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Neutral Standing [ST]

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Neutral Standing [ST] Empty Thu Oct 29, 2020 5:31 pm


Kurisa sent out some fliers that hopefully caught some people's attention. She wanted to create something that has been created before, but they have all failed. She was tired of all the failures, the people, and those that abandoned their post. Perhaps she will meet these people who are interested as a little birdy told her there were some volunteers. The flier had a symbol of a Sabertooth with golden rims around it. She added some details on it:

Are you tired of those who stand for either good or bad? Do you just want to be in the middle, neutral, and become strong to achieve your goal? I wish to make something where we're still comrades, family even, but all we want is to become stronger than we are and reach for our goals.

P.S I'm bad at this. Just get over here if you want to belong somewhere where you can be yourself without hiding.

Kurisa sighed as she reread her post and rested against a long thick boulder. She saw how quiet it was in the void during this day so it was perfect to do the guild building here. Who will show up? It was quite interesting to see where this went.

Neutral Standing [ST] Sigme10
#2Sage Meilyr 

Neutral Standing [ST] Empty Thu Oct 29, 2020 6:07 pm

Sage Meilyr
Sage's purpose on visiting Samhain was to check the place out. He had always been a sucker for odd and mysterious things. He likes to venture around and discover new things. His curiosity is ever endless. When he first stepped foot onto Samhain, he checked what it geography was like, the materials found in it, and especially the undead creatures residing in it. He began to ask questions after questions, he was simply awestruck by it all. He then began to found out that there was actually game booths and vendors, so the rumors were right it was a halloween festival after all.

Sage then began to venture even further into Samhain. He then discovered a strange door in the forests, without thinking twice he opened the door and walked through it. The place he just discovered had a really strange atmosphere to it. He had never felt anything like it before. So he began to look around. Then something caught his attention. It was a flyer. Sage picked it up and read it.

The flier seemed to be an ad. An ad that he was very interested in. The person who sent the ad seemed to be looking for someone that fitted him so well. He wanted to be with an organization that supports him. But he did not like the battle between the good and bad, in his eyes they were all just the same but simply does things differently. He also noticed that the one who wrote the ad seemed to be tired already and their hope was running thin.

Sage looked around the flier and noticed a map to a location. He then noticed that he was very close to the location. His pupils widen and he wasted no time looking for the location. Once he arrived, he saw a brunette lady. So he approached the lady.

"Excuse me, but are you the one who sent out this flyer?" he asked politely with his gentle tone while pointing at the flyer he was holding. He then noticed that the lady was also holding a couple of the same flyers he had.

"Oh, I guess you are then," he said laughing a little at the end, blushing a slight red as he was a tad bit embarrassed.

"My name is Sage, and I am interested in joining." he said, this time with more confidence, along with a small and sweet smile of his while reaching out a hand to shake.


Neutral Standing [ST] Empty Fri Oct 30, 2020 7:51 pm


How long had it been since she had come out from her solitude of prayer? Weeks, months perhaps? The creature of chaos had long since lost track of time since she had retracted into silent prayer for her dark god and had only recently awoken to step forth once more into the world of mortal and magical creatures, to spread destruction and death again. The Witch of Carnage had returned again from another recent departure. She had been undergoing multiple recessions of prayer lately, allowing the world a brief reprieve from the death she so brought to it, from the countless bodies she stacked under her belt, all to satisfy the demonic god of blood that she worshipped.

Yumi's glistening red hues glowed with a demonic essence as she scanned the streets of Samhain. A strange little town it was that she had arrived in recently. It was a strange and mysterious town that only appeared during October and was full of all manner of friendly monsters, skeletons and zombies were just a few of the creatures one could find in this peculiar town.

Ignoring the odd residents something caught the daemons eye, a flyer of all things with an advertisement. It was advertising something along the lines of gathering together comrades who sought strength and their goals. Yumi had once been apart of such thing in Daeve Eye but the guild had sadly disbanded and now here she was again all on her lonesome. The daemon rubbed her chin with a whistful smile at the thought of the guild that had passed. Perhaps it was time to be apart of something once more. With a sinister, the daemon grabbed the flyer and headed towards the location listed.

