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Mastery — Master Weapon Mastery Scroll (3,000,000J)

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Mastery — Master Weapon Mastery Scroll (3,000,000J) Empty Fri Oct 30, 2020 8:27 pm


Name: Master Weapon Mastery Scroll

Type: Scroll

Details: A weapon mastery scroll with moves written in them in order to understand the weapon better.

Effect: The training word requirement to reach this level is no longer required. The battles, however, must still be done.


  • Mages pay the full price for this scroll, however, non-mages pay half the price.
  • The discount for non-mages only applies if the weapon is mentioned in their class or race page regarding weapon mastery discounts.
  • Should the user switch from a non-mage class to a mage class, they will drop two mastery levels for each weapon-type mastery they purchased in the last 2 months.
  • The user can purchase a scroll for any weapon-type regardless of being non-mage or mage even though it is not listed in their class, however, they must pay the full price for it.

Requirements: The user must be the rank below this item to purchase it e.g. in order to purchase the Grandmaster scroll, the user must already be a Master.

Note: The user must specify for which weapon-type they wish to purchase the item in their purchase post below.


Mastery — Master Weapon Mastery Scroll (3,000,000J) Empty Sun Oct 29, 2023 9:07 pm


Claiming the Master Weapon Mastery Scroll from my inventory for the Bow Weapon Mastery, here is the fight required for obtaining Master: https://www.fairytailrp.com/t66431-robojojo-vs-pennyfoolisher-kon-vs-knuckles-green#595967 :)


Mastery — Master Weapon Mastery Scroll (3,000,000J) Empty Mon Oct 30, 2023 3:08 pm


Kon has claimed the Master Weapon Scroll in his inventory. Has now reached Master Rank in the Bow

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