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Torture or Training? [T][Erebus]

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#1Ezekiel II 

Torture or Training? [T][Erebus] Empty Tue Sep 22, 2020 9:10 pm


"You won't be smiling for long."

One of the two guards who stood at the only door in the room Ezekiel had been held captive in, stated confidently. Obviously his smile was far too charming for him to enjoy. Both guards were pretty big and bulky but overall weren't threatening to someone like Zeke, yet it made sense that a simple bend of the lip could irritate useless pawns such as themselves. The guard's only job was to make sure he didn't leave this room. They were the first line of offense, the most disposable. They were proud to be garbage. Ezekiel found that quite funny. If he did manage to break out of these shackles, the two guards who stood only 10 meters away would not be able to stop him. The Lich in charge had to have known that, so Ezekiel assumed that there were more guards outside of the door just in case. Either way he had no intention of forcing his way out. Soon enough he would have his freedom, he just needed to be patient. With nothing else to do, Ezekiel gazed upon the sun, basking in its shining glory. The warmth of the rays kept him as comfortable as he could be. Why exactly was he smiling even though his arms were attached to magic-restricting chains and his freedom had been stripped away from him? Well, it was because now he had a mission and as long as he had that mission he knew that this was only a temporary setback.

"And What makes you so sure, mister guard? Is your Lich leader going to torture me? Or perhaps he plans to cut off my ears to harness their magical prowess." The Desiertan elf turned his head to face the guards at the door. His tone was sarcastic, not a hint of fear in his soul. His hair brushed the brick wall as he looked at the giant pawns. Their faces were protected by black helmets so the former Fairy Tail mage couldn't see who they were. "I am smiling because when I finally free myself from these chains...I will kill you both. Then, I will make sure to fuck your fathers before killing the remainder of your families." He smiled. It seemed that Safiya's personality was actually a bit darker than his own, but he was enjoying this newfound confidence. His smile was bright, warm, and genuine yet his words were the complete opposite. "Not the children of course." His words rang true. They didn't know any better, but Ezekiel never lied. These guards would be fools to think that he was bluffing anyway.

"You've got some nerve Elf boy, I could kill you right now if I wanted to!" The other guard roared. He picked up his baton and stormed towards Ezekiel before swinging it across his face with full force. The Desiertian felt every niche of the baton slam against his jaw, causing a bit of blood to burst from his mouth. "Now shut your fucking mouth." "You will definitely pay for that-" Ezekiel snickered. "I said, shut your fucking-" Just as the guard raised his Baton again, the door to the room swung open.


Last edited by Ezekiel on Wed Sep 23, 2020 12:19 pm; edited 1 time in total


Torture or Training? [T][Erebus] Empty Wed Sep 23, 2020 12:17 pm


Erebus had been drinking at the Swineherd Pub and in all fairness shouldn't have peeped any chatter from the room he was passing by, as he awoke that morning he was still kind of drunk. Ko had made Erebus into an alcoholic, with a growing interest in the hedonistic town girls. He still hadn't met the Tavern owner Odin, like Ko and Steel had assumed he would quickly, and so he doubted it was allowed for him to invade guest rooms. But the sheer amount of loud cursing and foul language pulled the thief's attention to the situation. Plus uh, he's a thief, so invading rooms was like second nature to him anyways, allowed or not. His hand spun the knob and a green-haired Rogue was soon stumbling into the room gandering at the trio from the doorway, three heads in his direction.

From what he could add-up, this was none of his business. Yet, here he was-- staring something in the eye that should have made others run off and hope they wouldn't be traced. Erebus noted the anti-magic chains after a moment to process what he was looking at. Everything bled into understanding pretty quick. He was allied with other criminals, and this was one of their crimes, this pretty boy on the floor must be worth a pretty penny.

"So uh, is this the prisoner?" He asked without clearly knowing what the hell this dude Ezekiel was actually here for. Just that he was here and obviously tied down for a good reason. Seeing no hint or necessity to mention that though, Erebus merely kept prodding to see how far he could go. Maybe he'd make a new friend here today.

"Would you like to go outside and train with me?" Erebus spoke at the guy, he noted how pretty upset looking he was on the floor, and Erebus was naturally empathetic to people who get captured. Erebus hated jail, so that much he could relate to how this elf character must be feeling.

Perhaps his kindness was too obvious there for a second, as then Erebus noticed the dumbfounded expressions plastered over the thugs' faces, unsure where to go from this point. He decided to quickly readjust his center in the conversation and get that suspicious vibe off of his neck. Thankfully, or unluckily really, these thugs clearly knew him. He didn't have to do much for them to comply to what he said, Erebus had a reputation that didn't slip mosst people in Fiore anymore. He was a national disaster, and was known far and wide to be a master of stealth. Legends were beginning to be told of him, even rumors so crazy to say that he robbed the King of a mere storybook simply to send a message he could snuff their souls out at any turning point in his lifetime.

