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Seeing Chaos in the day light? [Open to all]

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Seeing Chaos in the day light? [Open to all] Empty Wed May 26, 2021 8:32 am


As the sun shined above the skyline across the northern horizon, Jikan would see the mountain edges that hugged and protected the city from unwanted approaches. The sight of finally seeing the city's outline as she trekked her way forward and the light began to shine and enlighten the world around her. A smile began to be spread on her face, a mixture of notification and joy of seemingly finally being done with her journey to Baska from Hargeon, and with the bubbling excitement from her hopes of finally finding her brother. But an underline voice in her mind told her not to keep her hopes up too high, countless times before she had found information before. Details telling her of his location, only to be proven wrong. Either finding that he was never there in the first place, or that he had been there but had left a long time before she had arrived. This time, hopefully, it would be different.

After several more additional minutes of traveling, Jikan finally reached Baska, well, further into Baska, she was somewhat already near the city by the time the sun began to rise. Walking further in, she began to hear the lively noises of the active town, the booming sounds making Hargeon small and docile in comparison. But now that she was here she had a furthermore important thing to think about. WHERE THE HELL WAS DESTIN!?!? She was in the city where she was told he was sure, but she had no idea of his location. Where could he possibly be Jikan tried to come up with an idea or hint as to the gears within her head back to turn but her thoughts were interrupted with the roar of her stomach, yet again. In her excitement of getting her letter, she failed to eat dinner and had not eaten much during her mash dash of a trip besides small snacks such as berries and nearby hanging fruit. She needed food, now. And in a quick whip of her head searching around, she came upon a suitable-looking place that would most likely have something. Carrying the two bags with her possessions, Jikan entered the building and soon found herself a table. Now....just need a menu.....and water

Wc: 390
Twc: 390


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