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The Thrill of the Chase [Alisa/Training]

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The Thrill of the Chase [Alisa/Training] Empty Sat May 11, 2019 3:54 pm



She can’t be far behind… The blood rushing through her system compelled by what felt like the beat of a biggest bass drum in the land, with her eyes darting from one side to the next Sofia Serena lurched from one tree to another, her feet hammering the floor as she sped along over the rough ground of the Orchidia Forests while the mind of the mermaid raced, everything about her seemed more intense in the moment as she fled the fiercest foe she was ever likely to face. The senses of the sapphire siren seeming sharper than ever, every little sound seemed to draw her attention whilst her frantic gaze seemed to spot safe and secure places to her next piece of cover, the body of the blue beauty as agile as it had ever been while her movements were swifter than ever as she ran and ran with a sense of exhilaration but also vigilance. After all, the adversary known as Alisa Vollan was not the sort to let her off easily, especially after what she had done to escape.
Hopefully she’s sticking to our agreement, though if she’s not, I can always help her with that~ The enemy that followed her someone that she knew all too well, in all honesty the White Empress was someone that the fleet fox anticipated would be on top of her in an instant if allowed to act without restraint, as the nymph ducked as lowly as she could to exploit the position of a rather thick trunk that had toppled over she hoped that the woman would stay true to her word. This little ‘dance’ between them worth nothing if it ended too quickly, every step counted and even if it was cheeky to add a handicap to one of the parties it also made it more exciting for both. After all, who knew what was to happen?

I was surprised I managed to give her the slip though~ Sofia smirking as she gathered her courage enough to peek over her little hiding spot for a second or two before sinking back down with her chest heaving all the while as she gasped for air, the memory of distracting her opponent by using a nice little rope of liquid to tug her into a nice cool stream was fresh in her mind, and the sense of amusement she had found from doing so was even fresher. The look on her face as she pulled herself from the water something that seemed like it might have been almost worth ending their round early to see, the Valerican Vixen felt almost disappointed that her frenzied escape had meant she didn’t catch a glimpse of her delicious dark diva drenched with river water and looking completely bewildered, but in the long run it would hopefully prove a worthwhile loss. After all, without something like that how would she have gotten away?

I guess she’s not used to enemies with my particular talents? Of course Alisa not the sort who would easily fall into such a snare but then that amazing amazon more used to enemies who were at home battling with brawn rather than brains, perhaps the empress might be a little steamed about the fact that she been fooled by the sweetness of a kiss up to the point of her trapping, but at the same time Miss Serena hoped that she might have impressed the woman too. Each having their own style and perhaps the fleeing femme wanting to show her partner that craftiness was as potent form of prowess as any, with a fair win off the cards, then it only seemed right that unfair means were brought into play. Otherwise it just wasn’t sporting, was it?

Probably better to keep moving, though! The breathing of the blue beauty easing off as she recognised that her superior opponent would only draw closer to her and perhaps even take her by surprise if she dallied any longer, with every intention of drawing out this little ‘battle’ for as long as possible Sofia lurched forwards and began to sprint again in the frantic and frenetic way she had in the moments before. Saying nothing and barely making a sound as she moved, the wicked water witch knew it was only a matter of time until her friendly foe caught her up and the real fun would begin, but until then she was going to make her lover work for it. After all, they both loved a little foreplay, now didn’t they?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

The Thrill of the Chase [Alisa/Training] SofiaSerana


The Thrill of the Chase [Alisa/Training] Empty Sat May 11, 2019 4:39 pm


WORDS: 750 | TAG: @Sofia | TRAINING  

Today, each of the two lovebirds would each face their own challenge, with nothing but each other and their own skills to help them along the way. Ever since the change in magic, Alisa had come to rely almost exclusively on her superhuman physical fitness, ultimately hampering her attempts at properly remastering her magic... With the power her dad left behind in the form of that bracelet on her wrist, that goal was now firmly within reach, and all she needed was one final push... Sofia on the other hand, had no issue with her magic. Instead, she wanted to improve her physical fitness, and what better way to do that than trying to escape Alisa?

"...Then~... What will I get if I win~?", teased the sculptress not so long ago, moments after they wandered into the forest and began their training proper. Her gaze narrowing as she eyed her lover's sinuous, toned figure head to toe, her smile curling into a confident, cheeky smirk, cocking her hip to one side before eventually dismissing her own question with a wave of her hand, meeting her lover halfway as she came in for a good luck kiss, "On second thought, no need to tell me... Guess I'll find out soon enough, hmmm~?"

...Of course, this was before the little vixen exploited their mutual affection to get a head start on their little race, using her water whip to pull the unsuspecting Alisa into the flowing creek. And now here she stood, yet to make good on her own words, feeling her heart race with antecipation, a tingling thrill of the hunt she rarely got the chance to experience... Even with the sun's searing heat shaded by the lush green canopy, the sculptress couldn't deny that palpable warmth, despite the copious, dripping wetness yet clinging, cascading down her smooth, pale skin in glistening rivulets; tracing the curve of her full, heaving chest before vanishing between that ample, tightly bound valley. Sofia's little prank had left her quite soaked, and yet all water thankfully helped cool her body down, while the fresh, light choice of wardrobe did little to waterlog her. Clad in a blue, short sleeved bodysuit over that strong sports bra, every step taken highlighted the powerful tone in those long, shapely legs, and yet Alisa knew fully well their rules allowed her little margin to use that physical prowess...

"Now where did that impish little minx hid herself in~...?"

With no choice but to avoid using her physicality, she instead awaited an opportunity to use her magic - or what little she could yet make of it - merely staying light on her feet, eyes peeled as her head turned left and right. Only the faintest rustling of leaves accompanied her every movement, and though she could potentially remain hidden for a long time like this, a wary Sofia would inevitably spot her first. Understanding her disadvantage with the handicap, Alisa opted for a different strategy altogether, the moment she found herself inching closer to her lover's presumed location:

"Sofiaaaaaa~...", cooed the sculptress in that low, husky tone, a beckoning, purring siren's song to reach her lover's ears before the girl even had a chance to catch sight of her... There was something to be said of trading away the element of surprise, but Alisa wouldn't fall for the same prank twice, "How sweet of you to leave me all drenched like this~... No better way to cope with this heat now, is there~?", she teased, all but giggling at her own words, that purring voice slowly turning into an impish growl, "Be a dear and come out will you...? I need to thank you properly for that~"

It wasn't as if their lives depended on it or anything, so even in this mindset she couldn't help but tease her lover as such, taunting her even, daring her to come out and show herself. Once Alisa actually started moving again though, she fell silent, watching her surroundings and eventually locating what trampled bits of vegetation hinted at someone running by in a hurry. Following the mermaid's fresh tracks, her eyes narrowed as she followed them... And eventually, got what wanted. Gasping softly as a rewarding sound caught her attention all too quickly, Alisa felt that tingling rush bringing goosebumps to her wet skin at the slightest breeze, her heart racing as she felt the moment nearing. Whether because of her alluring call or in spite of it, a louder rustling towards where she expected to find Sofia alerted the tall woman to her presence, and immediately she picked up the pace, heading after the sound, speeding up the moment she caught the first flicker of that long, fluttering blue hair.

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

The Thrill of the Chase [Alisa/Training] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

The Thrill of the Chase [Alisa/Training] Empty Sun May 12, 2019 6:36 am



As expected, even holding back she’s fast… Practically jolting as she heard those husky and honeyed tones echoing through the air toward her ear so very sweetly, through instincts that had been honed over the past few days of the pair going at it hard in a manner other than they had become accustomed of late Miss Serena braced and threw her body behind the cover of a nice thick tree, hiding from Alisa like a child who was due a spanking. Honestly a nice little tap on her rump something that this naughty nymph didn’t mind receiving from her adversary in ordinary circumstances, unfortunately it was something that she could not allow herself to receive right now, no matter how appealing the option seemed to be as words like silk cut through the air.
Jeez, if what she was saying wasn’t bad enough, I also wanna see what she looks like after getting drenched… The black haired beauty making herself such a tasty form of bait both with her actions and the general state of her being, like any good prankster Sofia couldn’t help but want to see the fruits of her efforts, finding a lure to linger and look toward the lady that was hard to ignore. Not having the time to take in what she had done and giggle, the pride in her work was hard to ignore in its own right without taking into account the other contributing factors to the image that proved quite the lure as well.

That body, wet all over… Alisa much like herself in her choice of workout gear that was tight and to put it delicately ‘liberating’, today she had chosen to wrap that fine form in a blue number that matched her own to a certain degree, which had only added to the charms she could effortlessly show. Guessing that the dark diva knew just how good she looked when she went for an option that some girls with a similar frame might have considered a size too small, with the enhancement offered by the revealing gloss that water added that sense of carnal charisma was only likely to skyrocket and Miss Serena couldn’t help but become distracted for a second or two thinking about it.

