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Poropo Puzzled: Stranger Danger [Invite, Raeburn]

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#1Poropo Poproporp 

Poropo Puzzled: Stranger Danger [Invite, Raeburn] Empty Tue Aug 17, 2021 4:03 pm

Poropo Poproporp
Rejection can make anyone do abnormal activities - Poropo has lost himself in the woods of a foreign country in an attempt to find himself. The Udgard Woods felt like a place to go for the Iron Deity Monk, a place to meditate and find answers. Poropo expected himself to get lost, but he did not expect to go hungry. Being so large, the old man needs more nourishment than the average human. Being so poor, he needs to scavenge trash to find his food. Without a metal trashcan to bless and make dinner with, Poropo's size is becoming a hindrance. The monk decides to pray to his god, the Iron Deity, for a swift miracle; he clasps his hands together and pleads, "Iron Deity, please hear my prayers...I wish to find a blessed, metal trashcan to find fine food through which I may regain my composure...I am so very hungry...thank you in advance."

Having been granted magic by the Iron Deity, Poropo feels confident he will be helped in some way, but he is also fearful of his almighty god made of condensed, metallic light; Poropo might just be one of many followers so his pleas might be drowned out and unheard! Poropo does not want to seem impatient, but he also does not want to die at the ripe age of 66. Thinking a little after his prayer, Poropo looks around and ponders, "I could wait for the Iron Deity's blessing over in that direction...yes...perhaps I could wait and walk...no blasphemy intended...yes."

#2Raeburn Gamebell 

Poropo Puzzled: Stranger Danger [Invite, Raeburn] Empty Tue Aug 17, 2021 6:19 pm

Raeburn Gamebell
Why is Raeburn here? He's not sure, Iceberg is cold man. Cold times are hard to get used to and best avoided. Mindlessly wandering a forest, maybe there's some magical fortune to be had. Having hunted animals before, Raeburn considers furries somewhat demonic after they somehow took over Bosco. Alas, having to hide in this cold and dark place, Raeburn is like a cute doggie looking to eat scraps. A master hunter, Raeburn truly mastered the art of jumping some furry trolls. At first, Raeburn did it just to past the time, yet he quickly realized he's a true master hunter of trolls. Crafting his own journey, it's said Raeburn has special troll blood of his own.

Huffing, Raeburn is indeed chewing some troll blood on his stroll. Accompanying the morning dew, Raeburn's num nums are performed like he's a noble instead of a murder hobo. Emerging from behind Poropo Popo, Raeburn is here to greet the fellow eccentric old fuck, not sure if he should be offended someone is as old as himself. Gracing divinity with his own divineness, Raeburn's generic black cloak is for some reason white today.

Cultivating his sanely happy mindset, Raeburn didn't expect some stability to roam around in his playground of instability. Hoping to help the other old person, Raeburn approaches at the side soundlessly (cuz Raeburn has that useless rogue soundless effect), thinking about how he should jump the person as a surprise. Deciding against it, Raeburn will just be full-pretentious instead in his streak. Coming from the forestry with light shining behind his holiness randomly, Raeburn unsheathes his sword and pikes some bagged meat sourced from SOMEWHERE. The ritual is done in front of Poropo.

"Hello friendo, I'm hiring for Cult 2.0, my name's Raeburn. It's fate we've met, here I bring you food, guess it's time for a lifetime of gratitude," chanted Raeburn, unlikely to begin a happy convo by talking about a guild slogan of blood.

#ff6666 me

Poropo Puzzled: Stranger Danger [Invite, Raeburn] 2iKq472
#3Poropo Poproporp 

Poropo Puzzled: Stranger Danger [Invite, Raeburn] Empty Tue Aug 17, 2021 7:26 pm

Poropo Poproporp
The chill of the Iceberg countryside was not eased within the woods as Poropo trudged along. His large heft helped keep him internally warm, but his care extremities and lack of clothing neutralized the perks of fat reserves. Hunger was Poropo's main concern, but the cold was creeping closer to the top of his list with each, frigid step. Stopping behind trees when the wind picked up, Poropo had some time to think about the blessing he was waiting for, "F-fvfvfv...s-so cold...I hope the Iron Deity's blessing arrives soon...I can hardly s-stand anymore."

With a sudden swoosh of a blade, someone made themselves clear to the shivering Poropo. Their appearance was sudden and frightening thanks to the blade wiping around and throwing a bag of what smelled like food in the face of the monk. Poropo prayed to the Iron Deity for a blessed, metal trashcan - a food source he was most familiar with - but a person swinging a metal weapon felt blessed enough to the hungry monk. Without a word, Poropo clasped his hands together in a quick, thankful prayer and leaped at the food! The chance to eat something came before manners in this moment so hopefully the kind stranger wouldn't do anything uncouth at the last moment.

#4Raeburn Gamebell 

Poropo Puzzled: Stranger Danger [Invite, Raeburn] Empty Sun Aug 22, 2021 12:38 am

Raeburn Gamebell
"I'd give you something more, but sometimes it's decided only the special things are allowed for the "special", to build fake attachment." Smiling chilly with his eyes, Raeburn realizes the man before him is better left empty. A bottle to be filled is always nice to see. Slicing some food on to his blade, Raeburn considers feeding through this way initially, but lets the monky guy get the food. There are recruitment matters to be thought of, to scrape the bottle for any substance it already has, but Raeburn appreciates the momentary moment while looking at his blade.

Thinking to bequeath his sword, Raeburn is not even allowed to do so, and this reassures his mindset. If looking closely, people might think Raeburn's contemplating using his blade to kill Poropo. Looking to leave this area, Raeburn's more willing to act naturally elsewhere. Meeting in passing, Raeburn likes to share thoughts at each moment usually, even if to influence another random thought. Looking over the most minor contemplations, Raeburn doesn't feel the game of wandering is fun anymore. Cutting away the raw meat brings Raeburn's ideals to an end for this encounter. If Poropo's fated for fun, he shall find it anywhere. Soundlessly departing, Raeburn doesn't look to engage with Poropo.

(Exitz exity)

#ff6666 me

Poropo Puzzled: Stranger Danger [Invite, Raeburn] 2iKq472
#5Poropo Poproporp 

Poropo Puzzled: Stranger Danger [Invite, Raeburn] Empty Sun Aug 22, 2021 12:52 am

Poropo Poproporp
Raeburn's latest words echoed within Poropo's mind as the monk ate the food given to him to generously. However, not only did Raeburn's last words echo, so did his previous - something about owing the mysterious stranger. Poropo tried to ignore the ominous musings, but with his hunger beginning to be satiated the words had room to swell and grow.

"Um...I did not properly introduce myself - my name is Poro-...po..." The mysterious person was gone, leaving without another word. Left alone once again to find his way out of the deep, cold woods of Iceberg, Poropo could not help but feel dread crawl up his spine - the dread of owing a stranger a favor.

Poropo ate all he could from the sack left by Raeburn and looked towards his surroundings in hopes of seeing anyone, especially the kind stranger. Only the howling winds and darkness of the woods met Poropo's lost gaze, "P-perhaps owing a favor to h-*him* will not be so bad? I might n-never see him again anyway..."

Poropo stood up and used the sack, once filled with food, to cover his hairless head as he peered into the darkness of the woods and made a long trek back to civilization.


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