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What's Mine is Mine (NQ-A: Solo)

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What's Mine is Mine (NQ-A: Solo) Empty Sun Aug 30, 2020 4:22 pm


Erebus had just bought his new Sniper Rifle with the jewels he'd had left from a few days prior. Thankfully he still had next to ten bands left for emergency pick-ups. The new weapon which was slung over his shoulder, gleamed with a gun metal grey tint under the sunset. After taking Steel to the building where he'd question him later, he hung the Spellsword up and left him there for a bit. Erebus would only be about an hour after all, he was a quicker worker.

Because Erebus had to run another quest into the caves and mines before he was able to deal with some reluctant bounty hunter. He had kept his dagger clasped within his hands. After all, Erebus was a natural knivesman, and these mines were filled to the brim in shining stones. He could pry them from their places on the walls after hunting down his target.

For now though, his mind was simply in walking the rocky path, the descending steep would unnerve most, but not Erebus. He worked best alone, and to top that fact, was use to a lonely life. He just had to survive, and if helping others in the process made for profit, he would do it... Just, according to his own idea of reasonable pay of course.

His clothes were a demonstration of stitching and refined tailoring. Belts lined different areas of his outfit, so as to hold magical items which were at a grabbing distance in his orange cloak. He was smart to gear up in preparation for the future. After all, he and Ko had just fought the spider yesterday, and the driders' so it was no surprise different monsters lived down different tunnels.

It was just a matter of finding which tunnel would be more important or the best bang for his bucket. Hmm, it seemed as though he were curious to the contents of today's mission. Erebus held from his fingertips a parchment he'd pulled off the job wall, with a riper reward, the thought of getting paid appeased the Unavoidable One. When the roof of the mine entrance disengaged the walking rogue from the sunlight, he let his arm dropped and his gaze relax. He sighed to himself softly.

He needed a bitch, like a good down to earth woman. Rather than pick apart his life, the Rogue merely whistled as he spun his dagger between his fingers. Hand on the strap of the gun, Erebus chose to go right, taking the opposite turn he had with Ko the last time, for no reason other than too explore a bit more of what made this Mine so unique.

As he walked he patiently pocketed only the finest diamonds he could, with rubies and emeralds sprinkled within, giving his side bag a crystalline gleam. The Rogue craved their sparkling form, stopping occasionally to inspect one or the next. Though, his mindset had not changed, he was definitely here to fight something and help some miners out... There would be time for that, there always was.


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What's Mine is Mine (NQ-A: Solo) Empty Mon Aug 31, 2020 6:19 am


The further he pressed into the cave the darker it should have gotten, but the light from above and the lanterns lining the walls down the pathway caused the beautiful ores to glow and thus a pretty lit journey awaited the Rogue, he hungrily pocketed the rare beauties before him & didn't think twice about it. In the long run, Erebus was quite fond of this little tunnel into the great underbelly of the mountains, he imaged the deepest trenches were probably a volcano. But the topper most levels descending for at least a mile were cold as ice.

Running his fingertips against the textures of the rocking bedding-- Erebus stopped. There were signs of a picked up pace here, and red globs of fresh blood were caking the walls. That could mean only two things, and really only one if Erebus had to guess what happened to the unlucky miner who descended away from whatever beast had grabbed it. The Rogue wondered why Dwarfs were always getting eaten in these mines, weren't there like, a ton of different races profiting here? Like for example, if the Syndicate owned the Mines, shouldn't they collect a tax fee?

"Tsk tsk tsk."

Shaking his head, he stood back to his attention and decided to track the blood-pool down to it's monsters location. one leg ahead of the other, Erebus merely unholstered the Sniper Rifle from his shoulder and lugged it around barrel pointing downward but at an easy raising level. Thanks to his superhuman quality, Erebus could wield one of these bad-boys by one hand. Without fear of dropping it, he was more worried about it being broken against other weapons than disarmed in the heat of combat, but thankfully Erebus was a pretty intelligent individual. He'd just refine it back to usual shape after a fight.

In his left hand was the Phantom Dancer, a dagger that had become close to Erebus because of it's power to draw out his true speed. He knew it would necessary in killing whatever the fuck he was about to fight so ignoring it's power now for the rifle would only prove to be a quarrelsome endeavor. Erebus would need to learn how to manage both his items, and if he couldn't then he would simply have to change one of them out. A sad reality, but... A reality worth checking out nonetheless.  Coming into another large open space as usual, Erebus was surprised to see nothing but a treasure chest.