No, bad Sofia! Don’t fall for her trap, you’re better than that! Shaking her head as she felt the fever of her feeling trying to get the better of her, perhaps because of a desire to try and outrun the notions that blighted her mind and judgement the girl dashed on, still not sure exactly of the direction of her amorous adversary but preparing in case she was ambushed all the same. Stimulating her mana as she ran in order to be ready to react since she knew that the empress was so close, Sofia generated a shine of wetness over her hands that looked as if she was wearing a set of translucent mittens, which she was ready to unleash the second that Miss Vollan drew near.
Is it weird I almost want her to find me? Maybe some of her battle lust is starting to rub off on me…? Certainly packing not much more punch to them than water balloons but offering a decent distraction, if they weren’t enough the girl might have to pull a little more out of her arsenal, but thanks to the past few days neither the degree of spells she possessed nor the confidence she had in them was particularly shallow right now, and the girl was almost looking for a chance to prove herself even as she ran away…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

The Thrill of the Chase [Alisa/Training] SofiaSerana


The Thrill of the Chase [Alisa/Training] Empty Sun May 12, 2019 9:46 am


WORDS: 1400 | TAG: @Sofia | TRAINING   

Yes, Alisa knew fully well the effect her words would have on her beloved Sofia, after all, they'd been intimate for a fair amount of time now, and easily knew all the right words, all the sweet spots to touch to really leave the other shivering at every turn. Even not knowing what exactly had spurred the blue beauty from her hiding place, Alisa didn't really mind, feeling her heart race all the same as she chuckled, all but biting her lip:

"Well, guess I'll ask her myself very shortly~", musing to herself, she locked on to her target, not letting that vicious little vixen out of sight for even a second. Hardly a challenge, really, not with that ever seductive, alluring physique of hers, that toned tush so proudly on display as Sofia used every trick in the book to stay one step ahead. And as the sculptress soon noticed, that meant a lot more than simply making the most of the fitness she wanted to train, "How slippery~"

Alisa remembered the rules of course... To rely on her budding magic instead of her finely trained and honed fitness. As flattering as it may sound to hear her lover's understandable wariness, it palced her at a severe disadvantage - She only barely dodged the first water balloon, gasping, eyes widening as it merely slipped past the long, fluttering locks of her hair, and finally narrowing as they set back on Sofia:

"Someone's trying a bit too hard to leave me soaked...", noted the sculptress, admiring the ruthelessness with which her lover hoped to gun her down... She may be limited in how she could respond, but she still had some tricks up her sleeve. Recalling the crystalline blade her once used to often, Alisa rose her leading left arm over her face, stretching her hand out, channeling her mana into it, hoping to hear that satisfying crackle as she crystals erupted from it, "...Ibara...!"

And yet merely rechristening her spell didn't quite cut it. The once speedy blade stood no chance against her lover's swift projectle, barely producing enough crystal as Alisa swept her arm to parry. Instead, she gritted her teeth as her forearm collided with the bursting water baloon, forcing her eyes shut, everting her gaze and slowing down as the hit knocked her off balance and left that long, silky dark hair clinging wetly to her supple yet toned upper body once more.

Once again Sofia managed to leave her wet and dripping as she so often did...

And yet this time Alisa found it far less enjoyable than one might think, for it came with a fresh reminder of how unreliable her magic could be, and how that came from nothing but her own, repeated failure at mastering it. Even if she avoided a square hit, the heavy impact from the aquatic projectiles yet slowed Alisa down a fair bit, not much, but more than enough for Sofia to leave her in the dust and vanish into the wilderness once more:

"Tch...!", and with a click of her tongue, Alisa once more channeled mana, only barely bobbing out of the way of the next projectile, letting her mana flow and focus onto her feet with every quick, racing step, stance lowering as she quickly picked up speed again, "You're not getting away with that, again sweetie~"

In that brief moment when her annoyance teemed and mixed with tingling excitement, the gritting sculptress reflexively went for the next best thing, easily her most used spell, the one she relied on more than any other with her own crystal magic. Perhaps obeying a scarcely acknowledged impulse to pounce on her fleeing lover like a hunting lioness onto the hapless gazelle, her body responded that urge on instinct, responding to the impulse with a strong,  full power thrust of her legs, blitzing down her lover at her full dashing speed:  

"Got you~!", under the same conditioning that guided her so many times in the past, Alisa leaned into her run just before her thrusters fired, and in a split second found herself gaining on her lover, all but looming over her with a satisfying smirk on her face

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Last edited by Alisa on Sat May 25, 2019 7:45 am; edited 1 time in total

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

The Thrill of the Chase [Alisa/Training] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

The Thrill of the Chase [Alisa/Training] Empty Sun May 12, 2019 10:25 am



“Gah!” Gasping as the huntress all to quickly managed to catch up with her, given how raggedly she had been running herself in order to evade the empress up to this point, one perhaps could forgive the vixen’s lack of a verbose reception in the face of their reunion, the younger of the two yelping as she saw her friendly foe flying at her like an arrow and doing what she could to intercept her. The dashing damsel drawing back her hand and shaping the water that enshrouded it into a ball that she flung toward the face of her fellow femme in order to throw off her timing, while Miss Serena didn’t exactly expect the empress to take her effort lying down as the woman skirted around the blow so easily the witch couldn’t help but feel a hint of disappointment as she watched the water orb sail harmlessly past her without the slightest delay.
Damn! If this is her holding back, I’d hate to see what would happen if she decided to go all out on me? Cursing mentally at the reflexes of her partner though certainly not doubting for a single second that this was likely her lover at her lowest ebb, though she had not the time to marvel at how magnificent Miss Vollan was without really trying that hard, Sofia could not help but silently praise the woman as she readied her next attack. The failure of the first blow not filling her with a whole lot of hope that this would prove all that much but launching the same strike with her other hand, to a sense of slight surprise the sapphire siren watched for all of a second to see the watery blast throw the balance of her beloved off just enough to slow her down, though she did not revel in that success for more than a moment.

“N-Nope!” Crying out with a slight sense of excitement as she felt her opponent draw close to her and saw that she had just enough time to turn and slip away, with a vaulting first step the Valerican vixen lurched out of the path of her partner’s charge and set off again, the aching in her legs from all the running she had done up to this point dulled by the adrenaline that surged through her system.
Damnit, no misfire this time! Sucking on the air like someone who had been starved of it for a century as she moved and turning her head as she heard the words of the woman behind her, as a blast of brightness compelled the black beauty toward her Miss Serena bit into her lip as she pulled on her mana reserves and watched that speedy approach that the moment slowed to practically a crawl.

It seems this playing field might be more suited to the prey than predator~ Eyes darting around her environment in a fraction of a second and then the girl spotting something that seemed to prove advantageous, rather than continue her run the mermaid turned on her heel and thrust her hands out, waiting in what felt like agony before unleashing her own thruster to duck out of the way. The delay planned of course, as was her turn, as Sofia sent a surge of water from both of her palms in order to provide her with the boost that she’d need to slip through the fingers and shot off like a hose that someone had failed to restrain, she revealed the reason for her momentary dalliance.
Hopefully the impact will spare her pretty face? A nice thick tree right behind where she was standing and right in the way of Miss Vollan’s path if she proved a little sluggish on her breaks, as she used her own trajectory to send herself behind the cover of a nice craggy rock the young woman skidded her way back onto her feet and looped around, hoping to throw her enchanting enemy off her trail as she continued on without so much as turning her head to see what might have happened to her lover. It was a little heartless, but in the heat of the moment also rather necessary.

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

The Thrill of the Chase [Alisa/Training] SofiaSerana


The Thrill of the Chase [Alisa/Training] Empty Sun May 12, 2019 11:53 am


WORDS: 2020 | TAG: @Sofia | TRAINING   

Almost there...! Her smile steadily widened into a grin as her heart raced with every meter crossed, already tasting the victory to come once she finally pounced her skittish, ever mischievous beloved. When she mentioned Sofia would know just the way to give Alisa that extra little boost in motivation, she could still hardly expect something like this. She could swear her fingers had finally brushed some of those silky blue locks, fluttering with the wind behind her lover's alluring, curvaceous physique:

"So close~...!!", no matter how hard she tried not to, it got pretty hard not to feel victorious after having her win almost within her grasp as such, a bead of sweat dripping down her forehead as that tingling rush of antecipation warmed her body from within, far more so than any exertion, "W-wha...?!"

But instead of a charming, gorgeous vixen in her arms, Alisa instead came face to face with a tree, barely having enough time to even admire the bewildering display of water gushing from her palms as she breezed away from the sculptress' charge. Gritting her teeth, her rear foot turned towards Sofia as it stepped forwards, her legs crossing as the arms did the same in front of her, closing around that sweaty, tightly bound bosom, stance lowering and finally exploding as she poised to punish that tree for the insolence of standing in her way:

"CHAAAAAAAAI-!!!", with a bellowing battlecry, the sculptress only barely managed to leap off the ground, turning to face her lover as Sofia blitzed out of the way, stretching her right leg out in a soaring, thundering side kick, slamming into the thick trunk and easily shattering it. Chirping birds quickly fled from their lodging up in the treetop before it came tumbling down onto the ground, used by the sculptress as a mere stepping stone to once again beeline towards the slippery, deceptive blue siren, "...Not getting away~!!"

In retrospective, Alisa might have chided herself for getting this carried away over a simple game, and yet she knew the reason for once laid not only in her own competitive nature - that incessant desire to surpass herself and whoever stood in the way - but in how easily Sofia brought out the wildest of passions from deep within her. Leave it to her muse to to spur the strongest surges of inspirations as easily as breathing, and all that time, now more than ever, Alisa just couldn't stop smiling. She was having fun, as they played a simple game, she rushed forth decisively, almost recklessly even.

Urged to limit her physical prowess, she still had the advantage in stamina, but she wasn't even planning to use that. Instead, she'd much rather outsmart her sly lover, avoid what traps she laid along the way before finally pouncing her... Of course, that was the original plan...

"Fufu~...", giggling cheekily, she found herself drawing closer and closer to the girl on the way she herself paved, only to gasp when the voluptuous vision cleverly darted behind a rock, "Hiding away from again hmm~?"

