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Orchidia to Oak [Travel]

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Orchidia to Oak [Travel] Empty Thu Dec 10, 2020 9:12 am

So that was a bust. He was fairly annoyed now, having made his way to Orchidia, only to be met with an almost entirely blank quest board. He was almost completely certain that he’d be bored to the point of wanting to commit suicide if he stayed in this area. Once he saw that, he quickly made his way back to his tiny room he was renting and packed his few belongings before heading out. It took him all of two days to realize this place was most definitely not for him. Sad though, considering how much he had actually been looking forward to adventuring in a new area.

And truth be told, even though he had gone on many quests so far in Oak, there were still many other locations in Western Fiore that he hadn’t even touched. Perhaps he was judging his work to be done too quickly there. After all, there were bound to be other quests available that he hadn’t even heard of. It was obvious to Mikajia, he had jumped the gun; drawn his conclusion much too quickly about the area he had been staying in.

So focused on internally berating himself over his hastiness, the time passed quickly before he saw the now very familiar land of Oak City. He took a deep breath before centering himself, readying to take on the new challenges he knew would lye ahead.

WC = 235/200


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