In hindsight this would have and should have been suspicious. but to a rogue... Well let's just say, his mouth was already watering. "No fuckin' way." He said, with his eyes full of sate and hunger. Dropping the Sniper Rifle, Erebus seemed to be gravitated to the box. Running slick fingers against the surface of it's structure. He could hear the soft pur of a woman, turned up in heat and ecstasy, which again, in hindsight could have been kind of suspicious. However a thief was caught in the illusion, when both hands began to lift the box, a woman sprung forth, latching her arms around his waist and pulling him down into the box.

What's Mine is Mine (NQ-A: Solo) Maxresdefault

It took little time to figure out that this chest more than just purred, it lusted. And in the moment, was also eating him! With pink hair, and a saddened face, Erebus realized right away this creature was lonely, because it had to eat anyone it wished to love.

His eyes locked to the girl. "Don't leave me okay? Just stay for a good time. I'll make your last hour the best in your life love.~" Her promise was enchanting, after all Erebus hadn't slept with a woman in forever. He certainly doubted a "Mimic" counted really but, she had a voluptuous form and was already pulling his own pants down, her lips dripping in saliva, the surface behind him was warm and moist almost like a woman's insides themselves.

"Hey wait, I-oooue aah.. Wait a minu-mm!" His face flushed over and he simply shut up from that moment onward. Unafraid of the pleasure he might face right before his own death. This was a chance encounter that he'd never been so lucky to acquire. He was definitely sure going to fuck this thing before he found a way out!

The sounds of moans and the shaking of the box from the outside could be seen except that no one was around.

It was no mystery, what she did with her mouth next either, as the endeavor was worthy of a solid fade to black...


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What's Mine is Mine (NQ-A: Solo) Empty Thu Sep 03, 2020 8:23 am


After all was said and done, Erebus was losing his breath, he couldn't breathe. As sad as it was, and as nice as the touch felt, he reached to his utility belt, and unsheathed Phantom Dancer. Jerking it forward, he swiped at the box's sides, until she screamed in agony, though, the woman's face was pink with flush. Perhaps this mimic had a sadomasochistic streak in her. Whatever the case, the lid above him opened, and Erebus wasted no time, in aiming his dagger to the ceiling. Shooting up at 30m/s.Breathing in the air around him, he back flipped off the ceiling. His form went nearly invisible and in the dark the Mimic couldn't find him, her distress was an energy felt, and her sadness too made Erebus empathize with her.

It wasn't like he didn't understand loneliness. In fact, he understood it better than most. He'd never felt very intelligent, or powerful despite his skills. A tear slid down his face, he was a cherry boy and had lost his first time to a monster... Or a woman, either term was plausible but it certainly wasn't normal and he knew that. Watching from the shadows, the box spun and teleported, gone forever. Or at least for this quest. Defeating his target, Erebus sighed. Not in relief, but in sheer shock and... loss. Shaking the warm wetness from his body, he made his way deeper into the trenches of the mines.

He located some pickaxes and began barreling them into the rocks to find more diamonds, all the while, it hit him again. That series of thinking too much. Was he really what he thought he was? or just some glorified thief? Should he be okay with being a thief? Maybe he should have let that strange mimic creature swallow him. So that he might live forever in memory, that was his dream after all. To leave a lasting impression on someone or something.

Then again, it was primal instinct for him to want air, to live. He couldn't hold it against himself long, should he try, and he'd slip into a coma and never wake up from the depression that reality held fork and spoon to him. He was to be consumed by those emotions, and rogues are noticeably better at handling human emotions than most others. He wouldn't let it restrict him. He simply kept picking away. The more power acquired, the less he had to worry about. That was the goal for now. Lonely or not... He had to keep going, and helping others added the substance he needed to his life. Maybe he helped that mimic lady, I mean... She definitely helped him.

Just another day for Erebus Gresham. He checked the clock on a pocket watch held in his cloak, a golden chain was gangling at his waist ever so gracefully, it was almost time he finished up now. Steel was still back in that hidden and abandoned place. A house too far away for anyone to stumble across him. Erebus would hate to let some measly bounty hunter get away and come back later reinforced against his non-magical dismay.

Nodding, he took all his diamonds and prepared to be off. Since the diamonds were taken under the guise of a quest, it was certainly the same as stealing, and Erebus would no doubt collect an even larger bounty from this, but that wasn't his concern. He never cared, so long as he was far enough from others to be bothered, nothing ever warranted a worry. Haha... If only that were the case, the bounty definitely gave him paranoia. But even then, what was really his concern? In most one on ones; Erebus was a sustainable enemy, he was hard to put down, and to top it off, apparently he was attractive to monster beauties, and fuck it ! Before long he'd be with human girls anyways... Yeah, he smiled on that thought. Whilst exiting in the same direction he had came.

"Another day to get another dollar Erebus."


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