With no time to waste let the disappearing Siren draw further away from her, Alisa quickly looked left, then right, finding nothing, and finally darting towards the only tracks she could find. Racing forth as if the devil himself were chasing her, Alisa very quickly lost any semblance of restraint once Sofia had completely vanished from her field of vision, almost frantic in her pursuit, determined to catch up to her once more. And when she finally saw that luscious behind before her once more, her smile widened as a playful giggle escaped her, brow furrowing as she'd very quickly catch up to Sofia once she brought nearly her full speed to bear:

"Oh, hello again~"

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Last edited by Alisa on Sat May 25, 2019 7:45 am; edited 1 time in total

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

The Thrill of the Chase [Alisa/Training] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

The Thrill of the Chase [Alisa/Training] Empty Sun May 12, 2019 12:46 pm



What the? Jolting as she heard that bellowing battle cry echo out through the woods, despite her desire to escape Miss Serena couldn’t help but respond to the yell that her opponent made with a moment of hesitation, turning her head to see what was going on more out of reflex mixed with curiosity than anything.
Looks like she’s getting the knack for her spells again… Bad news for me? Not really able to see exactly what was going on beyond the cloud of leaves and wooden splinters that the deed of the White Empress kicked up as she unleashed a prowess that was none the less impressive for its lack of mysticism, perhaps because of her faith in the fine femme she had found as a partner the sapphire siren elected to chalk up what she saw to a spell rather than the truth of the incident, giving Alisa a ‘pass’ at the slip she had made for one reason or another. Unfortunately, her frenemy opted to push the issue even further.
Wait… Is she? Paying little heed to the chuckle of the empress as she continued her escape but all too soon seeming to find that once again her path was cut off by that of the woman in record time, though she had given a pass in the moments before to the incident with the tree thanks to her perspective, as Miss Vollan bounded into view again Sofia couldn’t help but feel rather suspicious of the speed with which her enemy returned to her.
Yes, she is. Very bad. Such a rotten girl. Turning her head and then the rest of her as the dark diva called out to her from behind, with her suspicion raised it only took the foreign fox a second of staring at the shape of her opponent in order to recognise she wasn’t playing by the rules. There seeming no sign of a magical circle anywhere on her body or glittering sparks of diamond to account for the haste she showed so effortlessly, it was clear for anyone to see that there was no magic involved in what the pretty pegusi achieved. It was pure power.
“Alisa Vollan!” Shaking her head from side to side and then skidding to a stop as she faced the fine female that rapidly seemed to be closing in on her behind, though she was still somewhat breathless the blue beauty still felt able to bark at her buddy as she recognised that misuse of her personal partner, speaking the name of her lover with a sternness in her tone that neither of them were really accustomed to.
“You dirty cheater! Have you no shame?!” Naturally that sense of fierceness that Miss Serena showed in her voice melting away almost immediately and instead giving way to something that seemed childish and slightly pleading, with no fear of a collision the mermaid stamped her feet up and down and then prodded her finger at the naughty girl with her cheeks puffed up, pouting as she pointed out the rule breaking she was committing and looking rather adorable as she did so…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

The Thrill of the Chase [Alisa/Training] SofiaSerana


The Thrill of the Chase [Alisa/Training] Empty Sun May 12, 2019 1:34 pm


WORDS: 2570 | TAG: @Sofia | TRAINING   

 Alisa was getting far too into it; despite her ability to keep her cool and stick to strict training regimens, her very bond with Sofia made it challengin not to see it as a playful frolic between lovers... And speeding up to catch up to her, well... Only felt like the natural thing to do. Even the wind caressing her warm cheeks hardly felt as fulfilling as finally catching up to her might, and in the end, Alisa finally got what she wanted... But not in the way she expected. The way Sofia stopped so suddenly, calling out to her so sternly until she felt a shiver down her spine, gasping so startledly as she realized just how fast she'd gotten in her frantic pursuit.


Only the faintest little gleam of awkwardness showed on her face for the briefest of moment, eyes widening as she reflexively ground to a halt... Or tried to at least... With how fast she was going, stopping forcefully as such would still fling her straight into Sofia's arms, and while the idea might sound  delightful at any other time, right now it felt nothing if not tactless.

...To her credit, Alisa did manage to use her magic at that very last moment:

"Hnnngh...!", gritting her teeth softly, she recalled one of the simpler uses of her magic and tried to make full use of it right here and now, producing heavy thrusters from her feet, hands, knees, hips, elbows... Shooting crystalline rods to redirect her momentum in the direction of her choosing.

Unlike the flowing motions Sofia could likely achieve with a similar spell, Alisa's were crisp and linear, forceful redirections relying on the weight of her crystal projectiles to knock her around via recoil. But she pulled it off. Just as her own wide eyed face drew mere inches from Sofia's beautiful frown, that faint smile returned to her face as she calmly moved around her, grinding to a halt behind her lover just as she inevitably turned around to point and chide her. Crossing her arms, folding them under that sweat slicked bosom, Alisa calmly brought a hand up to her cheek, admiring that ever playful hint on those stern, clearly drawn lines of the mermaid's face:

"Ufufu~ And here I thought making me use more of my power boiled down to your own merit~", replied the sculptress, feeling a silent tinge of embarassment for getting caught up to the point of losing the ability to hold back... She was quite bad at holding back mind you, but that was hardly an excuse now, was it? Though she calmly flipped her hair like she always did, cocking her hip to one side with that ever stylish poise, that pale, alabaster skin could barely hide the hint of red coloring her own cheeks, hinting at how she did realize the error of her more than she let on... Even before she actually took another step forward and inched ever closer to Sofia, "...I may have overdone it a little back there, but... Surely you could find it in your heart to forgive me~?"

Meeting that pouty look on her face with a sympathetic, almost apologetic one, she giggled but nonetheless cupped the girl's pointing hand between the two of hers, cradling her in that gentle warmth as she looked deeply into those playfully annoyed, aquamarine jewels she had for eyes. Determined to appease her displeased beloved, she'd gradually shower her with ever increasing affection, even gently smooching that chiding hand of hers.


Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Last edited by Alisa on Sat May 25, 2019 7:48 am; edited 2 times in total

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

The Thrill of the Chase [Alisa/Training] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

The Thrill of the Chase [Alisa/Training] Empty Sun May 12, 2019 5:48 pm



So, those powers work in a pinch, do they? Barely even flinching as the black haired beauty brought herself to a halt in such a spectacular fashion right in front of her face, while the long blue locks of Miss Serena fluttered because of the wind that was kicked up by the sudden halt the girl herself simply stood there and observed, showing no shortage of brassiness as she noted how despite the struggles Alisa was having she could pull it out of the bag when she wanted to. Perhaps the importance of wanting to pull the move off in order to avoid harming someone she cared about the deciding factor or merely the practice they had been through paying dividends, it was impressive to see even if the girl would not show it.
“Ohhhh? Trying to worm your way out of things now?” The lungs of the sapphire siren screaming for air and her pulse pounding as she stood in front of the White Empress whilst attempting to show as little of her fatigue as possible, while the ‘incident’ that had occurred had seemingly created an intermission for the pair, even if she wished to toy with her lover through slightly breathy words Sofia knew even in this moment she had no intention of stopping the battle that was waged between them for good. There was plenty more fun to be had, after all.
“You know, there was a time when my sweet Lisa seemed like a woman of integrity? A noble warrior sort?” Appreciating the chance to catch her breath a little but certainly far from done, maybe it was their proximity or simply the chance to give herself a break but the sapphire siren couldn’t help but want to tease her wonderful woman just a little bit.
“Now she breaks rules as she sees fit and feels herself entitled to forgiveness as soon as she pleases? In all honesty, I fear I have been something of a bad influence on a soul who was once so bright, even as I try my best to help her be better than she is?” Jerking her hand away as Alisa tried to seize it with her own and wagging her finger like a schoolteacher toward the woman, in this amusing circumstance Miss Serena couldn’t help but refuse the affection of her lover, knowing that she wouldn’t hold it against her to any high degree as she played into her position of authority with a sense of expressionless glee.

“I suppose one can hardly blame a person for being overexcited, and I am a forgiving soul on the whole, however it feels like brushing the issue away too easily will only reinforce your new attitude, now won’t it?” Definitely enjoying the chance to showboat in front of her femme after feeling like it had been far too long since she had such a chance, after turning around and folding an arm across herself Sofia began to pace from side to side as she tried to find a solution that satisfied her in this situation.

“So, perhaps if the so called White Empress might humble herself with a proper apology, we may be able to begin moving past the issue?” Not really all that offended by what Miss Vollan had done but more disappointed that she had gotten carried away and spoiled the flow of their game a little, she wasn’t about to let that slide no matter how the woman in front of her sent those honeyed words and batted her lashes to get what she wanted. Stern in her resolution even if it was one that largely revolved around teasing her lover, with one arm drawn behind her back in the fashion of a gracious lady the mermaid offered her other mitt to the minx in a motion that made clear that she was being offered this chance at redemption rather than seizing it for her own, hoping to polish up that rough manner of the woman in the same way that she had been helping her with her spells…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

The Thrill of the Chase [Alisa/Training] SofiaSerana


The Thrill of the Chase [Alisa/Training] Empty Mon May 13, 2019 12:27 pm


WORDS: 3170 | TAG: @Sofia | TRAINING   

Of course Sofia wasn't about to make it easy for her... She always found a way to challenge the sculptress, but that was only one of the reasons why her presence inspired her. Brimming with satisfaction at her sudden recovery of one of her older, most reliable spells, Alisa's smile brightened all too easily. Even under her lover's unyielding offense, she still had that cool look on her face, amused by that impish impression of herself, wondering how much Sofia's real view on her actually held up against those expectations... Used to keeping herself on a pedestal, she couldn't help look at her with a raised eyebrow the whole way, finally raising a hand over her mouth as she responded:

"Noble you say...? My, ever the flatterer~", spoke the sculptress, chuckling as she hardly ever considered herself such... She was indeed incapable of fighting dirty, but only because she believed there was no such thing. There are no cheaters in war, only winners and the dead... But training with someone so important to her was a whole other matter altogether, and when she accepted those terms, she very much intended to keep them. That she had done anything but was but a failure on her part, something to be rectified, "You seem to have quite the unrealistic idea of me sweetie~ Really, you mustn't blame yourself."