Whether you believed these folktales was up to your imagination, but the man himself was certainly real, "Er, I mean.. Get our slave to the alley behind the bar. I'm going to teach this punk a new lesson in pain for the boss. Messing with our guys? Big mistake buddy, tsk tsk." Erebus spat on the ground, in his usual acted-out flare in full send.

This time he envisioned himself like a confident western cowboy, a shadow of the much different version of himself he once was, growing up on these streets. Except, he was always this strange and weird so cool was up to the beholder, Erebus was usually quite silly and awkward despite his enormous strength. People just didn't invite his deeper sense of self into the picture; most of the time, they'd be opting for his serious assassin-like abilities to show out more than his personality.

That was okay though. At least that way, he could be judged by his actions over his words. In a weird way, that was a respectable quality. Something he trulyfelt a sense of pride over... Anyways, with not much left to do or say, the Rogue glanced up only for a split second to wink at Ezekiel. Then his form turned back, he left for the door which he'd came through, snapping his finger, "Alright ship shape, let's go boys." He waited in the hall, they were already on the first floor.

One way or another, Erebus wanted someone to train with. He would put the captured individual back in the room afterwards of course no harm no foul. Assuming Erebus could actually defeat the guy, and not let him escape since this would jeopardize whatever Odin had going on of course.

Erebus didn't much care for that though since he didn't even know Odin yet. Life is about the gamble anyways, and clearly Ezekiel wasn't dead yet, so he still had chips to throw on the table. Erebus was not far off from being in the exact situation the Desiertan was in, granted he was on the opposite end of the spectrum.

Erebus was a wanted man all over Fiore at this point. He was not too invested in other criminals, like this Desiertan here, without a fun game of chance running the tightrope. He was more tied-up in improving his own skills, and giving other's their own win conditions, should they be deserving of such things. This fella here in the chains was about to offer the Rogue the entertainment he needed for growth. The Rogue, was offering the elf the means to escape; though that much was left unsaid.

STR || 151(101) S
SPE || 141(81) S
CON || 121 S
END || 161(121) S

#3Ezekiel II 

Torture or Training? [T][Erebus] Empty Fri Oct 09, 2020 11:21 pm


The predicament Ezekiel in wasn't exactly something he wanted. I mean, who in their right mind would actually want to be a Lich's prisoner. The first thing that came to mind when Zeke though of a Lich, it was satanic rituals, blood magic, or organ harvesting. The fact that he was here though, meant that whoever was controlling his fate had something spectacular in store for him. With that in mind, the elf wasn't too worried about what would happen to him. He had an overwhelming amount of faith in himself and his purpose. Despite his current situation, his spirits weren't too down. His lips remained slightly curved as he waited for the guard's fist to meet his jaw once again, but the door opened in the nick of time, distracting the guards. Ezekiel looked up expecting to see the creature of darkness. Instead, his eyes rested upon another being- arguably another creature of darkness.

This new person was fairly odd-looking. He resembled a child but obviously was not. His clothes were ragged and dingey. His gear was perfect if he wanted to blend in with the poorer folk. In fact, if it weren't for the priceless expressions on the guard's faces when the random man entered, Zeke would've assumed that this person was perhaps a rogue wanderer. The Desiertan wood-elf kept his sun-like eyes on this stranger. This was no ordinary man. He knew Ezekiel was a prisoner and the guards seemed shaken by his presence alone which meant that he had some type of influence here. The guards stepped back as the door behind the green-haired man closed. The stranger looked Ezekiel directly in his eyes and asked him if he wanted to train.

Out of all things. The question caught everyone by surprise. The entire room fell silent. For a total of ten seconds, Ezekiel gazed upon the green-haired stranger. At first, it was unclear if this was some sort of trick question but the paladin could tell that this man was dead serious. The sincerity in his voice topped with his eyes and body language could not be denied. Then, it clicked. The marks under this stranger's eyes... the green hair...the clothes. An appearance like that could not be mimicked. Erebus...the unavoidable. he thought to himself. He heard rumors of a man who fit this exact description. It had to be him- the one who could not be captured. This was one of the most wanted people in Fiore. Interesting... the healer thought. Smiling warmly, Ezekiel raised his arms towards Erebus. "Sure, Just unchain me." he simply said. "And would you mind grabbing my staff then?" he asked politely. Eze tilted his head towards the corner of the room where his staff stood.

If this truly was him, then he may have been confident enough to believe that Ezekiel couldn't escape even if he wanted to. How odd of him to ask the prisoner to spar. "Sir?" Suddenly, Erebus' tone changed. He demanded that the guards move Ezekiel to the ally behind the bar. So this building is a bar huh? Erebus continued to put on a show, spitting beside the "slave" elf. Of course, he didn't fool Ezekiel, but the guards seemed to be easily persuaded that Erebus' actually wanted to torture the prisoner. They grinned and rushed over to Ezekiel, taking the chains off of the shackles but keeping the shackles on his wrists. They grabbed him aggressively, picking him up from the floor and pushing him through the door of the room. "You're about to get pummeled, elf-man." One of the guards snickered. Ezekiel glanced at Erebus as the guards pushed him through another door leading to the outside of the bar.

