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First Generation: Darkness Dragon Slayer [1,000,000J]

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First Generation: Darkness Dragon Slayer [1,000,000J] Empty Tue Jul 28, 2020 1:43 pm



Name: First Generation Dragon Slayer Magic: Darkness

Element: Darkness

Category: Single

Quantity: Limited

Description: Dragon Slayers are a unique type of people who utilize a form of Lost Magic, Dragon Slayer Magic. Each Dragon Slayer has their own form of Magic, just like each Dragon is a master of their own element. In addition, they also have the ability to consume the element which they utilize, just as long as it is not created from their own Magic. Dragon Slayers are known to possess keener senses than those of normal humans such as smell, as well as distinctive characteristics and features such as slitted pupils and noticeably sharper teeth.


  • The user has an enhanced smell that allows them to smell anyone within a 25 meter radius. They can only associate the smell to someone if they have smelled them before in a topic. The user can't pinpoint their location to fight blindly. It simply tells them that whoever they are smelling is within a 25 meter radius.


  • Moderate Darkness Resistance: The user receives a Moderate Resistance versus Darkness.


  • None


  • The user can not purchase the Spell Overcharge offensive spell type enhancement.


  • The user must be a starter race.


  • Name: Consumption
    Rank: D-S
    Mana Cost: ~
    Requirements: Darkness Dragon Slayer Magic
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Darkness
    Range: 1 Meter
    Cooldown: None
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user opens their mouth towards an Offensive-type spell that is 1 meter within their range to consume it. The spell dematerializes into mana and is inhaled and consumed by the user. These spells must be of the same element as the respective element of the slayer magic. If the user consumes a spell that has another element combined with it, the damage or effect of the spell will be applied for the portion. Upon consuming a spell that is ranked equal or lower than the user, the user will receive the mana that was spent to cast the spell. Should a user try to consume a spell that is one rank higher than them they must instead pay mana equal to the amount used to cast the spell to consume it. Spells that are at least two ranks higher than the user require double the amount of mana to consume.

#2Ko Lesalt 

First Generation: Darkness Dragon Slayer [1,000,000J] Empty Tue Jul 28, 2020 5:33 pm

Ko Lesalt

Purchasing with 20% Zagan Dungeon Discount


First Generation: Darkness Dragon Slayer [1,000,000J] Empty Tue Jul 28, 2020 7:33 pm

Ko Lesalt has purchased First Generation: Darkness Dragon Slayer Magic for 1,200,000J.

First Generation: Darkness Dragon Slayer [1,000,000J] Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)

First Generation: Darkness Dragon Slayer [1,000,000J] Empty Sun Nov 15, 2020 8:20 am


This item is available for purchase.


First Generation: Darkness Dragon Slayer [1,000,000J] Empty Wed Jan 06, 2021 1:33 am


Buying please. (Getting race change and Lost potion in Shop Review)


First Generation: Darkness Dragon Slayer [1,000,000J] Empty Wed Jan 06, 2021 8:00 am

Aegis has purchased First Generation: Darkness Dragon Slayer magic for 1,500,000 Jewels.

First Generation: Darkness Dragon Slayer [1,000,000J] Maxresdefault

First Generation: Darkness Dragon Slayer [1,000,000J] Empty Fri May 07, 2021 11:48 pm


This magic is available for purchase.


First Generation: Darkness Dragon Slayer [1,000,000J] Empty Sat Jul 24, 2021 11:40 am

Buying please and thank you.


First Generation: Darkness Dragon Slayer [1,000,000J] Empty Sat Jul 24, 2021 11:43 am


Obasi has purchased First Generation: Darkness Dragon Slayer.


First Generation: Darkness Dragon Slayer [1,000,000J] Empty Wed Apr 06, 2022 10:56 am

Purchasing this Magic.

#11Khalfani † 

First Generation: Darkness Dragon Slayer [1,000,000J] Empty Wed Apr 06, 2022 11:00 am

Khalfani †
Vyra has purchased First Generation: Darkness Dragon Slayer for 1,500,000 jewels.

#12Achlys † 

First Generation: Darkness Dragon Slayer [1,000,000J] Empty Thu Jun 23, 2022 6:56 pm

Achlys †
I want to buy this please



First Generation: Darkness Dragon Slayer [1,000,000J] Empty Thu Jun 23, 2022 7:20 pm

Achlys has purchased First Generation: Darkness Dragon Slayer for 1,500,000 jewels.


First Generation: Darkness Dragon Slayer [1,000,000J] Empty Sat Jan 21, 2023 5:47 pm

This magic is now available for purchase.

#15Go D. Drakkon 

First Generation: Darkness Dragon Slayer [1,000,000J] Empty Tue Jul 18, 2023 7:07 pm

Go D. Drakkon
I took this as my starter magic


First Generation: Darkness Dragon Slayer [1,000,000J] Empty Tue Jul 18, 2023 7:18 pm

@Go D. Drakkon has claimed this magic.


First Generation: Darkness Dragon Slayer [1,000,000J] Empty Wed Nov 01, 2023 5:11 pm

Gonna buy this for absolutely no reason : ^ ]
[Replacing starter magic choice, yeah it's unfortunate but what can you do]


First Generation: Darkness Dragon Slayer [1,000,000J] Empty Thu Nov 02, 2023 4:20 am

@Saturn has purchased First Generation: Darkness Dragon Slayer for 1,000,000 Jewels.


First Generation: Darkness Dragon Slayer [1,000,000J] Empty Sat May 18, 2024 6:56 am

Gonna buy this again for 1,000,000 :^]


First Generation: Darkness Dragon Slayer [1,000,000J] Empty Sat May 18, 2024 11:58 am

@Saturn has purchased First Generation: Darkness Dragon Slayer for 1,000,000 Jewels (again).


First Generation: Darkness Dragon Slayer [1,000,000J] Empty Mon Jul 29, 2024 10:06 pm

Claiming as my starter magic


First Generation: Darkness Dragon Slayer [1,000,000J] Empty Tue Jul 30, 2024 2:22 am

@Zeta has claimed this as their starter magic.

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