On arrival Yumi found she was not alone, two others had already arrived, or perhaps one was already here waiting. One woman, one man. None Yumi recognised. The Witch of Carnage began her approach not bothering to hide her demonic aura at all. The evil leaked out from Yumi's body to alert the others to her presence so as not to startle them. "Well, well, well it seems I've been beaten already. What an interesting turn of events, is someone attempting to create a new guild I wonder by chance? hehe." The daemon spoke in a soft cutesy tone as she gave a devious giggle at the end.

"Pleased to meet your acquaintance. I am Yumi." The demonic lolita introduced herself freely regardless of the consequences, she sought no need to hide her name or her past deeds. Yumi enjoyed the infamy that her name brought her through earth land, there was not many that did not know of the evil deeds of the WItch of Carnage, one who had left nothing but fear, death, destruction and a trail of bodies in her wake for almost ninety years.

Neutral Standing [ST] FIXCi2K
Character Profile | Character Sheet | Speech colour #ff0099
#4Natsumi Duranndal 

Neutral Standing [ST] Empty Sat Oct 31, 2020 1:42 am

Natsumi Duranndal
Natsumi was wandering about, Having just filled her belly with some tasty fire, she was more pumped up for anything till she remembered the guild she was apart of was dissolved. Having been one of the founding members, she was quite dissapointed. Now the Lone Dragon Slayer had to find a way to be apart of another guild, However her destructive streak of levelling buildings and destroying streets kinda makes it hard to be apart of any other guild. Soon happening upon the flying, giving it a good read as the idea of a guild where she can be herself wasnt so bad. Wanting to give this a try. How many people can say they been founding members within two different guilds. Natsumi was quite excited, her blood was pumping and the fire in her belly was roaring to get out. She would soon yell at the top of her lungs.


She said as by accident she let out a roar, which in the process leveled three building before her. Quickly bolting from the scene of the accident. Making her way to the meeting spot as she spotted a brunette female. Walking up being abnormally tall for a female, she looked down on them.

"I saw you put up this"

She held up one of the flyers as smoke was rising in the background, sounded like an accident had occured as she hoped no one saw her.


Neutral Standing [ST] Empty Mon Nov 02, 2020 3:27 pm


She coldly stood there with her arms crossed. Her posture was straight as she wore her dress and played with her hair. Perhaps her goal of making a neutral guild was kind of a pointless thing since many people liked things like her Sister's guild. She mumbled some words under her breath but then saw someone was coming. She would go into defense, but this was a meeting after all. Perhaps they were interested. Her golden brown eye and blue eye watched as a white-haired man appeared. He seemed very gentle like a pedal from a Sakura tree that is dancing with the wind with elegancy. He introduced himself as Sage. Someone she did not really know by fame or anything like that, but it won't hurt to know who he is later on.

Next came someone she did not expect to see. Someone she has known for a while rather they notice her or not. Yumi, a girl known for chaos and destruction. Her past life also knows her as Arisa's friends went up against her. Lastly, she was also in Daeva Eye with her but never got to see her. It's funny how their fates come together again. She seemed to be interested in the guild as well. Good. That left two more spots. Kurisa's facial expression showed as calm as the next girl made an uproar. Dramatic Entry was more like it, with the flames and all. It made sense with the stuff she was about to create when it came to the guild. There was no one else that came so she decided to start. "Your name?" She looked at the white-haired girl.

"My name is Kurisa, also known as Arisa. Rather you've known me for my past deeds or not, it doesn't matter. It's a pleasure to meet you three. Our fourth is late it seems." She simply shrugged with one shoulder. "I welcome you three to my ideas of creating a neutral guild. I already have a place and everything set up. Thankfully, my last guild failed right as we were going to move there. So we can just take that spot." Her eyes looked at all of them in case they had questions. Kuri didn't want to really wait very long to do this thing. "If anyone has any questions then ask. Our guild is mainly about accomplishing our goals, becoming strong, and staying together. What matters is loyalty and strength. If you're not willing to give me those two things then no point in being here." She spoke in her breathy tone that was cold and serious.

When it came to business, she was very serious. Her facial expression soon changed though into a motherly and soft one. "Now, other than those two things. I also don't like liars." She brought up her scroll and instructed the rules for them.

The User may take both good and bad quests.

Users may not interfere with another member's goal unless it harms the guild and Saber's members.

All are sworn to keep our secrets within our guild. Failing to do so will be punished.

Do not start trouble with other guilds nor known people without permission.

Do not be dishonest nor harm the Empress/Guildmaster. Punishment is death.