"Oh no! What will I do!?" he cried out. Then the guards pushed him onto the ground outside and stepped aside for Erebus to come through.



Torture or Training? [T][Erebus] Empty Sat Oct 10, 2020 10:08 pm


(Sorry, my cloak actually should say +20 Speed not +30)

Erebus retrieved his dagger in the hall with clear intent towards the backdoor. His hand left from it's place on his waist-sheathe before exiting the building, so that he could hold it carefully and precise for the game ahead. The butt of the handle acted for pummeling and guard, the blade aimed down and away from his pinky, though was also able to guard and move elegantly with the wrist, if taken to stance, he could still point the daggers sharp edge forward, by pulling the elbow far enough and high enough over his head for a rapid puncture motions.

Erebus seemed to bounce in nimble strides as he exited-- obvious signs of excitement painted up with unrest. He turned around at the exit door throwing himself around in a one-eighty just so that Zeke could see him leave at the same time Zeke would be put into the hall, he backed up a total of twenty meters unless preventative measure was displayed or hostile action prior to this distance was reached, Erebus would react if need be. Engaging into stance instantly; a slight bend at his knees for sliding into and out of point-blank attack. He watched the guards put Ezekiel to the ground in a rough, disgusting manner, to which Erebus felt annoyed and put to a loss of his integrity as a fighter against Zeke. Should Ezekiel not have ambushed him before this, it would happen moments after Erebus was ready, stanced, and attuned to the fight at hand.

Tall buildings were to the right and left, with an eight meter diameter separating these buildings. The fight should be fought fairly enough, though Erebus was willing to move for the training if it proved too advantageous to really learn anything for himself or the opposition.

"Hey careful!" he would say, only if given the chance; clearly talking to the guards. "You can go away now, I'll take it from here." Erebus said shoo-ing the men away. He then shook his head. He cracked his neck and started the game for real. "Sorry about that... Bitter situations can sometimes bring on better situations. If we let them, things can show us funny patterns of happening for a reason. So whatever's going on with you here, don't let it get to you, just get stronger!" Nodding to close his statements, he awaited dialogue or attack from Zeke.

#5Ezekiel II 

Torture or Training? [T][Erebus] Empty Thu Oct 15, 2020 12:11 pm


The excessive force used by the guards was unnecessary but Ezekiel would not complain. He accepted rather quickly that at least for the next month he would be treated this way- that was if he wasn't killed before then. With this new sense of power, the elf was capable of protecting himself, but if his enemies were Erebus and the Lich then that would prove to be bothersome. As the guards brought Ezekiel through the hall, the Dessiertan noticed Erebus retrieve a weapon all while his own was standing in the corner. It only took a few seconds for the bronze elven man to decide that he too would retrieve his item. The rogue seemed fond of him. Whether it was an optical illusion or not didn't matter because Erebus obviously wouldn't allow the guards to do more damage to him before their fight. Zeke inhaled before snatching his arm away from. In fact, Zeke was betting that Erebus would actually want him to fight at full strength. With that in mind, the brown mage snatched his arm away from one of the guards as they strolled towards his staff, quickly reaching and grasping it. Naturally, the guards were on high alert. As he grabbed his staff they quickly jumped to pull him back but didn't seem too pressed about him grabbing anything. They probably believed that Erebus would do him in either way.

Finally, the guards brought him outside and threw him onto the ground. The most wanted man in Fiore told them to be careful when dealing with him. Why did Erebus care so much? He seemed to be a nice guy so far but it was best not to make any positive assumptions. He was working with Odin after all. When the Savannan was thrown outside the first thing he noticed was buildings to his right and left. 8 meters separated the buildings, but there was a significant amount of space behind Erebus. Ezekiel was able to quickly calculate about 30 meters of space between the building they had just walked out of and the building behind Erebus.  From where the guards dropped Ezekiel, Erebus stood about 10 meters away. Slowly, Ezekiel pushed himself off of the floor. His current opponent apologized for what was happening to him and told him to absorb it all and become stronger.

Ezekiel smirked when he finally stood, staff in his hand as he stood in the exact same spot he was brought to. "Thanks for the advice..." With a sigh he readied himself for combat. "I am not the fighting type but I guess this beats sitting in a room getting tortured all day." he snickered. "Why are you protecting me anyway?"



Torture or Training? [T][Erebus] Empty Thu Oct 15, 2020 1:27 pm



Erebus was ready to move at any turning point, which would get him around safely. Moving to his place and with ten meter distance it seemed Zeke arrived as Erebus made it twenty meters with him at the ground, he allowed Zeke to respond. When Zeke began talking, Erebus would lose depth and color, as he fogged over and became near-invisible. In broad daylight, he could be noticed if the enemy was a profound sensory type, just not without obvious squinting and adjusting really in the shade Erebus could be assumed 90% invisible, in the light 75% invisible. Erebus lunged outward and to his right, aimed at drawing closer in each dash which was combo'd instantly off each other-- thus moving him into the nearest 10 meters and then beyond from there, he didn't have the brightest idea about how to defeat Ezekiel just yet other than to swing and time accordingly, but felt his advantage lied within the tall building's side so he would most certainly manipulate them. After all, they gave Erebus a wall to kick off of, and the shade underneath was handy in order to find a retreat in case he got desperate.

