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Pact of Perfection [Kaiser]

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Pact of Perfection [Kaiser] Empty Thu May 28, 2020 1:52 am



Calmly lazing around the lounge bar of the hotel the Guild had rented out during the Myras expansion, the Guildmaster looked dressed to kill. Far from her usually laid back wardrobe, her choice of pants and sharp black tanktop looked about as formal as woman like her possibly could without actually going to a dinner party... Like she meant business. Each and every one of her guildmates could easily pick that out, and if they could, all her guests likely would in turn.

After all, there was somebody Alisa needed to meet... The closest woman she ever had to a sister had picked a certain guild as her home, and if that weren't enough, she was getting the distinctive feeling that her long time rival had also somehow found herself in there. Alisa didn't actually know this for sure just yet, if Venus Rosé was indeed the woman she once knew as Snowflake... But the longer time passed, the more she grew certain of this, the more one single notion firmly engraved in her mind: No matter what, she'd want her own guild to always be a place those women could call home, and in turn, hoped that their guild in turn could feel like home to the mages of Blue Pegasus.

"I wonder if she'll actually come...", mused the sculptress, her fingers gliding casually over a glimmering white lump of crystal in her hand, carving out shapes out of crystal to pass the time as she thought about the meeting to come.

And so, there she sat on the comfy sofa, legs crossed crossed gracefully, cooly stirring her highball glass, shooting the occasional glance towards the entrance. Even now, she had to wonder if the mysterious mistress of Daeva Eye would actually show up, and if she would, whether she'd turn up alone or not, and if not, who were the trusted women she'd accompany herself with. In a country now utterly ruled by its guilds, finding oneself without allies could prove dangerous, no matter how strong one might be. How to have someone watching your back without it getting the way of your ambitions? For Alisa - a far more territorial woman than she let on - hers simply boiled down to not having random, obnocious hopefuls banging on her doorstep, desperate to lay claim on Southern lands. She knew Kaiser Bo too had most likely considered this conundrum and the ideal solution in much of the same way as Alisa did. Whatever her ambitions had in store, the two guilds had quite a bit more in common than most others, and fewer conflicting desires. Her agreeing to the meeting certainly boded well for a budding alliance, the only question now was what terms could the two agree on.

Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Pact of Perfection [Kaiser] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Pact of Perfection [Kaiser] Empty Thu May 28, 2020 9:53 am


WORDS: 400 |  Innocence?

A strange almost popping sound signalling the arrival of a siren who loved being by the sea so very much, one moment all there was next to Alisa was empty space but the next things were entirely different, and a brunette with a big grin on her face appeared had suddenly and quite spontaneously appeared as if from nowhere. Though one supposed this was to be expected in a place bursting with magic like this, and perhaps that was not the only thing either.

“Mmmmmm… There’s my girl~” Practically purring with delight when she sprouted from nothing and immediately throwing her arms around the neck of her dark delight without a single ounce of hesitation or really any regard for what the woman was up to right now, Sofia pulled her body into that of the woman she now knew as her wife and felt her heart pounding with excitement when she got her first sip of that perfect perfume that was her scent, and immediately felt drunk on it.
“Now just what sort of woman could ever think of keeping you waiting~?” Somewhat insatiable since it felt like it had been far too long since she had a treat as tasty as the temptress that she held so dear nearby, the Valerican vixen hummed with happiness as she twisted around and then draped herself over the lap of her lover, before moving a hand to the woman’s cheek to look into those rich reddish irises with a smile on her face.

