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Fragile Wonder [Ylva]

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#1Venus Rosé 

Fragile Wonder [Ylva] Empty Tue Jul 16, 2019 3:25 am

Venus Rosé


Blade Dancer

”Stupid sun…” she mumbled, furrowing her brow as the frost mage fanned herself in sharp, frustrated movements.

It was hot.

Far too hot for comfort, she thought, her body driven on sheer willpower alone as she spans the streets of Astera, a particular objective in her mind having yet to be fulfilled. The expectations that she had amassed for the town prior to her arrival there were to be discarded instantly as she realized how bewildering the streets were on this land. In her hand, the map that completely rendered useless to her would crinkle as she folded the paper over its neat valleys for the last time before letting it rest in her left breast pocket, a silent sigh released from her chest as she forged forward, moving past others with a haste that would befit the situation, her hood shadowing the make-shift bravery he upheld in her eyes.

It had been nearly half an hour and her search remains fruitless, the ungodly heat tailing him the entire time. There was a reason she was there, a good reason, she’d remind herself.

”Excuse me, do you know where the nearest library is?” she approached the person that was closest to her, dabbing at the map in her hands with mild frustration. ”…Or a smithy?” the woman added, her shoulders raised slightly in accordance of her question. The only response she received was a blank stare followed by an awkward raise of an eyebrow before the person left her dumbfounded in the middle of the paved roads without uttering a single word. Did they not understand her? Or did the people of Astera speak a different language?

The sheen of sweat that lined her temple had become even more pronounced as the heat clung tightly to her thick clothes, mimicking how several strands of silver stuck to her neck in a grubby fashion. Her white cloak flowing behind her, she seated herself at a wooden bench nearby as she looked over the vast city before her eyes. With her horrible sense of direction, she was lost and clueless albeit, her journeys were very rarely mundane as she was, at best, quite gifted in assuming a stroll whenever the times were most interesting. She was a wanderer by accident—not because she wanted to, but it was almost as if her significantly awful directional sense granted her encounters by chance.

#2Juni Anastos 

Fragile Wonder [Ylva] Empty Tue Jul 16, 2019 2:14 pm

Juni Anastos


Poor Unfortunate Soul

A small frown formed on Ylva's delicate face as her eyes scanned the fridge for the eggs she swore were there. She wanted to cook up some breakfast for her new found friend. Since he saved her she has insisted she be in his service, acting as a maid to his home and to his needs should he require anything of her.  Of course this was to also pay for her staying with him, she wouldn't just be a lazy mooch and abuse his hospitality. With a small sigh Ylva closed the fridge and looked around the kitchen, if eggs were missing so were other items and she needed to take inventory and go shopping for whatever was missing. It only took her a few moments but she soon realized that this place was severely lacking in food product. This made her question just how much he stayed at his home. Writing up a list of things that were needed, Ylva quickly grabbed a basket, a bottle of water, and a white wide brimmed hat to protect her from the sun before slipping quietly out of the apartment.

With a hand drawn map to the nearest grocery, Ylva strolled along the busy street. She wore a simple white sundress with orange, red, and yellow flowers pattern blooming around the edges of the bottom of it, and a pair of white and yellow sandals. She looked quite radiant, her face serene with a smile as she continued on, stopping every now and then at food stall or a boutique that caught her eye. Ylva couldn't remember a time she was this at peace even when she was with her family. As she continued to walk to her destination Ylva thought about the breakfast she would be making, her mind preoccupied left her unaware of her overall surroundings. This lack of awareness came full circle as she was knocked over into a water fountain she was passing. The person who had done the deed also swiped her basket with her jewels in them as well. It all happened so suddenly that she hadn't even had time to realize what just occurred. Ylva was more concerned about fishing herself out of the water, tears filling her eyes as embarrassment set in. Oh dear.. Oh dear.. The words came out in her mother tongue as she tried holding back tears that were already streaming down her face, only to be hidden by the water that was pouring off of her from the fountain.  Everything was going so well today, why did it have to go down hill so fast now?
Word Count: 0436/0000

Fragile Wonder [Ylva] Tumblr_pyx5lxTUxo1usc9y9o5_540
#3Venus Rosé 

Fragile Wonder [Ylva] Empty Thu Jul 18, 2019 2:10 am

Venus Rosé


Blade Dancer

Astera was not quite like she had imagined; the labyrinth of roads as complex as the heart and the densely populated buildings that made her feel so small within the city. The paths eventually converged and unveiled the piazza where flocks of pigeons gathered everywhere. The sea of people that filled the square made her feel uncomfortable for Snowflake never was one who was familiar with crowds.