Watching Sofia's little act amused her more than she'd admit, and yet her stern refusal drew the slightest hints of a pout on the sculptress' face, hand returning to her hip as she releneted, knowing her beautiful beloved couldn't be so easily appeased as such. Seeing that hand offered in turn, Alisa accepted it, realizing when she had lost a battle. And yet for all her aparent composure, she couldn't help but cross an arm under her chest, rubbing behind her elbow as her cheeks reddened and she sighed at long last:

"Indeed, you are correct... My apologies, my beautiful Sofia~", and thus that insistent hue lingered for a fair bit longer, finally yielding the words that blue haired beauty longed to hear, taking hold of her hand with loving affection. Yet for all the earnestness of her feelings, Alisa still found a away to tease her lover back, never a moment passing without the playful vixen getting as good as she gave. Her fingertips would brush her lover's wrist, gently, teasing that smooth, soft as the sculptress slowly leaned in, "It won't happen again, and you can rest assured...", her eyes narrowed soft and lovingly, closer until her luscious lips may finally meet the girl's soft cheek, kissing it tenderly, "...I'll make it all up to you~"

Alisa had never been one for verbal apologies... Actions speak louder than words after all, and clichéd as it might be, times like these hinted at the veracity behind it. Sofia brought out the best in her in oh so many ways. Lest she shy away from her affection, the sculptress would struggle to peel away as she reached mere inches from that beautiful face, lingering there, even smooching her cheek once again:

"Once we're done training that is~...", gazing into her lover's eyes as such, merely feeling her warm breath on her cheek made them redden further, leaving Alisa's skin tingling in a clear, very vivid reminder of how they could easily get lost in their feelings for each other, and lose sight of everything they here by to do.
That said, she'd clearly not relent anytime soon, not until she saw her ravishing Sofia thoroughly satisfied, in whatever way she could find, reaching up and brushing a lock of blue hair behind her ear, stroking her cheek lovingly.


Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Last edited by Alisa on Sat May 25, 2019 7:48 am; edited 2 times in total

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

The Thrill of the Chase [Alisa/Training] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

The Thrill of the Chase [Alisa/Training] Empty Tue May 14, 2019 7:08 am



I can’t quite tell if she’s just playing but that’s satisfying to see~ Running the tip of her tongue across her lips slowly as she saw the tiny little pout and the redness that the White Empress wore for her, despite the silliness of their situation currently Miss Serena silently appreciated the feeling she could see in her lovers understated expression. Alisa always seeming so cool and confident, guarding her emotions to keep herself in control, in the still waters of this dark diva the subtlest signs of what stirred beneath the surface felt like a treasure to the sapphire siren. Perhaps it might have been seen as a little callous or manipulative to extract such joy but given how good the poker face of her partner was, the fact that she had somehow found a way beneath it felt rewarding and more than enough to show her a little more softness in return.
“Why, you know I just want the best for my beautiful Alisa~” Shivering as she felt that soft touch on her fingers and making no effort to avoid the closeness that her lover sought from her, Sofia purred with words that carried more sincerity than she had initially intended thanks to the happiness that the ‘reveal’ had inspired, gasping slightly as she felt the softness of the woman’s lips on her cheek and showing her affection in return with an almost pleading nuzzle. The warmth of Miss Vollan always enough to melt away any determination she had when she drew this close, before long the eyes of the Valerican vixen were filled with dizziness and her hand had shot up to the back of the black beauty’s neck to prevent her from slipping away too quickly.
“Mmmnnnffffff~” Barely able to register much of what her perfect partner was saying as she felt the deft digits of the dark diva diving into her hair, with a muffled moan Miss Serena lunged forwards and gave into her temptation a little as she trapped her beloved in a slow but escalating lock of lips. Finding that she mewled the very moment that the softness and sweetness of Alisa’s mouth had begun to mingle with her own, with a suckling grip, she clawed for more and more of that taste as she felt like it had been months and months and months since she had even the slightest drop of this delightful pleasure. Not content with simply sharing her lips either, all too soon her velvety tongue had also entered into the dance and begun searching for that of the empress’, savouring the taste and feeling that she found as the lids to her azure eyes grew heavier and heavier and finally slipped shut as she basked in that bliss.

“N-Now… That’s what I call a proper apology~” Only managing to peel herself away from the addictive taste of the delicious poison known as Alisa Vollan after a matter of moments that felt like she had been through hours of ecstasy, with her breath now shaky more because of the stunning kiss she had shared with her lover, Sofia leaned back with a slight sense of reluctance and looked into the wonderful rubies that had been set into the sculpted ivory that was the face of the loveliest lady in the land.
“All is forgiven, my sweet~” A hand slipping up to the cheek of the White Empress and stroking it slowly as she continued to enjoy the little intermission they had taken from their training, with a soft purr the young princess bit her lip and wrinkled her nose as she looked at her woman, knowing they couldn’t dally for too long but at the same time not wanting to waste a moment that she could spend in the warms of her amazing amazon…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

The Thrill of the Chase [Alisa/Training] SofiaSerana


The Thrill of the Chase [Alisa/Training] Empty Tue May 14, 2019 3:34 pm


WORDS: 3870 | TAG: @Sofia | TRAINING   

Yes, that's the kind of look she was looking for... Not that Alisa fared much better in the face of such heartwarming intimacy, making her heart pound so furiously Sofia would inevitably feel it the moment they pressed up tightly together... At the same time, Alisa always managed to keep up that cool air about her, even as the shade on her cheeks deepened with her rising pulse, caressing her lover more firmly with her fingertips the whole way:

"Indeed, I know that all too well, but... You're more than welcome to remind me~", she cooed softly, always delighting in how readily her lover responded to her touch. She looked particularly touched by these apologetic words, a sight so wondrous Alisa was sure not to forget any time soon. Engraved into her mind as such, she would surely recall it for years to come, finding it as inspiring then as she did now. Gazing into her eyes the whole way, Alisa twirled a lock of that blue hair around her finger, enthralled by how soft it felt to her touch, and so when she found her retreat cut off by the well placed hand, she merely gasped before that sudden smooch caught her off guard, eyes widening for the briefest of moments before she hummed softly into it, purring lovingly the whole way, "Mmmmn~... Hah~... Sofiaa~..."

Heaving inbetween kisses as the liplock grew all the more feverent as time went on, the lithomancer slid her arms further around her lover's elegant frame, holding her tightly until she felt herself sinking into her warmth, her plush bosom pressing tightly against Sofia's as she savored her taste, tongue snaking out to meet hers for a long, amorous dance. It took but mere instincts for what could have been an innocent kiss to become a truly passionate, heated makeout, her hand slipping further around Sofia's waist and pulling her closer, teasing that bare skin with a loving caress as she sensually suckled her tongue into her mouth to mingle. Alisa lost track of time with relative ease, and had little intention to peel away... Even if she knew they needed to, in order to hopefully get some training done at some point... She lost herself in her lover's touch far too easily, her warmth on her skin, her scent tickling her nostrils, that pleasant flavour setting her tastebuds alight. It took Sofia's initiative to actually do it, and even then Alisa bit her lip needily:

"...As pleasant as it may feel... I'd hope you won't need to hear many more~", she replied, giggling cheekily as she slowly peeled away, marvelling at the thick, glistening string of saliva connecting their lips, the little puffs of breath forming before them, the vivid redness on her lover's cheeks. All too easily she found herself twirling those silky locks of her beloved around her fingertips, tilting her head as she gazed deeply into her eyes... There was never any shortage of passion between them but... A romantic touch like this... Even for them that didn't happen often. Not often enough, that's for sure. Sighing in bliss as she gazed into those shimmering aquamarines, Alisa tickled the girl's smooth skin with her fingernails, leaning in for one last, sweet peck before peeling away for good, licking her lips the whole, "I'm very glad to hear that~"

Of course, she couldn't well and truly pull away so easily. Feeling Sofia's touch on her skin as such, she hummed, her eyes fluttered shut for the briefest of moments, cupping her hand and nuzzling it, smooching it gently as she held her gaze:

"Wellll~... If suppose, if you'd like a fresh start on our little training session... I could turn around and cover my eyes. Perhaps five minutes will suffice~?", she offered, brow rising as she kept lavishing that hand with the same tender affection she'd only just been showing her lips all the same, wondering how her darling muse would take such an offer.


Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Last edited by Alisa on Sat May 25, 2019 7:49 am; edited 2 times in total

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

The Thrill of the Chase [Alisa/Training] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

The Thrill of the Chase [Alisa/Training] Empty Wed May 15, 2019 6:46 am



“Wellll, there’s no need to apologize so long as you act like a good girl, is there~?” Purring softly as she looked into those beautiful rubies that her beloved possessed, Miss Serena giggled softly and titled her head to one side as she teased Alisa, adding a little ‘punch’ to the point she made by casually letting let palm rap the rear of the woman with a grin. Unable to resist the urge to give that firm behind a cheeky little squeeze as well once she did so, though she knew they should probably get on with their job the mischievous mermaid couldn’t help but indulge the kiss that was offered to her by the black haired beauty, letting out a tender groan that only her lover would be able to hear as she gave those soft lips a short but sweet suckle then pulled away with a satisfied sigh.

“Oho~? Such a generous offer, Miss Vollan~” Giggling when the White Empress next offered her the chance to get another head start on their little game of cat and mouse, she couldn’t help but find herself amused by the childish way that her wonderful woman framed the idea, feeling like they were a pair of kids running through the woods because of it.
“You like chasing after me that much, do you~?” This youthful feeling something that only brought out her mischievous side of the minx, as she giggled at the way Miss Vollan toyed with her hand so sweetly, Sofia couldn’t help but tease her lover a bit both with her words and the little show she would perform to play up for her partner.

“I can’t blame you, I suppose it’s a niece view~” Licking her lips and then taking a few steps away from the woman in front of her before turning around and starting to do a mock little jog on the spot, Miss Serena made sure to swing her hips from side to side as much as she could as she looked over shoulder toward her own delicious derriere with a grin.
“There’s no wonder my girl gets so overexcited when she’s running something like this down, is there?” Knowing that the tight form of clothing she was wearing would only enhance the image she was showing off and really working her ass into the motion, after a moment or two the foreign fox cast her gaze toward the face of her fellow femme, wanting to know if Alisa was enjoying the show she was putting on as much as she was enjoying performing it, and hoping that she might just be surpassing her in that regard.