“Though, I suppose that’s lucky for me…?”That ruby colour seeming to be infectious as well given the tone that the cheeks of this mischievous minx became as she looked at the effortless ebony beauty that her beloved possessed, the wickedness of the witch was high as she elected to keep her partner company in the most sensuous fashion as she could as Alisa waited on her important meeting, and all too soon Miss Serena found herself nibbling on the neck and lobe of her lover in a fashion that probably made the foreign femme seem rather famished to say the least.
“I’m sure I can find all sorts of ways to entertain you in the meantime, hm~?”  For one certainly rather enjoying the opportunity to indulge herself while her wonderful woman waited on something that potentially could turn rather stressful if things went badly, our heavenly heroine was more than happy to do what she could to try and take the mind of her mighty missus off what might have been a trying day, especially when she knew that they would both benefit rather beautifully from her deed…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Pact of Perfection [Kaiser] Empty Fri May 29, 2020 1:48 am


revel in chaos;  

Pact of Perfection [Kaiser] SmwXEG9

Kaiser was one of those people who were very committed to their daily routines. Maybe that was one of the things that made her who she is today. They say that successful people always have some kind of routine that they stick to, and it was probably true. She remembered her dog days, back in Bosco when her parents had just left the realm of the living and her life spiraled out due to her newfound drug addiction. She wasn’t committed to anything. The thought brought a sad smile to her face. She didn’t regret it though, because she had been at her lowest point of her life. And after that dark time, she just kept growing.

After her morning ablutions, the vampire scoured her wardrobe for the perfect outfit for today while her pet furball continued to snooze on her bed. Daryl, her most loyal servant, had prepared a luxurious ride and even went to the meeting venue by himself to make sure that it was safe, noting that it was one fancy hotel. Of course this was out of habit since Kaiser would normally ask him to do so. Since she was alone this time, and had no clue whether the other guildmistress would bring companions, she needed to have her safety ensured. It was only natural. After all, the woman known as Alisa Vollan was on a different level of power compared to Kaiser. Though not too far from where she was now, it was still very impressive.

Stepping out of the villa that she had rented for her stay in Myras, the mistress of Daeva Eye ran a little rehearsal of things to say during the meeting in her head. She was used to this kind of thing, being a businesswoman and all. Her final outfit was adorned with freshly picked flowers that were the color of her eyes. She may have overdone it, but she didn’t care. As the representative of Daeva Eye, she wanted to be seen as someone who would go above and beyond to achieve a goal. Maybe the other guildmistress and whoever she brought saw her as that, or someone who had a strange obsession with flowers. She even decided to decorate Pabu’s outfit with some of those flowers so that they were matching. In any case, she had nothing major to lose. On the way to the hotel, she had half a glass of wine and upon arrival, reapplied her lipstick. She popped some highlighter on her cupid’s bow as Daryl opened the door for her. One of the bellboys from the hotel came running but Daryl didn’t allow him to get anywhere near Kaiser. He was kind of possessive like that.

Anyway, emerging from the shiny vehicle the pale sorceress took in the gigantic structure that was the hotel and wasted no time to see what was inside. From what she was told, Alisa and company had rented out the entire hotel to accommodate their stay here and of course that was something that Kaiser found impressive. Its interior was as glamorous as the outside and the thought that the Blue Pegasus guildmistress would settle for nothing less, ran across her mind. Since this was a formal meeting, Pabu was transferred from her usual seat—Kaiser’s shoulder—to Daryl’s. As she entered the lounge area, Kaiser’s gaze landed on the two gorgeous ladies, one being smothered by the other, and her brows lifted ever so slightly in amusement and wonder. Of course she knew that these were the people she was here to meet, and so she smiled while standing about two feet from the sofas, and gestured towards the empty sofa opposite theirs, “May I?”