"These good for you three? And for being loyal and agreeing to these terms, you will get your titles and gifts." Her hand swayed and chuckled as many people really cared about free things as well as their freedom. The only freedom they will have to be willing to give is to listen to her. Truthfully, she is pretty carefree in ninety percent of things.

Neutral Standing [ST] Sigme10
#6Lorelei L Lakefield 

Neutral Standing [ST] Empty Wed Nov 04, 2020 5:47 am

Lorelei L Lakefield
She had the flier in hand. The girl had met this woman before in question, and she could tell this was something that rang true to her. She might not have any memory, but there was one thing that stood out to Lorelei in her mind, she couldn't stand one hundred percent good or one hundred percent bad, both gave the worst kind of taste in her mouth. After everything that was going on in Hosenka, she finally had a break to join an all female guild, only to see it disband before she entered those hallowed halls. Not again, she told herself.

She was late for whatever meeting this was, trudging along at a jogging pace, with eagerness in her eyes to be a part of something greater than normal, and hopefully for good this time. With more options and people to associate with, she had the chance to be with people that might understand her.

When she finally arrived at the gathering, the pink haired girl lurched over, grasping her bent knees for support as she heaved and huffed, did she run all of the way here? Yes, yes she did.

Anyone who knew her wouldn't be able to see her face, but they could recognize that blue hoodie of hers, almost an iconic part of her character.

"I'm...huff. Hoo! I'm...okay give me a second to, to catch my breath. I'm, oh jeez I need to, I need to, ffffff I need to work on my cardio. Freakin, HELL!" She took a moment to lean back and get a good deep breath in, "I am here to join your guild! I am happy to meet you! Unless we met before, then it's good to see you again!"

That was when she noticed Kurisa and Natsumi, "Oh my gosh, I get to say that greeting, and not sound like a nut case for once! Miss Kurisa! I still have no memories back yet!" She proudly declared!

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My Fortune Rolls | My Victory Road | My Dice
STR: D-rank DMG | SPD: 10m/s Run. 5m/s Lunge
INT: 0% MP reduc. 0% WC reduc | END: D-rank tol.
CON: HP=B-rank. Run dur=2 post. Lunge=3 post CD
Neutral Standing [ST] DSj5Tim

Neutral Standing [ST] Empty Wed Nov 04, 2020 6:09 am


"Hooo as I thought, a guild. How intriguing. To create your own guild, here and now, especially with the times as they are. But I suppose you won't be the only one with the idea to join as many guilds have begun to fall. As one falls another is bound to rise to take its place. As long as the guild doesn't stand in my way, I'm more than happy to join and agree to the current conditions, terms and agreements I suppose you would say." Yumi trailed off lightly as she licked her soft red lips in a sultry manner. The daemon's fingers of her right hand rested beneath her lips as she smiled in a wicked manner, eyes trembling with mischief.

As she finished it seemed another would arrive, eager to join. Another young woman who seemed out of breath as she took the time to pant, having run out from her previous location. It seemed this one knew of two who were currently present, the one named Kurisa who was recruiting them and the other young girl who had yet to introduce herself. Though the one who had just arrived seemed to be lanking in the manners to introduce herself, so Yumi was unaware of the girl's name. But from the gist of what she had said, the girl seemed to suffer from some kind of amnesia.

"Titles and gifts are always fun to receive. If you wish to speed things along I am happy to simply begin the next step. We can also get to know one another after the initiation. I'm more than ready to receive a new mark." Stated the demonic lolita and worshiper of the Demon God Malum as she reached to her skirt. The daemon slowly slid the right side of her already low skirt upward, revealing more of her inner right thigh. Yumi's skin was a tantalising cream colour and could make the blood run for many men, both young and old. This was where she previously had the guild mark of Daeva Eye placed and where she would have her new one located as well.

Neutral Standing [ST] FIXCi2K
Character Profile | Character Sheet | Speech colour #ff0099
#8Natsumi Duranndal 

Neutral Standing [ST] Empty Fri Nov 06, 2020 4:10 pm

Natsumi Duranndal
Natsumi looked at her realizing she forgot to introduce herself as she was rather more tall then most women, Looking down at them as she introduced herself.

"my name is Natsumi Duranndal, The Fire Dragon Slayer. It is quitte a pleasure to meet all of you.

She smiles baring her rather sharp, dragon like teeth, her eyes were slitted, unlike a human and more reptilian as she used fire to spell her name in the sky above her, breathing fire even which for a human would be impossible without melting their innards.

