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Staff Applications: January

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Staff Applications: January Empty Mon Jan 18, 2021 12:33 am



Are you keen on working behind the scenes as a staff member? Should you be interested in the position, please fill in the template below and post it in this topic.

[b]Age:[/b] Real age, of course.

[b]Activity:[/b] How active are you realistically?

[b]Discord:[/b] Who are you on Discord? Discord is our primary form of communication.

[b]Reason:[/b] What motivates you to join staff?

[b]Skills:[/b] Please detail what you can do for FTRP.

[b]Experience:[/b] Do you have any other forum experiences in similar roles?

[b]Timezone:[/b] Self-explanatory.


Staff Applications: January Empty Mon Jan 18, 2021 4:55 pm


Age: 25

Activity: How active are you realistically? I typically stick around the site fairly often, and tend to post a couple times a week.

Discord: Who are you on Discord? Akushitsuna/Hitsuyona

Reason: What motivates you to join staff? My past experience, and the fact that they need help to alleviate other staff members.

Skills: I can help to approve characters/storylines/ non-custom items/and overall help give advice for site updates. I 'Can' grade spells and customs/abilities, but would prefer to become more acquainted with them before doing so.

Experience: Do you have any other forum experiences in similar roles? I have been a moderator for other sites in the past, and helped to create system overhauls, as well as basic duties of an everyday staff member.

Timezone: CST

#3Hitomi Minamoto † 

Staff Applications: January Empty Sat Jan 30, 2021 3:50 pm

Hitomi Minamoto †
Age: 29

Activity: Active enough to do my staff work honestly.

Discord: Saint Neptune

Reason: I wanna use my knowledge of the site to help new members and help get things approved quickly so people aren't waiting

Skills: intimate knowledge of the rules, the ability to mediate problems, getting things approved in a timely manner.

Experience: I was staff here before so...

Timezone: Est

Staff Applications: January AV4nNet
old sheet

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