Pact of Perfection [Kaiser] Sigbys10

m a t r i a r c h y

Pact of Perfection [Kaiser] Empty Fri May 29, 2020 3:49 pm



All too easily, Alisa's faint smile brightened at the side of the most beautiful woman she'd ever laid eyes on, giggling joyously as her head turned. One would assume the meeting between two guildmasters would have somebody else on either side, and of course, Alisa could have picked nobody else to be her plush one:

"Ufufu~ It hardly feels like a wait when I have you at my side, does it now~?", chuckled the sculptress, brushing her long, silky dark hair behind her shoulder, her spile widening with every delightful word from her darling woman, all but purring blissfully when she felt her warmth filling her entirely. Wrapping her arms around her waist, Alisa giggled as she nuzzled her neck, planting a loving little kissy trail all the way to those luscious lips, suckling them ever so softly, leaving even one of the most powerful mages in the country shivering at her words... Entertainment hmm~...? Merely thinking about how her lover would go about that had the tall woman digging her nails into her lower back as she pulled her in closer, cooing softly as her eyes narrowed, "Mmmm~... Can't help but wonder just how much time we'd have..."

Tilting her head slightly, Alisa took a long deep breath of Sofia's scent, giggling as she slid her hand up her back and twirled a silky brown lock around her finger, biting her lip as she looked into those glimmering green eyes, cooing softly as felt the woman nipping at her neck. Just what might she have gotten up to if the woman she was meeting hadn't arrived...? Who knows...? After all, it was this compromising position that Kaiser eventually came upon, the stark contrast of Alisa's sleek and sharp suit with the disarming innocence of Sofia's pink shades:

"By all means...", motioned the sculptress as those wine red eyes turned her way, flashing her that cool, welcoming smile she was so known for, motioning to the sofa at her side, chuckling softly as she rose a hand over her mouth, shooting a complicit look to her wife before adding, "We've been expecting you after all~"

Granted, competing with one's beloved wife would be a tall order no matter how one put it but... That didn't stop Alisa from admiring the bewitching beauty as she strode confidently into the hotel lounge, her gaze washing over her flowery form, gracefully unassuming, yet not in any way hiding her interest... Considering the torrid love between the two entangled women, the fact that Kaiser could so effortlessly wrest the sculptress' attention spoke volumes of her allure. Quite the opposite, Alisa didn't really thing she was overdressed or anything at the sort... Had she known the Guild Master of Blue Pegasus had a weakness for beautiful people? No, not really... It felt like that was just how she was, and that was laudable in and of itself.

"Lovely to finally meet you, Kaiser Bo~", she greeted, formally offering the Mistress of Daeva Eye her hand... Or, well, about as formal as one could be with somebody else sitting on her lap. She felt her heart pounding in her chest, a subtle shading in her cheeks at the mere sensation of Sofia huddled this close. At the same time, the ease of her posture made one thing clear... Alisa seemed neither threatening nor threatened as looked between the two women and eased the introductions along, "This is my wonderful wife, Sofia Serena. She'll be joining us today if that's alright with you."

Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Pact of Perfection [Kaiser] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Pact of Perfection [Kaiser] Empty Sat May 30, 2020 6:35 am


WORDS: 650 | Innocence?

“Yessss… With a deadline like this we’ll have to make the most of every moment, won’t we~?” Purring louder with each and every kiss that she was given by the luscious lady she loved, Miss Serena felt like each of them was made from form of heat that was hotter than the heart of any volcano but also oh so gentle, and couldn’t help but feel like each and every one melted her that bit more until that final lock of their lips made her feel like she had been transformed into liquid suddenly and she loved every moment of that. Suckling on that sweet, hot taste of Alisa’s and letting her hands claw at the fine frame of the femme she felt such fantastic fondness for, the vision from Valerica practically panted against her and was nearly overwhelmed by her want for the White Empress, and probably would have been had their guest not arrived.

“Oh goodness, looks like the show’s over…” The sound of the door opening provoking a bittersweet whisper from the brunette, after leaving a final little kiss of regret on the lips of her ravishing raven Sofia say up from the position she found herself in and showed no shortage of reluctance as she left the woman’s lap to slip into a more respectable pose, lingering for a moment before offering one final word of promise to her perfect partner before slipping into a position at her side.
“At least for now, hm~?”  Murmuring cool words and even flashing a wink and eyes that said so very much as she did so, the beauty from the blue guild hummed as she straightened herself up a little and then turned her green gaze toward their guest, and had to confess she was not entirely disappointed by what was presented to her.

