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Glory to Hargeon City [Quest: Atani]

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Glory to Hargeon City [Quest: Atani] Empty Mon Mar 22, 2021 1:37 pm


"Guild work is boring," Atani complained aloud to herself before throwing her body on her warm, comfortable bed. She thought as a mage she would be getting to do good works with her magic, but no. Every single task she did was painfully mundane. It paid the bills, but she didn't become a mage to babysit a spoiled brat or investigate petty crimes. The most magical thing she had done thus far was break the curse on a house, but it wasn't even from a dangerous spirit. In the end, it was nothing more than an annoying pest tied to a very breakable object that was able to keep an insanely strong grip on doors. Anyone could have dealt with that, given they had enough knowledge on such spirits.

The elf kicked off her shoes and climbed under the covers, not even bothering to change out of the clothes she had worn that day. The sun had already set by the time she managed to get back to her home, and she was exhausted by day after day of quests. It was worth the jewels though. She would have to remind herself to treat herself to something after a certain point. Atani wasn't sure when that would be exactly, but maybe soon. Hopefully soon. As soon as she was satisfied with the quantity of work she had done. Or perhaps the quality... Yes, once she was able to finally use her magic in a meaningful way, then she would find some sort of small reward for herself. Nothing big, of course-- her preferences weren't as grandiose as other members' of Blue Pegasus-- but perhaps a trip to a nice café or pâtisserie. Either one of those sounded lovely. She would just have to make her mind up when the time came.

WC: 301/1500

Glory to Hargeon City [Quest: Atani] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese


Glory to Hargeon City [Quest: Atani] Empty Mon Mar 22, 2021 1:37 pm


With pleasant thoughts in mind, the elf drifted off to sleep. As if no time had passed at all, she awoke but obtained the eerie feeling that she had had some sort of dream, though she was unsure of any of the details. She couldn't even tell if it was good or bad. For some reason, this was a strangely odd occurrence for Atani. Ever since she left Athalran, her dreams and thoughts had been hazy. Things had an air of familiarity, yet she could pull no knowledge from them at all. Hargeon reeked of that very feeling. She constantly wondered if her old self had been to the town before, but no one had recognized her as of yet to confirm her suspicions. For a place home to a light guild though, mages probably frequented the area, be it for jobs or allied guild business. For a healer like her, her face would be soon forgotten in favor of far more impressive wizards who stole the spotlight in battle with flashy spells. The only thing going for her was her pointed ears-- those were hard to forget.

Rubbing her eyes, Atani slumped out of bed. She wasn't even sure if she wanted to make herself known, but she did wish healing magic got the attention it deserved. Especially her own, so thoughtfully connected to nature. It healed and created whereas others harmed and destroyed. Not everyone saw the beauty in the former. For those reasons, she wouldn't mind if a mage like her gained popularity a bit. Just enough to let a healer's worth be recognized. But to do that, it meant she would have to work her tail off. Heal some people in the process somehow to get that magic recognition in. Most of the work would have to be done through quests though.

WC: 301+306=607/1500

Glory to Hargeon City [Quest: Atani] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese


Glory to Hargeon City [Quest: Atani] Empty Mon Mar 22, 2021 1:38 pm


The downside to it all was simply that the available quests almost never seemed to match her skill set. Nobody ever called for a healer. If someone was sick or injured, they would go to the doctor's, though Atani was not quite sure if she was upset about that. If she was being honest with herself, the magic she wielded now was weak. She felt strong mana flowing through her veins, but she was unable to tap into its full potential. It was as if there was a blockage of sorts. It didn't have to do with the methods the elves in Athalran used, right? They should know better than anyone how nature magic works, and yet, the refused to work past the basics with her, insisting that it took years and years of practice to get to the level of their most reputed healers. It seemed like a lie.

