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The Strength of the Sea (Training/Solo)

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The Strength of the Sea (Training/Solo) Empty Fri Aug 09, 2019 12:27 pm



The weather is amazing… The golden rays of the summer sun beating down on the beach as a beauty who was once blue showed off her now blonde hair, as Sofia Serena moved along the sand barefoot she couldn’t help but smile at what she saw before her, the scene seeming to be oddly sentimental for her.
This place really reminds me of home? The days that she could remember of her island home always seeming to be like this, as she strolled along that smooth and shifting surface in shorts and an orange tee that had been cut off at her abs, the sapphire siren showed off a few new enhancements that been blessed with in the recent weeks. Quite accidentally in fact really, it wasn’t as if the vixen from Valerica had made any special effort to give herself that little bit more oomph, but as she peeled her shirt off to reveal a somewhat gaudy looking bikini top beneath it that didn’t mean she disliked flaunting her development one little bit.

Sun and sea air… Those regular sessions with her lover in the woods seeming to have polished her lithe shape up into something that boasted a few more lines because of her newfound athleticism, while her frame was far from that fine mix of curves and cut musculature that the minx she had waiting for her back home possessed so effortlessly, the mermaid was starting to look a little more polished all the same.
Even though we came here on a mission, it’s been a great place to stay? Proud of herself really, having noticed the firmer and more defined set of abs she possessed and those sharp lines in her shoulders, arms and legs that didn’t seem to dissipate when she relaxed, Miss Serena was starting to feel rather more perfect than she ever had before. However, there was always room for improvement, and that as why she was here really.

Find Your Adventure

"~Grab What You Love and Never Let Go~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


The Strength of the Sea (Training/Solo) Empty Thu Aug 15, 2019 12:55 pm



Tie up that ol’ Lion’s mane… The long, blonde hair of the blue eyed beauty whipping gently in the breeze for a moment before she plucked a small tie from her pocket and pulled it back into a ponytail, while she was enjoying the increased level of fun that all golden haired girls tended to enjoy, Sofia was still adjusting to both the new style and new colour of her hair. Going daring, partly out of a desire to surprise the woman at home, so to speak, it still felt a little bit strange to see flaxen locks dancing around her eyes or spy the edges of her fringe on occasion, however that didn’t mean she had any distaste for her image at all. This what she wanted, something of a ‘fresh start’ so to speak, she was already feeling a little bit like a new woman and perhaps that also seemed to show in her attitude as well.

I’d love to just dive into that sea and swim around, or maybe even grab a surf board? Always loving to play around and have good time whenever she could, despite the allegory that said she was supposed to be having more ‘fun’ with this fresh shade of hair, if anything she was finding that what she had been endowed with was a little bit more focus really. Certainly not ignoring or inhibiting those more hedonistic and excitable qualities in her character to any high degree but instead finding herself with a sense of priority and purpose, while Miss Serena still loved to indulge her whims and desires as often as she was able, she also in a way knew that she needed to earn them.

But I can’t. Not yet anyway… Through the looking glass so to speak now and not being able to devote all of her time to frivolity and excitement as much as she wanted to, for the sake of her special someone she had to be better than she was, and that took work. Work that she was, right now, almost happy to put in…

Find Your Adventure

"~Grab What You Love and Never Let Go~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


The Strength of the Sea (Training/Solo) Empty Sat Aug 17, 2019 4:35 am



The beach is probably the best place around here to train, but… A little sterner and more sober in her disposition, though she still remained a hearty enthusiast of mischief and well intentioned mayhem, the teen was starting to shape up in more senses than just physicality. Always blessed a sharp mind but her experience helping her to put it to a bit better use, having fought her way through a living hell and nearly lost everything that had become important to her, even though she had never been wholly lacking for empathy Sofia had developed a stronger sense of sympathy for the people and circumstances around her.