And after all this time of wondering … The lips of Miss Serena coiling into a curved and coy smile as she looked over the features of the fine figure who had joined them, as Alisa greeted her the wife of the White Empress remained quiet for a moment, and perhaps betrayed a little of the openness they held their vows in with the way her gaze moved down and then back up this sinfully sinuous stranger.
I finally find out that the allure of the Daeva queen is as enticing as they say~? Smiling as she drank in the delight that was the dark dish before her, in a way it seemed like a shame that they didn’t share a position in the same guild given the loveliness that seemed to radiate from this lilac eyed lady, and of course the interest of  the Pegusi’s in all things stunning. Though she also knew that the eye of the Daeva was also amassing a similar reputation, and now that she had seen their leader, she was beginning to understand why that was.

“Do forgive me if my presence is unexpected, I simply couldn’t help but want to know if the luscious looks of the lady lived up to her legend~?” That enough of a reason for Sofia to turn on her charm without the added factor of needing to impress this woman for the sake of the guild, as the black beauty by her side introduced her the emerald enchantress shone with a smile but lowered her head slightly, unknowingly recalling the lessons she had in eloquence and diplomacy she had learned growing up in the palace and applying them without any real recognition of that fact.
“And from where I’m sitting, I think the genuine article far surpasses it~” Readily offering her hand out to greet the master of Daeva’s as she let her face and eye line lift back up slowly and courteously, to the mind of this mischievous minx the behaviour she showed was only natural given the loveliness she saw and she couldn’t help but flaunt her flirtatious side to the woman, and readily expected that her beloved bride would not mind that one little bit…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Pact of Perfection [Kaiser] Empty Thu Jun 04, 2020 8:23 am


revel in chaos;  

Pact of Perfection [Kaiser] SmwXEG9

Kaiser shot a smile at both women on the sofas as she was invited to be seated as well. She would have done it anyways, but she learned from her experiences after becoming a guildmistress, that being polite, or even acting the part, was well-received by prominent figures especially on the legal side. Of course this didn’t apply to every situation, but she thought it would be only appropriate for this one. The pale sorceress situated herself in the seat opposite her—hopefully—future allies. If they were observant enough, they would notice that Kaiser was secretly admiring their beauty, that was on a level that she mentally admitted to be either equal to or beyond her own. Of course, it all made perfect sense. They were the guildmistress and the wife of the guildmistress, of Blue Pegasus. Hearing that Alisa was married was definitely an eye opener. It didn’t seem to be common knowledge, or maybe it was because Kaiser didn’t pay much attention to these kinds of things.

“It’s really a pleasure to meet you both,” she said, reaching for a handshake with Alisa, and then Sofia. Even though Sofia apologized for her unexpected company, Kaiser was somewhat thrilled that Mistress Vollan had brought her wife as well. She felt important, being in the presence of two undeniably gorgeous women, and not to mention both teeming with power. She could sense the inordinate reserve of mana that Alisa possessed with her talisman, and Sofia’s that was about the same size as her own. It seemed like there was no need to introduce herself and since she didn’t bring anyone, she gestured towards her butler and her pet. “This is Daryl, my butler, and that’s Pabu, my familiar,” she said. Pabu didn’t make a sound but Daryl gave a respectful nod, though he felt a bit awkward since Kaiser didn’t really introduce him to other people usually. The guildmistress felt a little awkward herself, but shrugged it off and continued on to discuss the important matters. She didn’t enjoy small talk, nor did she do well in holding a conversation that was besides the point of the meeting, so hopefully this didn’t come off as rude to the Blue Pegasus pair.

