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Battle in the Void - Green[Yugo]

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Battle in the Void - Green[Yugo] Empty Mon Nov 02, 2020 3:28 am

The ever so slightly drunk Victor stumbled around in the world of Samhain. You see he had been going on and on about this Thing he did last summer and when he passed a corner a man in a yellow raincoat with hooks for hands stopped him and said “I know what you did last summer.” Victor was shocked. How did this man know? How did he know that Victor had been drinking the entire summon and did he know what had happened whilst Victor was blacked out drunk? Not even Victor knew that. “YEEPERS” Victor screamed as he ran away from the scene with all his might.

He got away from him. Entered through a door in the forest and was surrounded by a weird space. There was light but no sun or lightbulb. There was no ground. Instead there was whiskey. Endless amounts of whiskey. But for some reason it was solid to stand on. This space seemed endless.

Victor was wearing his casual clothes and had his sword in its hilt strapped to a belt hanging from his waist. Where was he? He did not know. But he was sure of one thing. This flat space where nothing existed except whiskey you couldn't drink would drive him mad soon enough. BECAUSE HE COULDN'T DRINK THE WHISKEY!!!

Victor started walking around in circles. The door had disappeared when he had entered but he hoped he could get out somehow. And just then the door appeared and opened. Someone walked through that Victor did not know.

Victor drew his steel sword. “WHAT THE FRICK IS GOING ON?” He screamed at the one that entered after him.

Victor's Stats
Strength: 30+20
Speed: 13
Constitution: 25
Endurance: 25
Intelligence: 11
Mana: 450

Victor's Equip
Weapon:Steel sword


Battle in the Void - Green[Yugo] Empty Sun Nov 08, 2020 10:04 am

The figure of Yugo became clearer as he stepped into the new void. He had returned for more festivities, yet somehow the entrance was entirely different. He wasn't sure how he had arrived here instead of the strange forest he had found himself previously. But he wasn't very happy about the person yelling at him all of a sudden.

He ignored his yelling and grabbed a nearby bottle. Empty. He check more, all empty. "What special hell is this?" He turned to look at the man and he smiled seeing him in his battle stance. He smirked, his smile like a demons. "Ooooooh? Well.... your looking for a fight so I'll give you one. But let's be polite about it. My name is Yugo, and you are?"

He took up his own battle stance, lifting his arms high above his head slowly, he was stretching out at the same time as preparing for sneak attacks. He cracked the bones in his neck and hands as he did so, his movements betraying his skill. He smiled and stood ready. "Come on, show me what youve got."

Base attributes: 32 str, 1 spd, 19 con, 6 end, 1 int, 500 mana



Battle in the Void - Green[Yugo] Empty Tue Nov 10, 2020 12:19 pm

The moment Victor’s final word ended he launched. Running towards the man that had entered. He was 30 meters away from the man who entered through the door. If not hindered or if the man did not close on Victor then he would reach him in 4 seconds due to reaching max speed at 4 seconds and traveling half the distance 3 of those seconds.

The man was looking at bottles. He was picking them up and looking at them. Victor would reach the other man far before he could get into a fighting stance. He would not allow him time to prepare himself. After all, the one who hits first usually wins.

When reaching within striking distance with his sword (2 meters) Victor would attack. He would keep attacking until he was interrupted at which point he would dash backwards and make distance between them. If the other man tried to follow up with an attack of his own then Victor would counter. And when countering he would use his advantage in range to stay outside of the other man's attack range. Stepping either backwards or forwards so long as he stayed just within striking range but still outside of the other man's range. And if the enemy was within Victors range then he would attack. He would give no quarter.

If the other man tried something crazy like dashing in Victors direction then Victor would circle around him to dodge it. Still staying in range but just outside the range of the attacker. And still attacking.

Victor's Stats
Strength: 30+20
Speed: 13
Constitution: 25
Endurance: 25
Intelligence: 11
Mana: 450

Victor's Equip
Weapon:Steel sword


Battle in the Void - Green[Yugo] Empty Tue Nov 10, 2020 6:15 pm

Yugo had come prepared into the strange world. A battle hungry bastard like himself wouldn't just walk into a place unprepared. He had already fully seen and heard the young man before he turned to  look at the bottles. He didnt turn fully, keeping his eyes half way between the bottle and the enemy, allowing him to see him alot more then peripheries would allow. This was help however as the figure rushed toward Yugo as he tried to finish his sentence. 