Probably best to not just start throwing my spells around where there’s kids and stuff? Smiling as she scanned the scene around her, though she might have been happy to show the ‘softer’ side of her spellcasting off to the people that surrounded her, right now Miss Serena had something else in mind to use her mana for. Not coming to the beach to bathe in sun or sea or for anything else that could be considered relaxing in the traditional sense the sapphire siren was here to work, on herself and her skillset, and a particular piece of the latter especially.

Not the dangerous ones, at least… Managing to protect herself well enough in the incursion but awed by what the woman she fought her way through it with could do, while the beach loving blonde would have loved to be lifting children up with ropes made of water or letting them skip across the surface, she had something else in mind for today. The ‘failure’ that the foreign fox felt she had found in that conflict forcing her to feel like she needed to bolster her arsenal in more ways than one, Sofia knew she needed a little more oomph in her repertoire if she was going to keep up with her lady love, and lot more than that if she was going to protect her as well. So, it was time to get working really.

Find Your Adventure

"~Grab What You Love and Never Let Go~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


The Strength of the Sea (Training/Solo) Empty Sat Aug 31, 2019 1:54 pm



But there’s plenty of nice private spots around here I can borrow, now isn’t there? Sauntering down to the edge of the sea without a second thought when she knew that she needed to move on from the ‘public face’ of the Asteran beach and onto somewhere with a little more privacy, after lifting the set of sunglasses she had been sporting onto her brow as the cool water washed around her feet and then her ankles as she wades deeper with every step, Sofia created an impromptu headdress with the small garment she had plucked from her upper body. Wrapping the orange shirt around her head like a bonnet with her long, blonde ponytail poking out of the back, the sapphire siren hummed for a second as she tied it tightly around her head and smirked once she was done so, eager to face her first challenge. Never usually this hyped for exercise really, though the vixen from Valerica had always been fairly active she was rarely the type to throw herself into a hardcore session of training, or at least she wasn’t up to this point.

I’m sure I can find one of them easily enough… Launching herself forward without a moment of hesitation and showing the new level of strength and agility that she had found in her form as she cleared a good couple of meters as she dives for the water that was knee high where she started, but deep enough to swallow her in her landing spot. Penetrating the surface like a harpoon as the crisp rush of liquid permeated her form like a fresh wind in winter, though she was here on ‘business’ Miss Serena couldn’t help but let the corners of her mouth curl up as she felt herself being submerged, enjoying that feeling of refreshment she always got when the water hit her body even as a little girl. After all, any workout should be fun, right? So there was no harm in indulging this guilty little pleasure as she did it, now was there?

Find Your Adventure

"~Grab What You Love and Never Let Go~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


The Strength of the Sea (Training/Solo) Empty Sat Aug 31, 2019 1:56 pm



It’s like I’m being born again or something? Almost feeling like she should be sizzling as the warmth of her body seemed to be washed away by this blue liquid that welcomed and embraced her, despite the warmth of the golden orb above her the sea remained just that little bit cool and crisp and felt just lovely first thing, or at least as close to first thing as a girl with a hot woman waiting in her bed could manage. Refreshed by the ocean and invigorated by it at the same time, initially all that the sapphire siren did was let her slim and toned form pass through the water like a torpedo homing in on its target, enjoying the bliss that was being in the water and perhaps indulging that pleasure a little too long, but not forever.

This would be so much easier with my magic but… It so very easy to coast along like this, especially for someone who was endowed with the kind of magic that could coerce the water around her to just keep her floating along without any real limit, right now that was not what Sofia wanted. Always the energetic sort of person who would run around and indulge her restlessness but right now wanting to take the hard path, so to speak, as her head broke through the surface of the water with her strange little coif atop it, the sapphire siren resisted all urges to simply share a little of her mana with the water around her and instead opted to fight against it.

Some things are worth the struggle. The arms of the aquatic angel rolling over in turn as she kicked her feet behind her, Miss Serena mowed through the ocean like a machine, her gaze not erring and lids of her eyes flinching as she faced toward the horizon as she swam with determination and vigour rather than the ease of magic. After all, nothing that came easy was ever worth having, now was it?

