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Staff Applications: April

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Staff Applications: April Empty Fri Mar 26, 2021 8:25 pm



Are you keen on working behind the scenes as a Moderator or Developer? Should you be interested in the position, please fill in the template below and post it on this topic. If you would prefer to contact me directly that is also possible via discord.

[b]Age:[/b] Real age, of course.

[b]Activity:[/b] How active are you realistically?

[b]Discord:[/b] Who are you on Discord? Discord is our primary form of communication.

[b]Desired Role:[/b] Which area would you like to work in?

[b]Reason:[/b] What motivates you to join staff?

[b]Skills:[/b] Please detail what you can do for FTRP.

[b]Experience:[/b] Do you have any other forum experiences in similar roles?

[b]Timezone:[/b] Self-explanatory.

#2Azure Fenic 

Staff Applications: April Empty Fri Mar 26, 2021 8:44 pm

Azure Fenic

Age: 23

Activity: Fairly Active

Discord: Always on

Desired Role: Mod (Review)

Reason: To help get things going and make approval faster and to help Kuri

Skills: Good at mediating problems between members and I have intimate knowledge of the rules for a character along with spells

Experience: A little

Timezone: EST

{Sheet / Magic}
Staff Applications: April Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc
#3Oliver Theronson 

Staff Applications: April Empty Thu Apr 01, 2021 5:32 pm

Oliver Theronson
EDIT: Apologies beforehand for not following the template, but posting an open question instead. It's possible that my sendbox is full, so I can't send PM's.


Hey Kurisa,

It's been a really long time, so maybe we know each other and rp-ed together, or maybe we didn't, I don't remember. I haven't been active since my years as a kid here, but I randomly lurk back sometimes.

And this time, I saw this staff application topic here, saying that you need a mod or dev. What do you need a dev for? Can you elaborate? I'm curious, because I am professionally working as such.

What dev work do you need help with?

"For the both of us... you're gonna... live.
You'll be... my living legacy. My honor, my dreams...
They're yours now..."

I I I   Bank Account   I I I   Character Sheet   I I I

Staff Applications: April Empty Wed Apr 21, 2021 7:33 pm


Age: 26

Activity: I'm always around, even when I have nothing going on RP wise.

Discord: Manzo

Desired Role: Review, and general day to day operations.

Reason: I want to provide support to the community.

Skills: Story Boarding, RP'ing Plot Characters, Event Planning, Community Out Reach, I can spell the word approved, and do basic math.

Experience: I've been modding, and adminning here since 2014 off and on.

Timezone: EST


Staff Applications: April Empty Tue Apr 27, 2021 5:47 pm


Age: 21

Activity: OOC daily, RP-wise I do a max three threads at a time usually.

Discord: Erebus

Desired Role: Moderator

Reason: There doesn't seem to a be consistent battle moderator, if one is necessary. I've grown over the years to be pretty good at analyzing and following where timelines start and finish between moves. I can do that for events, or any shenanigans regarding that really, I can also grade quests-- takes practically no time if I'm free and I don't usually mind being dm'd for that and I think it's just speedier in general if they haven't been checked for a few hours. I prefer to stay off Spell Reviewing, rules change very frequently when it comes to the spell regs and they range far and wide within the same general ideas. It can get confusing for me and I don't even play a caster, not my forte to pass some spells when others don't pass and I don't know it. Other staff members could make better calls in that area.

Skills: I've been here for a long time, just like most here. I think I'm a pretty nice guy, more mature then I was 5 years ago when I was a staff member for.. a year? Even then, my speed back then should still speak for itself.

Experience: Hella.

Timezone: Eastern US

Staff Applications: April 100.webp?cid=6c09b952bwi1jgil2kmv5n82sxu3sx9ovp53hok0mlqpnaiq&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=100

Staff Applications: April Empty Fri Apr 30, 2021 12:14 am


Age: 25

Activity: RP wise? Depends on the day, I’ve been keeping up with RP as a whole fairly often.

Discord: Akushitsuna

Desired Role: The basics, essentially anything that doesn’t require me to be potentially biased like jewels, purchases, magic training etc. I am well versed in approving abilities\items/ passives if need be, I just don’t typically jump at the opportunity to be put in a position to be accused of taking sides.


Staff Applications: April Empty Tue May 04, 2021 2:40 pm


Discord: ZombieDesu#8867 (Tempris)

Desired Role: Mod (Quest, Shop, Games review)

Reason: I want to keep the site rolling. I also want to lessen to work load on the Admins. I was in the military so I understand the important of having a role and letting leadership do leadership duties.

Skills: As an active and lurking member, I can keep the flow or RP rolling. This will allow the player base to progress faster, reach their dream, and have more fun. Basically, I'm going to make that mod review channel on discord USELESS. I am familiar with computer tools such as excel, word, and I'm a quick learner regarding any tools you need me to learn. I also was an officer in the navy so I'm familiar with management of projects and people. As a rule junkie, I'm always going through the rules and verifying the things I'm told because things change. If I tell someone something, it will always be followed by a direct quote from the regs.

Experience: No direct mod experience, but I have leadership experience through the military and running a guild on Maple Story 2.

Timezone: Eastern (GMT-4)

Staff Applications: April Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

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