“Though, five minutes seems a wide margin for even you given the physical impediment, so I think we’ll cut that down to sixty seconds given the sweetness of that apology~ Sound good?” Sighing softly and then snickering as she ended the performance of her posterior with a flick of her hair, even if it felt like even a five minute head start was something that Miss Vollan would cut through with ease if she went all out, even without considering the potent physical application of the woman’s body the sapphire knew that her lover had the skills in tracking to pick up her trail with ease so a long wait seemed rather pointless really.

“Turn around then my love, and you promise no peeking~?” If anything the comfort of five whole minutes feeling like more of a handicap, with such a vast margin to be separated from the empress Sofia knew that she would probably rest on her laurels or ease her guard, ironically making the job of her enemy easier despite the generous allowance of time she was afforded. So with that in mind, the vixen knew had to play this situation with the strength of her mind rather than her body, since it was the only field in which she knew the two of them were even…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

The Thrill of the Chase [Alisa/Training] SofiaSerana


The Thrill of the Chase [Alisa/Training] Empty Thu May 16, 2019 1:04 am


WORDS: 4490 | TAG: @Sofia | TRAINING   

 "Act like a good girl...? My, that is a very interesting choice of words there my love~", teasing the sculptress, gazing back lovingly into her eyes, giggling as she cocked her head slightly, her hand stubbornly lingering on her lover's smooth skin, caressing her gently as she relished every second of this playful flirtation between them, "Make you wonder just what else you might be hoping to see me act~"

For all her maturity, Alisa loved these vibrant youthful moments with Sofia a lot more than she'd admit. Perhaps she could blame her and the passioned they shared for it, or perhaps she simply had a lot of that energy saved up... After all, Alisa had matured early, perhaps too early.

"Who knooows~... I'm sure you'll find out when you start running~", teased the sculptress right back, all but shivering at that cheeky little tap. Her nails dug softly into that smooth skin, eyes narrowing as she purred and giggled, giving her frisky lover every chance to make the most of this little heated moment between them, holding her gaze the whole way as she sensually bit her lip and shifted that shapely derriere left and right alluringly, always seeking just the right way to tease her beloved Sofia.

All too easily she'd find herself leaning in, merely nuzzling her lover's luscious lips, not quite kissing them, but more than enough to satisfy that never ending craving for each other's warmth, gasping slightly, giving them a tender little lick... As if she knew another kiss would only renew their passion, and mostly likely vaniquish their productivity altogether. But even as Sofia peeled away from her, she'd find no relief from the temptation, nor would she ask for it, cocking her hip and resting her hand there as she calmly admired the eye catching display her ravishing lover put on for her:

"Mmmm~... But you you put it like that... Gets quite hard to tell who enjoys it most... My chasing after you, or your being chased after", noted the sculptress, throwing her a cheeky little wink when Sofia turned back, flipping her hair gracecefully yet not for a moment glancing away from that supple display. Quite the opposite, she leaned in softly as if to break off into a sprint, tempting her lover with a long look into the tightly held depths of her sweat glistening cleavage, "Indeed, no way you could blame a girl for admiring such an irresistible beauty now, would you~? That would be oh so evil of you~"

Of course, judging by the way Alisa's gaze scanned up and down her lover's form, quite often lingering in that toned tush as Sofia flaunted it, admiring the way her long, flowing ponytain rippled softly with the breeze and her every motion, nibbling her bottom lip:

"I suppose depriving myself of such a glorious visage would do more harm than good.", she nodded, rising back upright, chuckling as a hand rose over her mouth, "Ufufu~... Cross my heart~... And certainly not fingers~", with the playful, almost childish vibe between them, she couldn't help throw Sofia another knowing ink, hand reaching for her chest before she finally pivoted on on heel, turning around and covering around, waiting but a single moment's pause before she slowly began to count, "Oooooone... Twoooooo~"

Dragging out each word, Alisa nonetheless counted each second as she accurately could by heart, which was, well, about as close as you could get to a fancy Minstreli clock really... After all, keeping a good track of time can often be the difference between life or death in the heat of battle.


Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Last edited by Alisa on Sat May 25, 2019 7:50 am; edited 2 times in total

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

The Thrill of the Chase [Alisa/Training] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

The Thrill of the Chase [Alisa/Training] Empty Thu May 16, 2019 6:05 am



“Mmmmm… Maybe we should switch things up a little later on and have me chase you~?” Biting her lip as the black haired beauty spun around on the spot and showed off the deliciousness of her own derriere, even though she was wasting a little bit of her own head start, Miss Serena couldn’t help but take a few seconds to enjoy the sight all the same.
“Just to return the favour of such an epic view~?” Certainly the intent of Alisa far more innocent and honest than the cheeky little display that the Sapphire Siren had put on, all the same that perfectly formed peach was an alluring sight that simply could not be ignored, making the mischievous mermaid gape a little just from the image and promise it might hold for a little later on.

“Heeeheeheee, anyway, you have my thanks my darling~ I’m happy to see you can be such a good sport?” Purring gently as she paid little attention for the number of seconds that had been rolling past as she waited just behind the back of the White Empress, after licking her lips Sofia couldn’t help but offer a note of appreciation for the fairy play of her fair femme, and in a way wished that she could share it. Unfortunately, she could not.

“Octolock!” The Valerican vixen feeling like something of a villain for taking advantage of the trust that she was shown by Alisa but in truth knowing that she needed every advantage that she could in the battle to come, with her hand thrusting forward and mana bursting free the wicked witch clenched her fingers at the small space of air that separated herself from her partner and activated one of the cheekier spells that she could boast of. Tentacles made of water lurching from the magic circle that had been born on her palm the second that she announced her attack, with speedy shooting grasp they wrapped themselves around the form of her foe as if she had been set upon by a cephalopod and squeezed that sublime shape tightly to constrain her.

“No need to worry about that countdown now!” Tossing a little wave to the woman with whom she was competing and winking at her as well, with the tip of her tongue poking out the corner of her mouth Miss Serena broke into her fastest little dash as she sought to speed away from her lady lover, knowing that the spell she had just cast would likely do far more to even the odds between them than any chronological delay. Octolock a spell that bound the bodies of her enemies in a tight grip that denied them the use of their full strength, maybe it was a little cheeky to trap the empress like this but it did mean that the woman would be less able to rely on her potent physical potential the next time she felt tempted, levelling the playing field between them somewhat.

“Don’t worry, those tentacles won’t get too friendly~” Grinning mischievously as she made for a thick line of trees and shouted over her shoulder with an elated sense of cheekiness, Sofia couldn’t help but giggle as she ran along, expecting to find her alabaster amazon right on her trail as she ducked between trunks and arched off to the side.
“At least not without me there to watch!” Maybe her excitement getting just a bit as she glanced over her shoulder to see how Miss Vollan was coping with her spell and cackling all the while, though her words would do nothing to aid her stealth in the slightest she still couldn’t help shouting out, feeling more thrilled than ever and wondering just what her fine foe would do to answer the mischief she had wrought…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

Last edited by Sofia Serena on Tue May 28, 2019 12:45 pm; edited 1 time in total


The Thrill of the Chase [Alisa/Training] Empty Fri May 17, 2019 11:53 am


WORDS: 5110 | TAG: @Sofia | TRAINING   

She knew very well where her lover was staring after all, such was the kind of chemistry they had... And knowing that, she couldn't help but cock her hip slowly to one side in an eye catching motion, and swaying back around when Sofia offered a little role reversal for their next round of training:

"Perhaps we should, it would indeed be a wonderful change of pace, hmmm~?", clearly intrigued by the proposition, Alisa nodded as she imagined herself being chased by her lover, knowing she'd have defenitely find it easier to hold back. She did love to tease, almost as much as Sofia enjoyed finding herself on the recieving end. Her mind quickly filled by those enticing thoughts until she couldn't help but bite her lip, her blacked out sight making it all too easy to picture the vivid scene in her mind, until only her lover's amusing words drew her from her world of contemplated with an elegant, graceful little giggle, "Ohooo~? That almost sounds as though you were expecting something else entirely~ I'm almost offended."

Bound by her own word and prevented from turning back, Alisa had no chance of properly gazing into her lover's eyes, and yet that tone of playful, almost accusing indignation spoke volumes... Though none of it quite comapred to her tone after that surprised gasp, the moment she felt those firm, wet appendages squeezing her body tightly:

"Wha...?! My my~...", eyes widening for a split second as she felt that pressure coiling tightly around her, Alisa turned her head back to looking into those shimmering aquamarines, tinged with mischief as her brow furrowed, "And here I though we stopped training on account of my cheating... Makes me think it was all a ploy to get the upper hand~"

Chiding her lover, she wasted no time pointing out Sofia's underhanded strategy without ever losing an inch of her composure. Even with the strong binds around her whole body, she hardly even gritted her teeth, merely flexing her muscles just enough to counterbalance the strain imposed on her. Having to deal with it in the long run would defenitely be a hassle, but that said, Alisa felt quite proud of her stamina:

"Ufufufu~ So you say~... Though it seems to me you must have had a lot of fun training this one~", teased the sculptress, even throwing the girl a cheeky little wink, only a hint of red showing in her cheeks as those frisky water tentacles coiled tighter around her body, doing their damndest to restrain their movements. While Alisa instinctively tried to break out and found herself unable to - the water tentacles quickly forming around her body - she did notice how her own strengh could effectively dampen the effects of her spell, but in the end... Alisa kept their rules firmly in her mind, "No need to worry... I'll be with you sooner than you can count to ten~"

Teased the sculptress right back, understanding her lover's little cheap shot meant she too earned some liberties to deal with it. She still kept up her count to ten though, aloud and clear for everyone to listen so long as they remained within earshot, rather enjoying the childish little game they had going between them.

