a decision he was certain the council regretted. In fact, he had always felt that he had surfed the ranks because of how powerful Akira was, and not because of his achievements. Even she didn’t think he was ready to be a Captain-Commander. Maybe following is all he can do. And now that both Akira and Kazimir had chosen to follow Nerva, perhaps he must too…

While there were a million reasons to join him, there was one not to. Somewhere at the back of his head, his brain replayed the scene where Nerva threatened to destroy the town and how the townsfolk fled, screaming and stumbling. Right away, he knew there was nothing to consider. He wiped the blood off his eyes, clearing his vision. He was a Rune Knight. When he walked into a town, he wanted its inhabitants to feel relief; not horror. He wanted them to know no matter what, he will be there to protect them until his dying breath. The only thing he wanted to inspire was hope.

Maybe he was too idealistic. Maybe the Inquisition was a necessary evil. However, he was certain joining them wasn’t the only way to save Earthland. And definitely not the righteous way. Kazimir was right about one thing. One doesn’t need to be a Knight to protect people. Same way, one doesn’t need to be an Inquisitor to save Earthland. No matter what his affiliation, he knew he will be present when the people have need for him.

Looking at Akira, he uttered his goodbye with no emotion or expression. “We belong where we want to belong.” And with that, he pulled his cloak’s hood over his head, turned on his heel, and walked away as a lone Knight.


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