The two buildings had a narrow fighting arena within where the two men were going to start their duel. Erebus figured he could lunge twice, and be behind, as well as across the wall from his first lunge point. He moved like lightning with his physical prowess, his lunges, and he was into the position of moving around Zeke after only pushing against the ground twice. Slipping into the back side of his foe made things critical to a prey's survival and a predator's kill, as with Erebus would now have an added sneak factor and damage boost.

Ezekiel must have thought Erebus the sweet type as his dialogue suggested so but in those words Erebus was setting up for his chance, and in reality; Erebus had trained to deserve the respect of an assassin, that much he'd left in the minds of others. He would no sooner prove that very thing, as he engaged into his move set. He offered no more words for his next sequence, taking advantage of his silent steps to set a capable first-turn board. Erebus, unless stopped in his first two lunges, would have created a "V-line" from his previous spot or simply "zig-zagged" to get around his training partner, from Erebus destination, and now behind him; The unavoidable Erebus moved to test what Ezekiel's gutsiness was really like. Thus making two lunges, Erebus wouldn't have moved until after he was invisible in the beginning to thus not be vaguely manipulated into having revealed which side he'd be coming in from now, and have taken off towards Erebus' own right side originally, Erebus would inevitably arrive behind Zeke's left in the second, Erebus would hope to have been right on Ezekiel's back, in a fluid and much more graceful form than he'd started with some months back. As if to show how far his progress had come, at the bare minimum to himself, if not for captive to see in full contrast.

Erebus, with his knife in ice-pick grip as said earlier, would already have the dagger drawn for his striking lunge. The dagger was focused on the Bio-Wizard's vital areas, first coming at Zeke's neck downward, though the slightest bend of the wrist would allow him to block or damage from this location again. Erebus moved to finish his combo with added grace, using the dagger's butt he tried to strike deep S-rank bludgeon damage into the exposed kidney at the man's lower back and use pressure to push Zeke off balance. This would occur as his blade either landed or missed it's first strike, and did more than just damage but forced the point-blank radius to extend longer.

To further this narrative, Erebus would jump like the daggermen of old, almost bouncing with his 'pushiness' and 'panic' which was really a skill that allowed a rogue to fence precisely. As all this occurred, that same footwork would move to keep such a close striking range on Ezekiel, that with his free hand, Erebus would attempt locking an arm-bar hold under the mage's free arm (this would be Erebus left- so behind Ezekiel, also his left) Erebus would've made sure that the hand itself was pointed so that it couldn't have a valid trajectory at him; and since he had his arm ready at the side, to punch with in case an interruption occurred, it would likely be freed and able to grab the Wizard. Restraining the Bio-Wizard would be efficient to 121 STR vs 1 STR, a clear physical bind. Unless stopped ahead of time, Erebus would display enough strength in this endeavor to completely close off an escape for Zeke, and keep Ezekiel within that point-blank attack radius. Ezekiel could try to swing his staff, but Erebus had the invisible factor, and potentially the element of surprise on his side, so he had the chance even now to follow in a reaction of avoidance and move with Ezekiel's own body (to avoid getting whacked across the head or body); unless there was something Ezekiel could do to stop Erebus and his pressure, then the Bio-Mage would find himself helplessly restricted there and then to a grapple, and in this situation Erebus had all the advantage in a grapple, and at this very moment the world. Meanwhile, after jabbing toward the kidney earlier with the butt of his item, Erebus was primed for his next offensive or defensive measure. Assuming his methods of attack were successful, Erebus would not pull any of his punches and fight as if life and death were on the line.


#7Ezekiel II 

Torture or Training? [T][Erebus] Empty Thu Oct 15, 2020 11:12 pm


Who was Ezekiel kidding? A man like Erebus struck him to be the type who wanted to get straight into the action, thus it was futile to speak. As the Desiertan elf began to speak, his new opponent began to fade. The two stood twenty meters away from each other, with a long narrow space behind Erebus and two walls beside each of them acting as boundaries. Erebus was not in the shadow of any building at the very start. Both men were at the center between both buildings and with the sun still being out, there was enough light for Ezekiel to easily see his opponent. The conversation would have to resume after the fight- which was no problem at all for the elf. Luckily he knew that his opponent was a close combat fighter, which meant that if he made a way early on then the protector of nature could keep the advantage. Once he began speaking, he immediately noticed his opponent begin to fade and so he reacted. His staff was held tight in his right hand and all it took was a quick tilt to the left for him to activate his spell once his opponent began to fade. No magic circles were required for a mage as skilled as Ezekiel- though he had other entities to thank for that. Once Erebus began to fade, immediately vibrant green energy would radiate from him.

