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The Wolf And The Madman.(Ragnar)

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The Wolf And The Madman.(Ragnar) Empty Sat Aug 15, 2020 11:49 am

Oh she wondered what had changed over time while she was gone, As such Priscilla upon returning to sieghart mountains, went right back to the area she first remembered going too under orders of her guild. The Train Station. After all her curiosity just made her wonder what had changed since she had left.

The wandering werewolf by all account was at what she should consider home, but in reality being so use to not having one, It lead her to not be around far too much, So good thing she was not around long, The lone wolf can easily explore things to her delight.

Had Priscilla been gone long enough to not be known here? It was a nice thought. A place to be truly forgotten, A place to be truly nameless in a sense. That was her reason being in the guild she was, No one knew anything about her there and she just went on her merry way after taking over this station.

It was delightful walking around this station with no one looking at her at all, It seemed oddly typical for her. It was interesting after all, was this what it is like for the station taken by the guild, while she was not around and no one had a clue it was her who had blackmailed who she needed to, To take over this station by herself.

Running a station by far was interesting, Priscilla knew that she did it, for making everything better for the later goal down the road, control what is around for a stable base can work towards other plans.

Priscilla here in the station was a wolf in sheeps clothing so to say, Sure she stood out a tiny bit, Even if no one paid any mind to her because being under the control of the guild, sometimes interesting figures popped up.


The Wolf And The Madman.(Ragnar) Empty Sun Aug 16, 2020 3:03 pm


As Priscilla walked down the train station, it was not hard to see the massive figure standing in the distance staring down the train station until his eyes locked on Priscilla. Standing at the end of the train station was a monstrous man easily over six and a half feet tall and looked like he weighed as much as a bear. His long brown hair went past his shoulders, and his clothing was a set of leather pants known as a Fustanella, that covered his legs to his knees and a blue silk cloth that was held between those parts. The belt that held all of this together was covered in fur and metal studs. The man also did not wear any shoes and his feet showed it based on the amount of wear and tear on the bottom of his soles. On his back was a club that was over a meter long which seemed to fit on his back well even it might have been the same size as Priscilla herself.

Ragnar then looked at her, as if determining how strong he could be before his gaze moved onto something else. Ragnar was waiting for someone from the guild, but he sadly didn't get a description of this person but was told that they would most likely find him. Ragnar didn't fully understand what that meant at all but he was capable of following orders when he had no other choice.

People gave Ragnar a large amount of distance around him, as they seemed to not be interested in accidentally touching the monster of a man just in case he lashed out and killed someone.


The Wolf And The Madman.(Ragnar) Empty Mon Aug 17, 2020 8:55 am

It was interesting to note how little things had changed here for the most part only thing really different was the behemoth of a human seeming looking around. Priscilla had to wonder if they where told to be here by some one she knew or not. Priscilla was behind on a few things, Which could be sign of her being lazy or not really taking much seriously because she did not need too. Hard to consider and think they would leaving some one so...obvious to watch over the train station.

Guess she would have to see about it later, There was far less easily seen people that could be put here to watch, Unless it the situation was horrible enough for people needing to remember who was in control of this place. The werewolf would sniff the air to take in scent of people around her, Because she just wanted to start putting faces to the smells of other people.

So far everything seemed rather settle, So curious enough Priscilla would just give into that wonder, After all what better way to learn, Then to be brave enough to ask herself, Priscilla might not be a strong one or a threat in general it seemed, But she was not one who not ask questions to things she was curious about.

So the red head, Would walk over to Ragnar and would actually be the first one to speak between."My my, A big boy are we?"Priscilla said so casually it would seem strange."What happen here to have you placed here dear?"Priscilla would wait for an answer, Then again in reality the werewolf did not expect the answer."Or did you, just merely place yourself here because you felt like it?"That one she doubted after all, based off of looks alone she assumed he would not be here unless compelled to or ordered too.


The Wolf And The Madman.(Ragnar) Empty Thu Aug 20, 2020 7:21 pm


As Ragnar stood there he did finally catch a scent of something that he was familiar with, at least enough to know when one was here. Werewolf. It was a very unique scent all things considered and he turned in time to hear a woman asking him questions. Ragnar honestly didn't pay much attention to what she was saying at first as he was taken aback by the sheer ostentatious of her outfit and he had wondered why the guild was looking for her in the first place.

Her bright red hair went down past her shoulders it would seem, though it was hard to tell by the equally as a red collar that stuck up straight up to nearly past her head. As he moved down her body he noticed that she was wearing what looked to be a black bodysuit with gold lines over the breasts along with down the center of her body, ending at where he navel would be, with two straight lines coming off the centerline with two at forty-five-degree angles at the bottom of the sternum. The boots being worn seem to be made of the same material as the outer leg plating on her legs, though how much protection these give is highly debatable as they do not appear to be made of any armor.

