Nero wasn’t surprised when his hunch turned out to be true. The woman introduced herself as Bella Missandra, the owner of the Magnolia Bathhouse he now stood in. She explained to him her frustrations. No matter what she attempted she could not seem to gather more customers to her establishment. When Nero pressed further, he found out the cause behind her issue. While Bella did state that she attempted to promote her business it turned out that for the most part she only really promoted herself. She had a tendency to get sidetracked very easily and as someone who thought very highly of herself put in less than the bare minimum amount of effort to try and make her business flourish. At first, Nero wasn’t entirely sure what he could do to help her considering he had no intention of being involved with the bathhouse for the long run, but Bella was kind enough to bring her suggestion to the table. Due to his looks, Bella believed it would help her greatly if Nero passed out fliers around Magnolia, in return she promised to reward him for his efforts. As she spoke there was a bit of a glint in her eye that suggested something more but Nero chose to overlook it when he accepted her request.
As he left the bathhouse, he looked around briefly before planning his course. Although Bella had given him a general idea as to where to place the fliers it was still up to him how efficiently it was done. Without much thought, he planned the quickest route he could to get to every place and with a little help from his magic he was fast at work. His first stop was the South Gate Park where there was a proper bulletin board to hand up fliers and other info. After pinning a flier up on the board and conversing with a few people in an attempt to promote the bathhouse he quickly proceeded towards the Fairy Tail guild hall. There were a few places around it that were perfect for the fliers and after some more networking, he quickly made his way to Olly’s Bakery. Olly was most likely a friend of Bella’s as he was more than happy to allow him to display the flier within his shop and even offered to spread the word after a short conversation. Nero smiled and thanked him for the help before leaving to return to the bathhouse.
Thanks to his decent conversational skills, there was already an increase in customers by the time he returned. Bella was incredibly thankful for his help and brought to his attention that she had a special bath prepared for him in the back. As a mage herself, something Nero had already taken notice of, she was sensitive to magic and knew that the bath was something that would help him as well. She paid him in advance before leading him to the back so that he could soak and relax. He was thankful for the extra bonus and the hard work felt more fulfilling in the end.