Ezekiel could clearly see Erebus step. Now it was time to ascend. Without a moment of hesitation, once Erebus took his first step, the plant mage bolted into the air at his dashing speed, using his levitation technique to fly, stopping 10 meters into the air. His head aimed downward as he moved upward so that his eyes could follow his opponent to the best of his abilities and sure enough, his opponent had attempted to secure a position behind him. Erebus had proven to be fast. Zeke expected no less from someone with his reputation. Luckily, the mage of nature was swift as well and attentive too. He assumed that his opponent's main objective was to remain close so, at any moment notice, Ezekiel would distance himself. By the time the Savannan wood-elf would reach 10 meters upward, Erebus would have reached his second destination which was right about where Ezekiel would have previously been.

By the time Erebus would have landed next to the wall and perhaps even right as he dashed Ezekiel would have already been airborne in time for his enemy's first strike to miss. Right when the bronze elf reached 10 meters into the air, he would point the head of his staff towards the ground releasing a magical hand that was aimed 5 meters in front of Erebus. Seeing as that now Erebus was behind where Ezekiel was standing before, he was right in front of the door Ezekiel was thrown out of. The spell would move at intense speeds and Erebus wouldn't see a magic circle to indicate that a spell was about to come. Upon impact the hand would explode 16 meters in all directions, damaging only the opponent while healing rejuvenating the dead weeds and vines growing from the cracks of the concrete and along the walls of the buildings close by.

"You are a tricky one, I see." Ezekiel smirked.


Stats | Items | Magic:


Torture or Training? [T][Erebus] Empty Fri Oct 16, 2020 10:50 am



Before Erebus would have dashed again, he'd kept his eyes on Ezekiel. The Mage was smart, probably the smartest opponent Erebus had ever faced. Due to the fact Zeke moved on instinct, and knew what Erebus could do, and Erebus was lost as to what Zeke could do. Zeke already extended a hand when Erebus had halted, and expecting a beam of energy the Rogue had to think as fast as his toes could let him.

The Rogue panicked as he expected something immense just because of his bounty-- he knew mages weren't the type to let him have his first turn attack, it made the game less fun for him. But admittedly, more challenging. Forcing his body to propel backwards in a lunge, just before a green energy blew up five meters ahead of where he was prior, and followed him outward. Erebus watched as a wall of green light emerged and followed him back through the doorway, only stopping by some 5-10 meters before he did.


When flying past the guards from earlier they covered their face when the light passed by them. Inside the Swineherd Pub, the guards were blinking trying to adjust themselves to both Erebus and Zeke's speeds. They would either feel a rush of pleasure like that of Morphine, or their skin would begin to decay. Meanwhile Erebus hastily removed a pipe. Inhaling the fumes Erebus had to think quick, assuming Zeke would just keep firing AoE spells, that mean Erebus would eventually likely have to tank one of those spells. Ultimately though, Zeke's spells didn't appear to melt the windows since they were healing spells, and the doorway was thin so shooting through it would definitely be difficult. If Zeke wanted Erebus to quit avoiding him, then he'd have to play into the Rogue's rules. Better in, if Erebus had to go outside, he would make sure that Ezekiel expended more mana by comparison.

Erebus remaining invisible ran around the room adjusting himself for an ambush if possible.


Hermit's Pipe - Equipped

#9Ezekiel II 

Torture or Training? [T][Erebus] Empty Sat Oct 17, 2020 1:30 am



The Desiertan Elf was not a fighter. His magic, his skills, his mind... they were built to protect and replenish not hurt and destroy. Still, the wrath of nature itself was a violent force to be reckoned with. With a slick movement of the wrist, his staff's head was pointed towards the ground and immediately a hand shot out of it. Effortlessly, he released a powerful attack that would explode upon impact with the ground causing a bright green and gentle light to extend outward in all directions. While it rejuvenated the plants on the ground and along the building wall, the spell seemed to have a more painful effect on his abusers. His eyes were on Erebus and he could see that as the spell hit the ground, his target leaped backward through the same door Ezekiel was thrown out of. Just before his own spell reached the ground, the desiertan himself began to fall out of the air, landing on his feet only slightly injuring himself from the fall. When he touched the ground the spell had already exploded and Erebus had simultaneously lunged into the building, moving just as the explosion did. He was lucky to have been so quick. For Ezekiel the spell would heal any damage he would have received but the same couldn't be said for the Assasin.

The explosion would reach beyond the door of the bar, damaging the henchmen who stood along the hallway behind the door. They were his enemies after all. Their screams of pain would fill the alleyway, music to Ezekiel's ears. He didn't like the sound of pain, but these men had tortured him. Their cries made his spirit dance. This was the wrath of nature. To wield such power was a gift. So many people slept on the power of the earth but not the Savannan. He knew first hand how mighty mother nature was, especially when she was mad. Zeke's magic had developed so much in just a few months. Merging with Safiya was probably the smartest thing he could have done since coming to Fiore. Her power amplified his own. The elf could feel his past life coursing through him. The seventh Ainko was alive inside his soul, thirsting for more. Zeke knew that she was the reason his fighting style had completely shifted. This battle with Erebus was the test of strength- a strength he hadn't tapped into yet. As he landed on the ground, he watched Erebus run into the open room at the end of the hallway. The gold-eyed elf tapped his chin. "I'd be walking right into a trap if I go in there..." he twisted his face as he spoke to himself.

