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Cleaning Duties [Quest]

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Cleaning Duties [Quest] Empty Mon Aug 31, 2020 11:53 pm


"Always keep your word"

WC : 1158/500

Tiên glanced at the paper in his head that he had ripped from a notice board during one of his walks around Hosenka last week. He had been debating for the past seven days on whether he should take up at least one of the job advertisements that he had gathered on his short walks. Gulping quietly to himself, as he stood on the outskirts of the area in this city that he had been avoiding. He had gotten past the crescent, but this was the more darker and dangerous section of the city, so it’s a good job he did bring his blade, just for precaution. Stepping into the area, Tiên felt a shiver run down his spine, it was like he had stepped into a whole new city, the atmosphere was suffocating and honestly red flags were alerting him mentally, but he needed money and this was the only way. Glancing at the paper again, before slipping it into his pocket, Tiên gripped the strap of his cloth sheath, and continued on to find this office, ignoring the unbearable aura of the streets he was walking down, as he headed to the place he needed to go to about the job.

When he reached the building the person at the entrance gestured gruffly at him to enter, leading Tiên to mutter to himself under his breath about the politeness of the people around here, which had earned him a dirty sneer with a glare from the man who had allowed him into the building. When he reached the office, Tiên knocked on the door, before opening the door and entering, his sapphire eyes blinking at the room, a grimace scowl lacing his lips as he took in the mess, wondering how someone could live, let alone work in a place this untidy.

“Man… Syn would have a flipping fit…” Grumbling to himself once again, making his way to the desk, peering around for the guy he was meant to be having a talk with. “Uh… Hello? Mr. Jones?” Finding a spot where he was not stepping on possible important documents, Tiên turned towards where the groan was heard, and quickly hopped his way to peer behind the tower of books. “Oh… There you are…” Kicking the chair that the man was sitting in, as he rested his head on his arm. So help Tiên in restraining the anger that was slowly building up towards this investigator, as he slept on his desk. When the first kick did not work, Tiên raised his foot and gave the chair a much harder kick, causing the legs to screech across the floorboards a little, creating an irritating sound, but it woke the man up, at least. “Who… Oh! Are you the guy here to help me out? Nice.” A frown fell over Tiên’s face when the man lifted himself up, just to knock over a pile of files. ‘Jesus… Just make more work… for us.’ Scratching his head, the young warrior looked around before turning back to the apparently well renown investigator of the city. The guy nodded as he looked over the office, deciding on where they should start cleaning.


“I'm Weirdlock Jones-”

“I know…”

“Right… So I'm doing an investigation at the moment… but as you can see, things are getting hectic and I now can't find the documents I need.”

“Right… You want help cleaning, maybe next time get a file cabinet?”

Silence fell over the room, as the investigator looked at a very unamused and irritated Tiên, as Tiên just stood there, arms folded and a scowl still stitched across his face. A sigh left the investigator in defeat, because in a way, Tiên was making sense, as an investigator there should be at least one file cabinet so things like this did not happen.

“I shall look into that…. However, for now we should get to cleaning.”

“Alright. The quicker this happens, the quicker you can go back to your investigation right?”

“Exactly, so how about you start in that corner and I’ll start in this corner?”

Shrugging, Tiên set the blade on the sofa, before making his way towards the corner and began to pick up the notes and print out sheets. Hopefully they could get this done before nightfall, because Tiên really did not want to be walking around Crimson Quartet at night, it was bad enough during the day, he did not want to check it at night, at least not until he was much better at fighting and defending himself. Sighing as he dusted off another book, Tiên glanced at the investigator as he neatened the files and papers lying around his desk.

“So… What is your investigation one anyway?”

“Hmm…” The man grinned as he spared Tiên a glance. “Now why would a youngin’ like yourself care about that?”

“I’m not… Just curious, you are apparently quite famous around here…” Setting the books to one side Tiên sighed. “I just wanna know what I need to watch out for… Helping an investigator like you, can be dangerous in itself.”

“You are a smart kid… Well, in that case, I am currently investigating about a couple of the gangs in these parts.”

“Brilliant.” Tiên frowned as he picked up more papers off the floor, slipping them into the correct files, and then placing said files onto the correct towers that his corner now donned. “It’s a good job, I carry a blade on me at all times.”

“Ahh, you’ll be fine.” Weirdlock just waved off his comment like the warriors life wasn’t in any danger at all. “Either way, at least you are prepared now if anything does happen.”

Grunting, Tiên just continued to clean, as the man rambled on about his investigation, what he had found and what he was still digging up and piecing together, during that moment, is when Tiên actually noticed the board on the wall, with string pictures and everything else you would need for an investigation. Time continued to pass slowly, but surely they eventually were done with cleaning, and even though there were still loose books that just needed to be placed in their respective areas on Weirdlocks bookcase, the man turned to Tiên, before smiling widely at him. “Ah, I think I can do the rest on my own, thanks for your help kid.” A grunt left Tiên, before he sighed out “My name is Xianlian… but whatever.” Just for the man to laugh and pat his shoulder, and hand him his reward for all his help, Tiên took a glance at the office, and grimaced again, “Syn would definitely have a fit.” Muttering once more to himself, he turned to leave, nodding to the investigator, his ponytail whooshing past the man’s face, almost hitting him, as Tiên grabbed his blade and headed back to the hotel he was staying at exhaustingly happy that he did not need to clean anymore.
template by Magpie of Adoxography

Fiorian #0F52BA | Joyan #F99245 | Sinese #ED2939

Cleaning Duties [Quest] GQaNKeP

STR : 1 | SPD : 1 | CON : 1 | END : 2 | INT : 1

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