" You must be Priscilla." Ragnar looked this woman up and down, gathering that she was most likely not that much of a fighter but he could be surprised as he had been in the past. As Ragnar took a deep breath he also couple smell something else on her that was familiar to him but he couldn't place his finger on it because of how faint and distant it seemed to be. Ragnar wanted to see the temperament of his person before he continued talking as he knew his guild was filled with people who are devious, vicious, and manipulative at their very core and he needed to feel this out before he got himself caught into a bear trap he could not get out of.


The Wolf And The Madman.(Ragnar) Empty Fri Aug 21, 2020 6:41 pm

Is it horrible that Priscilla normally wanting to hide her own name form other people, Could play this off so easily now. As she would explain right away, as she chuckled."Oh yes that happen to be one of many names, I go by."She would answer him so casually and with out worry."I have also told people my name is:Mallory, Micaiah,Valerie and Natalia."Priscilla did not Ragnar as person to enjoy the idea of being told four other names while already getting confirmed of one, To Priscilla this was entirely normal to throw people off of her path or confusing people.

One of these names was a one she just added today in this very moment because she felt like it, One was also her actual name since Priscilla was also a lie, Minds game were wonderful to her. Then just would say."Oh how wonderful, you know my name."There was the hint of her being coy.

"If you know my name, You might know it for a reason....So dear, how do you know my name?"She wanted to know because she was just more curious, knowing these lands some one was looking for her, for a work related matter, She just needed to know first before she really would continued.

Priscilla did not sound really defensive about it either, just yet again super curious, She did not expect some one so large to be knowing of her name unless with a reason. Even not caring to ask for his name, for now it was not important.

Crossing her arms waiting for answer, Priscilla could not help but wonder,Was this giant placed here willingly or ordered too? was something lingering in the station of worry? such a wonderful thing to ponder to herself, while slowly waiting to learn how he learned, this would be something needed.


The Wolf And The Madman.(Ragnar) Empty Fri Aug 21, 2020 8:42 pm


Ragnar looks at her and listens to what she had to say. He listened to the list of names and he knew that was not correct, or if it was then the information he had pulled from the Guild Records was out of date. This was very possible all things given that she had no been within the north and thereby within the eye of the Syndicate. When the question was finally asked of him he looked at her before saying " I have been doing work with the person that you are also employed by. I had the chance to meet the people that I cared to meet that also work with your employer, except for you. I got the information that you were coming home so I came to meet you and see what you were all about. Based on your previous information, and what little I heard about you before this, you seemed very interesting."

Ragnar looks her up and down again " But I can already tell that your reputation is blown beyond your ability to back it up against anyone but your average thug or citizen, which I must say is disappointing. " Ragnar had expected to see someone in front of him that could spar off against him or even beat him but that was not what he got with the women here. Even with the power of a werewolf on her side, he knew that he could snap her spin over his knee without much work on him.

" At least your outfit is intimidating to those who don't know any better" Ragnar said passively and without really thinking about it. Ragnar had almost lost interest at this point in her, as she was just another member like Index and the rest that were still too new to be worthy of his notice. Ragnar had hoped that based on her previous reputation she had some power behind her, but clearly she is using her race as a way to make up for the differences she might have in terms of a fight.


The Wolf And The Madman.(Ragnar) Empty Sun Aug 23, 2020 9:36 am

So this was how she was going to meet a fellow guild member? interesting, The man was already digging far into what he felt about her and how weak she was. Now in her mind Ragnar focused on things that had to do with the exact opposite of what she was good at. They were different sides of the coin. Ragnar seemed to be made and build for combat, Priscilla outfit aside was made for the background details, the behind the scenes.

She found it oddly funny and entertaining."So it isn't just a casual hello nice to meet you?"It was sure a starting statement."Very well."Priscilla did not ask his name, She did not care at all and it showed when she would just continue the conversation as it was going so far.

Letting out a slightly chuckle."People don't hire a lady like me for combat darling."Which would slowly become a general point of mention."There are already a good fair amount of people who can fight, Even you are far more greater of a fight then I am."Priscilla was not stupid, She had more points to come after all there was a reason behind it all.

Thus she explained."I am for a lot of different tasks Dear: Kidnapping,Blackmailing, Sabotage, Torture,Gathering information,scouting and Assassinations."So many things not related to face to face combat, So Ragnar already had her admitting that she knew very well that she was weak in the face of combat.

So she would just say."So now, What is your point dear? do you need to prove something by telling me I am weak and not what i am seem?"Seemingly weak and overly blown reputation, It could work in Priscilla's favour. People left her along to meddle things she would need to."Do you have something to prove? Something you seek?"She was not expecting answers, She just wanted to see what logic behind all of this would be.