Erebus was being a little scaredy-cat by running. Both males had two totally different ways of fighting and it showed. They were polar opposites. Ezekiel would wait about ten seconds 5 meters in front of the open door of the bar before speaking again. "Ereeeeebuusssss~ You might as well come back out. I'm not going in there... we both know that'd put me at a disadvantage." He stated still in the alleyway. His staff in his hand beside him ready to be used at any moment's notice. The doorway was about a meter in width and the hallway leading to the room Erebus had been in about 10 meters long. From what Ezekiel could see, Erebus had entered the main hall; where the actual bar was. "Or you can just stay in there and I can leave. You'll just have to deal with Mr. Lich-bitch for letting me escape." he snickered with a smile, eyes still aimed down the hallway.



Torture or Training? [T][Erebus] Empty Sat Oct 17, 2020 9:46 am



As stated from earlier, Erebus used the 5-10 seconds to ready his ambush, there was about a meter separating the exit from the walls beside it, since other bedroom doors lined the walls going back ten meters Erebus was probably expected to have entered one, in reality he had already came back to the doorway in silence, inside his detection was intensely more difficult to track, what with Odin having kept it noticeably dark and lucrative like most of Oak Town. Erebus beside the doorway, above him was a small window, but he was crouched so that only he could peer through it and duck when needed. Erebus had been using this window to keep tabs on his opponent, having seen him drop from the sky he knew Zeke would come play into his trap, thankfully Erebus was use to keeping harsh smoke in his lungs for extended time. In this space beside the doorway that could hide him, Erebus got right against the edge and for a split second blew smoke forward before pulling backwards and adjusting his posture to back up and align it better. From this spot, he could still use the cover at a moment's hesitation, it allowed him to keep a direct path forward on his foe but he could roll behind cover when needed, in the Swineherb Pub, Erebus was more difficult to detect as well (shade + nearly invisible) so he doubted Zeke could beat him in terms of speed at releasing spells this time around, at Zeke's distance there wasn't much escape for this next move.

A torrent of smoke moving at 20m/s would fly forward at 5 meters. Assuming Zeke dodged or took to flight again, Erebus would steer his head to make sure his spell gripped Zeke in an instant. The spell would instantly tighten around Zeke's body. Locking him in place because of his low strength. Assuming it did, Erebus would have flipped Phantom Dancer around so that the blade pointed forward. The exact moment Smoke Binding Cross Prison collided, and only if it collided against the target Ezekiel; would Erebus launch forward instantly having used the one second interval to prepare his Phantom Rush, placing him right on a binded foe, where he would follow into jabbing Ezekiel through the heart to win the spar. Assuming Ezekiel got away somehow, and Erebus hadn't landed his smoke spell, Erebus would casually lunge backwards again to the far back of the room at 15m, maintaining he was always as far as possible from the opponent's spells and forcing the environment against Zeke once again should Zeke have hoped to win with range. Erebus would inhale his pipe once more, plotting for the next turn of events, should he come to that.

To note, Zeke standing by the door, Erebus had taken the initiative while Ezekiel had taunted and not after. More over, Erebus was an assassin, he had to remember how amazing mages were if he ever wanted to keep up with the ones at his level and beyond. In Erebus opinion, Ezekiel proved he was beyond the rogue in terms of raw power. But Erebus, being one who relied on skill over power, would not stop until his enemy was down. Hard-work vs Natural Gifts.


#11Ezekiel II 

Torture or Training? [T][Erebus] Empty Sat Oct 17, 2020 2:49 pm


Silence. From the darkened pub, Ezekiel could hear nothing or see nothing which made him quite nervous. He had landed just as his spell exploded and was caught in it. Erebus had moved just as his spell hit the ground and had successfully managed to getaway. (Erebus' timeline for looking through the window to see Ezekiel wouldn't match up with when Ezekiel landed and when Erebus dodged the explosion considering he lunged 15 meters backward) The Desiertan elf, before he spoke, heard and saw the window in front of him creak open slightly. He was 5 meters away from the doorway, and the window was only a couple of feet away from the door. He was able to see everything but Erebus at the moment. Either he opened the windows as a distraction or was now completely invisible. Either way, it had to be Erebus trying to see where his opponent was. In response, Zeke reactively leaped back while at the same time flicking his wrist to point his staff forward towards the doorway, quickly releasing the same hand spell he had previously used just before the words left his mouth. This spell worked like a bullet and was aimed about two meters through the doorway but ultimately at the ground so that it would explode upon impact again. At this point, Erebus would have been in whatever position he was in after peaking through the window, inhaling from his pipe beside the doorway, covered from Ezekiel's own line of vision.