Find Your Adventure

"~Grab What You Love and Never Let Go~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


The Strength of the Sea (Training/Solo) Empty Sat Aug 31, 2019 1:58 pm



“Haaaaa… Haaaaa… Haaaaaa…” Not the elegant image of a siren or mermaid when she escaped the ocean on this occasion but rather something else, something rawer, with her body throbbing and starting to ache Miss Serena emerged from her swim with her lungs heaving for air, and head just a little bit lighter than when she started. Though not literally at least, since the orange bundle atop her blonde bonce was very much intact upon her arrival, after having thrown herself against the strength of the sea for every moment she could last against it the sapphire siren felt just that little bit woozy and wobbly, but really she was only just getting started with her day.

This… Looks like it will do… Nicely? Even the mind of the marine minx somewhat slowed by the exertion that the enchantress had forced upon herself, while she had no idea just how far she had come whilst thrashing her way through the ocean in her reckless fashion, as she leaned with her hands on her thighs to steady herself as she caught her breath, Sofia glanced around the small stretch of sand, stones and just a little bit of crass and was satisfied by what she saw. A nice deserted island stretching out before her, while it didn’t seem quite as comfortable or idyllic as the one upon which that she had shared that sweet day with the White Empress, is looked to more than meet her purpose.

“Let’s… Get started.” Privacy seeming to be the key ‘gift’ that she could be offered while she was looking to develop something new and probably rather dangerous, especially before she could truly control it, Miss Serena knew she could let loose with her techniques with a reckless disregard for the safety of the people around her and right now that was perfection. She needed to get better at raw power and destruction anyway, so with that in mind and a little bit more air in her lungs, the siren smirked and elected to get to work without a moment to spare…

Find Your Adventure

"~Grab What You Love and Never Let Go~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


The Strength of the Sea (Training/Solo) Empty Wed Jan 08, 2020 7:16 am



No, not yet…! Drawing her arm across her forehead as her body glistened with wetness and the light of a hot sun above her, though Sofia was feeling rather fatigued by her swim and the practice she had performed up to this point, she wasn’t about to give herself a break. Every time that she felt wobbly or as if she was going to keel over the blue eyed beauty gritted her teeth and recalled the image that haunted her; the memory of her beloved being pulled into that portal, and somehow found a little more strength to continue on. Just as she did now.

“Sea Devil’s… SURGE!” Swiping her arm behind herself as she focused her mind once more and then summoned a sudden swell of liquid that seemed to shine even more brightly than her slightly tanned form did right now, as a luminous mass of liquid sprang forth from behind her the blonde took a deep breath as she found her own fine, feminine form lurching forward with a kind of pace that few people or even animals could challenge. Dashing across the ground with barely an effort of her feet but rather it the result of the mana and magic she practiced that propelled her along, because of that hot orb beating down on her Miss Serena found the experience of being pushed along by water refreshing and exhilarating, though perhaps a little shorter than she liked.

Still gotta… Get a bit more out of that one! The distance and speed with which she had lunged rather impressive to any observer but some perfectionist quality seeming to raise its head within her despite the encouraging results, the water that had sprouted from her sprightly form seemed hardly enough to quench the fire that seemed to burn within Sofia as she skidded to a halt, her body burning with fatigue but her spirit never broken, and eager to taste more…

Find Your Adventure

"~Grab What You Love and Never Let Go~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


The Strength of the Sea (Training/Solo) Empty Wed Jan 08, 2020 7:17 am



Onto the next one! Each breath feeling like something that the blonde could not live without, as she sucked down sweet, sweet air in order to keep her wits about her and try not to push herself too close toward toppling over, the teen burned with more ferocity than she had ever shown in her life. Well, aside from that one time, when the demons attacked. Not about to give herself the chance for a break that her body seemed to so desperately crave until she had earned it, the memory of that horrible day and how she had failed continued to haunt the girl as she squared her stance despite how wobbly her knees seemed to be feeling, and thrust her hands forward in order to summon something rather incredible from them.

