The walk to Castle Phantasm was quick one due to him knowing the location already and not having been that far from it in the first place. Within a few minutes he would arrive at the gate he was once before with yet another piece of paper in his hand. "So you're back again? Already give me the paper." said the guard he had met last time. He quickly read over it before getting a puzzled and scared look on his face. Mimir thought the man was gonna get one of the subordinates to get Sirius, but the man wave towards him to follow him into the castle walls.
They weaved through the different outside corridors before arriving in a clearing where about fifty man were. All across the clearing were several dummies with arrows sticking out of them, dummies punctured with swords, and guards fighting hand to hand combat. "Looks like they're preparing for war." muttered Mimir as he remembered his time in Iceberg. The notion of training someone wasn't foreign to him. He had commanded a whole ship once upon of time and keeping men in tip top shape was his job.
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