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Inner City [Conquest]

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Inner City [Conquest] Empty Thu Apr 30, 2020 10:46 am


revel in chaos;  

Inner City [Conquest] SmwXEG9

The mistress of Daeva Eye was on a mission today. She had received news that all of the other important locations of Magnolia City were now under the control of her guild and the only remaining one was the Magnolia Train Station. Kaiser decided that she would take on the responsibility herself, and made her preparations on how to handle this to work in her favor. After having spent some time in Magnolia already, she was already quite familiar with the ongoings of the city, what the people were like and how the city’s officials handled things. She had dealt with the ‘important men’ who were troubling the sellers of the famous Magnolia shopping district, she had made herself somewhat known within the city and befriended the important figures who basically ran the place, sometimes directly but mostly through connections. She was sure that the merchants who ran the station already knew of her before she introduced herself, due to her high reputation and how well she was immersing in the ongoings of the city. Feeling motivated to accomplish her goal today, the vampire freshened up for the meeting, and chose an outfit that made her look important. She had arranged a meeting with the merchants at a venue that was not the train station itself, though it was pretty close by—a small cafe that wasn’t frequented by too many people, so they could still talk in peace.

Even though it may have been inappropriate, Kaiser brought her furry companion because she always took her everywhere, even if she was just going out for a smoke. Pabu was also dressed appropriately for the occasion and promised to keep quiet throughout the meeting. Kaiser told her that it was best if the merchants thought Pabu couldn’t speak, to avoid straying their attention from the matter. She went ahead and did a fancy thing; she hired one of those lacrima carriages that were powered by lacrima but made to look like those old-fashioned stagecoaches. People used those as their mode of travel for fancy events like balls and such, so she thought why not? She gave the driver a huge tip and upon arriving at the venue, Kaiser went straight into the cafe. She could tell the merchants apart from the rest of the guests at the cafe straight away, since she had dealt with all kinds of people and at this point it wasn’t hard for her to guess who someone was or what they did for a living just by looking at them. Sometimes it was the way they dressed that gave it away, and sometimes it was even the way they were looking at something or someone else. The pale sorceress approached their table with a smile and asked if she could take a seat, introducing herself first and stating her purpose here.

The merchants gave her huge smiles and she couldn’t tell if they were looking at her face or her balloonies because they were wearing shades, but those smiles were unnecessarily big. She took a seat, since they gestured for her to do so after standing up to greet her. Kaiser ordered a coffee for herself since a waiter came to take her order, and began immediately. After having been in Magnolia for some time, she hadn’t just been idling around. She did her research, and knew what kind of things enticed the people here, and if she was right, the merchants weren’t greedy and wouldn’t push people out if they came with promising deals, and the right cup size it seemed like...Anyway, the vampire laid out the plans she had for this station, and also informed them that her guild was very sufficient in terms of funds, and had taken over the other important locations of Magnolia already. Of course, she said it in a friendly way, so that it didn’t sound like she was threatening them. However, it didn’t take long for the merchants to agree to her proposal to improve the station and maintain it, and allowed her to handle the Magnolia Station as she wished, as long as it was for the betterment of the establishment. Kaiser smiled and nodded. After coming to an agreement, she would continue to make small talk with the merchants while they had their drinks which Kaiser would pay for, just as a courteous act, once they were done.


Inner City [Conquest] Sigbys10

m a t r i a r c h y

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