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Almost Looks Real [Q: SOLO]

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Almost Looks Real [Q: SOLO] Empty Sun Sep 13, 2020 1:55 am

It was rush hour and nobody's got enough time to prepare in the theater. A few days after Masami's performance as the antagonist, their theater had gotten quite the reputation not only in Hosenka City, but also in different cities in Fiore. As the owner of the theater (and the person who supposedly gets most out of the income), Masami was proud of that job well done. Workaholic Joyan men get drunk on daily routines and the only way to stop them is to give them the raise that they deserve: with all of Masami's hardwork, he had indeed stopped the continuation of a drunken state. Thus, the people yearned for more, and Masami (along with the theater staff) had no choice but to give the people what they wanted. After all, they get income in return, don't day?

What wasn't expected, as well as the bad news of today, was that tonight's play's protagonist was not able to come to work. Although everybody was panicking and becoming angry at that actor's successful attempt in leaving the rest of the theater's management hanging, Masami was quite relaxed about the occurrences. In Joya, he was trained to prepare for these sorts of scenarios and if not, it's better to act as if it is. He raised a hand and uttered: "I'll go take his role," then lightly chuckled afterwards, showing everyone else of his relaxed and loose state, earning their trust even if he was asked if he was sure. Of course, how could people forget who Kita Masami is? Surely, this sort of job isn't such an intimidating work. A few moments afterwards, he'd get himself dressed in a costume that was lighter than the previous clothing when he played the antagonist role. The previous shite (protagonist), Tomura Matsukaze, will play as the shitetsure (protagonist's companion), and they will face an opponent they never had yet.

「-15% WC reduction via Guild Perk.」


Almost Looks Real [Q: SOLO] Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)

Almost Looks Real [Q: SOLO] Empty Sun Sep 13, 2020 2:12 am

The scripts were familiar thus easier to remember, as if the play was dedicated to Masami himself. In fact, Masami has never memorized a script a hundred-percent, but instead taught himself to become familiar with it instead. To be fair, compared to the children who went to school, Masami was bad at memorizing practical matters such as mathematics and history (unless it's related to Joyan theaters), but becoming familiar instead of memorizing how it exactly is, had apparently become more effective than the rest of the kids who had teachers and mentors back in Joya. Because Masami did not completely memorize the rushed script and instead became familiar with it, everything had gone smoother and more freeform, causing the performers to act more natural than they were. As professional as they are, they didn't have to speak in out-of-character, nor have gestures to indicate thus. Instead, with a simple look in the eyes, everyone knew what to do.

Tonight's play apparently was, still, a success in terms of pleasing the audience and getting a lot of money in return, even if the theater's management team wasn't completely satisfied behind the scenes. In fact, instead of relaxing, the managers watched behind the curtains and scrutinized everything that the performers were doing: from simple walking to raising a sword, to speaking lines and crying on stage – the managers usually relax behind the scenes but they couldn't help themselves and decided to visually interrogate everything that happened in those full two-hours. When it was finally finished, they let out a loud sigh, in which they scolded each other for, assuming they'd ruin the stage with vague murmurs that occurred somewhere the audience could not see and identify. Despite all those, the play finished as properly as they wanted it to be and once again, they lined up; everyone held hands in a straight line... the enemy revealed himself when the true beginning had started.

「-15% WC reduction via Guild Perk.」


Almost Looks Real [Q: SOLO] Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)

Almost Looks Real [Q: SOLO] Empty Sun Sep 13, 2020 2:21 am

Until now, Masami played the role of the protagonist – as a professional actor, he had acted as if he wasn't surprised at all. The rest panicked into motion and the audience was convinced that this was part of the show: some sort of rigid plot twist that never had happened in history of Joyan theatrics. "I've seen you before," he said in a proud tone, in-character as he was. Masami pointed the imitation Masamune sword at the true antagonist after realizing that he had come not to ruin their performance (although he had made it seemingly better), but to potentially ruin their lives as well. "Surround the audience," whispered Masami to the performers beside him, "don't let them know—make sure they enjoy." Immediately after Masami raised a hand to summon a gigantic hand, sending him flying in directions that convinced the audience as if it was a stage prop. It was magic—truly, it was, and as truly as that act was, the enemy—Ayakashi, who symbolized a wrathful demon—had obviously struggled with such strength compared to before.

He looks stiffer, thought Masami as the hand allowed him to catch unto Ayakashi, closing a five- to ten-meter distance. At that point, Masami—tonight's protagonist—would stretch his arms downwards and call forth four spirit balls, but he had put in enough mana to call forth sixteen spirit balls instead, in which floated in the air before being directed to Ayakashi, who had charged in and taken the hits upon the head when he jumped in attempt to strike Masami—the flames had engulfed his flesh and caused him to lose balance and focus. Flight had allowed him to easily evade this by moving further away, effortless. "Let's make you suffer a bit more," he smiled after, then pointed right at the Ayakashi who had grown more desperate than he was a moment ago. Did he hold this much grudge? Must be it, that means Masami had not much to worry about and slay him like a true hero, had he?