At point-blank range like this and given that Erebus was literally next to the doorway, Ezekiel was sure that his opponent would be hit. However, Erebus was like a snake. He moved quietly and swift enough to evade attacks like this. Hell, there was a chance that whoever peaked through the window wasn't even Erebus. Alas, Zeke knew that he'd have to assume that it was. Ezekiel moved back a total of 12.5 meters, landing at 17.5 meters away from the doorway. If it wasn't Erebus that had been peeking through the window, then Ezekiel would be comfortable knowing that he did what he had to protect himself. After all, he was still a nobody to him. He wasn't sure if Erebus would actually kill him if he had the chance. The elf was in no position to trust anyone. Once again, the hand spell would explode 16 meters in all directions. "I'm not a fan of hide and seek." He said coldly. His eyes remained focused so that if Erebus did come out of that door he could react appropriately. "How about we stop fighting and catch a drink. This is boring."

The countless hours a day he spent training back in Savannah proved to be useful after all. As much as he didn't like battle, it couldn't be helped in this war-driven world. Everything was about fragile masculinity and war. Ezekiel was too pretty to be fighting like this. His main concern was that he'd get dirty and wouldn't be able to wash up. That was a form of torture too. He doubted any of these bafoons would let him shower after this. He hated being dirty for too long. Plus, this battle needed to end quickly because he was running out of Mana. This spell was the strongest spell in his Arsenal and it drained a healthy sum. Of course, Erebus wouldn't know any of this as long as it didn't show. Ezekiel kept a collective posture, he had yet to break a sweat. Though his opponent was physically superior, the Desiertan mage was gifted. If all Erebus had was his physical abilities then Ezekiel could win if he played it smart.




Torture or Training? [T][Erebus] Empty Thu Oct 22, 2020 12:42 pm



Erebus continued his action of inhaling from his pipe, as he slid up to the window, Ezekiel was nearby, approaching. Just when he was 5 meters outside the door, wasting no effort in his endeavor Erebus pushed his freehand against the door and released a wave of mana from Ezekiel's flank. This smoke would catch Ezekiel before his actions could finish, disallowing him a lunge. Erebus moves into the opening doorway ready to lunge however, before the spell could officially bind Ezekiel's arm with the staff, a ball of green mana was released that would inevitably hit the ground between Erebus legs, as he moved forward to end the fight. Just as he took a step forward, and ready to leap, the explosion detonated. Frying his armor in Anti-Heal, the damage didn't deter his assault, sending him forward in his lunge. He couldn't feel the S-rank damage thankfully, since his armor ate it up entirely. However, there was this intense weakening feeling, which made him Erebus ache and want to throw-up-- his stomach was strong thankfully, digesting the debuff in fast resolve.

Using his acrobatics, Erebus used the moment, which didn't stun him all too much, to lunge forward before Ezekiel would break the bind, unstopping in his attack Erebus aimed to put a dagger on Ezekiel's neck. He held it there, any further action that seemed hostile would mean Erebus caved it into this vital region. Simply proving the two of them were equal, though, with his tact Erebus held this moment's advantage. "So you forfeit?" Erebus would attempt breaking the staff with his spare spare fist, gripped around the pipe, if it were able to move in front of him at all, but it should be restrained due to the Smoke Binding Cross Prison.


- Armor Broken (Erebus)
- Debuffed Constitution (Erebus)

#13Ezekiel II 

Torture or Training? [T][Erebus] Empty Mon Nov 09, 2020 11:45 am


Erebus was extremely swift. In fact, he was probably the fastest person Ezekiel had ever met. The elf grinned as he was stuck in place. His smoke had successfully captured him. Ezekiel underestimated him to say the least and he underestimated the strength of that armor too. He figured his spell would destroy it and ultimately damage him, alas Erebus remained unscathed with a dagger to his throat. The Desiertan smirked before letting out a defeated sigh. Truth was though, he didn't really feel defeated. Fighting didn't matter much to the wood-elf. It seemed to matter more to the rogue. Erebus wanted to confirm that Ezekiel forfeited. The nature mage looked around. "Well given the circumstances, it seems I'd be foolish not to, don't you think?" He responded softly. "I forfeit. Looks like you're the better fighter here." The magician would wait for his opponent to release him and retreat his dagger. The fight here was done, Erebus had won this round. The next time they fought though, things would definitely be different. "Now can we go inside for a drink? I'm parched." He asked. He was still a prisoner after all. Ezekiel learned enough about Erebus to be satisfied with the end result of this fight. It seemed the rugged man didn't have the talents of a mage. His armor was what gave him invisibility, and the smoke seemed to come from his pipe. Noted. "Hm?" he waited.