The frosty haired female heaved out a sigh as she leaned back into the bench with her slumped shoulders. She hadn’t expected her day would turn out this way. Luck, in retrospect, wasn’t included among the things she liked to consider her forte. Unsure what to do with herself when she’d fallen so far off her objective, she gazed beyond her, to the swirls and eddies of people that filled the maze of narrow winding streets. Perhaps she should’ve decided to stay in and relax with her cup of coffee, but what good would it do when she could witness all the fun as well as the simple, eventful things in this town?

The maiden observed the townsfolk that passed before her, and she fears it’s now an impulsive habit of hers to watch the people when she had nothing on her mind, yet, she enjoyed the satisfaction that the constant flicker of men and women that gives to the restless eye. But when she registered a skeptical presence that lingered within the common people, the woman kept herself guarded as she watched the unknown figure slip between the masses and approached a young girl, only to push her into the fountain that was situated in the middle of the piazza and robbed her of her basket.

”Oh, dear boy,” she breathed. The event almost came to no surprise to her due to her very common encounters of similar situations, where she, herself, has also been a victim of one. Swift on her feet, the woman did not opt to hesitate to chase for the guy and grabbed him by the collar. ”That’s not yours. Give it back.” When the thief attempted to resist, she would only tighten her grasp until he succumbed to her orders.

There were a few curious eyes in their direction, but she paid no heed to them as she leaned over to the sapphire haired maiden, her hand stretched out in an attempt to help her out from her state with the basket clung onto her other arm. ”You alright?”

#4Juni Anastos 

Fragile Wonder [Ylva] Empty Thu Jul 18, 2019 11:26 am

Juni Anastos


Poor Unfortunate Soul

With a heavy weight on her chest Ylva prepared to gather herself up and return home. She wouldn't explain what happened to her if Manzo was awake and in the mood to question her, or at least she wouldn't make a big deal of it. She needed a change of clothes mostly but overall after looking over herself she was ok. It wasn't until she was ready to get up that her eyes met with a hand stretched towards her. The hand was attached to a female with enchanting ivory locs and crystal blue eyes. Ylva was confused at what was just said to her but she understood that the young woman was trying to help her. Without much hesitation on her part Ylva took her hand and made her way out of the fountain. She hadn't realized right away that the woman also had her basket but when she did her face lit up.

Thank you, Thank you.

Having already resigned to losing the basket she was far too overjoyed to see it recovered. She didn't know if the woman would understand her as her Icebergic mother tongue flowed from her mouth, but she hoped that her tone of voice would at least portray that she was happy and thankful. This was the second act of kindness she had known upon coming to Fiore. Most interactions with other individuals had been... Less than welcoming to say the least. She was starting to think she had bad juju or angered her gods somehow. Whatever it was it was she was thankful that in those same moments there was a greater good right around the corner. Ylva didn't even care about what happened to the person that did this to her, she was just happy that someone chose to help rather than watch it happen. She needed to return this kindness to the woman but she didn't know how or what she could do. Maybe Manzo wouldn't mind one more person coming in for breakfast, that is if she could even be understood.

Word Count: 0342/0000

Fragile Wonder [Ylva] Tumblr_pyx5lxTUxo1usc9y9o5_540
#5Venus Rosé 

Fragile Wonder [Ylva] Empty Sat Jul 20, 2019 4:44 am

Venus Rosé


Blade Dancer

The young female appeared no younger than herself, perhaps even the same age as the frost mage albeit, the way those wide cobalt blue eyes looked up to her as she reached out her hand—Snowflake was immediately reminded of the image of an adorable puppy that she’d encountered by chance not too long ago. Her icy hues glided up and down of the other female’s body, drenched in water and raised an eyebrow in disdain. ”I think you’re going to have to change yourself out of those wet clothes,” the woman shook her head discouragingly.