“S-Sea Devils… Scales!” The very act of pushing her palms away from her and calling out short form name of her spell something that seemed to conjure a brilliantly lustrous substance out of nothing, what some might have deemed as ‘liquid light’ sprouted into existence and shone with an intensity that could have matched the sun in the sky before arranging itself rather artistically in front of her.

That’s a bit more like it~! That mass of flowing effulgence forming what looked to be a wall in front of her but rather an elegant one at that, in place of bricks and mortar the luminous liquid seemed to shape itself like an interlaced pattern of scales that looked like they were made of some smooth form of crystal, albeit one that seemed to give off brightness rather than reflect the light around it, and was rather satisfying for Miss Serena to see. This not only because of how lovely it looked in front of her but also because she was pulling her spells out with the minimum amount of preparation when she was at her limit, it was an encouraging sign for her on the whole, and the whole reason she was here really…

Find Your Adventure

"~Grab What You Love and Never Let Go~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


The Strength of the Sea (Training/Solo) Empty Wed Jan 08, 2020 7:17 am



“Haaaa… Haaa… Haaaa.!” Certainly left rather breathless as she let the liquid in front of her melt away into a mass that hung around her limbs, while it would have been easier to let it drop entirely, still Miss Serena was not ready to give herself a break. Practicing like this when she was at her limit to ensure that she could still whip her spells up when she was tired in order to ensure she could call upon them no matter the calamity she faced, steadily this studious girl was getting the hang of summoning her spells without the need for incantation, which was sure to prove useful to her in future. After all, she needed to be able to do this whenever the circumstance arose, and especially so when she was pushed to the point of exhaustion. If Alisa was in trouble, she would have no chance to give herself a break, after all.

“Sea… Devil’s Tail!” With that in mind launching straight into her next move, though she was a little loathed to tear the cool film of water that wrapped around her on a day as hot as this one, Sofia called out the name of her next spell in a voice that was beginning to sound a little bit hoarse and swiped her arm across herself to conjure her next little ‘trick’. Almost immediately the swell which surrounded her body seeming to respond to the words and whipping motion of the witch to lash out like an arm with several times the reach of one of her ordinary limbs, the liquid loving lass was happy to see it following her gestures so intently, and then as if to really test her mettle reached toward a nearby palm to pluck a coconut from it as well. Which was probably going make a lovely little ‘snack’ for when she was done, in a little while, of course…

Find Your Adventure

"~Grab What You Love and Never Let Go~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


The Strength of the Sea (Training/Solo) Empty Wed Jan 08, 2020 7:18 am



This should probably be… The head of our heroine really spinning as she dropped her newly acquired drupe to the ground and let the liquid she had created spill to the floor with it, it was starting to get hard for Sofia to deny the fact that no matter her drive or determination she was really closing in on her absolute limit, and probably at this point should have called it quits there. But  she didn’t.
…The last one? Something inside her telling her that if she could squeeze off one last spell even when she was on the verge of collapse she would be stronger than she would yesterday, after stumbling to one side to one side a little way and then taking a deep breath to steady herself, the blue beauty set out to break through her limit.

“S-Sea D-Devil’s… Spout!” Shaking her head as she called on the very last drops of her mana and focused them into her hands, after conjuring a double magic circle the size of a coffee table in front of her, the girl threw it onto the ground in front of her and then called out the name of her last spell for the day. Or at least, for the time being.

That’s it…! Letting loose a torrent of liquid once she had pushed the glowing ring a few meters away and then let the force that was building up inside it loose, in the matter of a moment a column of water was shooting up into the sky in front of her like someone had broken a fire hydrant, and it felt amazing really.
“Whew~” The liquid lurching up into the sky and then falling back down like a luminous rain that drenched her with coolness that felt refreshing and also just a little bit too relaxing as well, all that Miss Serena could do was topple backward onto the soft ground behind her and bask in the bliss of this brief but beautiful downpour, and was left to wonder when the world was going to stop spinning around her…


Find Your Adventure

"~Grab What You Love and Never Let Go~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

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