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The Curse and the Golden Apple [Epic][Lore]

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The Curse and the Golden Apple [Epic][Lore] Empty Mon Apr 19, 2021 9:00 pm


The Curse and the Golden Apple [Epic][Lore] Unname10

Name: The Curse and the Golden Apple

Difficulty: Epic

Participants: Kurisa

Story:As the time starts to run, Ana is feeling rather ill which is affecting Kurisa (Kuri and Arisa). As every lifetime, Ana's illness kills the physical body and then finds another host. Arisa argues this as she is finally happy where she is. Ana explains that the curse is not something that can be easily rid of, but with her new abilities, she may be able to go back in time and change the outcome while also learning about their history and past that they share.

Objective: Go through time and figure out the mystery behind the curse of Ana and Kuri to change their fate. Collect each Memory Fragment of: Ana, Kuri and Arisa to get the 'Good' Ending.

Name: Time Passes

Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Kurisa

Summary: Talk and plan with Ana and Kuri about the years of which made things occur.

Ana: Ana doesn't remember much of her past other than making a deal with someone who entrapped her soul for enternity. She hates everyone and thing due to what happened to her.

Kuri: Kuri, just like Ana was a sweetheart and loved by many, but that also became a curse as she was betrayed and used by those she loved. Due to this, she became less trusting and filled with sorrow.

Enemies: None


  • Meet up with Ana and Kuri within the Library of Time in your guild.
  • Study and find out in what years and days she needs to go where they felt more impacted at or assume.
  • Go through the Time clock.

Name:Ana: Deserting Feelings
Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Kurisa

Summary: Find Ana's location.

Ana: Ana doesn't remember much of her past other than making a deal with someone who entrapped her soul for enternity. She hates everyone and thing due to what happened to her.

Enemies: None


  • Appear in Ana's time and roam around to find Ana.
  • As you'll roam around you'll find out who she really was.
  • From that point on follow her around and be her shadow.

Name:Ana: Befall the Princess

Rank: S

Type: Good

Participants: Kurisa

Summary: As Kurisa found Ana, she overshadows and follows her. She needs to continue on this path to figure out what happened till the end. Who made this deal with her?

Ana: Ana doesn't remember much of her past other than making a deal with someone who entrapped her soul for enternity. She hates everyone and thing due to what happened to her.



  • Be Ana's shadow and witness her story progress as she befriends a man.
  • You will notice that she becomes closer to this man as he does towards her.
  • As time progresses the two get engaged and married.
  • At first you will get confused if something bad actually happened but then you run into a dark time as the King ends up being murdered.
  • Investigate what actually happened.
  • Once you come back you will notice Ana is missing and find out she was taken to the dungeon.

Name:Ana: The Falling and Deal

Rank: S

Type: Good

Participants: Kurisa

Summary: Ana was taken to the Dungeon and it's unknown what exactly happened during that. Arisa needs to go and see what happens next and help her escape or refrain from Ana getting cursed.

Ana: Ana doesn't remember much of her past other than making a deal with someone who entrapped her soul for enternity. She hates everyone and thing due to what happened to her.

Eris: Eris is the Sevenese goddess of chaos, strife and discord. According to ancient scrolls, she tends to make deals with mortals for her own amusement as the deal always ends with the mortal being miserable or dead. She controls strong monstrosities to help cause destruction.



  • Witness Ana's misery as she slowly dies.
  • Unable to do anything you will then witness a shadow showing up, communicating with her.
  • As you find out, it was Eris as she offers a deal.
  • Interrupt the time and talk to Eris.
  • Give her an offer of some kind as you'll end up battling her after you finish your progress through everyone's memories.
  • Eris will give you this memory fragment and releases Ana from the dungeon.
  • Go and witness Ana's new ending before disappearing into Kuri's memories.

Name:Kuri: The start of 'Him'.

Rank: S

Type: Good

Participants: Kurisa

Summary: Go through Kuri's beginning and seek out the problem of where it started.

Kuri: Kuri, just like Ana was a sweetheart and loved by many, but that also became a curse as she was betrayed and used by those she loved. Due to this, she became less trusting and filled with sorrow.


Mad Scientist Sergei: Sergei was a hidden scientist that had their own facinity to experiment on humans and beasts alike. He tends to kidnap and buy children from poor parents. He was known for hybriding animals and creating demi-humans with his experiments. Oddly enough out of his cold heart, he only cared for one human being...


  • Follow the start of where you'll stand.
  • As you witness the tragic happening, defeat Sergei.
  • Once he seems defeated, he'll escape leaving the next timeline of Kuri.

Name: Kuri: Sometimes it's better to use than to keep

Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Kurisa

Summary: Go through the the mid-section of the storyline of Kuri

Kuri: Kuri, just like Ana was a sweetheart and loved by many, but that also became a curse as she was betrayed and used by those she loved. Due to this, she became less trusting and filled with sorrow.



  • Roam around and find out where you need to go.
  • After some background sights you will notice several scenes of Kuri's failed love life.
  • You will find out why Kuri actually went insane as the time continuum will kick you out towards the next timeline.

Name: Kuri: Sanity doesn't last forever, but insanity does.

Rank: S

Type: Good

Participants: Kurisa

Summary: Find Kuri again and see her ending as she still needs to find the memory fragment of Kuri.

Kuri: Kuri, just like Ana was a sweetheart and loved by many, but that also became a curse as she was betrayed and used by those she loved. Due to this, she became less trusting and filled with sorrow.

