-Do all spells have durability, and how it interacts clearly, such as knockbacks needing to be able to be stopped. Baratuq has 2 rank increases.
-Medium Magic and staffs should be noted that they are motioned to cast.
-https://www.fairytailrp.com/t53023-what-s-the-order-in-which-buffs-are-applied this should be in spell regulations.
-I think Greed Magic should be buffed, as it's way weaker than things like Undine (even 500k less).
-There should be a default non-subjective sensing option, without picking the sensing examples, for magics without those sensory. It could be mana sensing, for example. Items have mana sensing, but it should be accessible to modern mages.
-Ethnicities should be linked in the character template, as lots of people (including me) didn't see where they were.
-Berserker touch-based needs to be clearer, as people can just go Spellsword with Overcharge Self-Buff. Spellhowler and Singer were changed to fix that, why not Berserker?
-Note that classes don't affect Tarots and items that buff/debuff. Such as Berserker self-buff bonus, and the other debuff/buff classes for items.
-It should be clear if people get rewards, if they beat someone 2 ranks higher. Someone can waste all their jewels on bad things, switch builds often, go inactive to lose things, and they can also be scooped/rush XP potions.
-"Once the original user sells their Custom, the item will once again be limited to one person. In this case it would be the second buyer."
The custom shop is locked fully currently. Do people who have a custom they didn't create keep the custom if they go inactive? Some people might want to keep non-custom items permanently too, so maybe have a fee for that. There was a notice on Discord deleted.
-Temperance Tarot isn't changed yet.
-Companions are priced differently than Equipment Regulations.
Update wrote:Spell Regulations
- Mana Reduction: The maximum amount of mana reduction that can be achieved has been capped at 70%.
- Cooldown Reduction: It is not possible for A-rank and S-rank spells to decrease in cooldown lower than 1 post.
- Spell Speed Clarification: Spell speed is not used when it comes to spells involving the movement of the user.
(Spells that were approved this way shouldn't have been already, as carry-cloaks were already outlawed on FTRP years ago.)
- Spell Origin Clarification: A spell that spawns elsewhere creates a magic circle at the target location and at the caster.
(The rules had this before.)
- Coating Spells: Should the user coat themselves magically, the damage exerted will only become that magical damage and not magic plus physical. This applies to limbs, body, or even weapons.
(Off Vice spells I'd think Steel pushed this, as he seemed confused on the spells, but this doesn't change them.)
- Buff and Debuff Duration: They must all be listed as Sustain spells from now on. Whether you use it for a single post or not is your choice.
(This should be all of those already, but there are effects this could be relevant for if people had registered one post buffs.)
- Buff and Debuff Clarification: In addition, the target of the spell must be within the range of the spell to remain buffed or debuffed. This could be the caster or another source. Lastly, Buff and Debuff on Constitution and Endurance does not heal or damage a target. It adds or takes away from the potential.
(Remaining within range is a good clarification I haven't seen before. Idk what "takes away from potential" means, so I think con/end de-buff still need clarification most sites have. For reference, Noel an old developer had said he didn't know con/end debuff, which matches with him not making them. Is con/end buff temporary HP that won't ever be harmful?)
- Knock-Back: This is now a specific supplementary spell. Existing personal spells that are Offensive plus Knock-Back need to be pulled for revision. Knock-Back outside supplementary can still be obtained via Enhancements.
(Knockback needed clarification too, it still appears to, as it needs to be able to be defended against with normal spells. Offensive knockback isn't an enhancement though I believe, besides for Crash Magic.)
- Binding Spells: Require one rank higher Strength now to break free from. In addition, paying the mana equivalent to purge the spell does not allow the user to ignore the spell as if they run through it.
(Reminds me of a Halloween magic. The ignore portion is a minor stun-lock for combat modding I guess, but I like this buff as binds were too weak before.)
I think clarifications are nice tho. Holiday goodies was handled fun too to be able to change rolls.