Crossing her left leg over her right, she popped the subject off straight away. “So I guess we all know what we are here for today,” she began. “Though I want to know, what do you think about our takeover of Magnolia?” Before signing a pact with another guild, of course she was curious about their views on some matters. Maybe this was her way of knowing what decision to make, although she hoped for the alliance plan to come to fruition. She even had the terms that she had thought up, and some suggested by her guildmates, ready to be laid out. The vampire observed them while she relaxed a little. In case anyone in the establishment had any ill intentions towards her, she would pick up the vibe with her talisman. After all, she was armed with all her expensive equipment on top of being dressed to impress, because safety wasn’t guaranteed in territory she wasn’t familiar with.

Pact of Perfection [Kaiser] Sigbys10

m a t r i a r c h y

Pact of Perfection [Kaiser] Empty Sat Jun 06, 2020 11:39 am



"Hmmmm~ We'll just have to continue it at a later date hmmm~?", cooed the sculptress, giggling as she nuzzled her luscious lover

At first glance, one might even assume Alisa and Sofia were still in their honeymoon phase, but in all fairness, they'd been married for a year now, and been together for twice that. If somebody were to tell them their love might have dulled by now, the two fantastic femmes would have most certainly missed that memo. That said, they weren't about to put their prospective new alley through such an extended display of public affection:

"Fufu~ Seems you have us both equally impressed, haven't you Kaiser~?", winked the sculptress, cool as every, winking playfully at the Mistress of Daeva Eye as neither her nor her wife couldn't help but steal a cursory glance here and there, not really hiding their interest in any way. Indeed, if the openness of their marriage wasn't common knowledge before, it would certaily be afterwards, especially once the two loving wives hardly seemed even the slightest bit shy about admiring the woman as she sat across from them, "Pleasure to meet you as well, Daryl, Pabu~"

Waving at the butler and the cute pet alike, Alisa couldn't help but chuckle... While she had no doubt Kaiser could be quite menacing when provoked, from where she sat, legs crossed casually, brow raised as she curiously eyed the woman, Alisa saw only a marvellous, mesmerizing woman worthy of leading a guild as powerful as Daeva Eye, where even women as mighty as Venus Rosé made their home. When she mentioned what they'd come here to do, Alisa's eyes narrowed as she nodded, holding her lover's hand just a bit firmly... More than anything, she wanted to secure stability for her wife and her family. An alliance between two of the most powerful guilds could do nothing but help with this. However, Kaiser asked a question that actually caught the sculptress off guard:

"Hmmmm, I have no real objection to you taking over Magnolia as a whole...? Much like what we're doing here in Myras, you can't really hope to keep your guild safe if it remains confined to its hometown.", she asked, actually somewhat surprised to find that her Daeva Eye counterpart would care so much for this particular subject, perhaps expecting her to bo be more dismissive... Alisa sighed, scratching her cheek, "As for how you went about it, well... I'll admit I'm not as informed on that as I'd like: It's enough that you caused no unnecessary loss of life or property damage in the process."

Squeezing Sofia's hand just a bit tighter, Alisa's smile brightened as she shot a look towards her wife, perhaps feeling a bit guilty that she wasn't as well informed on the conquest of Magnolia as she she might have liked... That said, neither Alisa, nor anybody else in the building bore her any ill will. The sculptress yet flashed her that same cool smile, cocking her head:

"Though I suppose in this case, no news is good news~?", inquired the sculptress, laying her idle hand over her lap for a moment before calling over a waiter, "On that topic, I can't imagine you'd feel overly preoccupied by our expansion into Myras now, would you~?"

Almost certain she'd expect whatever answer she'd hear, Alisa couldn't help but ask it out of courtesy, raising an eyebrow and giving Kaiser the chance to voice her own opinion rather than assuming it outright.

Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Pact of Perfection [Kaiser] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Pact of Perfection [Kaiser] Empty Sat Jun 06, 2020 2:17 pm


WORDS: 600 | Innocence?