The Wolf And The Madman.(Ragnar) Empty Wed Aug 26, 2020 8:25 pm


Ragnar listened to what this woman had to say and he could not help but feel like he was being played with in some way though it was hard for him to be upset about it. She had admitted to him that he was stronger in the only thing that really mattered to Ragnar, upfront combat and eventually she did get to her uses and him though about some of these things that she listed and he knew that a couple of them it was not unlikely she did without some method of stealth though he has to admit he does not know if she is an assassin or not but that doesn't really matter.

When she finally turned to ask him questions he didn't really have a response prepared but he did admit that there wasn't any real purpose to what he said other then he had heard things about her, though clearly not everything. " I was clearly misinformed about what your role is. My understanding is that due to your race that you would be more..... combative. That clearly is not the case. Though I will admit, if your skills are as sharp as your tongue then I am sure you do quite well in your chosen career. " Ragnar was not angry yet and had no real reason to be, as he watched to see what this woman would do though he did admit that this first meeting was not going well as it was possible that they were both far too offensive towards each other and Ragnar knew that would eventually mean he would snap her in half if she pushed too far.


The Wolf And The Madman.(Ragnar) Empty Thu Aug 27, 2020 2:42 pm

The wonderful thing about Priscilla is how quickly she could just move on from things, Also showing Priscilla knew her flaws, Easily accepted and seemed to move on from them, Priscilla could train to improve herself later which was always the wonderful part of knowing she was out classes, She was meant to avoid to people to finish them off when they where weak. Priscilla wasn't combat, But she was bolder and far more fearless then what was expected of her role.

Priscilla would easily explain why she was a werewolf."I am a Werewolf from choices in life I made."What choices might not really be important in this manner, Or Priscilla did not consider it important to their conversation."It also allows me to track people easily."What exactly that allows her to be able to track people more easily. Even then she may just keep it to herself as well, She might be a guild member to him, But does not mean they both needed to know everything about how one another does everything right away.

With his line of how she spoke Priscilla just seemed funny to Priscilla, Even let out a small chuckle."I can consider that a compliment darling."Which showed Priscilla might be hard to read, she was at least being friendly now, Easily changing the situation to a much easier moment for them. Even going on to ask Ragnar."Is that all you have came here for? I surely you had something else to do here i assume."Then again Priscilla liked being not on people's radar, after all it was more key to how she did things.

So now they were more at the level of being normal people, as normal as a Mad man and a werewolf could be.


The Wolf And The Madman.(Ragnar) Empty Fri Aug 28, 2020 7:29 pm


Ragnar could not help but give a small smile when Priscilla laughed, simply out of reflex of someone else laughing before his face went back to rest. " I came here to travel to Hosenka City. I have a debt I need to pay down there and I decided instead of taking my mount I would take this train. Even though they run at the same speed it will be a first for me. Hopefully, they have a spot for me that is big enough, if not then well... I will have to make room. "

Ragnar looked at the train again as he sighed to himself knowing that this was not going to be a fun ride for him if he didn't have space to himself. As Ragnar looked back at Priscilla he nodded respectfully and said simply " My name is Ragnar, I am sure we will meet again sometime in the near future. " Ragnar then started to walk away from Priscilla, thinking that she was very sharp of wit and tongue and he did like that in a women but she was not as strong as he would like. Maybe Ragnar could open up his pool of possible mates in the future, it couldn't hurt and might allow him to enjoy life a little more then he has been and he gets to be away from the north for at least a little bit.



The Wolf And The Madman.(Ragnar) Empty Sun Aug 30, 2020 5:16 am

So it was more of a encounter of fate over all, A risky one, But a fated one nonetheless, It would end on a most simple and plain note, Ragnar seemed like he was misguided, Which could have been either to her benefit or risk one thing that Priscilla had not figured out yet. Since everything seemed to be a balance between either in situations. Priscilla could laugh about him trying fit into the train seats, Then again Priscilla did not have that problem, They were different people in that manner, it was still interesting to picture.

"It sounds like your in for quite a trip, It can be relaxing to sit and not worry about anything."Priscilla would say to him in return about getting on the train, Then again Priscilla also had ways of looking normal and in place on trains she had done so a few times One of many things Priscilla knew what could be done to move around unnoticed a lot of the times. Was it the best starting point of meeting people of the same guild as her? rather rocky, Then again Priscilla knew she was a wee bit harder to get along with.

With knowing now his name as well as he wished to depart for a new city, Priscilla did not mind ending their meeting as it had been."Enjoy the train ride Ragnar, best suggestion for you is don't break anyone or thing."Priscilla did not take him as the type too, Honest advise is simple. Even if it was sometimes simple and what he already knew the reminder was helpful sometimes.

Ragnar would be on his way, So would as well. To do what exactly? no idea she had been here for a while and should be exploring and learning what was going on as she was not around.


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