Her face went from curious to joy. A section full of pretty flower, trees and places to sit. Maybe to her own husbands dismay."I am going have to bring Anders here."Anders was at home in Magnolia so no signs of what his feelings on this would could be around.
With each joyful step, Judith was in her own way now a small child in a candy store, Just with flowers and plants.
To Judith there was so much to learn, as well as sit and relax in here. This kind of area was something to anyone who knew her, Would not be shocked to learn she was lingering in.
Judith's first path was simple, she headed for the Pink Cherry Blossom Trees. She wanted to take in all of the information about the ones here she could, what the living environment was for them, if the shade of their pedals varied, how tall they got. So many questions on her mind that she would just dive into.
Judith would kneel down by one of the trees for a moment and pick up a few of the pedals to observe them herself. So far, they felt like the ones she had at home, same shade of colour as well, Maybe she was thinking wrong that they could be different shades of pink. Nonetheless they were still pretty as always.
Good thing Judith could take her time looking, She had nothing else to really do today, It was perfect for Judith.