As she looked down, she eyes over the rest of the group present, a group of mostly women, an oddity for her as the last guild she was apart of was mostly men, Not that she disliked it.

"I find those acceptable, and I was apart of fairy tail at one point and resposible for the creation of Penumbral Guard before is disbanded, I was one of the founding members as well. So the Loyalty and Strength part I have no issue with. I am all about strength.

She said as she laughed, being rather loud as she looked down grinning and clearly overjoyed as the gathering of the strong pleased her greatly

#9Sage Meilyr 

Neutral Standing [ST] Empty Sun Nov 08, 2020 12:04 pm

Sage Meilyr
People began to gather, well it was for sure not a crowd, but still two other members showed up. The first seemed to be leaking a very peculiar and frightful aura. Yumi, he repeated her name in his mind, for some reason he had heard the name before, but he was not quite sure from where. The next one to show up was a very energetic girl, displaying her pyro abilities that seemed very much like the breath of a dragon. Natsumi, he took note of her name, and his interpretation was right she was a dragon slayer.

The heterochromatic brunette then spoke. Arisa, he took note of her name. He liked the name Arisa better than Kurisa, it sounded nicer. Sage couldn't help but to notice her change in demeanor as she spoke, from a cold and serious tone when talking about what the guild was about and her goals for the guild, emphasizing on loyalty and strength, to a gentle and soft tone when stating that she did not like liars. Sage could relate. He disliked anything that was not genuine or fake.

Sage was okay with the rules of the guild, it seemed pretty fair to him plus those things that were not allowed to be done was not something that Sage would be doing anyway so he had no worries. He couldn't help but to let out a soft laughter, covering his mouth with his right hand, at the last rule. He found it quite amusing. Why was it amusing? He himself did not know. Probably it was because the last rule meant that one little mistake and your life is over.

He simply nodded when Arisa, or, The Empress, asked if the rules were good for them.

Another soul joined their meeting, catching her breath as she, obviously, ran on the way there. Sage simply watched as the others mingled. He was not one to talk much, especially in a group of people, unless if they were talking about a topic he had interest in. Otherwise he would just observe, even the slightest details, the change of tone, body posture, facial expression. Though it may seem like some small matter, it could tell a lot about a person.


Neutral Standing [ST] Empty Mon Nov 09, 2020 2:28 pm


Kurisa gazed at all of them with a motherly soft one. She wondered what their thoughts were going to be when it came to the rules. Were they good enough? Did they even care? So far they just wanted a place to belong so they could have freedom, but also people around them. It was what Sabertooth wanted. The place was quiet, with them being the only living things in this area. She licked her lips while they spoke about their thoughts and what they all had in mind. None of them argued these rules, none of them had their own opinions on the guild at all.

It made her unsure rather that was a good thing or bad. In the end, it didn't matter as she got what she came for. A guild was forming, people arrived and all that was left since the rules were done was the tattoo itself. "I appreciate you arriving, Lore. What matters is that we are all here and we can get this show on the road." She then took out something she kept since she was the guild master of the Lamia scale guild. The tattoo gun. Softly signing in a relief way she tattooed herself first to show that she was serious. Once they revealed where they wanted their tattoo and what color Kurisa started. Once that was in order she gave them another paper that had the rest of the information on it.

She looked at them, giving their titles and what came with them. "Be reminded that if I see disappearances of your whereabouts. These titles shall go to another member." She spoke like a strict yet caring mother. It was more like a punishment for not telling their mother where they were going than a 'I don't care about you' reason.

"Any questions? Most should be answered by the papers I gave you guys. If not then we shall just enjoy the Halloween Festivities.~". She had to put some trust into these people. Hopefully, they become like a family. The only one she was worried about getting close to was Yumi. Yumi seemed to be the type where she'd backstab you for some candy. Which... Kurisa chuckled at the thought. A worthy ally.~

Neutral Standing [ST] Sigme10

Neutral Standing [ST] Empty Tue Nov 17, 2020 8:31 pm


Yumi smirked as Kurisa pulled out a guild tattooing gun and marked herself to show how serious she was with the formation of this new guild. At least her new guild master was serious and had the guts to prove it. Without any hesitation, yumi stepped forward to be the next to be stamped by her Guild Master. The daemon held up her skirt and extended her right leg for the stamp to be placed on her upper thigh, "Black all the way." Yumi revealed a toothy grin as the gun pressed against her thigh and set the mark for the new guild. The black tattoo appeared in full display on her milky white skin.