Despite the man's attempt to rush down Yugo, the Demi-Human had more then enough time in the first second the man moved to get into his stance. He would prefer to have done it slowly, but he didnt mind being forced.

After the first second had passed, Yugo would smile and grit his teeth as he dropped the bottle from his hand and stood ready to fight. In the third second Yugo spoke, safe in the knowledge that the man was barely half way to him. "Not even gunna give me your name?" He said loud enough for the man to hear him. As the man approached he threw himself into a strange and wild flurry of attacks in mid air. 

Even when he touched the ground the man launched into another wild series of mid air slashes. It was as if he wasnt targetting anything. However, despite his attempts to harm yugo, the large monkey man was shocked that the man's slashes weren't as fast as he had seemed to be when he rushed him down.

The wild flurry caused blood to spray from Victor's own left arm, his right torso under his ribcage and the left side of own neck. Yugo himself used foot work to keep himself safe. He made sure to slap away the flat side of the blade only if it actually got close enough to hit him, but it seemed the swordsman perfered to keep himself at the very edge of his range, meaning there wasnt very many slashes that yugo needed to deflect, but even so he made sure to only do so if it wouldn't hurt him, otherwise he would tuck and move like a boxer to avoid the attacks. 

"Fool, a sword isn't meant for waving around like an idiot." Yugo spoke those words during the flurry of attacks victor tried. He smiled and even with victor right outside his range, he didnt let it get to him. He kept a healthy bounce in his step as any good boxer should and was prepared to move and deflect as need be. 



Battle in the Void - Green[Yugo] Empty Mon Nov 23, 2020 1:34 pm


Victor had missed all of his attacks. He had not taken any damage however and his flurry of attacks had at least succeeded in keeping his enemy at bay. He would need to make much more precise attacks if he was going to hit this other person however as they had shown they excelled at ducking and staying away from Victor. Victor did however have a feeling that he was faster than the other man as the other person had not truly been capable of backing away from him. Maybe it was a show of bravado. They were still two meters away from each other. Victor's sword gave him a meters extra range and that was surely good enough to keep the other man at bay.

Victor stepped in and thrusted with the steel sword at Yugo’s center mass. The entire length of the attack including the step forward would total an entire two and a half meters. If he hit he would quickly step back whilst pulling the sword out. Always keeping the swords edge in the direction of Yugo so that Victor could quickly stave off any counter attacks. And if no counter attacks came then he would keep stepping back out and back in thrusting the sword at Yugo’s center mass until he felt satisfied. If the attack had not hit then Victor would still take a step back, but then quickly step back to attack again however this time he would slash at Yugo from the right. The attack was aimed at the right side of Yugo. Whether it hit Yugo in the arm, in his chest or shoulder did not matter much to Victor.

If the slashing motion had not hit then Victor would back step back from Yugo and reassess the situation. If he was given enough time to answer at any point during the fight then he would answer quickly and concisely “Victor.”

Victor's Stats
Strength: 30+20
Speed: 13
Constitution: 25
Endurance: 25
Intelligence: 11
Mana: 450

Victor's Equip
Weapon:Steel sword


Battle in the Void - Green[Yugo] Empty Sat Nov 28, 2020 7:01 am

Post spot holder. Will post tonight


Battle in the Void - Green[Yugo] Empty Mon Nov 30, 2020 5:40 am

Agreement 2:

The blade pierced Yugo’s mid section. And Victor kept following the attacks through with one thrusting pierce of his blade after the other. The number of strikes were enough that when Victor was done there was no way that Yugo could keep standing. The amount of blood spilling out by itself would have been enough to bring anyone to their knees.

Pulling the blade out of Yugo’s body after the final strike the blade was no longer colored like steel instead it was covered in a crimson slick substance. Blood. Victor was finished here. Now he just needed to find a way out of this place and luckily for him. As he thought of it a door appeared not far from him. And as Victor was exiting through the door he looked back to see Yugo on the ground knocked out.

He had forgoed telling the person his name. There was no honor in this fight. After all it had been quite one sided.

Walking out and closing the door behind him Victor no longer found himself in the void. Instead he found himself standing alone in the forest outskirts of Samhain. The adrenaline of combat had long since left him. And he even yawned as he walked back towards the city. He needed to find himself a good pint of something strong. Double double beer would probably do the deed.


Victor's Stats
Strength: 30+20
Speed: 13
Constitution: 25
Endurance: 25
Intelligence: 11
Mana: 450

Victor's Equip
Weapon:Steel sword

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