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What Remains (Plot)

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What Remains (Plot) Empty Wed Dec 26, 2018 5:34 pm

Pyre sat in the townhouse, he clenched and unclenched his hands continuously. He was nervous. He knew he had to meet that man today and make sure everything was okay, otherwise, he faced the risk of a one in a million chance that someone remembered the feud and started it back up again. Pyre was even sure Joanna did not remember anything. He had no idea if the Aurelle had nabbed her on the way out and kept her prisoner or executed her because she looked like the mistress of scouts. Pyre crossed his fingers that she was okay.

It was still very early in the morning, Pyre had been unable to sleep and the result was that he had woken up early. He hadn't been nervous since the turn of the tides and a new life to live with. He was scared that something bad was going to happen, he did not want all the hope he had been filled with the past few days to vanish quickly and leave him with a terrible empty feeling that he was sure he would feel.

The cathedral infirmary, where the unconscious man, who used to be an baurai slept, did not open for visitation until 9:30. It was currently 8:30. Pyre had decided the night before that he would leave at nine so he could get there right away and get this over with quickly. He didn't want to be there long, he didn't want to leave a lasting impression on the man. He would come in, ask a question or two to make sure that everything was gone, and then he would leave just as quickly as he had come.

Pyre sipped his tea and watched every minute on the clock click by, each one a moment that lasted a lifetime. He had not really felt good about breakfast but he made sure he ate otherwise he ran the risk of really not feeling good. And if he tried to fake his way out of this visitation with sickness, he had put shame on himself and the cause he had so wholeheartedly devoted himself to in the past weeks.

His cause sounded morose, he wished to keep a family legacy dead. But this legacy was one that tore the lives away from children, was constantly fighting, and deeply embroiled in the underworld of fiore. Pyre remembered all the days that he spent training in those terrible mansions. How they were always musty and he was always forced to learn about a family that hadn't talked to him till he was a teenager. And how they never even acted like a family. How his own great-grandmother considered him a foot soldier.

Pyre gripped the side of the table. he needed this day to be over. The stress it was causing was dangerous, he wished he could have forgotten, but he knew that even if he could forget, he could not forget now, it was too dangerous, he needed to make sure no one remembered.



What Remains (Plot) 5ae677d0c20d2466451267
Normal speech 0033ff family tongue 9966ff

What Remains (Plot) Empty Wed Dec 26, 2018 5:55 pm

The Kardia Cathedral was next level beauty, not even pyre understood how it looked so nice sometimes. He had never really entered it. He himself had never felt very close to religion, mainly because his families had focused more on the feud and defeating each other then teaching them about religion and wars. They were told that only one war mattered, and it was their war. And Pyre believed that lie for years, too many years actually.

The Kardia cathedral had its beautiful stone spires with its large golden bell. It was one of the crown jewels of Magnolia. The other being the Fairy Tail guild house. Part of Pyre still thought about joining. But he knew he had to remain strong, at least for only a few more days, then he would be out and free to live his life. As long as today's meeting went fine and the man didn't know a thing, then, Pyre could live a real and free life.

Pyre checked the large clock outside the cathedral. It was 9:25, the nurses would be opening the doors soon.

Pyre rubbed his hands up and down on his arms, creating the tiniest bit of friction to help keep him warm for these last few minutes while he waited for the nurses to open up the door. Deep down in his heart, Pyre knew that the seraphim had done respectable work and that there was no way that this man would ever remember anything that had happened, his life would go on without a notion of his warrior like past life. But, Pyre knew he had to do his own part, he had to make sure this legacy was truly dead before he himself could move on. He still felt the odd baby fragility he had when he knew that he was entering a new stage, but it was less now, not as strong.

The nurse unlocked the door and leaned out, "Who are you here for?" She asked. Pyre smiled, "You should have received a John Doe a few days ago, I was wondering if I could talk to him." Pyre asked. The nurse raised an eyebrow, "We did, do you know him?" She asked. Pyre shook his, "unfortunately not, I'm here on rune knight business to see if I can identify him." Pyre said. The nurse sighed, "yes, please, come inside." She said.

The nurse lead Pyre down the infirmary. There were many hospital beds that were surrounded by lacrimas and some of them had the privacy curtain drawn shut. "The john doe is just over here." She said, "Though, I don't know if he speaks our language, whatever he's been whispering in while he was asleep the past few days is something I, or any of the other nurses and doctors, have ever heard before." Pyre cursed mentally, maybe it was just an after effect of losing your memory, maybe the rest of what was left was finding its way to the surface as it bubbled and died.



What Remains (Plot) 5ae677d0c20d2466451267
Normal speech 0033ff family tongue 9966ff

What Remains (Plot) Empty Wed Dec 26, 2018 6:20 pm

The nurse beckoned to a small backroom, "We keep all the John Doe patients here so when they wake, if they have amnesia, they don't experience a culture shock." She explained. Pyre smiled, "Thank you." He said. The nurse smiled and left to take care of another person.