"I have no questions. As long as I'm allowed the same freedom I've always enjoyed, I'll lend a hand in required guild matters." The daemon remarked flashing a toothy smile, eyes twinkling with mirth. "I'll be taking my leave now. It's time I enjoy the festivities. If there are any further matters, feel free to send me a memo." The daemon turned around and began walking away, her bat-like wings expanding as she took flight. Without another word, the Witch of Carnage flew off into the distance to enjoy Samhain for what little time it would continue to remain in this world.

Neutral Standing [ST] FIXCi2K
Character Profile | Character Sheet | Speech colour #ff0099
#12Sage Meilyr 

Neutral Standing [ST] Empty Wed Nov 18, 2020 2:09 pm

Sage Meilyr
Kurisa took out a gun. It seemed to be a tattoo gun. Sage simply watched as each of the other members tattooed themselves with the guild's insignia. While he watched as they were all tattooed, the insignia engraved in their skin, a sudden thought went through his mind. He was doubting of actually joining the guild. Was that what he actually wanted? What did he want in his life? He took a look at the people around him. He knew none of them. He knew he did not need anybody to survive off alone in the world. The last member got tattooed with the gun, and then it was his turn. When he was asked where he wanted to be tattooed on he did not answer. But instead he looked ahead as if he was daydreaming but he was actually contemplating.

He took a deep breath and looked at Kurisa, "My deepest apologies but I'll have to excuse myself at the moment." he said then turning back and walked off. He did not know what he was doing, he was not actually thinking but you can say that he was listening to his intuition. Maybe the world had some other plans for him.


#13Lorelei L Lakefield 

Neutral Standing [ST] Empty Thu Nov 19, 2020 2:02 am

Lorelei L Lakefield
Where she wanted her tattoo? Well, from what everyone told here, there was a mark on the back of her neck, something she couldn't perceive whenever she tried to view it in the mirror. She turned around and slipped a hand into the back of her hood. Pushing the fabric down, it draped over her neck as her grasp lifted her hair.

Exposing the back of her neck, a vulnerable spot for anyone, she offered the most delicate and blind spots of all. As if she was offering her servitude and more, Lorelei wanted the guild mark on the back of her neck.

On the back of her neck however was an interlaced brand, it looked like a honeycomb of six elongated hexagons that spread over the back of her neck. Someone had previously run a white hot iron over her neck to mark her as property, at least that would be apparent to anyone who knew of slave trading and handling.

It was like a mark of ownership, to who though was anyone's guess. Lorelei wanted that covered, even if she couldn't perceive it with her own eyes. "I promise to uphold the code as best as possible. I want to have a place to belong while I look for my memories. I'm slowly remembering more, I promise.


My Sheet | My Statistics | My Bank
My Fortune Rolls | My Victory Road | My Dice
STR: D-rank DMG | SPD: 10m/s Run. 5m/s Lunge
INT: 0% MP reduc. 0% WC reduc | END: D-rank tol.
CON: HP=B-rank. Run dur=2 post. Lunge=3 post CD
Neutral Standing [ST] DSj5Tim

Neutral Standing [ST] Empty Thu Nov 19, 2020 3:10 am

He found himself in Samhain once more the place seemed to call to him for whatever reason as he had spent some days trying out the various games and sightseeing spots. While he was taking a stroll through the town he noticed a flier his curiosity peaked as he read the content, he assumed it was some sort of a guild recruitment it couldn't have been a cult or an underground group since those wanted to remain secret, this one though spoke a very fundamental truth, it doesn't matter if you're good or bad what matters is that you become stronger and have people to support you and watch your back. He was an advocate of this idea and once he finished reading he made his way to the designated spot.

It really couldn't have been a creepier and more secretive place, the Void, he had been here for sightseeing but was hoping he could avoid the place ever since something was just not right with this area. In any case he continued on his way as he passed by two people, was the meeting over already, maybe he was too late, and who were those people he didn't get a chance to talk to them. He continued further and approached a group of three people joining them and introducing himself saying how he read the flier and was interested in its contents. His gaze stopped when he looked upon the woman that was previously with him in the Haunted House game, he couldn't remember a lot about her except her face, at least someone familiar and formidable was present better than everyone being complete strangers to him.