"...Nine...Ten~... Ready or not here I come~!", giggling, Alisa turned on one hell once more and immediately broke off into a sprint, chasing after her lover as her eyes narrowed... Or at least she tried to.

With her while body bound and tanged as such, she lacked that explosive burst of speed she'd have liked, even if she could still speed up the good old fashioned way, gritting her teeth as ever movement loosened the tentacles just a little bit, enough to eventually ease into a proper running pace...


Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Last edited by Alisa on Sat May 25, 2019 7:50 am; edited 1 time in total

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

The Thrill of the Chase [Alisa/Training] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

The Thrill of the Chase [Alisa/Training] Empty Fri May 17, 2019 4:56 pm



Almost sounds like she wants those tentacles to get a bit frisky with her… Bad girl~ Biting into her lip with a grin as the words of the White Empress weaved their way through the woodland and found her ears, Miss Serena had to cover her mouth as she slipped behind the cover of a nice but slightly prickly bush, almost wanting to chuckle aloud but stopping herself before she gave off the clue needed.
I’ll have to make a note of that, then~ Smirking as she stifled the urge to laugh aloud and taking a few slow and sure steps as silently as she could manage, the sapphire siren let out a few steady breaths to even out her breathing as she waited for a sign of Alisa, deciding that she would never win out in a marathon with such a pristine figure in spite of the bind she had cast on the black haired beauty and instead turning their game into a more overt form of hide and seek.

Now, where is she, I wonder? The azure eyes of Sofia narrowing a little as she peered through the dim light that broke through the woodland in search of her foe, though it seemed rather foolhardy to challenge such a capable and quite honestly superior enemy in close combat, the Valerican Vixen almost had the intention to do so. The little ‘curse’ that she had cast on her companion something that would work best when her fellow femme was nearby, since ‘he’ starved of the mana he needed to work when she was more than a handful of meters away, the more distance that separated them the less effect that her long limbed creation would have.

She’ll have to keep herself at a distance to stop that thing squeezing away her strength, which should make it a bit easier for me to slip away if I get into a pinch? Perhaps opting for something of a risky gambit in this little training exercise, Miss Serena was nothing else if not audacious, and because of this much preferred a little excitement and a hint of danger over playing it safe any day of the week.
Not to mention, if she has to move from range, she’ll be more reliant on her magic and that’s kind of the point, isn’t it? Quickly sizing up the chances of both of them and showing that the smarts that lay beneath her charming behaviour could be applied beyond situations of silly or sensual inclination, the little trick that this mischievous minx had performed was about more than just getting ‘one up’ on Alisa, even if that had been a rather satisfying moment.

She’ll have to prove she can use those spells to pin me down… Remembering her vow to be the teacher of sorts to the temptress who was likely now hot on her trail, even if she tended to play around a lot, Sofia took such responsibility far more seriously than she let on. Sensing that pride that her empress had in what she could do and honestly a bit worried for how such a usually confident woman might suffer if she felt she was slipping too much, perhaps because of how guarded her girl was the woman was a little bit more sensitive to the feelings of her fellow femme than she needed to be, and far concerned than she might have let on verbally.

To me… And herself? Relishing the chance to have a hand in polishing up that peerless skill and also feeling like doing so offered a sort of intimacy between them that she doubted many others would share, having been let inside the ‘wall’ of the alabaster royal Miss Serena certainly wanted to make sure she did a good job of helping the woman, in her way perhaps hoping that she might earn a little more trust in future by doing so. The femme with whom she travelled so very fascinating to the foreign fox, it would be a shame if the story she kept to herself for the most part went untold, especially to someone who was so very fond of titanic tales involving beautiful women…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

The Thrill of the Chase [Alisa/Training] SofiaSerana

Last edited by Sofia Serena on Tue May 28, 2019 12:46 pm; edited 1 time in total


The Thrill of the Chase [Alisa/Training] Empty Sat May 18, 2019 11:01 am


WORDS: 5690 | TAG: @Sofia | TRAINING   

Indeed, no more than a couple of steps into her run did Alisa fully realize how Sofia's spell was heavily dependent on proximity to her. Without an opponent to chase down, she instead had no choice but to walk around, head turning left and right, eyes narrowed as she sought out even the slightest sign of her skittish beloved. Moving quietly, she was sure to hear whatever sound the girl made:

"Now, where did you go~...?", mused the sculptress, seemingly wandering aimlessly... And yet Alisa's movements were anything but. While seemingly oblivious to her lover's location, after realizing the binding spell around her grew weaker with distance, she also understood she could use that weakness to locate her lover turned prey,"Come on out, Sofiaaa~"

As she moved around, fighting the binding spell with slow, paced steps, she also assessed the difference in the strength of the tentacles from one moment to the next, and in time, she got a pretty good idea of exactly which bush the girl had taken to hiding herself. But she never looked that way for long, at least, never stared there specifically, no more than she did every other place... Even if, by some chance, Sofia called her bluff and realized Alisa had figured out how to use that spell against its master, she had a whole other plan on top of that... With no sound but the breeze whistling between leaves, the birds chirping overhead, Alisa bode her time, until finally... Once she'd comfortably figured out out where the cheeky little mix had holed up in, she'd stike suddenly and without hesitation, like a viper suddenly pouncing on the hapless prey:

"There!!", she cried out, swinging her arm upwards with a diagonal swiping motion, letting her mana flow through her arm quickly launching a flying, slicing blade of crystals towards the girl's hiding place. This time, Alisa kept the rules of their engagement firmly in her mind: To use only magic. Her lover went out of the way to arrange an exercise tailored for their specific needs, and she returned that attention with a completely mastered Ibara.

Though Alisa could never bring herself to hurt her beloved Sofia, she knew very well to use the girl's own reaction against her: On edge as they were, she was certain her reflexes would kick in and push her away the moment she saw a powerful mage lashing out with magic...

A bluff within a bluff, already antecipating her beloved vixen may see through one, but doubting she'd see through both in a row, in a split second.

And yet as menacing as it may seem, the sculptress aimed her spell slightly off target, firing it from roughly five meters away. Even as it sung menacingly through the bushes and cleaved the vegetation like a high speed machete, the only real goal was to flush Sofia out of cover, or at the very least have her revealing herself before suddenly pouncing on her hopefully startled, freshly revealed lover:

"Hello again, Sofia~!!", giggling as she called out her lover's name, Alisa tapped her foot with the first slow step taken towards her - the tentacles tightening around her whole body may limit how swiftly she could accelerate, but she could counteract that with her thrusters, enabling her to dash at a respectable speed, closing the gap fast and readily looming over the mermaid, ready to pounce her onto the grassy ground.


Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Last edited by Alisa on Sat May 25, 2019 7:51 am; edited 1 time in total

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

The Thrill of the Chase [Alisa/Training] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

The Thrill of the Chase [Alisa/Training] Empty Sat May 18, 2019 1:47 pm



Did she?! The diamond dagger whizzing through the overgrowth not much further than a foot away from the face of the foxy foreigner, while some cool minded combatants might have had the assurance to keep their position still and steady in the face of such an event, Miss Serena was not one of them. Not as accustomed to the art of battle as Alisa was, with a flinching reflex the teen lurched up the second that the spell shot past her, springing out of the way of attack with a speed and fluidity that her recent training had honed by none the less giving away her position.

Damnit, she got me… Cursing inwardly at the words of her opponent and silently offering a modicum of respect for the bluff that the black beauty had shown, as soon as Sofia saw the shape of the White Empress looking at her she knew the woman would lunge, aiming to put an end to their bout before it had really begun again. With that in mind, it seemed prudent to escape really, like the Valerican vixen had done before. However, perhaps in the same way that her own trickery seemed to be rubbing off on Miss Vollan, the valour shown by her lover also seemed to influence the next move of the mermaid in one way or another.

“Hey!” Shouting back to Alisa as she realized the jig was up and launching herself forward with every ounce of speed that her legs could provide as the sapphire siren charged right at her adversary rather than run away, having been so known for trying to slip away from her challenger up to this point in the fight, Miss Serena hoped that the sudden change of pace might throw the woman off guard as she lunged straight at her lover with reckless disregard. However, despite the audacity and apparent irresponsibility of her act, it was all part of the sapphire siren’s plan.

“Mermaid Kick!” Not even waiting for her feet to touch the ground or lingering to see whether her lady love might seize her as she unleashed a sudden burst of mana that took the shape of a long, fishlike tail with the snap of her arm, all of a sudden the watery appendage that lurched from the form of the fox cracked and sent her shooting off toward the side as she showed off her own little bluff. Counting on the fact that the sudden proximity would trigger the effect of the curse that she had placed upon the empress to dent her the wealth of her close combat abilities in the circumstance and also leave her a little rattled as well, Sofia sent her sensual shape shooting off on a perpendicular path to the one she had lunged with, preparing another little spell just in case her lil Lisa decided she wanted to chase after her…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

The Thrill of the Chase [Alisa/Training] SofiaSerana

Last edited by Sofia Serena on Tue May 28, 2019 12:47 pm; edited 1 time in total


The Thrill of the Chase [Alisa/Training] Empty Sun May 19, 2019 9:43 am


WORDS: 6270 | TAG: @Sofia | TRAINING   

Indeed, not reacting against an attack like this would be anything but advisable. Well sharpened reflexes could save your life in a pinch, after all, not as if they were a weakness one should train to overcome... Even against a foe you love, with that implicit trust knowing she would never hurt you... Those honed battle instincts ring true, especially those untempered by years of experience. That said, seeing it reassured Alisa, seeing first hand how her lover could quickly react and avoid an unexpected spell put her heart at ease:

"Good girl~", praised Alisa, a cheeky little tease as a triumphant smirk drew on her lips. Now that stealth had gone out the window, their little challenge came down to plain old magical bout. Sofia hadn't really lost her initiative with her sudden movement, in the end she still had an opening to exploit, the result of Alisa's purposely missed spell. This close and personal though, Alisa barely had time to even erect a proper defense, merely opening her palm and raising a wedge shaped barrier, right in the way of Sofia's own kick, "Rekkou!"