The blue haired female was almost a reflection of herself when she was younger; when she migrated to Fiore just so she could learn to become a mage. There was nothing she knew, nor had anyone she was familiar with in a such a populated kingdom. She was just as clumsy and when things wouldn’t go her way, she would scorn and curse at the gods above for granting her life like this. Even then, it was simply just her immature way of thinking, because after she was recruited by the first guild master of Blue Pegasus, her life just continued to thrive with those who surrounded her and she couldn’t be any more grateful for that. Snowflake wouldn’t want a poor innocent soul to feel that she was living an unfortunate life and despite their first encounter seeing the vulnerable girl before her, it almost stimulated a sense of responsibility and security within her to protect the girl.

For someone who hardly displayed any sort of emotions, it was a rather odd, yet, warm sensation inside her. It dawned upon her suddenly that the girl was speaking Icebergian to her, or perhaps it was just her accent. Growing up in the north with her Icebergian parents, she would never have mistaken her mother tongue and certainly, it was a surprise for her to meet a fellow Icebergian unexpectedly, especially not in a town like Astera. ”You must be from the north,” the woman spoke with her mother tongue in return. With her silver orbs and white hair, it was quite easy for others to assume that she’s from the northern region—not that she was hiding her nationality or her background, it was simply just that she never really bothered to tell anyone about where she really was from.

”What’s your name?” It should’ve been the first question she’d asked, but knowing her name would make it easier for her to address the young female as she continued to speak in her language. It’s been far too long since she’d spoken it and she would be more than happy to keep conversing in their language—perhaps the maiden might also feel more comfortable speaking in Icebergian. ”I saw a couple stalls nearby, you might wanna get some new clothes from there.”

#6Juni Anastos 

Fragile Wonder [Ylva] Empty Sun Jul 21, 2019 10:26 am

Juni Anastos


Poor Unfortunate Soul

Her face flushed pink when she was told she'd have to change out of her clothes. Of course she agreed but she didn't think she'd be called out on it. With how soaked she was she began to feel other eyes staring her down. Some of those eyes gave her the creeps and she quickly nodded her head in agreement with the woman. Through all the excitement she only realized now that she could understand the woman and just as quickly as her embarrassment came, it went. This meant that she could also be understood. Her guard let down, not that anyone noticed it was up since being pushed in a fountain. She felt at ease around this woman through their mutual understating of the language and of course because she was her knight in shining armor of the day.

Ah, yes I am. My name is Ylva. I'm so thankful to you for helping me. I'm new here, it's very hard living in this place without knowing anyone and not knowing the main language around here. Lately I've been lucky to run into some people who can speak Icebergic, so you could imagine my surprise when I heard you speak it.

She felt her heart flutter as she spoke, her excitement hardly being contained within her. She nearly forgot about her wet clothes until it was brought up again. Oh yes. I um.. I'm not too good with directions. do you think you can accompany me to these stalls. I'm more than happy to pay you back in anyway that I can for your help today. Not many people would go out of there way to help a stranger. What's your name?
Word Count: 0283/0000

Fragile Wonder [Ylva] Tumblr_pyx5lxTUxo1usc9y9o5_540
#7Venus Rosé 

Fragile Wonder [Ylva] Empty Wed Jul 24, 2019 3:59 am

Venus Rosé


Blade Dancer

”Ylva,” the woman repeated, followed by a nod, silver pools crossing over the gaze of blue as she registered the name into her brain. For a person who was such a perfectionist, Snowflake was also one with quite the forgettable memory and one of her many faults is to actually listen to the names whenever she asks for one.

”You don’t know how to speak Fiorian?” asked the female, curious. Born to the parents from two different districts, she was blessed to be bilingual, though her mother tongue was naturally Icebergian. It was also after she moved to the kingdom of Fiore, that she became more fluent in the Fiorian language, thanks to her close acquaintances. ”To be honest, you’re the first person I’ve met from Iceberg, so I think you’re lucky you ran into your own kind sooner than later.”