Enemies: None


  • Go through the area where you will meet Kuri.
  • She will show you what exactly happened and in the end give you her memory fragment.

Name: Twisted Sight

Rank: S

Type: Good

Participants: Kurisa

Summary: After realizing that she has yet to see the horrific scene that changed her, Arisa needs to continue to find Arisa's Memory fragment.

The Sultra Mara Salvatrucha Gang 'Goons': The goons of the gang are well dressed and usually makes trouble for the gang itself, but the gang is known for murders, trafficking and other illegal things. They don't care about anything other than their desires.

Twisted Angel: The angel that is not so holy has a twisted desire of watching people in pain. He shows those with dark desires a path to what they desire so he can watch. Depending on the person he tends to turn them so they can turn as twisted as he is.


  • Go through the streets to witness what actually happened that night you were turned into a Seraphim/Nephilim.
  • After the horrible scene you will see something flying above, laughing as they turn you into a Seraphim/Nephilim.
  • Fight the Twisted Angel and defeat them.

Name: Past lives On

Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Kurisa

Summary: Watch the ending of the memories of your past and find the memory fragment.

Others: None

Enemies: None


  • Watch as war devours Fiore from when you fought against Zade.
  • Experience outcomes of painful memories that happened afterward.
  • Try to find the memory fragment to get into the current timeline.

Name: Towards The Realm of Chaos

Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Kurisa

Summary: Go through your current timeline and find the portal that Eris invited you to.

Others: None

Enemies: None


  • Get through the end of the memories.
  • Find the door Eris' spoke about within Ana's past so you can get this done once and for all.

Name: An Empty Obstacle

Rank: S

Type: Good

Participants: Kurisa

Summary: Go through the Realm of Eris to find her.

Eris: Eris is the Sevenese goddess of chaos, strife and discord. According to ancient scrolls, she tends to make deals with mortals for her own amusement as the deal always ends with the mortal being miserable or dead. She controls strong monstrosities to help cause destruction.

Taurus:Taurus is a horned beast that is one of Eris's pets. He is in control of punishing anyone willing to go through her maze that goes to her Realm.


  • Go through the Realm Of Eris and find her.
  • You'll go through some obstacles such as a maze, a test to see if your heart is into your goal and etc.
  • At the end of the obstacles you will see Eris sitting on her throne.
    - She will make a deal with you while holding a golden apple; if you beat her then she'll free Ana's soul and fuse with you. However, it must not be forgotten that strife and chaos are her game. While the offer may seem favourable, she actually wants to entertain herself causing more chaos by meddling directly through you. Should you lose, she will do what she pleases with you. In the end, Eris manages to get a favourable outcome either way unbeknownst to you.

Name: The Strife of one's Self

Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Kurisa

Summary: After the talk with Eris, you must battle her to win the bet and free Ana.

Others: None

Eris: Eris is the Sevenese goddess of chaos, strife and discord. According to ancient scrolls, she tends to make deals with mortals for her own amusement as the deal always ends with the mortal being miserable or dead. She always keeps her promises rather she likes it or not.

Rewards: Mythic Custom


  • Fight Eris
  • Once you beat her she will give you the golden apple and fuse with you.
  • Escape Eris's Realm and go back to your time

Last edited by Kurisa on Sun May 23, 2021 12:57 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Rank Letter)

The Curse and the Golden Apple [Epic][Lore] Sigme10

The Curse and the Golden Apple [Epic][Lore] Empty Sun May 02, 2021 7:26 pm

The Curse and the Golden Apple is approved. @Kurisa may now start the Epic Storyline.


The Curse and the Golden Apple [Epic][Lore] Empty Mon May 10, 2021 1:53 am


Time Passes (A)
Mission Link

  • 13,000 EXP
  • 400 Fame + Reputation
  • 7 END

Deserting Feelings (A)
Mission Link

  • 13,000 EXP
  • 400 Fame + Reputation
  • 7 END

Befall The Princess (S)
Mission Link

  • 19,500 EXP
  • 500 Fame + Reputation
  • 10 END

The Falling and Deal (S)
Mission Link

  • 19,500 EXP
  • 500 Fame + Reputation
  • 10 END

Kuri: Start of Him (S)
Mission Link

  • 19,500 EXP
  • 500 Fame + Reputation
  • 10 END

Sometimes it's better to use than to keep (A)
Mission Link

  • 13,000 EXP
  • 400 Fame + Reputation
  • 7 END

Kuri:  Sanity doesn't last forever, but insanity does. (S)
Mission Link

  • 19,500 EXP
  • 500 Fame + Reputation
  • 10 END

Twisted Sight (S)
Mission Link

  • 19,500 EXP
  • 500 Fame + Reputation
  • 10 END

Past lives(A)
Mission Link

  • 13,000 EXP
  • 400 Fame + Reputation
  • 7 END

Towards the Realm of Chaos(A)
Mission Link

  • 13,000 EXP
  • 400 Fame + Reputation
  • 7 END

An empty obstacle (S)
Mission Link

  • 19,500 EXP
  • 500 Fame + Reputation
  • 10 END

Stroke of One's Self(A)
Mission Link

  • 13,000 EXP
  • 400 Fame + Reputation
  • 7 END


The Curse and the Golden Apple [Epic][Lore] Sigme10

The Curse and the Golden Apple [Epic][Lore] Empty Sun May 23, 2021 2:08 pm


The Curse and the Golden Apple has been completed, and Kurisa has been rewarded.

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