Mind you, Alisa didn't know just how well her defense might hold up, never really having cast it with this magic. Caught in the middle of her own run, Alisa could barely kick off to the side, circumventing her own wall as the spell collided with it. Thankfully, the wall held up enough to protect her from the offense fired her way, leaving Alisa free to flank and rush down her lover from the side. But the end, her eyes widened as she saw her attempting to bolt away from the fight, likely getting ready to hide away again:

"Oh, getting away again are you~!?", the sculptress called out, barely even bothering to look back and witness how her spell had truly held up against the Mermaid's kick. Without hesitation, Alisa kept chasing, blitzing right after her lover, locked in on her trail like a bloodhound.

That said, the footwork she relied on to circumvent the barrier and stay on target wasn't nearly as agile and explosive as Alisa was used to... Courtesy of those clingy tentacles coiled around her body... Though not for a second did she let that stop her, chasing Sofia right away despite the initial slowness, ready to catch up to her retreating lover once again. Single minded in her pursuits, Alisa seldom lost track of her targets and even now - merely training like this - had no intention to change that. Ever tricky and resourceful, Sofia always found some surprise to spring up on her, but the sculptress had fallen for that too many times now. Keeping her stance as fluid and flexible as those slick binding tentacles allowed, she kept her keen eyes firmly on the vixen's alluring figure, ready to watch her next move with intimate detail:

"What now, Sofia~...?", mused the sculptress, drawing closer and closer to her lover with every step, hopping over bushes and branches, raising her guard up and over her face to defend against whatever came her way, and more importantly get ready to tackle her lover onto the soft grass, her plush lips curling as she knew she'd taste something sweet very shortly, "Your move~"

Either victory, or a clear sight of her lover's prowess in all it's glory~


Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Last edited by Alisa on Sat May 25, 2019 7:52 am; edited 2 times in total

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

The Thrill of the Chase [Alisa/Training] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

The Thrill of the Chase [Alisa/Training] Empty Sun May 19, 2019 12:24 pm



“Now…” Licking her lips as her lovely lady followed her with such speed and grace despite the shackle she had cast upon the woman, Sofia took a deep breath as she smirked at the woman as she followed her through the branches and brambles, knowing that it was only the momentum of her spell and the reduction of Alisa’s capability that was keeping the coquette ahead. But that was OK, it was in fact all part of the plan. The Foreign fox knew that she would be caught by this wonderful woman, no matter where she ran and was prepared and counting on that fact.

“It’s time for a surprise!” The water that she had generated to use her little mermaid flick not left behind but rather clinging to the body of the blue beauty as she sped through the growth, though she was about to reveal a spell to her lover that she had shown her days ago, Miss Serena still expected to surprise the White Empress as she snapped her arm to the side and performed something that was new to both of them. The heat of battle seeming to bring out new levels of creativity as a liquid leash shot out from her arm and wrapped around the trunk of a tree to her side like a crook on a lamp post, though up to this point the sapphire siren had only used her water whip technique to bring things to her, she saw a whole new use of it now and so would Alisa.

“Unf!” Grunting as her grip transferred her momentum around the tree trunk with no regard for the discomfort it might have caused her, as the ‘rope’ of blue was pulled taught by the strong grip that her spell had on the sturdy stem it cast Sofia’s body into a whirl like she was on some horizontal swing, sending her spinning around the shaft with the same speed that she had used to try and escape her target and now turning it into a weapon.

She’s tough enough to take this, right? Perhaps feeling a pang of guilt as she wheeled around the wood and ended up facing her feminine foe again, despite the mild worry the vixen made no effort to slow her momentum at all, partly because she couldn’t. The only thing that would stop the centrifugal force that Miss Serena had gathered the presence of another object, though it was a little mean, the minx aimed to use her foe as her ‘brake’ as it were, lifting both feet up ready to ram into her lover in an act of roughness with which she wasn’t accustomed. And that might have just been the deciding factor in her manoeuvre. After all, had she known just how much wallop she was now able to put behind her blow, the young woman would have probably held something back, but now for the first time since she had begun her training the fox hit her foe with everything she had and might just be surprised by the effect it could deliver…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

The Thrill of the Chase [Alisa/Training] SofiaSerana

Last edited by Sofia Serena on Tue May 28, 2019 12:48 pm; edited 1 time in total


The Thrill of the Chase [Alisa/Training] Empty Mon May 20, 2019 11:19 am


WORDS: 6970 | TAG: @Sofia | TRAINING   

Even had she not been running towards Sofia, charging head on, even if she hadn't been this close and personal, she'd have been unable to predict the moment her lover tuned opponent finally decided to turn around and take the fight to her. And she'd have defenitely failed at guessing just how she'd go about doing it. The moment Alisa was sure she'd have gotten it, that Sofia had run out of cards to play, Sofia suddenly disappeared from in front of her:

"What?!", gasping as the girl produced a watery rope and pulled herself out of Alisa's warpath, she quickly ground to a halt turning aside and following her lover's swift motion, her long ponytail whipping around behind her as she quickly located her form, watching her go around the tree and bracing for impact.

Perhaps Alisa might have managed to pull herself out of the way, fought off the effects of the tentacles just long enough to breeze away. But she couldn't... The last time they trained, she'd been adamant about feeling with her body just what kind of power her lover could potentially put out... And being a Diamond mage, shouldn't be anything but adamant, now, could she~? Smirking as she saw the attack coming, she rose her guard and clenched her fists, letting her mana flow all across her skin, a crackling sound filling their air as she turned pure white, clad in a glimmering crystalline armor, just in time before Sofia's kick connected with her guard:

"Gahhh!!", even if she had been expecting the impact, she sheer power of it still caught her off guard, making her eyes shoot wide as the dropkick hit her guard head on. The armor held firm, within reason at least... But even if Alisa had put up a strong, powerful block, the momentum behind Sofia's kick still knocked her back a good few meters, making her tumble and roll on the way back before her hands finally gripped the ground below, slowing her momentum as she fell on one knee.


A single moment's pause was all she allowed herself, resisting the urge to shoot a wary glance towards her own armor. The once sleek and crystalline coating looked cracked and chipped all over, the armor over the struck forearm almost completely vanished... But even with the glittery crystal dust sprinkling free all around her, Alisa knew better than to take her eyes off her foe, not when every look at Sofia had her lips curling wider, all but grinning in delight:

"Mmmm, not bad... Not bad at all, Sofia!", with an amused laughter, Alisa got back on her feet, for once silently noting how her armor held up this time around, even if Sofia's blow far outmatched anything she'd thrown at her last time. Her excitement already getting the better of her, all those tiny little details suddenly mattered comparatively little in the face of the beautiful warrior standing right before her, a vision of blue the likes of which this sculptress had never seen, "Chiding me for cutting loose, while hiding all this power from me~"

She couldn't really hang back for long. Even before she finished her sentence, Alisa had charged forth once more, guard raised, ready to tackle her lover down for the tenth... Twentieth? Honestly she'd all but lost count by now, but every time she lunged at her lover, she felt herself reach ever closer than the last time... And even with her physical strength limited, she still had a couple of trump cards to play. Keeping her guard raised, her aura slowly started encircling her body as she channeled it. Despite her armor, she knew she'd be hard pressed to take another blow like that:

"Shouma no...", she knew she had to cover her advance, and thus inhaled deeply, beginning her own incantation, and finally unleashing all that gathered power with a loud, bellowing shout, drawing a magic circle in front of her mouth, from whence a whirling vortex of diamonds erupted, firing at her lover at full force, "Geki-KOU!!"

Perhaps not too long ago she might have held back... And yet by now she fully understood how her lover was stronger and more resourceful than she appeared. So long as she didn't overdo it, the girl could take this, and Alisa kept her eyes peeled, wondering how she'd deal with a storm of sharp crystals ready to encircle her, from little under the spell's range.


Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Last edited by Alisa on Sat May 25, 2019 7:53 am; edited 1 time in total

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

The Thrill of the Chase [Alisa/Training] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

The Thrill of the Chase [Alisa/Training] Empty Mon May 20, 2019 12:49 pm



“Don’t think…” Gritting her teeth as her heels collided with the body of the black haired beauty, Miss Serena felt a slight sense of relief when she saw that attractive armour surrounding the form of her foe, hoping that it would protect the woman from the worst of the hurt even if she only managed the same failed form from the other day.
“I’ll stay a bookworm… Forever!” That alleviated anxiety not enough to dampen her spirits however, as the pair of partners clashed in this little practice battle, the foreign fox groaned and then barked out words of defiance as she pushed her legs forward to get the better of Alisa, and found no shortage of satisfaction as through a mix of her own power and the circumstances that surrounded them that she somehow won out.

“That’ll teach you for coming on so strong~” Really only hoping for such a result in total for the move she had performed, the Valerican Vixen knew that even with the little ‘hex’ she had placed on the White Empress she would still likely lose a protracted close up battle between the two of them, and her approach was geared more toward creating some distance and hopefully stunning her opponent for a second or two. Skidding to a halt once she had blasted the alabaster amazon backward and letting out a huff as she did so, Sofia couldn’t help but let loose a cheeky little line toward her friendly foe as she looked to see if the woman was OK, and found her attack had a result that rather surprised her.

Still struggling with that one, huh? The brows of the sapphire siren raising as she saw how the clash between them had cracked that crystal armour just like the practice blow from the other day, not for a second did the young woman chalk such a result up to her own prowess and instead assumed that like that occasion it had been more the failure of her fellow femme’s spell that had reaped such a result far more than anything she had. Smirking at the words of Alisa all the same however, though she did not realize that her partner was alluding more to the power she had unleashed than the prankish manner it was delivered, Miss Serena ate up the praise she was given.