「-15% WC reduction via Guild Perk.」



  • Strength: 121 (S-Rank damage)
  • Speed: 61 (lunge: 12.5m/s; run: 25m/s)
  • Constitution: 100 (1x S-Rank/3x S-Rank)
  • Endurance: 30 (B-Rank pain tolerance)
  • Status: Half-Blinded (from Kyouran Mono)

MANA: 4850/5250

(Kami Mono lit. God Plays)

Rank: A-Rank
Mana Cost: 100 MP (-50 via INT)
Requirements: Demon Soul Magic
Type: Supplementary [Flight]
Element: Fire
Range: Self
Cooldown: 01 Posts (-2 CD from magic; -1 from necklace)
Duration: Instant
Effect: The user raises a hand in the air and calls forth a 2-meter diameter hand, whose appearance is of pale, black skinny fingers with sharp, purple-colored nails – it would immediately swipe the user's lower body so that they may sit on the palm. It allows the user to fly at a maximum of 10-meters of height as long as they remain sitting on the palm.

(Kitsune no Yomeiri lit. The Fox' Wedding)

Rank: B-Rank
Mana Cost: 200 MP (-50 via INT; used 4 times)
Requirements: Demon Soul Magic
Type: Offensive
Element: Fire
Range: 15 Meters
Cooldown: 00 Posts (-2 CD from magic; -1 from necklace)
Duration: Instant
Effect: The user stretches their arms downwards and opens their palms, calling forth four (4) spirit balls of various sizes, surrounding the caster. The spirit balls will fly towards the target the user points at 20m/s upon command, dealing D-Rank damage per hit (a total of B-Rank damage).

(Kyouran Mono lit. Madness Plays)

Rank: A-Rank
Mana Cost: 100 MP (-50 via INT)
Requirements: Demon Soul Magic
Type: Supplementary [Half-Blind]
Element: Fire
Range: 20 Meters
Cooldown: 03 Posts (-2 CD from magic; -1 from necklace)
Duration: Sustain
Effect: The user points at a target while stretching an arm, and then releasing a red string-like substance that charges to the target at the speed of 20m/s, which vanishes upon hit. The victim will receive Half-Blind and their irises will turn into a pale-red of color for cosmetic purposes only.


Almost Looks Real [Q: SOLO] Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)

Almost Looks Real [Q: SOLO] Empty Sun Sep 13, 2020 3:33 am

He looks unstable! The antagonist had dropped down; his head was vitally hit and he cannot see anything unless they are five-meters or less of distance. Even if he tried to pull himself up, there was no use, and he had to struggle exactly as how Masami envisioned he would. Now's the chance, the hand that held Masami flew him towards Ayakashi then he held his pinky finger in front of his lips; when he was five- or less-meters away from the target he blew through it when his mana imbued itself into a magic circle, releasing a large burst of flames, enough to blow his target away into unconsciousness. It was, indeed, quite the mana leech, but the audience clapped after the act, still not realizing that all of these were, in fact, not an act. It almost looked real, almost, which was why the audience gave a round of applause due to their amazement. Masami's fire had burnt small pieces of wood and thread, but the management had immediately ran to them so they may fix what is needed to be fixed, otherwise they'll all run out time and the theater may burn down.

Still taking deep breaths from the aftermath of that huge blow, Masami took his time to face the audience as if the show was completely finished for tonight—just like how it was supposed to be. The curtains fell to cover Masami's tired body who had forced itself to complete the battle, but because he had faced two special Joyan swordsmen, this Ayakashi wasn't so tough. The management team had dragged Ayakashi's body away, not taking their time to look at the face underneath his mask. That was finally finished, and it was all that mattered for tonight. Next time, bring a few more for show, will they?

「-15% WC reduction via Guild Perk.」



  • Strength: 121 (S-Rank damage)
  • Speed: 61 (lunge: 12.5m/s; run: 25m/s)
  • Constitution: 100 (3x S-Rank/3x S-Rank)
  • Endurance: 30 (B-Rank pain tolerance)
  • Status: Half-Blinded (from Kyouran Mono)

MANA: 4250/5250

(Yubikiri lit. Pinky Promise)

Rank: D-Rank
Mana Cost: 400 MP (-50 via INT; used 32 times)
Requirements: Demon Soul Magic
Type: Offensive
Element: Fire
Range: 05 Meters
Cooldown: 00 Posts (-2 CD from magic; -1 from necklace)
Duration: Instant
Effect: The spell starts by having the user make a fist upon their left hand then raising their pinky, choosing a target by using the tip of the finger as scope; a magic circle forms at the tip. After blowing unto the finger, the magic circle immediately subdues – releasing a burst of flame with a 0.25-meter of length in a speed of 20m/s that deals D-Rank damage over the target's inflicted area.


(Kami Mono lit. God Plays)

Rank: A-Rank
Mana Cost: 100 MP (-50 via INT)
Requirements: Demon Soul Magic
Type: Supplementary [Flight]
Element: Fire
Range: Self
Cooldown: 01 Posts (-2 CD from magic; -1 from necklace)
Duration: Instant
Effect: The user raises a hand in the air and calls forth a 2-meter diameter hand, whose appearance is of pale, black skinny fingers with sharp, purple-colored nails – it would immediately swipe the user's lower body so that they may sit on the palm. It allows the user to fly at a maximum of 10-meters of height as long as they remain sitting on the palm.

(Kyouran Mono lit. Madness Plays)

Rank: A-Rank
Mana Cost: 100 MP (-50 via INT)
Requirements: Demon Soul Magic
Type: Supplementary [Half-Blind]
Element: Fire
Range: 20 Meters
Cooldown: 03 Posts (-2 CD from magic; -1 from necklace)
Duration: Sustain
Effect: The user points at a target while stretching an arm, and then releasing a red string-like substance that charges to the target at the speed of 20m/s, which vanishes upon hit. The victim will receive Half-Blind and their irises will turn into a pale-red of color for cosmetic purposes only.


Almost Looks Real [Q: SOLO] Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)

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