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Dip in the Pool [Private | Revana]

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 Dip in the Pool [Private | Revana] Empty Sat Apr 18, 2020 5:45 pm


WORDS: 490 | TAG: @Revana | SWIMSUIT

Why was Alisa in Orchidia...? Blue Pegasus had now become the de facto rulers of Hargeon, and yet, they'd only just recently got as far as having a say in just about every part of the city, even if they were growing closer by the second. They couldn't quite do everything in their power to improve the lives of the citizens until they brought the whole city into the fold, after all... And yet here was their guildmaster, slowly striding into the nearby swimming pool, casually spending her magic power in little more than her own enjoyment:

"How could I ever miss out on such a beautiful day...", mused the lithomancer, smile widening as she approached one of the lounge chairs, taking a deep breath as she delighted in the fresh air of Magnolia. The spring had only just come, but after the clear skies and sunny days of the past few weeks, the weather felt more like a mild summer than than early spring, making the shimmering swimming pool in front of her a very inviting spot to laze around for an hour or two.

But then, Alisa could certainly do this Hargeon, so why spend her time thought projecting into Orchidia? She felt like she had to see this, take a look at the city closer to her hometown, wondering how it had been faring now that the guilds had a say in every city... And secretly wished Blue Pegasus influence could stretch this far north... It couldn't... Instead she could do little more than watch, much like how she'd been doing in Magnolia lately. War between the guilds was as inevitable as the very essence of war itself, from the very moment when they became masters of their respected domains, and the door was open to future expansion. On one side, an ancient ally of Blue Pegasus and another one of the oldest light guilds in Fiore... On the other, Daeva Eye, a guild she had a personal investment in. As a feminist herself, she found something oddly empowering in a guild made by women, for women, even if their methods at times seemed... Dubious at best. But even then, Magnolia itself seemed at peace. Whatever approach Deave Eye had taken, it seemed they were at least taking care to respect the citizens of Magnolia:

"It feels... More peaceful than I imagined~...", noted the sculptress, for once musing about the two very disctinct cities in much the same fashion, delighting in the cool, gentle breeze brushing against her smooth skin as she unbuttoned her white blouse, in the sweltering sunbeams, revealing the sporty, full body one piece swimsuit she clad herself in, hugging her tight and toned form, highlighting her generous, curvaceous figure as she draped her clothes on her lounge chair, fingertips sliding under the edges of her swimwear, adjusting it with every step as she neared the edge of the pool, and dove gracefully into it...


Using Thought Projection (Mana: 9,000/10,000)

Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

 Dip in the Pool [Private | Revana] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

 Dip in the Pool [Private | Revana] Empty Tue Apr 28, 2020 3:20 pm


Kurisa gazed towards the pool that was open ahead of time due to the derastic weather change. It got suddenly hotter than it usually was. She wore a white bathing suit with a large revealing curve that showed her belly button and between her chest. This swimsuit revealed every curve of her volmptious mom body. Her purple eyes glistened into a lilac color as her crescent shaped lights under her pupils glowed from the sunlight. They're darkened by her sunhat with a black flower in the middle of it. "C'mon Bri and Ri." She spoke their English names. They had other names, but no one will know their real names. "Comming mama!" They happily yelled in sync. They wore skirt-like bathing suits with their respective colors. Bri, she loved black and blue like her hair and eyes. Ri, she enjoyed pink, red and gold. Once they got closer, her eyes spotted a rather glitchy appearance that she didn't expect to see.

Once she got by the pool, she looked down at her friend, "It's been awhile, Alisa.". Arisa spoke. Kuri didn't know this girl's last name, but if she did maybe another response would be heard. "Are you not the real one though?" She wondered and slowly got in. "Right...". She forgot and turned to her children. "Meet your aunt.~" She purred motherly as she plopped them in the pool on their floaties. She has never really shown Alisa her children and she doesn't remember if Arisa introduced them once before she 'died'. Alisa doesn't even know she 'died' in the first place... and why.

 Dip in the Pool [Private | Revana] Sigme10

 Dip in the Pool [Private | Revana] Empty Sun May 03, 2020 7:44 am


WORDS: 490 | TAG: @Revana | SWIMSUIT

Even as preoccupied with her dive as this, Alisa couldn't quite miss the voluptuous violet haired vision as she walked inside the pool, followed by two young children. Like the very guild she lead, someone as preoccupied with beauty as herself couldn't help but pause in place as her eyes widened ever so softly, yet not nearly enough to stop her as she swan dove into the pool, everything else seeming to fade away as the cool water all envelloped every inch of her body soothingly...

"Who is she...?", and yet she couldn't quite shake the feeling that she knew her from somewhere... Her mind was hard at work the whole time, knowing she'd seen this woman before, but hadn't, somebody she oh so well, like someone that was as close to her as even the mischievous mermaid who slipped a ring on her finger. As she emerged from the rippling surface of the water, her long raven hair clinging to her skin as she brushed it behind her, Alisa found the woman looking down at her with much the same look on her face, "Ari...?"

She all but recognized her from her tone, her posture, understandably so, after all... Not that long ago, the two were almost inseparable, close like the sister Alisa never had. Her smile widened almost immediately as she approached the edge of the pool, her buoyant bosom squishing softly against it as her arms crossed over the edge:

"I've been well, but you... You've... Changed a fair bit, hmm...?", asked the sculptress, cocking her head, actually taking a while to notice the children once more, in the wake of this stunning revelation only directing those ruby eyes down giggling gracefully as she looked welcomingly between the two, "Oh my, and who are you two cuties~?"

Using Thought Projection (Mana: 8,000/10,000)

Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

 Dip in the Pool [Private | Revana] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

 Dip in the Pool [Private | Revana] Empty Fri Jun 12, 2020 5:21 pm


WORDS: 290 | TAG: @Revana | SWIMSUIT

Seeing her sister was always a breath of fresh air. Alisa delighted in meeting Arisa, even more so after not having seen her in ages, regardless of whatever name she'd called herself that time. The fact that Arisa's children recognized her as their mother was more than enough for her, if merely feeling the same aura about her every single time weren't enough. Who was the kids' father though...? Alisa had heard about the man himself, Arisa would go on to great lengths about him, more than enough to respect his strength, and certainly enough to have a few ideas of who he might be. But in the end, even if the sculptress might have at one point met the man if her theory was correct, she had never really met him as the father of her sister's children.

"Well, I suppose I should be on my way now... It was wonderful meeting you again, Ari~... Though It's Revana now, hmm...? Might take me a while to remember that~...", giggled the sculptress, raising her hand over her mouth and smiling softly, letting out a low sigh as she recalled all the wonderful times spent with her back when she was still Arisa. But things had changed quite a fair bit now, starting with the two cuties now running around their mother in every opportunity. Winking at the two, she walked over to them and pet each of their head gently, "And you two cuties as well. Take care of your mother will you~?"

And so with those cool, undeniably affectionate words towards the two kids and their mother, Alisa cooly poofed her Thought Projection, fading into thin air before focusing back on the task at hand.

Using Thought Projection (Mana: 7,000/10,000)


Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

 Dip in the Pool [Private | Revana] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

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