Of course it was going to take years and years if they kept treating everyone like children. She had mastered the basics and was ready to move onto more complicated spells, but they didn't see it that way. And for that, Atani was furious. There were times where she pondered if leaving Athalran was really the right decision, but then there were other times like these where she was one hundred percent convinced she had made the correct move. She wasn't sure if specifically being in Blue Pegasus would be the catalyst for her blossoming as a mage. If she wasn't part of a guild, she'd probably just end up being a freelance mage, taking whatever quest came her way to hone her powers in that regard. Regardless of the situation, she'd be free to practice her magic as she pleased. She could research magic and spells to her heart's content.

WC: 607+301=908/1500

Glory to Hargeon City [Quest: Atani] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese


Glory to Hargeon City [Quest: Atani] Empty Mon Mar 22, 2021 1:38 pm


Research, however, would have to wait for another time. For now, she had to work on getting her savings up. As such, Atani decided to stop by her guild hall on the way out to see if there were any quests for her liking. Much to her dismay though, there were hardly any options to choose from-- hardly any good ones at the very least. There were always small jobs that paid little, but she tried skimming those. They would not serve her purposes today, lest they ended up being her last resort. Other jobs entailed fighting and that was just... not where her skills laid in the moment. She would at least have to get her hands on some sort of weapon before attempting something like that.

Atani was not one for building warships, but the pay Lord Reign Valystasia promised was extremely tempting. Fundamentally, she disagreed with the whole notion. She didn't understand why his father needed an entire warship built in his honor. Wouldn't a statue be more appropriate? Even then that seemed rather conceited, but not as conceited as a warship to be the flagship of Hargeon's fleet. Despite thinking it was a frivolous idea, that didn't mean she wouldn't help out. Jewels were jewels, and if a lord was willing to pay her a large sum of them, who was she to deny help? And so, the elf tore the request off the board. She was to meet him by the docks.

As she walked towards the docks, she wondered how large of an event this was going to be. Lord Reign Valystasia was known to be very popular among the locals. There was no doubt in her mind that he would gain help from the locals for this project, though she had to wonder just how many people were willing to drop what they were doing to help build a warship.

WC: 908+317=1225/1500

Glory to Hargeon City [Quest: Atani] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese


Glory to Hargeon City [Quest: Atani] Empty Mon Mar 22, 2021 1:39 pm


The answer? More than she was expecting. Upon arrival, she saw Lord Reign Valystasia taking center stage, celebrating the birthday of his father and celebrating the construction of the warship. The citizens of Hargeon were exuberant. Atani had never expected humans to be so excited over a warship, but to each their own. She squeezed through the crowds and finally approached Lord Reign Valystasia. Having taken a request from him not too long ago, he recognized her and correctly assumed she was responding to his request. "Welcome! I'm glad a mage representing our very own Blue Pegasus is willing to help out with this project." She remained polite to the man, but was not partaking in this quest for the reasons he assumed. She was doing it for the money. Nothing more, nothing less.

He instructed her to gather supplies from Mywand Olden, another person she had helped out before. She proceeded to go to one of his warehouses. Upon seeing the sheer amount of materials she would have to transport, her eyes widened. She knew warships were huge, but seeing the amount of material it took in person? It was insane. So many trees having to be sacrificed for the construction of a single ship... It was a shame. Still, there was no say in the matter. She had a job to do whether she liked it or not.

Atani prepped the oxen wagons for delivery and took them to the dry docks just as Lord Valystasia instructed. There, she began to unload the materials. Before long though, he gently reminded her not to use magic, for that wasn't something his father would have wanted. She smiled to the young lord and told him she hadn't been planning on using any in the first place. Her magic just didn't work like that. And so, she continued to work on the ship by hand. It was a long, tiring day, but in the end it was completed. Lord Valystasia tested it out himself on the open sea, and it floated! With a job well done, he rewarded Atani for her help, and she headed back home for some much needed rest.

WC: 1225+361=1586/1500

Glory to Hargeon City [Quest: Atani] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese

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