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V. Nantosuelta

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V. Nantosuelta Empty Thu Jun 25, 2020 10:32 am


Name: Nantosuelta

Gender: Female

Slot: Companion/Mount

Race: Flamewyrm

Class: Legendary

Quantity: Custom

Element: Fire

Mana: 2000


  • Strength: 70
  • Constitution: 80
  • Speed: 70

Description: The Flamewyrm who dwelled in volcanoes. She is known for having a temper like boiling magma, people fear her wrath—or they did, at least, until she fell hard for Ko. She is now entirely devoted to protecting him.

Physiology: As a close cousin to the Dragons of legend, this Flamewyrm stands somewhere between a wyvern and a true dragon in terms of stature and appearance. She looms over most races easily, and is comfortable maneuvering both on two legs or on all fours if necessary. She is three meters tall when she stands on her feet. Like Dragons, she possesses six true limbs: two pairs of legs, and one pair of large, bat-like wings with a long talon on the thumb. Its rear legs are digitigrade, with only three toes on each foot ending in grasping talons.  Its forelimbs are closer to humanoid arms, and while its hands still have only three digits, one of them is dexterous enough to function as a thumb if necessary. Her body is covered in armored, spiny scales. The scales over her back, limbs, face, and tail are crimson red, bleeding into gold towards the tips of the spines on her legs, wings, and the back of her head.  Her head is classically draconian, with a pair of umber horns sweeping back from the base of her skull. Her eyes are gold, and have the sharp slit of most reptiles, though there is a feminine quality to their gaze. The scales covering her underside, from her chin to the tip of her tail, are pale yellow. Finally, a ridge of curved, blade-like scales runs down the length of her back to the tip of her tail, matching to the segmented armor.

Personality: This Flamewyrm is a cousin to Dragons, and she flaunts it. Haughty and imperious, she is a very prideful and arrogant individual who thinks highly of herself and her race but deeply despises humans and all other races she deems inferior. As a being of elemental and primordial might, she values strength extremely highly, and will only grudgingly offer up respect if it is made utterly clear that she is weaker in some way.  Unlike the Dragons who possess enormous insight and wisdom to match their strength, this Flamewyrm is closer to the mortal races, and as such often gets in over her own head when her arrogance gets the better of her. As her kind is extremely rare, social niceties are difficult to pick up, and so she struggles with concepts like 'white lies' and 'manners'. The only thing she values more than strength is her possessions, another draconic trait which she inherited quite strongly. Unlike Dragons, however, her concept of possessions doesn't equate to things other people would find valuable. There's no telling what she might suddenly decide is worth staking a claim on.

Requirements: None



  • Mount: The user receives a 20% wordcount reduction on traveling when riding the Flamewyrm.
  • Flight: Nantosuelta is capable of flight, however, she can only carry one person.
  • Speech: Nantosuelta is capable of speech.
  • Full Fire Resistance: Nantosuelta is completely resistant against Fire-type moves.


  • Name: Flight
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: Nantosuelta
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: -
    Range: -
    Cooldown: -
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: In topics, Nantosuelta can fly around as well. The user may sit on Nantosuelta's back to fly around with her. This is not a spell, therefore, it cannot be cancelled. Nantosuelta can fly up to 15 meters in height in topics.

  • Name: Nantosuelta's Fire Bolt
    Rank: B
    Mana Cost: 100
    Requirements: Nantosuelta
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 15 Meters
    Cooldown: 3 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: By mixing her innate elemental energy with her breath, Nantosuelta fires a bolt of searing flames 1-meter in diameter at a target within 15 meters.  The bolt travels at spell speed.  Upon making contact with the target, it deals B-Rank damage and then evaporates. If necessary, Nantosuelta can magically alter the bolt as it leaves her mouth, splitting it into multiple projectiles aimed at multiple targets.  She can do this up to 4 times, resulting in 4 D-Rank projectiles.

  • Name: Nantosuelta's Fire Breath
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: Nantosuelta
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 20 Meters
    Cooldown: 4 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: After inhaling a deeper breath, Nantosuelta opens her mouth and allows the flames to gather in her jaws before forcefully exhaling, firing a 1-meter wide mass of flames at a target within 20 meters. The mass travels at spell speed.  Upon contact with the target or any other surface, the mass of flames immediately detonates, dealing A-Rank damage to everything within an 8-meter radius.  This spell cannot be split.

  • Name: Nantosuelta's Flamewyrm Breath
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Nantosuelta
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 25 Meters
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: Nantosuelta breathes in deep, filling her massive lungs to their utmost capacity.  Her chest glows as heat builds, traveling up her throat and into her mouth, until finally she releases the energy in a single wave of heat and flames. Rather than a projectile, a stream of flames flows from Nantosuelta's mouth, 4-meters around and 25 meters long. Everything standing within this stream of flames takes S-Rank damage.

Last edited by Jyu on Thu Jun 25, 2020 10:47 am; edited 3 times in total


V. Nantosuelta Empty Thu Jun 25, 2020 10:35 am


Ko has won Nantosuelta. He may claim this companion after completing Burn To Be Wild. In this topic, Ko must explore a volcanic region to meet Nantosuelta there. The topic must be at least 10 posts long.

#3Ko Lesalt 

V. Nantosuelta Empty Fri Jun 26, 2020 10:28 am

Ko Lesalt

#4Jan Ren 

V. Nantosuelta Empty Fri Jun 26, 2020 10:32 am

Jan Ren
Ko Lesalt has claimed Dragon Waifu Nantosuelta.

V. Nantosuelta 2_1
Clickey for sheety

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