A butler and a pet? How fancy~ Silently wondering who the figure who stepped through the door with their guest actually was and her brows raising a little way as Kaiser introduced both him and the cute little critter she had brought with her, after letting her gaze wash over the stiff fellow at the side of the delectable daeva Miss Serena couldn’t help but find the furry friend of the femme rather distracting, and gave a small smile as she focused on the creature and beckoned toward him.
Hey there little guy~? The cute companion of the woman before her certainly rather endearing and enticingly so in fact, while the brunette did not wish to derail the meeting too much with her interest she would certainly feel a strong sense of amusement should the adorable animal find its way over to her, and perhaps a hint of disappointment should she not manage to attract its attention toward her.

“Magnolia was the home of the fairies, right?” Not even sure that the question of their opposite number was particularly directed toward herself or not but certainly not the type who would just sit there like a piece of arm candy without getting involved, given her own relative newness to Fiore it took her a little more effort of memory to remember the specifics of each major city of the country, and that particular one stuck out for a mixed number of reasons.
“I liked their name, but their reputation… It seemed to me, as someone new to Fiore, that their best days were behind them?” Touring the land both before and after she had met the dark dish at her side and learning what she could, of all the guild’s that Sofia had encountered in Fiore the one that lie in that eastern settlement had always seemed the most anticlimactic to her.

“I don’t know how you guys feel about these takeovers but Lisa’s ideal is to use our ‘brand’ to offer a benefit as much as we profit from the situation?” Certainly some speaking of the great exploits that the people who wore that weird, almost impish mark but it feeling as if stories were all that the home of the fay folk had at this point, while it was disappointing to note Miss Serena couldn’t help but think that their loss seemed somewhat natural, especially given their current circumstance. Hardly feeling like a place of prosperity and strength by the current stage in her opinion, while conflict was probably never a good thing she had heard little news of guild wars and assumed they had given up without much of a fight, and whilst that seemed a little bit sad it was also potentially a good thing.

“To my mind, so long as you’re keeping the people safe and protected there, having the name of a fresh and successful guild on their door is probably better than people who seem to be living off past glories, so to speak?” Sofia certainly making little effort to hide the fact that she felt the input of new blood into an old system was never a bad thing, while she still didn’t know the exact measure of the group that had replaced them; she had some hope they might do better. At least a couple of her beloved black beauties old buddies among their number to hopefully temper their ambitions and push them in a beneficial direction, perhaps she was a little frank in her comment about it being better to have growing strength rather than waning strength to protect the people, but that was fine by her really. Peace was good, but after what she had seen with the demon invasions protection was also rather the necessity as well…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Pact of Perfection [Kaiser] Empty Tue Jun 16, 2020 5:26 am


revel in chaos;  

Pact of Perfection [Kaiser] SmwXEG9

After Kaiser had asked the question that she was very curious to know the reply to, Daryl brought her a cigarette and held a struck lighter. The vampire gracefully accepted the cancer stick between her index and middle fingers and allowed her butler to ignite it, taking a long, satisfying drag from it. Whether or not this area was for smoking Kaiser did not know, but normally at places she frequented, it was decided upon her whim. Of course, her action had caused some people to stare at her, though she paid them no mind. Her future allies, on the other hand, satisfied her curiosity by giving her the answers that she wanted to hear, bringing a smile to her radiant features. If it wasn’t obvious that she was hoping for this meeting to result in an Alliance, then it was now from her expression and reaction to what they said. Sofia’s words completely sealed the deal and caused her to let out a pleased chuckle.

“We were meant to be allies!” she announced delightfully. Tapping her cigarette lightly on an ashtray that Daryl brought for her, she continued, “I’m amazed and pleased at the same time to find out that we share such similar ideals. Maybe that is why we are the leaders of the two most successful guilds in the country.” Even though she said this in a jesting manner, there was no lie in her words. Now that that was out of the way, Kaiser thought it was time to move on to the part where they lay out their terms from each side. She didn’t bring anything that had the terms from Daeva Eye written down. It was all in her head. One of the reasons she didn’t like presenting the terms on a piece of paper or something was because she didn’t want to give away anything the other guild could get ideas from that would be disadvantageous to her guild and solely beneficial to the other guild. She didn’t expect Blue Pegasus or Alisa to take advantage in such a way, but she had this habit of making sure that her side was completely safe from any sort of danger before anything. In other words, she had mad trust issues and you could say it was done out of habit.

