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V. Snow Monarch's Concealment

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V. Snow Monarch's Concealment Empty Sat Jun 05, 2021 6:36 pm



Name: Snow Monarch's Concealment

Slot: Head

Type: Mask

Class: Mythic

Weight: Light

Quantity: Limited

Element: Frost

Durability: 3x S-Rank


Description: A mask.

Lore: At times, the mages have brought unrest to the world with their thirst for knowledge and power. Thus, the Monarch Circle was founded a thousand years ago by an agreement between certain nations to put an end to the intrigues of the mages. Composed out of powerful mages from various nations, the mages fulfilled their tasks with earnestness and established peace and justice, where hate and intrigues had once reigned supreme.

They were to research Magic for the well-being of everyone, prevent wars and conflicts, as well as to keep power-hungry mages under control. During most of its existence first years, the circle followed these goals and Earthland had peace and order.

This changed when the Monarchs discovered the Eo in the Mad Rifts. Its power slowly drew some of the Monarchs insane. When the Monarchs discovered the runes telling of the Shroud hidden by the High Elves in ancient Elven ruins, some started forging plans to claim this godlike power for themselves. The greed caused by this lofty goal was enough to split the Monarchs so each mage wanted to gain the godly power for themselves.

The struggle and infighting resulted in the deaths of many Monarchs. Some decided that it was no longer worth it and gave up their search, while others realized that they had to operate from the shadows to continue. In the end, none of them succeeded in unraveling the Shroud. The Monarchs faded away into obscurity and the organization was quickly disbanded by the nations never to be spoken of again.



  • The user must possess Frost-based magic if they are a mage.


  • Intelligence: +50


  • Cooldown Reduction: The user receives a cooldown reduction of 2 posts on their Frost-type item and Magical spells.
  • Increased Range: The user receives an increased range of 10 meters on their Frost-type item and Magical spells.
  • AoE Boost: The user receives an increased AoE size of 10 meters on their Frost-type item and Magical spells.
  • Elemental Resistance: The user receives a Moderate Resistance to Frost-type spells.
  • Purchase Discount: The user receives a discount of 50% on purchasing Frost-type spells instead of training them.


V. Snow Monarch's Concealment Empty Fri Dec 01, 2023 5:03 pm


Buying this for the Black Friday discounted price of 4,000,000J

V. Snow Monarch's Concealment Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

V. Snow Monarch's Concealment Empty Fri Dec 01, 2023 7:24 pm

@Lumikki  has purchased Snow Monarch's Concealment for 4,000,000j this item has reached max users and is currently locked.

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