'Will anyone ever love someone who has children?' She thought sadly in her own mind. A spirit appeared before her and snickers. ''You could perhaps just throw them out the window of this beautiful seven plus foot hotel.~" It taunted her. No one else could hear it besides her so her children were fine. "Or you could just get punted the hell out of here.". Despite the fact that the children were from a man that no longer was around her, she wanted them. Her words were filled with anger and irritation. Perhaps maybe the most she'd do to them could be put them up for adoption, but she hasn't thought of harming them. Kuriana in the past thought otherwise as she just tossed them in her own experiments. Arisa was one of those, but survived.
Look where she is now.
She was her capsule, her other her as Kuriana wasn't just one, she was Kuri and Ana. Revana tried to keep herself calm as she turned to see her children almost done with all the packing. It was about time for them to leave. The time was running out as she wanted to get there or at least close to there before night.