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Wild Hunt - Hawks, Day 2

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Wild Hunt - Hawks, Day 2 Empty Mon Jun 15, 2020 6:04 am

Nuala wasn’t feeling too good. Whatever had happened last night had led to Venus’ demise and the Voidling didn’t quite understand how something as simple as a noose and a puzzle could kill her powerful guild mage so easily. But oh well – better her, than Nuala herself. In fact, the purple-haired female was certain that the two of them would meet again in the afterlife. That aside, there could have been other familiar faces around, but she didn’t have the time or nerves to properly take a look around.

At this moment, Nuala was on her own again and pacing through the woods in the search for something that wasn’t edible. She was looking for a weapon – and if not a weapon, then anything else that was useful. Something she could hold on to. Nuala wouldn’t mind some company at this point, but she also didn’t know who to trust. The whole situation seemed surreal and it seemed as though her only goal for now would be survival.

- searching for an item -

#2Ko Lesalt 

Wild Hunt - Hawks, Day 2 Empty Mon Jun 15, 2020 6:13 am

Ko Lesalt

This entire ordeal had become some kind of surreal nightmare.  Getting out of that puzzle-noose contraption hadn't been especially difficult, but it had become gruesomely apparent that just because he'd had an easy time of it didn't mean it wasn't deadly.  He'd probably remember that woman's bloated face in his dreams for at least a month or two.  Of course, he wasn't even allowed a decent night's sleep afterwards.  It felt like he'd spent the entire night being assaulted by disgusting biting insects, and now come morning he felt sick to his stomach.  Not a good sign.

Considering his nauseous state, Ko decided he'd forgo looking for food and try to find something to make whatever next gauntlet his captor threw him into a little easier to survive.  It seemed like he wasn't the only one stuck on this island either, as he spotted some of the other people who'd been strung up in the vicinity.  It was nice not to be in it alone, but he couldn't trust anyone.  Who knew what was actually going on around here.

- Searching For an Item -


Wild Hunt - Hawks, Day 2 Empty Mon Jun 15, 2020 6:14 am


A long night had passed, Noels eyes were still red from the emotional breakdown he had over witnessing the death of his lover. He'd have fallen asleep on the grave he made for her the night before. Though today was a new day, even though he was very depressed over what had happened yesterday, he knew he had to move on. Get revenge for what happened to Venus. Magic was a no go, as all of his attempts at casting it had failed. Maybe this island had trinkets to deal around that? He'd hear someone sifting through the bushes nearby, triggering Noel to start looking for these things as well. He'd get up from Venus' grave, and stifle through the forest for any glinting metals to catch his attention - while sobbing of course.

#4Mary Wraith 

Wild Hunt - Hawks, Day 2 Empty Mon Jun 15, 2020 6:19 am

Mary Wraith
Mary woke up from restless sleep. Pesky bugs had bothered her all night, leaving her rather sick. Shivers trailed through her body, like she was on the verge of death. It felt... kind of nice. And speaking of death... Whenever she closed her eyes, she could vividly see a certain fiery mage dangling from a noose as the last twitches of life abandoned her husk. A dreamy sigh left the ghoul’s lips. “Ah, such a beautiful death... I envy you. She dearly wished it would have been her instead of Venus. Oh well. Maybe next time.

Rising stiffly from the leaves that pretended to be a bed, the fatigued woman looked around. Hunger clawed at her insides. All the fruits from yesterday were gone... Since the previous search had gone so well, she decided to forage for fruits again. With quiet, stalking steps she entered the forest again. The rustle of leaves around her sent nervous jitters down to her fingertips. What was a wild animal and what was a fellow... uh... islander? Hm. She would have to figure out a better term for those who were still left. Snooping through the bushes, her first attempt at finding food began.

-Searching for food - Fruits-


Wild Hunt - Hawks, Day 2 Empty Mon Jun 15, 2020 6:19 am

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