"I hope I didn't make it here too late!" he exclaimed with a smile looking for information on what this whole deal was about and to see if he would leave this place having made new friends, comrades and a place he belongs to.


Neutral Standing [ST] Empty Thu Nov 19, 2020 2:56 pm


Kurisa wanted to see who was all going to leave, who was staying, and who was just simply not joining. Yumi was the first to say her farewells and to send memos if there were any more things to discuss. Next Sage sadly was the one to not want to join as he looked confused. It seemed that something caught his mind so he left the area without saying much. After Sage was Lore who was excited and promised to uphold the rules and all that was the guild before leaving. As she was watching people one by one leave she then heard someone walk over to them with interest.

Kuri turns to see Phoebus, a guy she met during the games from the movie trend. "I see you're in top shape from the last time we saw each other.~ I hope my gameplay didn't change your mind about myself." She chuckled and held up a paper for him to read and sign. "Well since you just came in here. This pretty much has the rules - the same thing I gave them." She handed him the exact same thing she handed the others. Her smile was motherly, soft and her eyes of brown and blue gazed into his own honey eyes. Those eyes reminded the actual Kuri of someone significant. Partially, it was hurting her, but she knew it wasn't him obviously. What was odd was the fact that they too had long white hair, but their face was very different. Her eyes then turned to look at Natsumi who was the last one here. "Right, the only one that's left for you to meet is Natsumi." Her head nodded towards her before she runs off. "The others are Lore and Yumi. You'll meet them eventually." She took a deep breather and gazed around and then back at the man. "I hope when you see the guild location you'll like it. I worked hard to get the City of Hosenka.~" She teased and grinned happily.

Neutral Standing [ST] Sigme10

Neutral Standing [ST] Empty Thu Nov 19, 2020 7:58 pm

Phoebus smiled at the woman, so she did remember him, well after all they had been through in that Haunted House he was glad to see her now in high spirits. She looked different, radiant almost he preferred this side of her. "We do what we must to survive, isn't that right?" he said with a smile and a declaration of no hard feelings for the trauma she caused him followed by a soft chuckle.

He accepted the paper from Kurisa and read through the rules. Her views seemed to agree with his, he had no reason not to join this newly established guild, he could have a place to call home and allies to support him while he continued his journey for knowledge and power, no questions asked. Maybe down the line they would become an actual family. He didn't know how it was like to have a normal family, after all he had never met his real parents, but he knew that if people cared enough for each other they could achieve great things together. "I believe I'm in agreement with all the rules stated and the philosophy of this group!" he exclaimed as he signed the paper that was given to him and assured her that he was looking forward to seeing that location, since she was the one to choose it then it would probably only be outclassed by her beauty, he smiled. Once he handed the paper back to her he wondered whether there would be anything else required of him to do in order to complete his registration as a founding member.

With that question he was handed a tattoo gun to mark himself with the guild's insignia that resembled the head of a saber-toothed cat. He chose crimson as his color and the marked spot would be the back of his right hand, the one he used the most so he can see it and be proud of it in the future. So he was now a founder. The word echoed in his head, a founder, was he about to become a pillar for a guild spoken and admired by many? Or would it fail to meet his expectations? For now he didn't have the answer to these questions, but he knew that he was glad to have found a place to belong.

He handed the gun back to Kurisa and listen to what she had to say and with a soft bow of his head he bid them farewell until it was time for them to meet again.


#17Natsumi Duranndal 

Neutral Standing [ST] Empty Fri Nov 27, 2020 8:50 am

Natsumi Duranndal
Natsumi listen to all closely before leaving, She had already agreed to join up and everything as she had places to be. Bidding them all farewell before she started to run off, trying her best to avoid the people who had caused her trouble. Well more like the people she caused trouble. Going in the opposite way she came from.

Natsumi soon heading out of the place stoped to think as to what the guild would be like.
She started to sing a preculier song as she left

Boys and girls of every age
Wouldn't you like to see something strange
Come with us and you will see,
This our town of Halloween
This is Halloween, this is Halloween,
Pumpkins scream in the dead of night
This is Halloween, everybody make a scene,
Trick or treat till the neighbours come and die of fright
It's our town, everybody scream,
In this town of Halloween
I am the one hiding under your bed,
Teeth ground sharp and eyes glowing red
I am the one hiding under your stairs,
Fingers like snakes and spiders in my hair
This is Halloween, this is Halloween, Halloween, Halloween, Halloween, Halloween

and soon she was out of sigh


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