The woman would peel off the basket that was hooked onto her arm and returned it to its rightful owner, ”Here, I hope you didn’t lose anything precious.” Upon the blue haired girl’s request to assist her with directions, the woman briefly hesitated for a moment, for she was completely unfamiliar with the streets of Astera. Heck, in truth, she was no good in directions at all, where she would often get lost within the city. It wasn’t just Astera; it was almost every town she travelled to and eventually, she came into terms with the fact that she had a significantly awful directional sense. Yet, the beauty agreed anyways, ”Sure”, not wanting to let her down and prepared to guide herself and the younger female through the labyrinth of paved roads.

Snowflake attempted to recall how she ended up at the piazza—perhaps it might lead her back to the market and the stalls that she’d seen. ”Oh, you may call me Snow,” and she quickly added, ”Don’t worry about returning the favour, just think of it as a small act of kindness.”

#8Juni Anastos 

Fragile Wonder [Ylva] Empty Fri Jul 26, 2019 12:17 pm

Juni Anastos


Poor Unfortunate Soul

She shook her head no when asked about her not knowing how to speak it. She had been here less than a week and she knew she had to learn the language she just didn't know how to go about it. Sure she had at least one other person to help her, but it's been a slow learning process, mostly due to his own lack of full understanding of icebergic. Yea, I haven't been here very long so it's been slow learning the language. It really is a blessing that i've found another from the mother land, though.. who's blessing I'm not really sure anymore. The last words trailed off as a whisper. She didn't really mean to say it aloud but she couldn't help but wonder where all these good blessings were coming from. Her gods weren't usually this active in her life... If ever really.

Ylva quickly accepted her basket and looked inside of it. Everything that was suppose to be there was there. Smiling she really couldn't thank this woman any more than she has, but in reality she could she just didn't know if she would want that. Everything is here. I am so grateful to you, you have no idea. Snow is a very nice name, though it sounds very....Unique as far as where we're from. I still like it though. Ylva would follow slightly behind Snow once she took the lead to the stalls. Her body seemingly shrinking as she attempted to make herself small due to her soaking wet clothes and what people could see. She hoped the two made it their destination quickly, but Ylva wouldn't let their be too much of a silent moment between them. How long have you lived here? In this country?
Word Count: 0264/0000

Fragile Wonder [Ylva] Tumblr_pyx5lxTUxo1usc9y9o5_540
#9Juni Anastos 

Fragile Wonder [Ylva] Empty Fri Aug 02, 2019 5:07 pm

Juni Anastos
It had dawned on her that she didn't need to buy new clothes. The place she was currently staying in had fresh clothes and it wasn't too much farther away. It would seem rude to depart now after asking for  Snow's help but Ylva couldn't just spend her money all willy nilly. " I'm sorry, I'm not too far from my home and I can just get a fresh change there. It was nice meeting you and I hope to meet you again in the near future. Please excuse me. " Smiling one last smile she hurried away into the crowd.

- Exit -

Fragile Wonder [Ylva] Tumblr_pyx5lxTUxo1usc9y9o5_540
#10Venus Rosé 

Fragile Wonder [Ylva] Empty Fri Aug 16, 2019 3:35 am

Venus Rosé


Blade Dancer

”I see, that makes sense,” she nodded, her words trailing out of her mouth as her eyes were fixated on the paved roads before her. Snowflake was quite the observant person—she would watch people or her surroundings whenever she had nothing to do—but even then, she would still get lost within the streets somehow. One could say that it’s a very useless talent of hers, but her terrible sense of direction always bring her interesting encounters, which she supposedly considers it a blessing.

”You think so?” the woman turned around to face the younger girl briefly before shifting her attention back onto the roads. She felt a familiar warmth spreading onto her cheeks, perhaps it was just her being embarrassed or delighted with the flattering remark she received on her name—it certainly wasn’t a compliment she’d receive on a usual basis. ”That’s very sweet of you.” A smile curved onto the line of her lips, though very briefly and it faded as fast as it was drawn upon her lips.

As a mean to pass their time, the two females continued with their idle chat until Ylva abruptly decided that she wouldn’t be buying any new clothes after all. It seemed like the weather had already dried most parts of her outfits and truly enough, it would’ve been a waste of money if she were to buy new ones again when she could return home to change. ”Oh, that’s alright with me. Now, scuttle off quickly and go change some clothes then,” the woman produced a dismissive wave before bidding farewell. ”Pleasure meeting you as well.”


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