Arrive upon a horse and wagon to carry the many things Judith had. Her husband did not greet Judith most would assume she would be. Anders seemed to let out a sigh."Did you have to buy so many things?"Anders had to ask his wife but did not sound overly shocked either he kind of expected this. Judith would eventually just say in delight to him."Some of these are for you dear, How about you smile for once?"Judith said happy while she started to go and load her varying gifts on to her husband quietly and rather politely stopping her."No Just settle in, The trip isn't long anyway." This and it was Anders' way of showing he was not just grumpy all of the time.
Only just most of the time, nonetheless it did not take him long."Did Son and The Brat get their gifts?"Anders asked Judith who seemed already lost looking around at the settled winter sky, But she was paying attention."I sent it to them a few days a go, I have no idea when they will get them."It was the closest thing Judith to her dropping them off to themselves she would just have to replace them if they did not get to Regis and Judina.
They would head off home to Magnolia to Judith sticking a Santa hat on her husband head and giving him a kiss as well."5 are for Anton, 5 are for Tanya, 2 are for Alice and 2 are for you."Judith mentioned as they took the short travel home. Judith would finally become what she intended. Santa Judith bringing albeit late gives for the young ones she had left.
Only not helping himself Anders would ask."What about yourself?"Judith did not take long to answer."I had nothing I wish for that can be paid for with money, For the moments of joy and wonders is all I desired."Anders would just kind of smile slightly and seemed to be okay, This was another one of the moment he could not win if he tried.
[Exit to Mag]
Word count: 440/200