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Regurgitating Snake(Quest)

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#1Jolyne Atreides 

Regurgitating Snake(Quest) Empty Fri Dec 11, 2020 7:47 am

Jolyne Atreides

It seemed this time she was asked for specifically, and due to the apology and thanks for helping Weirdlock find a clue Jolyne Atreides bit and decided to check out just what the case involved. While she assumed that she was in for another menial task, she did perk up a bit at the fact that the detective was not just a lazy individual but had probably been just that tired. Due to the fact that they were meeting at a place outside of his office, the Plant Mage was also hopeful that it would be some form of work that helped the Detective stem the flow of violence in the village. As she grew closer it seemed as though the man had directed the Lich directly to the scene of a fresh crime, unfortunately it seemed there was some form of incident due to the amount of guard presence and the fact they were trying to direct civilians away from the location. While she was allowed to pass thanks to her distinct appearance, it seemed most people were stopped before they could see what had occurred. A good thing the woman thought as she drew close enough to see a murder had happened with a body standing out on the alley like a sore thumb. It was fortuitous in a way that the buildings blocked the view for the public in a cruel irony for the victim. Greeting her, Weirdlock gave her an odd magnifying glass which he claimed would allow her to identify between blood types as well as see fingerprints. Inspecting the body with the device Jolyne confirmed this to be a fact by the sheer amount of prints she found upon the body. The thing that surprised her however was that there were two blood types found upon the body. Either the victim had injured their assailant in a dire defense or there were two victims in this crime.  


#2Jolyne Atreides 

Regurgitating Snake(Quest) Empty Fri Dec 11, 2020 7:47 am

Jolyne Atreides

With their mouth slit open and the back of the neck stabbed it leaned to a methodical killing in the mind of the Lich who then assumed there would be two victims to be found at this scene. It was most likely there was more than one murderer as well, entirely possible that the person was actually apart of one of the gangs she was reading in the detectives notes when she was cleaning his office earlier that day. There was also something that looked like a marker as a tattoo, if the other victim was factual and had the same tattoo then the Plant Mage would assume this was gang on gang violence from a plethora of reasonings. While searching the scene the Mage noticed a faint trail of blood that lead further into the alley where she found another body in short order. The body itself was shoved into a gutter and easily hidden from most views. Thanks to her focus and the magnifying glass Jolyne was able to be directed to where the body was but it seemed that the killers had washed off the trail of blood in some regard, or it was a very unfortunate coincidence with someone dumping their latrine. While inspecting the body and confirming the presence of the same tattoo the Lich found something that indicated why this body may have been hastily hidden. A paper note that seemed to contain an extensive letter, though Jolyne did not dwell long on reading it as the Detective had came up behind her and snatched it before she could read too far into it. While his action was driven from pure curiosity as clearly illustrated by the man's face, Jolyne still did not enjoy the disrespect she was given. Still she was grateful for at least helping out in a tangible way this time as opposed to the last when it was something Weirdlock should have an assistant for if he was so dreadfully busy.


#3Jolyne Atreides 

Regurgitating Snake(Quest) Empty Fri Dec 11, 2020 7:48 am

Jolyne Atreides

Viewing the man's face as he read the note was quite the wild ride and if the stakes were anything else Jolyne would have no doubt let out a gale of laughter. This was not the time for such a thing however and so she abstained from the action and instead wondered just what the note had contained upon it. Weirdlock folded the paper up and tucked it into his pocket in the biggest mystery of the case so far before he informed Jolyne of the execution method of a gang known as the Black Dragons as well as confirmed her suspicions by informing her of the White Stars Yakuza . While it was all information the Lich had either gathered or guessed, having confirmation was always a reassuring thing to make certain she did not go off half cocked. The Detective informed her that he would contact her again shortly before the two walked back to where the city guards had formed a perimeter. Informing them of most of the information, Weirdlock would repeat the quizzical pattern by abstaining from mentioning the note to the guards. The Plant Mage was not certain why he would keep the note so close to his chest, physically and metaphorically, but the man must have had a good reason to do so and thus she would not pipe up about it's existence. Instead she would trust the Detective for now and follow his lead in this case as opposed to her normal policy of being transparent on mostly all matters. Instead they were paid and the pair bid each other farewell as the woman began to think on what may come from this whole endeavor. It certainly seemed an order of magnitude more important than the silly work she was put to do in Magnolia. The undertaking was much easier for her due to this and Jolyne was not quite as worried about the next time Weirdlock would contact her. Instead she was rather interested in this mystery, it could certainly help shape the area for the better. That was the reason she became a Mage in the first place after all.


2 Intelligence
200 Fame
57,500 Jewels (15% rep + guild level)
6,500 Experience (30% returning + guild level)

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