“Let’s hear the terms,” she said, looking directly at Alisa.

Pact of Perfection [Kaiser] Sigbys10

m a t r i a r c h y

Pact of Perfection [Kaiser] Empty Tue Jun 16, 2020 12:30 pm



Alisa couldn't help but smile as her eyes drifted towards her beloved, all but brimming at the melodious sound of her voice, giving light to the very ideals of Blue Pegasus in a way not even the sculptress herself possibly could. Were she not on the middle of a meeting with a prospective ally, she'd have utterly lost sight of everything else... But instead, she merely smiled and nodded, giving her hand a loving little caress before those wine red hues returned to the equally dazzling mistress of Daeva Eye:

"Indeed... From what I hear, they hadn't even mustered the manpower to take the reins over Magnolia. Really, you might even feel hard pressed to call it conquest.", the sculptress shrugged, and yet she couldn't help but sigh ever so softly... She wasn't pleased to see Fairy Tail falling so far from grace, as one of the older and more famous Light Guilds. At the same time, she also seemed mostly indifferent, not really expecting anybody to wait for them to live up to this new challenge and the opportunities it provided, "Fufu~ They shouldn't be too hard to persuade if you ask me. Fairy Tail is notoriously easy to befriend if you leave them to their own devices."

Never particularly known for being a belligerent guild either, Alisa had no doubt Kaiser could possibly seek a formal alliance with the Fairies, and the cool, laid back smile on her face made it all too clear she wasn't really bothered by the prospect. Despite the differing affiliations, the two had more in common than either could have antecipated, starting with them both being lead by two of the most powerful women in Fiore:

"I suppose great minds really do think alike hmmmm~?", she chuckled, raising a hand gracefully over her mouth, not even batting an eyelash as Kaiser lit her cigarette, instead merely brushing a loose black lock behind her ear, "Once we join hands, I can't imagine just who might have the nerve to step on our toes."

Neither guild had any major enemies at the moment, considering fighting power alone, Daeva Eye and Blue Pegasus were effectively only guilds who could oppose each other... But now that the two most powerful guilds were about to become allies, not many remained who could threaten them, which was exactly what both women undoubtedly wished for:

"Very well, I'll tell you what I have so far...", she nodded, clearing her throat

Alisa narrowed her eyes. Like Kaiser, she too had the terms firmly engraved in her mind, or at least, her version of it which she expected, and hoped Kaiser would revise and add to. An alliance was a two part effort after all... She may not have as prolific a recollection as her counterpart, but the brilliant sculptress had spent quite a bit of time thinking about it, and in the end, needed only recite the terms she'd come up, raising one finger as she began, and then another for each of her terms:

"..Territory controlled by Blue Pegasus or Daeva Eye should be considered home for either guild. No business shall be conducted while in the hall of the other guild. A member of either guild who breaks this rule is subject to expulsion from the respective guild."

This was the biggest, most crucial rule in Alisa's mind, in her goal to ensure her sister had a home in Blue Pegasus as well, should she ever find herself in Hargeon. And to a warm welcome for guests, the hosts could feel at ease knowing their guests were only there to rest and respite:

"Neither party shall go to war with the other, or assist with war effort directed at the other. They are, however, allowed to stand on opposite sides of a war between other parties."

Alisa uncrossed her legs, crossing them the other way as she watched how Kaiser responded to each of her terms. Due to the different alignment of each guild, there was a remote possibility they could end up pulled into different directions. Militarily speaking, she envisioned their alliance as primarily defensive mechanism, a deterrent to their mutual enemies. But she'd impose no restrictions on who Daeva Eye should to ally in addition to Blue Pegasus, and instead focus on keeping the two from directly opposing one another:

"If they do have to stand on opposite sides during war, they shall avoid directly engaging each other. If this cannot be avoided, battles should be civil and respectful."