“Well, you should know by now I’m full of surprises!” It seeming to mean a lot that someone with the skill of the empress had been impressed by whatever she had done, while it seemed as though battle was the never the sort of thing she might choose over a nice adventure or some pleasurable company, the nymph was starting to see at least some of the appeal in the art of combat. The pulse of the princess pounding like a drum and the thrill of the moment making her feel more alive than she ever had in her life, it seemed that against the right kind of ‘enemy’ even this enchantress could get a little scrappier than she usually might be, and after what was thrown at her next she would need to be.

What is…? Almost wanting to stick around to see what her wonderful woman would throw at her next and perhaps that curiosity stalling the escape she had planned from her partner just enough to let Miss Vollan unleash her next move, though Sofia had aimed to slip away after delivering her strike she found herself confronted with something almost immediately, ruining her plans to try ‘hit and run’ style tactics in order to wear down her foe.
She’s not holding a lot back now! Not afforded the chance to escape terribly far until the tornado of terror that the temptress sent her way began to churn up the woods around her, with a wasted moment of disbelief the water witch watched as fragments of crystal shrapnel whirled around and tore at the trees and ground as they headed straight for her and left a trail of destruction in their wake.

“Surging Siren!” Already a little woozy from using a pair of spells in such rapid succession when she was still ‘feeding’ the pet she had left to restrain Alisa, in spite of this Miss Serena knew that she could not afford to rely on her own speed to escape the wicked path of ruin that was unleashed upon her, and with a thrust of her hand the girl unleashed a spell to send herself out of the path. Or at least that was what she hoped. Her arm scrapes by the sharp edge of a stray gemstone as water spurted from her palm in order to push herself to the side and away from such a wicked wake, the vixen flung herself across the woody terrain and then rolled to the side to try and carry her momentum as she did so, for the moment not worrying about the scratches and bumps that such roughness might incur as she fled the wild attack that was brought down upon her…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

The Thrill of the Chase [Alisa/Training] SofiaSerana

Last edited by Sofia Serena on Tue May 28, 2019 12:48 pm; edited 1 time in total


The Thrill of the Chase [Alisa/Training] Empty Tue May 21, 2019 1:19 am


WORDS: 7590 | TAG: @Sofia | TRAINING   

 They were far more similar than their first bout of training might have suggested... Even now Sofia pushed forth not only out of a desire to show off for her lover, but to surpass herself and her own limits, to derive strength from her years of study. As Alisa got up, she could only hunger for more, to see more of this passionate Sofia who seldom came out to play:

"Oh will you now~...? Please, do tell me more...", teased the sculptress, chuckling, her smile widening as her fighting spirit drove her onwards, without hesitation. Even though she loved Sofia, no, perhaps because of it, she refused to hold back when standing toe to toe against her like this. The limits the two of them imposed on her raw power forced Alisa to rely more on her combat instincts, allowing her to face her beloved Sofia on a more level field of battle as her blood boiled under the heat of the fight, "How do you propose to teach me~?"

Which didn't really stop her trying to goad her lover, after all, they'd been goading each other in a myriad ways ever since the moment they laid eyes on each other so, why would anything change now? Though she couldn't help but feel her Diamond storm might have been overdoinbg it a little, her breath hitching as she saw her beautiful muse wrapped up in that spiralling cyclone of death, the kind of spells she reserved for her enemies. Would she be alright? How could she not hold back against her? Yet a split second of chiding herself and Alisa soon snapped out of it, remembering how they were supposed to be pushing each other to their limits, showing what they could do, just as they had once planned...

"Ufufu~ I sure hope you won't run out of surprises anytime soon!!", Alisa retorted, smiled widening as she saw the beautiful muse living up to her every expectations and then more. She'd seen Sofia flee and attack, but she had yet to see her defend... Once more, she chose to dodge out of the way, and between that rapid usage of spells and the sustained tentacles around her, she wondered just how much longer she'd hold out, "...Before your magic power gives out anyway."

Watching the girl breathless from her sudden exertion reminded her of Sofia's limitations, what she'd come here to overcome beside Alisa. Lunging straight for her using her faithful thrusters, the huntress made full use of the opening to provided to close the distance, claiming the opportunity she just saw, giving her little time to catch her breath. Though she put as much pressure on her as a real enemy might, even with that keen fighting spirit plastered on her face she still had that hint of loving kindness, evidenced in the way she smiled and advised her thoroughout:

"Pace yourself, Sofia.", Alisa noted, looking at the tentacles she'd been steadily getting used to, finding ways to circumvent the immediate speed reduction. The huntress didn't say it, but throughout this whole time, Sofia could have easily kept her at bay with well placed spells, "As kinky as these might be, they've outlived their usefulness a while ago."

Yes, this was no ordinary battle... They each had something they lacked, something the other lacked. What Alisa lacked in theoretical study of magic - no doubt limiting her progress - Sofia had in troves and had been steadily helping her through it. Meanwhile, Sofia herself lacked practical usage, the kind the sculptress aquired throughout her long years of battle. So even as she rushed down and pounced her lover mid dodge, she dropped that cheeky little quip, knowing the clever vixen would understand her point:

"By now... They're little more than power weights~", she spoke, glimmering under the piercing sunbeams as she loomed over the wide open Sofia, ready to tackle her down and claim her victory in this round.


Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Last edited by Alisa on Sat May 25, 2019 7:54 am; edited 1 time in total

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

The Thrill of the Chase [Alisa/Training] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

The Thrill of the Chase [Alisa/Training] Empty Tue May 21, 2019 6:55 am


WORDS: 1,017 | TAG: Alisa~ | TRAINING GEAR

“Haa… Haaa…” Lungs heaving for air as the world spun around her, while Miss Serena didn’t know if the latter effect was more down to the whirling roll she had taken or the way in which her Mana was dwindling, it didn’t really matter all that much.
I’d hate to take that move when she went all out… Thoroughly winded by the succession she had been through and sore all over, though she had evaded the worst of the attack that Alisa had sent her way the vixen felt none the better for this fact, and doubted she would have been so lucky had the spell been used to its full potential. Whatever combination of her adversaries desire to hold herself back and the problems she had with her spells seeming like the only reason she was still awake right now, it made the difference between them all the clearer to the younger of the two as she rested on the ground, looking toward the empress as she gave the ‘teacher’ a little lesson of her own.

“Heh, you’re right… Of course you are…” Panting heavily and them letting out a long, slow breath as she flopped onto her back, while Sofia had been trying to pressure her partner with the constant restriction that her spell created it seemed to have worked against herself in equal measure, dwindling away her mana subtly but relentlessly to provide a much bigger loss than any of the other spells she had performed today. Exhausted by this enduring effort, with a sharp breath and an almost flopping swipe of her arm the girl released the effect of her little friend, thankful for the service her tentacle laden ally had provided but by no knowing his presence was more detrimental to herself than it was to the dark diva she faced.

“It’s never a good idea to overcommit yourself, is it?” The difference in their strengths made rather clear to the foreign fox by this point, with a head shake the young woman let her body rest on the ground as she saw her friend moving toward her, feeling rather strongly that any attempt to roll out of the way would be futile really. After all, Alisa was so far ahead of her physically that even if she missed her first attempt it would be only a moment before she landed her next. Letting out another slow breath as she watched that proud and powerful panther lunge straight for her, as her arms and legs throbbed and mind felt fogged by how much she had depleted her reserves in such a short amount of time, there seemed little rational reason to continue her struggle. However, as a great man once said, ‘A corned fox is more dangerous than a jackal’, and perhaps with that sort of spirit Miss Serena elected to no simply wait for her fate. No, she was going to make her lover earn her prize.

The Fury of Poseiden than none can escape… The gesture that she performed to pull off what might very well be her last gasp attempt to avoid gesture rather subtle, especially given her current circumstances, as she mentally recited another piece of pre-spell poetry to prepare her attack and summon a big chunk of the mana that was left in her body, all that Sofia did was to take one deep and sharp breath. Little more than a gasp really as the raven haired goddess descended upon her, the trump card of the teenage temptress was something that she had yet to reveal to her lover throughout all of their training, holding the move back partly because of the fact that she hadn’t practiced it enough to show full mastery and also because she worried because of the sheer force it could deliver.

However, right now neither of those facts seemed to matter. The lacking punch of full mastery almost advantageous in this situation, even while she stared defeat in the face Miss Serena had no intention of inflicting hurt upon her amazing amazon ally, with this simple fact feeling like it actually made it easier to hold back her power since she knew it would not reach the full zenith the spell was capable of. This little factors seeming to line up nicely, when combined with the fact that the move she was to perform would be oddly reminiscent of the one that Alisa had just delivered, there also seemed a certain sense of synchronization in the moves being used together, almost as if the former had inspired the latter. Which might just have been the case, really.

“Seething Scylla!” Bellowing the name of her blast out as a magic circle exploded from her face with not a moment to spare before her capture, all too soon a torrent of liquid erupted upward in a whirling climb like a tornado, packing plenty of wallop behind it. Not used to using her spell vertically given her inexperience with the move but in the situation it seeming rather a perfect, if abstract, usage of such a move, from the maw of the mermaid a geyser even more powerful and reliable than anything that Yosemite could offer up on its best day, surging toward the lurching form of the huntress from point blank range with all the force to carry her high into the air.

The whirling wake of wetness likely to deliver a discombobulating effect upon delivery, should it manage to enshroud the body of the black haired beauty it was sure to project her a fair distance upward and disorientate her while she did it, proving a far fiercer threat to escape from than any river or sea even if it showed far more brevity in its lifespan. Sure it was a little mean a move to pull on Miss Vollan and took a lot out of Sofia to perform, but in a way, the image of her beloved being blasted into the air by this swirling swell of liquid so amused the sapphire siren that she almost didn’t feel guilty for performing it…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

The Thrill of the Chase [Alisa/Training] SofiaSerana

Last edited by Sofia Serena on Tue May 28, 2019 12:49 pm; edited 1 time in total

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