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Support: Hildegard, Aiding the Wood Elves [Solo]

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Support: Hildegard, Aiding the Wood Elves [Solo] Empty Wed Jun 02, 2021 2:55 pm

Flames raged about as Seika’s normally stoic and calm face shone with glee. The fires had obviously been started by him, evidence of the several magic seals that were open and pointing towards the various targets and enemies surrounding him. His eagerness was due to the fact that he had been tasked to assist the local elf and native population with the war effort. After introducing himself to the commanders in charge, the young man had pretty much sat around waiting for the action to begin. Luckily for him he wouldn’t have had to wait long. It seemed the enemy decided today was a good day to raid the forest and strike at the supply lines for the Elves. With the fellow forest bound warriors in tow, Seika lept into action with magic seals glowing ominously with power.

His fists were like dangerous weapons, crushing and destroying anything that came into contact with them with the force and fury of an angry mountain giant. His footsteps echoed with power and yet his frame was wrapped in deadly flames. He danced and parried, he swayed and crushed, he was the epitome of destruction in human skin as far as he and the very casual bystanders. However the thoughts of these plebeians didn’t matter to Seika for now, he was too deep in his own element and as he parried strike after strike that aimed to end his life before retaliating in kind with overwhelming force. He couldn’t help but bark out in laughter at the situation and demand for more in his head. The pure adrenaline and endorphin rush he was getting from constantly fighting for his life was a high he could never replicate on his own or within the stuffy halls of the Rune Knight headquarters. Those old crones would never understand the thrill of the heat of battle.



Support: Hildegard, Aiding the Wood Elves [Solo] Empty Wed Jun 02, 2021 2:56 pm

His knuckles were coated in grime, flecks of skin and blood. His face and hair carried hints of blood and an uncomfortable amount of soot. His clothes were tattered and completely sheared off in the case of his left shoulder. But even with all of these he stood valiant against the tide. The caravan he had been guarding had been hit hard, the traders were thankfully escorted inside of the carriages before the fighting began, and as such there were little to no casualties among their clientele. That hadn’t stopped a few of his comrades falling one by one over the course of the battle. The fight had grown more and more harrowing as the day stretched on, the exhaustion clouding many of the fighter’s thoughts. Seika would have figured that the enemy would have called for a retreat as the day dragged on, but alas it would seem the commander for this particular group of fighters had been taken out earlier that day before she could say anything. That left the rag tag group fighting several disjointed battles up and down the caravan.

Seika himself was facing off against several mages alongside a few of his elf allies. The four of them had originally been assaulted by almost fifteen of the assailants but after one of the elder elves had triggered a wide spread natural spell to spear through half the group, those numbers had fallen to a far more manageable number. Now left with one to two per member of the defense group, the fights had turned into a backyard brawl or a free for all, errant spells and projectiles crossing into nearby fights without any rhyme or reason to their path or trajectory. It truly was madness amongst chaos. It was only by luck and skill that he still stood amongst his comrades even now.



Support: Hildegard, Aiding the Wood Elves [Solo] Empty Wed Jun 02, 2021 2:56 pm

His shoulder cramped as he stood in a simple improvised boxing stance, his right arm hanging limply by his side due to a hit he had taken earlier that day. The sun had long since fallen below the horizon and the sounds of fighting were slowly quieting as the number of participants steadily dwindled due to lowering mana reserves and the growing lack of consciousness. The last of the rebels were beginning to lose steam and morale but a lack of leadership and an overzealous need to stop this shipment were the only things that kept the fools around. By now the fights had either devolved into a series of one on one brawls or two on one stomps. The young fighter eagerly wanted to sleep by now, having been at this all day. The only thing keeping him from being one of the many casualties was the nimble footing and lack of spells he was casting. It was hard for many of the mages around him to believe that the young man was so strong physically, but really he just preferred to not rely on his magic outside of getting him out of sticky situations.

Unfortunately with a bum arm, he was now limited on his options as he stared down the last mage he was paired up against. The other one laying behind him with an icicle in his chest from his comrades spell that he hadn’t seen coming. The situation was far from ideal for Seika but he knew that if he slowed down or stopped that he would die, such was war. He just had to hold on for one of his remaining companions to aid him, and then they could wrap up this whole situation. With eyes of steel, he would slowly dig down into his stance, preparing himself for a charge. It seemed that Sol would have other plans for him as an arrow lodged itself in the attackers throat, the young woman grasping for air before falling over dead. The young man would allow himself to slump to the ground in gratitude, thankful that his part in this whole ordeal was finally finished.



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