Alas, personal quarrels can always rear their ugly head... If bitter rivalries can erupt between members of the same guild, one would naturally assume they'll happen at least just as much between allies. And if such disputes cannot be avoided, well... They must be regulated:

"Disputes between individual members should be settled outside the boundaries of the guild, under supervision from both Masters..."

And as she raised her last finger, Alisa had reached the end of the primary terms she'd envisioned... But there was still one more left to go:

"And last but not least...", Alisa couldn't help but smile as she reached the last point of her terms, "Halloween parties will be under Daeva Eye's jurisdiction. Beach parties shall be under Blue Pegasus' jurisdiction. Every member of either guild is required to attend unless excused for motives of disease, missions, or family issues."

...In the end, they'd have a lot to discuss. Whether Kasier agreed to her terms or not, whether she agreed to them with revisions. They had all the time in the world to sit and discuss as the waiters would come bearing drinks and other delights as social lubrication to make their meeting as smooth and pleasant as possible, before finally parting ways...


Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Last edited by Alisa on Sat Aug 29, 2020 4:25 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Added exit)

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Pact of Perfection [Kaiser] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Pact of Perfection [Kaiser] Empty Tue Jun 16, 2020 1:12 pm


WORDS: 550 | Innocence?

I spend so much time with her that it’s easy to forget how amazing my Alisa can be, isn’t it? Certainly amused to find her opinion greeted with such welcome acknowledgement by Kaiser but even more bowled over by the business-like manner of her black beauty as she announced the terms for the treaty, while these were things that the guild had discussed and decided upon in advance Miss Serena couldn’t help but feel awed by her amazing amazon as she spoke with cool clarity and confidence, and this probably showed in the way that her mouth grew silent and eyes grew wide in response. Enthralled by the ebony enchantress but also excited by her, it took quite a considerable effort of resistance from the emerald eyed lass to restrain her urge to pounce on her partner and give her a mix of smooches, snuggles and nuzzles to show her affection toward her because of how awestruck she was, but she held herself back out of respect for their company. After all, it wouldn’t be good to send the leader of Daeva Eye away thinking they were like a randy pair of rabbits, would it? Even if that was kind of true, sometimes.

“O-Oh gosh!?” Those moments of admiration having to be caught short however when suddenly Sofia seemed to have a flash in her mind and suddenly recalled the reason she had been parted from her beloved black beauty in the first place, even though she had wanted to indulge the company of her wonderful wife and get a chance to introduce herself to the woman she had to meet today it seemed that the siren was cutting it fine with her timekeeping and she couldn’t help but cry out as she remembered that she was expected somewhere else in rather short order.
“Y-You’ll have to forgive me, Miss Kaiser, for both my outburst and the fact that I am needed elsewhere…” Standing and bowing apologetically for both her sudden cry and the fact that she realized she was needed elsewhere, while it maybe made the foreign fox come off as somewhat flaky she slipped free from the couch after kissing the cheek of her luscious lover and stood up to take a few steps away from the meeting once she had done so, all while professing her regret for having to leave, but as they always say; duty called.

“The trials of popularity, right~? Hopefully it won’t be too long until we get more of a chance to become friends, hm~?” Smirking toward her gorgeous guest the goddess who drew her in so effortlessly a moment later before pressing her fingers on her forehead, Miss Serena offered up a wink to the people in the room and smiled before she was gone again in no more than a blink of the eye. Warping herself away with the signature pop that seemed to accompany her magic to leave the ladies to hammer out the fine details, the bubbly brunette headed in a south easterly direction as she left the room and was soon to be in an entirely new place, but couldn’t help but wonder how things were going to turn out as she did so. It seemed to be going well, after all, and it seemed just a little bit of a shame she couldn’t stick around for the after-party…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

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