Pyre sat down on the bed of the John Doe. The man looked at him, "Who are you?" He asked. Pyre smiled, "Veistu hvaða tungumál ég er að tala?" Pyre asked. Pyre hoped the man hadn't understood his question. "I'm sorry, what was that." The John Doe asked. "Тепер ви мене розумієте." Pyre asked this time. The man shrugged his shoulders, "I'm sorry, I don't know what you're saying. I've never heard those languages before." He said. Pyre let out a deep breath. "Sorry for doing that. I wanted to know if you were a long lost family member." Pyre asked. The man raised an eyebrow again, "Am I? I can't remember a thing before I woke up here a few days ago." The John Doe said. Pyre shook his head, "Im afraid we aren't related sir. I'm sorry, maybe you should go to fairy tail after you get out, I know they take in all kinds of orphans, and who knows, maybe you have an unkown inherent ability for magic." Pyre hinted. The John Doe raised an eye brow. "have a good day." Pyre said. The man remained silent for a few moments, he was clearly confused, " have a nice day as well." He said. Pyre smiled, " I will." That was the last thing he would ever say to the man.

Pyre walked out of the infirmary. He decided it was time he sit in the church for once. He had never had a large religious aspect, so maybe now was the time try it out.

The inside of the church was just as beautiful as the front. There were large windows that matched its interesting all gray color. Out of the entire church, the only thing Pyre slightly disliked was their choice of color scheme. Pyre found it kind of bland. Pyre sat in the far back, he had never really been in a pew before so it was a new experience. Pyre stared up at the ceiling and watched calmly, he felt an urge to see if the seraphim that he had talked to earlier was still around. He reached out in his mind and called out to the angel.

Seraphim, do you hear me. You helped me days ago to end a war. I think it is truly over. If you can hear this, I would love to see you and give my thanks one more time. You were truly helpful to me and I feel obligated to show you one more time. This sounds so very human, but please allow us to talk. Let us have a conversation, let me thank you.

Pyre opened his eyes, so far there was nothing, maybe he would have to wait for the seraphim to show up.


wc: 1500

What Remains (Plot) 5ae677d0c20d2466451267
Normal speech 0033ff family tongue 9966ff

What Remains (Plot) Empty Wed Dec 26, 2018 7:18 pm

Pyre sat in the pew for awhile. He waited patiently, twiddling his thumbs and staring at the statues around the room. He felt like he should know some of them, but not a single one brought up a memory. He waited for awhile longer, he was about to leave when a striking young woman in a white dress sat down next to him. "Hello Pyre, I heard your message." She said. Pyre turned to the woman, "You are the seraphim?" He asked. The girl nodded, "In a different form for the moment, but, you should know that my name is Glorielle." She said. Pyre smiled, "It's nice to learn your name Glorielle. Words cannot express my gratitude for what you have done for me. You took a war that had ruined hundreds of lives, you salvaged the souls that remained and you gave them something brand new to live for. Everyone involved with me is eternally grateful, even if they don't know it." Pyre said. Glorielle gave a shallow nod, "I am glad that I was able to fix the strife that had been thrown on you people, it was so sad to see something like that be happening. Some of the Seraphim knew it had been happening, but none stepped into make a difference. It was hard for me to just sit there and watch your people suffer. It was just so unfair and cruel. Your war had lasted centuries and I had seen it since the beginning. I was sure that it would end, and I thought it had, but here we are, millennia later and it finally ended a few days ago. I'm just glad I was able to help Pyre. If you want anyway to repay me. Do what you have been doing these past few days. Keep helping others, learn from your past mistakes, don't let another feud start up. Something like that can be so dangerously detrimental to people. " Glorielle said. Pyre nodded.

The pair sat in the church for a little while longer, discussing why doing good in the world was really for the better. "It just made everyone's life so much easier." Pyre said. Glorielle nodded. "Choosing a kinder path in life truly does help everyone, sometimes I wonder if I am truly happy as a Seraphim, but the good I do is worth it. Seeing happy people makes me feel so much better. " Glorielle said. She agreed with pyre.

The two sat in the church and spoke philosophy for the rest of the day. Glorielle promised to watch over Pyre and the rest of the people she had saved.

When pyre left fufilled, he knew that whatever life he lived from now on, whether it was short or long, he would be happy. Glorielle would always be by his side, he felt fufilled. Pyre stretched his arms in the night sky. "We did it." He whispered. His mother, who had tried to protect him from this war had finally gotten her wish.




What Remains (Plot) 5ae677d0c20d2466451267
Normal speech 0033ff family tongue 9966ff

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