Torture or Training? [T][Erebus] Empty Tue Nov 10, 2020 7:37 am


Erebus released a heavy breath, in reality, he wouldn't consider this an easy victory. Ezekiel was a monstrously talented Paladin. In their own environments, both could be considered exceptional masters. Moving his dagger down to it's sheathe, the rogue nodded, and used his free-hand to wipe sweat off the brow of his face. He stretched his back, allowing a soft popping noise. He'd probably have some tavern girl massage it later, since having to move so quick around in this fight had truly pushed his limits to the next stage. Whereas, in most fights Erebus was privy to executing quickly, stamina played a vital role here, perhaps to become a master daggerman, stamina was the next key to his weapon mastery.

"Whew. That was no joke, you're a scary guy." Erebus made a sweeping motion with his hand and de-spelled the bind instantly. "Your spells are interesting, they didn't blow the walls into pieces the first time you attacked me. So my question is, are they not offensive in mechanics? If they aren't, and they're simple hexes. Then when did they destroy my armor back there I wonder." Erebus brought his hand to his chin, curiously. "Finally, a real magician." He had to admit. "and for a split second there, I thought you might've been bluffing me, and these were just illusion spells or something. You got a whole stinger there. Just like Phantom Dancer here." Erebus patted his dagger, amused, he turned around and headed towards the tavern after Ezekiel too, would've moved to go in that direction with him. He could use some liquor, perhaps a shot or so.

Maybe he could uncover this stranger's story, and a few details about his tricks or abilities. Knowledge was a bountiful fruit to the Rogue, and Erebus fancied both. Ezekiel was a ranged combatant with apparent damage and debuffing talent, but there was certainly more to this man than just that, he had a good attitude on his shoulders for having been locked up in the Swineherd Pub's goons. That was for sure, Erebus decided he would probably free this guy, Eternal Nightmare had still not been made and so, Erebus would not yet really know Odin Morningstar to begin with... Hmm. Erebus needed to know more.

"What do you drink?"

Erebus is the victor

#15Ezekiel II 

Torture or Training? [T][Erebus] Empty Fri Nov 13, 2020 12:03 am


What an opponent Erebus was. Here Ezekiel thought that the two would be going at it head to head, but this fight was different. In order to win Erebus had to use his surroundings which was admittedly something people needed to do more often. Mages these days were so caught up in power that they hadn't often paid attention to what was around them. It was safe to say that Erebus used his brain a lot better this round. The rogue swiped his hand, ending his spell and the hold it had on Ezekiel. The elf let out a sigh of relief. Erebus praised the tan-skinned man, telling him that he was a pretty scary dude. That was a new one. Most people who knew Ezekiel thought he was anything but scary. I guess that had a lot to do with the fact that the Elf was a much different person now. "Look who's talking, heh." He smirked. Truth was, Erebus was just as scary if not even scarier. To be strong enough to go up against a mage of Ezekiel's caliber with nothing but raw physical power and few tricks was nothing that deserved to be overlooked. The rugged man went on, inquiring about how his spells worked. He even mentioned how he thought they were illusions at first. The wood-elf nodded as he took the first step towards the tavern. He ignored the fact that neither one of them had moved at first. "A real magician eh? Sounds like you don't meet too many often." He began. "My magic only causes harm to those I see as enemies but is beneficial to everything else- even me. It's why most of my arsenal of spells are explosive." He finished. Just as he entered the tavern his body began to shake causing him to stop in his tracks. For a brief moment the world began to spin. "E-erebus?" He struggled to speak. His body was stuck, unable to move. Ezekiel was completely paralyzed until...darkness. Was his former opponent causing this? He thought. No... it was the stress his body had went through after using his magic, but why? The woof-elf fell, knocked out cold.



Torture or Training? [T][Erebus] Empty Wed Nov 18, 2020 6:08 am


Erebus listened to Ezekiel, a grin over his face as the excitement of battle was all that entertained him in this world. Ezekiel was a deftly intelligent foe that wouldn't go without caution if they fought again. He mentioned the trick to his mechanics, and Erebus hastily soaked that knowledge up, some kind of healing and burning effect via the spells, with an added ability to debuff at minimum. Special... Erebus knew that was a lot of power for single spells, as most people can only do or two of them per spell casted. He paused, noticing Ezekiel wobble, and when the man would fall Erebus would slide quickly under the mans back and catch him.

Curious and panicking, the rogue heaved ezekiel on his shoulder and went back into the tavern, something amidt he thought. Perhaps he would pay 'Odin' a visit and figure this whole charade out for himself. Erebus walked into the tavern, and strode the ten meters away he had too once going inside. On top of that, Erebus carried Ezekiel to a bed and tucked the mage against the blanket, Zeke was an honorable fighter to put it lightly, to Erebus, this would remind him never to overly exert his mana, as the re-precautions caused comatose states. Erebus left some jewels on the table with a hope this would go towards a healthy meal and not booze or drugs.

Erebus left the inn and headed for Oakland Church. He had some hours to kill, so he'd go breaking and entering til the time elapsed. Erebus... He loves to snoop through people's homes. After that, he'd begin his mission for the 'morrow morning.

"Hope to see you again. It was fun."


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